[Coordinamento] 7x25-26 Shadow Play

Area dedicata in cui il gruppo Traduttori CMC-What The Buck! si organizza per il lavoro sugli episodi di FiM e della serie Equestria Girls.

Moderatore: Mindstorm

[Coordinamento] 7x25-26 Shadow Play

Messaggioda Mindstorm » 24/10/2017, 14:23

Le linee guida alla traduzione sono consultabili qui: REGOLAMENTO & LINEE GUIDA TRADUTTORI

Termini frequenti

Dizionari on-line
Reverso Context Traduttore parole e frasi
WordReference Dizionario Inglese-italiano
Heinle's Newbury House Dictionary of American English Dizionario Americano
Oxford Dictionaries Dizionario Inglese
Urbandictionary Dizionario sullo Slang AngloAmericano
Idioms Yourdictionary Dizionario sui modi di dire AngloAmericani

Tempi di consegna (dall'assegnazione delle parti):
  • Traduttori-subber (cioè chi subba direttamente ciò che traduce): 24 ore
  • Traduttori: 12 - Max 18 ore
  • Subber: fino alle 17 del lunedì successivo alla messa in onda


  • Mindstorm

Avendo a che fare con un doppio episodio, sarebbe buono avere almeno 8 traduttori.

  • Mindstorm (+sub)
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Star Swirl the Bearded: The best elements within us can spread light and virtue, and I know ponies who represent them all – strength, bravery, healing, beauty, hope, and sorcery. Myself and these Pillars of Equestria were gathered together by another to maintain and share the light of these powerful ideals. But we soon came to believe the pony who brought us together only wanted that power for himself. Cast out and alone, this power-mad pony turned to darkness to satisfy his thirst. Transformed into a Pony of Shadows, he returned for revenge – to extinguish the Pillars' light and rob the world of hope. To stop him, the Pillars and I must make a grave sacrifice. But we shall leave behind a seed in hopes that one day it will grow into a force to stand against the darkness for all time. We must now face the fiend with the only plan we have...
    Sunburst: "...I only hope it will be enough." That's the last entry. And maybe Star Swirl's final words before he vanished.[theme song]
    Princess Celestia: I've always wondered what happened to Star Swirl. This is quite a discovery, Sunburst.
    Twilight Sparkle: So it's genuine? You can verify that this journal really belonged to Star Swirl the Bearded?!
    Princess Luna: Indeed. From the looks of it, the last thing he wrote before facing the Pony of Shadows.
    Rainbow Dash: Uh... So, the Pony of Shadows was really real?
    Princess Celestia: It appears so.
    Princess Luna: We never met the other Pillars, and we were too young to understand the danger they faced.
    Applejack: Hold on a second now. All those legendary ponies were real, too? And they went off with Star Swirl to face the Pony of Shadows, and then none of them were ever heard from again?
    Pinkie Pie: Uh, yeah. Weren't you listening?
    Fluttershy: But what happened to them all?
    Rarity: They must have defeated the villain, since Equestria is still full of light and hope.
    Starlight Glimmer: But how? And where did they go?
    Princess Celestia: My Olde Ponish is a bit rusty, but I wonder if the answers can be found somewhere within the pages of this book.
    Twilight Sparkle: Well, I just happened to be an expert in Olde Ponish. I mean, I've practically memorized every ancient text about Star Swirl there is!
    Spike: Seriously. All of them.
    Princess Luna: We have fond memories of our old teacher. If you could discover what happened to him, we would be most grateful.
    Sunburst: Solving a thousands-year-old mystery could take forever! Think of the research! The re-reading! The re-re-reading!
    Princess Celestia: You might find you need help.
    Applejack: Luckily, she's got a whole bushel o' helpers right here.
    Rainbow Dash: Totally! Uh... how long will all this research take, exactly?
    Twilight Sparkle: Let's get this back to my library. I'm sure we'll figure out what happened in no time.
    Spike: Figure it out yet, Twilight?
    Sunburst: What did you figure out?
    Pinkie Pie: You figured something out?
    Fluttershy: What is it?
    Twilight Sparkle: Nothing. I mean, Star Swirl was a genius, obviously. But forget Olde Ponish. There's parts where his hornwriting is like another language!
    Applejack: Twilight, we've been studyin' and referencin' and cross-referencin' for three days straight now.
    Rainbow Dash: Ugh. I haven't spent this much time reading since the last Daring Do book came out.
    Rarity: Perhaps it is time to take a break. This mystery is over a thousand years old, after all. Another day or two won't make a difference.
    Twilight Sparkle: Two days?! I don't want to waste two seconds! I'm close to an answer. I can feel it.
    Starlight Glimmer: "Hearg sylfum se Ponehenge"[questa la lascerei così]. What's that?
    Twilight Sparkle: The Temple of Ponehenge?! You can read that?!
    Starlight Glimmer: The hornwriting's pretty sloppy, but it's nowhere near as bad as mine. "Toward dol grimlic of Fola Firgenbeorg"?
    Sunburst: "At the base of Foal Mountain"...
    Starlight Glimmer: "User endemest scield".
    Twilight Sparkle: "Our last stand".
    Spike: Well, that sure sounds like a clue to me.

  • Laurel Crown (+sub)
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Twilight Sparkle: This is it. Ponehenge. I can't believe it.
    Sunburst: I've never seen magical runes like these before! Have you?
    Rainbow Dash: I don't think anypony's seen any of this for a long time.
    Applejack: It'd take a whole team of ponies to clear away all this brush.
    Fluttershy: Even then, I'm not sure we'd find out what happened here over a thousand years ago.
    Twilight Sparkle: You're right. I suppose it was a long shot.
    Spike: Cheer up, Twilight. Finding a whole set of ancient ruins is pretty impressive. Maybe you could write a paper on it.
    Twilight Sparkle: I guess I hoped we'd get here and the mystery would just magically be explained.
    Spike: Uh... Twilight?
    Twilight Sparkle: Star Swirl!? I... I've wanted to meet you my whole life! I can't believe you're here!
    Sunburst: I don't think he is here. I don't think any of them are.
    Pony of Shadows: You summon me at your peril, Star Swirl! Once I defeat all of you, this realm will embrace the darkness as I did so long ago!
    Pony of Shadows: Drawing me here will only make me stronger. You will never defeat me!
    Star Swirl the Bearded: We did not come here to defeat you.
    Pony of Shadows: What are you doing?!
    Star Swirl the Bearded: We came... to contain you.
    Pinkie Pie: Well, you did ask for a magical explanation.
    Rainbow Dash: Uh... what just happened?
    Starlight Glimmer: It looked like Star Swirl cast a spell that banished the Pony of Shadows.
    Sunburst: Of course! Powerful magic like that would leave an impression on this place. Bringing the book back here let us see what happened.
    Applejack: Which was what?
    Twilight Sparkle: Star Swirl and the rest of the Pillars sacrificed themselves to save Equestria.
    Starlight Glimmer: It's amazing to think one of the greatest mysteries of Equestria was solved with a musty old book from an antique shop.
    Sunburst: But I wouldn't say the mystery's solved. Star Swirl's spell was one of the most powerful feats of magic in all of history. It'll take years of study before we fully understand it.
    Twilight Sparkle: I think I understand Star Swirl's spell!
    Twilight Sparkle: I know I've finished one of Star Swirl's spells before, but this one was on a whole different level! Was it an explosion of magical feedback? An evocation? A kind of incantation? It's Star Swirl, so the possibilities are endless! And once Starlight set me on the right track with his crazy hornwriting – I mean, he was a genius, so I guess we can forgive a little messiness – I went through the journal again, and it's amazing!
    Rarity: Twilight, darling. We understand you're excited, but that's all we understand.
    Rainbow Dash: What exactly is so amazing?
    Twilight Sparkle: Only how Star Swirl and the other Pillars sent the Pony of Shadows to limbo!
    Applejack: They did what now?
    Twilight: They used their magic to open a portal between worlds – to limbo – and pulled the Pony of Shadows inside.
    Rarity: Darling, your diorama!
    Twilight Sparkle: I made more!
    Twilight: Star Swirl thought the only way to trap the Pony of Shadows in limbo was for the Pillars to take him there.
    Applejack: So they got stuck, too!
    Fluttershy: The Pony of Shadows must have been really awful for them to do that.
    Pinkie Pie: I suppose being trapped for all time with a super-duper bad guy in limbo might be okay if you were doing the limbo, but that's still pushing it.
    Twilight Sparkle: The thing is, I think I can get them out.
    Sunburst: Twilight, are you serious? You can save the most legendary ponies of all time?
    Starlight Glimmer: I-I don't know. Opening portals between worlds didn't work out well for me. Are you sure it's safe?
    Twilight Sparkle: First of all, you opened portals through time. And second of all, Star Swirl wrote the spell you used to do it. If he'd been here, he could have stopped it. Equestria would be safer with him in it. We have to save him.
    Applejack: But you'd be savin' all the Pillars, right? A-And they disappeared ages ago.
    Twilight Sparkle: That's the thing about limbo. It isn't one place or another. It's in between, so time stands still. If we can pull them out, it'll be like they never left. I actually built another model to demonstrate—
    Spike: What can we do to help?

  • Barbossi (+sub)
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Twilight Sparkle: If I'm right, we need to find items that are connected to the Pillars in some way.
    Rainbow Dash: You mean, like, stuff that belonged to them?
    Fluttershy: How would we know what to look for? Or where?
    Twilight Sparkle: Luckily, Star Swirl took a lot of notes. "My compatriots are as varied as the realm itself and hail from every corner of our land, bringing with them artifacts and talismans of great power."
    Starlight Glimmer: Um, Twilight? What are you doing?
    Twilight Sparkle: I'm not doing anything!
    Applejack: Rockhoof's shovel!
    Rainbow Dash: Flash Magnus' shield!
    Rarity: Mistmane's flower!
    Fluttershy: Meadowbrook's mask!
    Pinkie Pie: And the blindfold Somnambula wore when she faced that nasty sphinx!
    Twilight Sparkle: I guess we don't need to figure out who should get what.
    Petunia Paleo: Professor! It's a Mighty Helm headpiece! Maybe it belonged to Rockhoof himself!
    Professor Fossil: Legends don't wear helmets. This belonged to a real pony.
    Applejack: Oh, I can guarantee Rockhoof was as real as you and me.
    Professor Fossil: And I suppose that ravine was dug with his trusty shovel to save the village from an erupting volcano.
    Applejack: Probably.
    Professor Fossil: I love old legends as much as anypony. But a pony strong enough to save a village from rushing lava with a shovel is... preposterous.
    Professor Fossil: I can't believe you just did that. Y-You saved us!
    Applejack: I bet if you told somepony else the story, it might sound... "preposterous".
    Professor Fossil: I suppose some stories might be true...
    Professor Fossil: And Rockhoof's appears to be one of them.
    Old Gardener: You keep those hooves to yourself, dearie! This place has been in my family for generations, and I'm not about to let some whippersnapper take the last good piece of it! Time was, ponies came from far and wide to see these gardens. But that flower's the only worthwhile thing left!
    Rarity: Perhaps it just seemed like your gardens were worthless. But a little pruning can work wonders. Of course you will have to look after more than just one flower now.
    Old Gardener: You've given me back my family's legacy. The flower you wanted seems like a fair trade for that.
    Rainbow Dash: I can't believe Flash Magnus' shield ended up in the Dragon Lands.
    Spike: Good thing you brought the official Equestrian friendship ambassador to the dragons to help you navigate our customs. Like our favorite sport – gorge surfing!
    Rainbow Dash: Okay. That was awesome.
    "Billy": Dragon Lord Ember commanded us to make peace with ponies, but it doesn't mean you can surf in our spot.
    Spike: Whoa, fellas. As the official Equestrian friendship ambassador to the dragons, I have to say that's not very friendly.
    Garble: Well, what do you know? The puny pony-dragon's sticking up for his pony pal.
    Rainbow Dash: Hey! That's an ancient pony artifact!
    Garble: Hooves off my gorge board! I found it in the desert, and finders keepers.
    Rainbow Dash: It isn't yours.
    Garble: Huh. It sure looks like mine. But I might consider racing you for it.
    Rainbow Dash: No problem.
    Garble: Um... No. I mean you.
    "Billy": On your marks... Get set... Surf!
    Spike: I won? I won! Give up the shield, Garble!
    Garble: Lord Ember only commanded us to be nice to ponies. She never said anything about pony-loving dragons.
    Spike: Uh, s-since Dragon Lord Ember commanded you to make peace with ponies, you can't very well attack one of their friends, can you?
    Garble: I guess we'll find out!
    Garble: Why is he always hiding behind ponies?
    Spike: I wasn't hiding when I beat you down the ridge.
    Garble: You fell.
    Rainbow Dash: Wow. You must be slow if all Spike had to do to win was fall down.

  • Laura Scratch (+sub)
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Garble: I'm faster than you.
    Rainbow Dash: Doubt it.
    Garble: Fine! I'll race you back to the top. If you win, you can have your pony junk. But if I win, you'll leave and I get to give it to him!
    Rainbow: Fine. I'm pretty sure I could beat you anyway. But with that heavy hunk of metal on your back, it'll be a snap.
    Garble: Huh? Oh, yeah. Thanks for the tip.
    Garble: See ya at the top, loser! Hey! That's mine!
    Spike: Finders keepers, remember?
    "Billy": See, because that's what you said to them when they first showed up—
    Fluttershy: Just remember not to turn away from them, Cattail. Flash bees can get pretty aggressive. I guess that's why none of the other bayou animals can get to the water.
    Cattail: Wouldn't it make more sense for you to wear the mask that calms the bees?
    Fluttershy: It would... if I didn't have to fly up here to move their hive. There!
    Fluttershy: Now the other bayou creatures can get to the water without the bees feeling threatened.
    Cattail: You know, you didn't have to help with this. I would've lent you the mask anyway.
    Fluttershy: I know. But I couldn't leave without helping.
    Villager: I don't think anypony can find anything in there.
    Daring Do: I wouldn't give up hope just yet.
    Pinkie Pie: This old blindfold was stuck in the drain.
    Daring Do: Weren't you looking for a blindfold?
    Pinkie Pie: Oh, yeah!
    Twilight Sparkle: I can't believe I'm gonna meet Star Swirl the Bearded! You know, outside of my dreams.
    Starlight Glimmer: I can't believe you're actually going through with it.
    Twilight Sparkle: What do you mean?
    Starlight Glimmer: I'm all for pushing the envelope, obviously, but this is pretty out there for you, Twilight.
    Sunburst: What's "out there" about saving the most legendary ponies of all time from a thousands-year-old prison?
    Starlight Glimmer: Well... nothing when you say it like that. Unless "the most legendary ponies of all time" knew what they were doing, and we shouldn't mess with it.
    Sunburst: I'm sure Star Swirl and the Pillars did the best they could back then, but magic has come a long way. Mostly because of the work they did.
    Starlight Glimmer: That's true. And you did get your wings from finishing one of Star Swirl's spells.
    Twilight Sparkle: Exactly.
    Starlight Glimmer: But then I messed with one and nearly destroyed the universe, so...
    Twilight Sparkle: Starlight, Star Swirl the Bearded is the greatest wizard who ever lived. The chance to have him back in Equestria is worth the risk.
    Spike: That's good news.
    Rainbow Dash: Otherwise, we'd have brought this shield for nothing.
    Applejack: I hope you don't think you're the only one to find her artifact, because this here shovel says otherwise.
    Rarity: Honestly, you two. Not everything is a competition. But Mistmane's flower is by far the most attractive of the artifacts.
    Pinkie Pie: You're just saying that because you didn't have to scuba dive in a pit of green slime to get yours!
    Fluttershy: Or move a flash beehive.
    Twilight Sparkle: Good work, everyone. Let's do this!
    Star Swirl the Bearded: What... What has happened?
    Twilight Sparkle: It worked! We brought you back!
    Star Swirl the Bearded: To where?
    Twilight: You and the others have been trapped in limbo for over a thousand years, but I figured out how to get you ho-
    Star Swirl the Bearded: What?! No, no, no, no! You must undo what you've done!
    Twilight Sparkle: What? Why? I mean, I don't think I can.
    Star Swirl the Bearded: You cannot bring us back!
    Twilight Sparkle: But I did. I brought all the Pillars back.
    Star Swirl the Bearded: You cannot bring only the Pillars back!
    Twilight Sparkle: Oh, no!

  • TeoWolf82 (Tu hai l'inizio della seconda parte. Il pezzo pre-sigla non c'è, in quanto sono ripetizioni di dialoghi già tradotti)
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Pony of Shadows: Your pitiful attempt to imprison me has failed, Star Swirl!
    Star Swirl the Bearded: You must return us to limbo. It's the only way to stop him.
    Twilight Sparkle: I only figured out how to bring you back.
    Sunburst: Working on it! No table of contents!
    Pony of Shadows: Allow me to assist.
    Pony of Shadows: There! Without the power of Ponehenge, your banishing spell is useless!
    Star Swirl the Bearded: You have studied my writings. Surely you have some other plan.
    Twilight Sparkle: No. I just wanted to save you. I didn't think—
    P. Shadows: Don't fret. When I extinguish the light and hope of this miserable world, you won't remember any of this.
    Twilight Sparkle: No!
    Pony of Shadows: This one is almost as... strong as you, Star Swirl. But even in my weakened state, she cannot stop the might of shadows!
    Starlight Glimmer: Lucky for her, she's not alone!
    Star Swirl the Bearded: Know this, fiend! We will not rest until we find a way to return you to limbo!
    P. Shadows: Never! Your days of glory are through, Star Swirl. Now my dark power will reign, and you six will bow to me!
    Rainbow Dash: Um... where'd he go?
    Somnambula: That is a riddle we must unravel. And quickly.
    Mage Meadowbrook: How long have we been gone?
    Fluttershy: Over a thousand years.
    Star Swirl: Then my spell worked – before it was meddled with – and the realm has been at peace for a millennia!
    Pinkie Pie: Well... we did have to save everypony from Nightmare Moon and Discord and Chrysalis and King Sombra and Lord Tirek, and there was that one time when Starlight traveled through time and almost destroyed life as we know it! But that's all in the past.
    Flash Magnus: If you are truly this accomplished, we will stop the Pony of Shadows twice as fast together.
    Star Swirl the Bearded: We shall see. It is an easy thing to say you have saved the world. It is quite another to do it.
    Rainbow Dash: Oh, we've saved the world, Beardo. And we can do it again.
    Star Swirl the Bearded: Be that as it may, the problem of locating the Pony of Shadows remains, and this land is vast.
    Rarity: It sounds like you need a map. Luckily, we have just the thing.
    Star Swirl the Bearded: Something about this magic seems familiar...
    Rarity: Did you know he can do that?
    Twilight Sparkle: He's Star Swirl! He can do anything!
    Star Swirl: This map, and indeed this very castle, are grown from the seed we planted over a thousand years ago.
    Rockhoof: Then it did work!
    Sunburst: What worked?
    Somnambula: Each of us infused a crystal seed with our magic in hopes that it would grow into a force for good.
    Mistmane: We wanted to leave something to protect the realm in our absence, but we never dreamed our gift would become so powerful.
    Applejack: Y'all mean the Elements came from you?
    Pinkie Pie: You know, the sparkly crystal things that grow from the Tree of Harmony and represent each of us? Laughter, honesty, generosity, loyalty, kindness, and magic!
    Somnambula: They are reflections of our own elements of hope, strength, beauty, bravery, healing, and sorcery.
    Mage Meadowbrook: We had no idea our small seed would bloom into the living spirit of the land. I am glad our mantles have passed to such capable ponies.
    Star Swirl the Bearded: More importantly, we no longer need Ponehenge to send our foe back to limbo. We can use the stored magic in this Tree of Harmony.
    Twilight Sparkle: But doesn't a banishing spell take a lot of power? We'd have to sacrifice the Elements for that.
    Fluttershy: They'd be gone... forever?
    Twilight Sparkle: Star Swirl, I don't think the Tree can survive without the Elements. If it dies, Equestria will suffer.
    Star Swirl the Bearded: If the Pony of Shadows has his way, your land will not exist. So unless you have a better idea...
    Star Swirl the Bearded: Our foe will seek dark places from which to draw power. I will prepare my spell so that we may strike as soon as you find him.
    Rainbow Dash: What are we waiting for?
    Flash Magnus: I like your spirit!
    Spike: What about this one?

  • Clessidrus
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Twilight Sparkle: Seapony etiquette isn't going to help right now, Spike.
    Starlight Glimmer: Uh, Twilight? Are you okay?
    Twilight Sparkle: I just unleashed ultimate evil and doomed Equestria because I was obsessed with meeting my idol! Why wouldn't I be okay?!
    Starlight Glimmer: You didn't know that was gonna happen.
    Twilight Sparkle: But I should have listened to you and left things alone. Now the Elements of Harmony will be lost to fix my mistake!
    Starlight Glimmer: Maybe there's another way.
    Spike: If there is, Twilight will find it.
    Twilight Sparkle: Portal gate... Portal keys... Portal spells... Yes! If the Pillars can hold open the gateway to limbo, a powerful pony can do the banishing spell herself! Do you know what this means?
    Spike: I can stop carrying books?
    Twilight Sparkle: The Pillars don't have to leave Equestria! Even though we'll lose the Elements, we'll have the ponies that created them. And the Pony of Shadows will be banished for good!
    Starlight Glimmer: That's great. Heh. But I was thinking of another way that maybe doesn't involve banishing at all?
    Twilight Sparkle: Star Swirl knew what he was doing when he cast that spell. If I can make it even better, maybe he'll see that I take magic as seriously as he does.
    Rockhoof: It seems the dark places Star Swirl indicated on the map have changed.
    Applejack: I bet the Pony of Shadows would've loved the Ghastly Caverns before a thousand years of erosion turned it into the Ghastly Gorge.
    Fluttershy: The Appeloosian Wastes sure sounded dark and desolate.
    Rarity: Who knew they would become such a popular square dancing destination?
    Pinkie Pie: And I get how this part of Equestria used to be cast in eternal night where the Pony of Shadows could draw power and wreak havoc while ponies were powerless to stop him. But...
    Pinkie Pie: ...it's kinda made a comeback! Did I mention it's really bright?!
    Star Swirl the Bearded: It seems there are fewer dark corners in the realm these days.
    Rainbow Dash: Isn't that a good thing?
    Flash M.: True. The Pony of Shadows will have a hard time regaining power. When he rears his head, we'll be ready!
    Fluttershy: Isn't there some way to banish him without losing all of you?
    Mage Meadowbrook: Oh, I wish there were. But to save our home, we are willin' to leave it.
    Twilight Sparkle: I don't think you'll have to! My spell isn't finished yet, but I think we can send the Pony of Shadows to limbo without all of you having to go as well!
    Star Swirl: While I appreciate your enthusiasm, Twilight, this is hardly the time to take risks on half-baked spells.
    Applejack: Beggin' your pardon, Mr. the Bearded! But Twilight doesn't do anythin' halfway!
    Pinkie Pie: Especially not magic!
    Rainbow Dash: Seriously! She got her wings by finishing one of your spells!
    Rarity: I think you'll find her work is worth reading before you dismiss it out of hoof!
    Mage Meadowbrook: While it is an unconventional approach, I believe it could work.
    Star Swirl the Bearded: Hmm. I suppose there is a chance.
    Sunburst: But we still have no idea where to find the villain.
    Spike: Maybe we should try there?
    Applejack: The Hollow Shades. I think a branch of the Apple family lives there.
    Sunburst: They'd have to be pretty distant. The Hollow Shades was abandoned eons ago.
    Rarity: Hmm, that's odd. The only time the map's called all of us to one place was Starlight's village.
    Rainbow Dash: So it's like a super-villain tracker! No offense.
    Twilight Sparkle: Do you think the map could be trying to tell us where the Pony of Shadows is?
    Star Swirl: Hmm... The Tree of Harmony acting to protect the light of the realm... Yes. A good thought, Twilight.
    Star Swirl the Bearded: I will make my notes on this spell. Ready yourselves for battle.
    Starlight Glimmer: Uh, I know I'm not as experienced as all of you, but is banishment really the only option? I mean, it's been a long time. Maybe the Pony of Shadows is ready to talk?
    Star Swirl the Bearded: I doubt we can save our homeland with a conversation.
    Starlight Glimmer: But we could try.
    Twilight Sparkle: Starlight, I'm sure Star Swirl and the others did try.
    Star Swirl the Bearded: The Pony of Shadows was not interested in reconciliation. Once a villain, always a villain. Twilight, Sunburst, would you accompany me? I wish to refine this spell for our use.

  • Roxas94
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Rockhoof: Come. We must prepare for the struggle ahead.
    Starlight Glimmer: I know Star Swirl is a great wizard, but this whole plan seems... wrong. The map's only ever sent us to solve friendship problems.
    Spike: Maybe so, but the Pony of Shadows doesn't really seem like the "friendship" type.
    Starlight Glimmer: Honestly? We don't know anything about him.
    Spike: Well, nopony does.
    Starlight Glimmer: That's not entirely true.
    Starlight Glimmer: You all knew the Pony of Shadows before he became what he is now. You must've been friends. So what happened?
    Rockhoof: The tale of our rift is a sad one.
    Rockhoof: Stygian was a pony like the rest of us, though more scholar than hero. He recognized our emerging world would need champions to defend it.
    Flash Magnus: He may have gathered us together, but he himself was just an ordinary unicorn who soon grew jealous of our abilities.
    Mistmane: He stole objects from each of us. Artifacts to use in a spell.
    Mage Meadowbrook: And we cast him out for it.
    Somnambula: We always thought he'd return and seek forgiveness. But when we saw him again, his heart was bent on revenge. He dashed even my hope of saving him.
    Starlight Glimmer: But why did he steal the artifacts from you?
    Mage Meadowbrook: No doubt it was an enchantment to take our powers for himself.
    Starlight Glimmer: That looks like a lot of work.
    Star Swirl the Bearded: It is what must be done, and it would be best if we were not disturbed.
    Twilight Sparkle: I'm sorry, Starlight, but we can't stop to talk. The stakes are too high, and we have to—
    Starlight Glimmer: Banish Stygian to limbo. I get it.
    Sunburst: Uh, who?
    Star Swirl the Bearded: Stygian was the name the Pony of Shadows gave up when he turned to darkness.
    Starlight Glimmer: And I'm just trying to figure out why.
    Star Swirl the Bearded: Envy. He wanted more power than he had, and that desire led him down a path from which there is no return!
    Starlight Glimmer: I know from experience that's not always true. When the map called you six to my village, it was for a friendship problem. Are you sure this is different?
    Twilight Sparkle: I...
    Star Swirl: Stygian wants to destroy all that is good in this world. There's no way to befriend a pony like that.
    Starlight Glimmer: I guess I'm lucky your idol wasn't around when you decided to be my friend. I might've been banished to limbo, too.
    Somnambula: I am glad we have the chance to see what has grown from our efforts so long ago.
    Mistmane: It seems a shame to harm it.
    Star Swirl the Bearded: A necessary sacrifice. With the Elements' power, we will bind the Pony of Shadows in limbo. And thanks to Twilight, we will remain to watch over the realm ourselves.
    Rockhoof: Um... how do we use them?
    Rarity: Well, you... Oh. I'm not sure. They simply work for us.
    Star Swirl the Bearded: The Elements are attuned to you. We must use their magic in pairs.
    Rainbow Dash: No problem. We're used to banishing evil before breakfast.
    Applejack: And it'll be an honor to save Equestria with y'all.
    Starlight Glimmer: I really hope Twilight knows what she's doing...
    Sunburst: I don't remember reading anything that said the Hollow Shades was like this.
    Mistmane: Ohhh. The Pony of Shadows must have twisted it to his purposes.
    Star Swirl the Bearded: Prepare yourselves. He is here. Stygian! Show yourself and face us!
    Sunburst: I definitely would've remembered reading about this.
    Pony of Shadows: Welcome to the Well of Shade! When you turned your backs on me, I discovered this place. The darkness spoke to me of a power beyond any I could imagine, and I listened. The shadow and I became one. Soon, all of the realm will be the same. Then all ponies will feel the despair I did when you cast me out!
    Star Swirl the Bearded: We did what we had to do. You tried to steal our powers for yourself.

  • Gooddwarf
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Pony of Shadows: No! It was you who were selfish! And now you will pay!
    Starlight Glimmer: Are you still sure this isn't a friendship problem?
    Star Swirl the Bearded: Ready? Open the portal...
    Star Swirl the Bearded: ...Now!
    Pony of Shadows: No! You will not trap me again!
    Star Swirl the Bearded: Twilight! Push him in!
    Twilight Sparkle: Huh? There's... a pony in there.
    Twilight Sparkle: Are you... Stygian?
    Stygian: I was, once. Until my friends betrayed me.
    Twilight Sparkle: But Star Swirl says you betrayed them. You wanted their magic...
    Stygian: No! I wanted their respect. I brought them together. I planned strategy, and I read all I could about the beasts we faced. But I didn't have magic or strength, so nopony every noticed me. I went to Ponehenge to make my own copies of the artifacts. With them, I thought I could be a Pillar, too, and stand by their side in battle. I never wanted to steal their power. But instead of sharing and letting me help, my friends threw me out. So I became stronger than any of them! The darkness welcomed me when no pony would, and I will do what I must to protect it!
    Twilight Sparkle: This is all a misunderstanding! If the Pillars knew how you felt, I'm sure they wouldn't have turned their backs on you. The shadow isn't who you really are. Let me help you be Stygian again.
    Stygian: Even if my friends did still care, what makes you think you have the power to help me?
    Starlight Glimmer: Because it's what she does. I wasn't so different from you, and Twilight helped me change. If there's one pony in Equestria that can save a friendship, it's her.
    Stygian: I... I want to believe you... But the darkness will not be stopped!
    Twilight Sparkle: Fight the darkness, Stygian! You don't need it anymore! Revenge isn't what you want! Friendship is!
    Starlight Glimmer: Twilight!
    Twilight Sparkle: Ugh! The shadow won't let go of him. He wants to stop, but he can't do it alone.
    Star Swirl the Bearded: Then we must help him!
    Rainbow Dash: Yeah! Oh, it felt sooooo good to do that again!
    Pinkie Pie: Friendship power rush! Whoo!
    Rarity: The Elements! They didn't disappear!
    Fluttershy: Maybe because we used them for healing magic instead of banishing?
    Applejack: Look!
    Star Swirl the Bearded: Long ago, you needed our help, Stygian. But instead of listening, we turned our backs on you. Pride clouded my judgment. I owe you an apology. Thank you for helping us see the errors of our ways, Twilight. It seems I never accounted for the Magic of Friendship.
    Twilight Sparkle: Thank you, Swirlstar! Uh, Star Swirl!
    Starlight Glimmer: Soooo... apparently a conversation can save Equestria?
    Star Swirl the Bearded: Something tells me I will be making a lot of apologies today.
    Star Swirl the Bearded: I simply cannot believe how tall you've gotten!
    Princess Celestia: Well, it has been over a thousand years. Will you stay here and teach magic once again? My sister and I have such fond memories of your lessons.
    Princess Luna: As long as you don't ask for those essays we owed you before you disappeared.
    Star Swirl the Bearded: I'm not certain Canterlot is where I belong. The realm has grown, and I believe I'll have a look around before I settle in any one place.
    Mage Meadowbrook: And I long to see what has become of my home.
    Mistmane: I believe we all do.
    Princess Celestia: Then I hope you will return to Canterlot on occasion and share the wisdom of your great experience with the next generation of ponies.
    Star Swirl the Bearded: We would be honored. But if it is wisdom you seek, look no further than your own pupil. She showed me that the power of friendship is a magical force indeed. And that in turning away from others, you hurt yourself as well.
    Twilight Sparkle: It's funny. I thought meeting my idol would give me all the answers I ever wanted. But instead, I forgot what I already knew. Good thing I had a student of my own to remind me.



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Re: [Coordinamento] 7x25-26 Shadow Play

Messaggioda Clessidrus » 24/10/2017, 14:48

Ci sono per la traduzione ^_^
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Re: [Coordinamento] 7x25-26 Shadow Play

Messaggioda Roxas94 » 26/10/2017, 20:30

Codice: Seleziona tutto
Venite. Dobbiamo prepararci per la battaglia.
Rockhoof: Come. We must prepare for the struggle ahead.

So che Star Swirl è un grande mago, ma tutto questo piano sembra... sbagliato. La mappa ci ha ha sempre solo mandato a risolvere problemi d’amicizia.
Starlight Glimmer: I know Star Swirl is a great wizard, but this whole plan seems... wrong. The map's only ever sent us to solve friendship problems.

Forse, ma il Pony delle Ombre non sembra un tipo molto “amichevole”.
Spike: Maybe so, but the Pony of Shadows doesn't really seem like the "friendship" type.

Onestamente? Non sappiamo niente di lui.
Starlight Glimmer: Honestly? We don't know anything about him.

Beh, nessuno ne sa qualcosa.
Spike: Well, nopony does.

Non è del tutto vero.
Starlight Glimmer: That's not entirely true.

Tutti voi conoscevate il Pony delle ombre prima che diventasse com’è adesso. Dovete essere stati amici. Quindi cos’è successo?
Starlight Glimmer: You all knew the Pony of Shadows before he became what he is now. You must've been friends. So what happened?

è una triste storia quella della nostra frattura.
Rockhoof: The tale of our rift is a sad one.

Stygian era un pony come tutti noi, anche se più uno studioso che un eroe. Riconobbe che il nostro emergente mondo avrebbe avuto bisogno di campioni che lo difendessero.
Rockhoof: Stygian was a pony like the rest of us, though more scholar than hero. He recognized our emerging world would need champions to defend it.

Ci avrà pure riuniti, ma era solo un comune unicorno che divenne subito  geloso delle nostre  abilità.
Flash Magnus: He may have gathered us together, but he himself was just an ordinary unicorn who soon grew jealous of our abilities.

Rubò oggetti da tutti noi. Artefatti da usare per una magia.
Mistmane: He stole objects from each of us. Artifacts to use in a spell.

E per questo lo cacciammo.
Mage Meadowbrook: And we cast him out for it.

Abbiamo sempre pensato sarebbe tornato a chiedere perdono. Ma quando lo incontrammo di nuovo, era ossessionato dalla vendetta. Infranse anche la mia speranza di salvarlo.
Somnambula: We always thought he'd return and seek forgiveness. But when we saw him again, his heart was bent on revenge. He dashed even my hope of saving him.

Ma perché vi rubò gli artefatti?
Starlight Glimmer: But why did he steal the artifacts from you?

Senza dubbio era un incantesimo per rubarci i poteri.
Mage Meadowbrook: No doubt it was an enchantment to take our powers for himself.

Sembra un sacco di lavoro.
Starlight Glimmer: That looks like a lot of work.

è ciò che va fatto, e sarebbe meglio se non venissimo disturbati.
Star Swirl the Bearded: It is what must be done, and it would be best if we were not disturbed.

Scusa, Starlight, ma non possiamo fermarci per parlare. La posta in gioco è troppa alta e dobbiamo-
Twilight Sparkle: I'm sorry, Starlight, but we can't stop to talk. The stakes are too high, and we have to—

Bandire Stygian nel limbo. Ho capito.
Starlight Glimmer: Banish Stygian to limbo. I get it.

Uh, chi?
Sunburst: Uh, who?

Stygian era il nome che il Pony delle Ombre ha abbandonato quando ha abbracciato l’oscurità.
Star Swirl the Bearded: Stygian was the name the Pony of Shadows gave up when he turned to darkness.

Ed io sto solo cercando di capire perché.
Starlight Glimmer: And I'm just trying to figure out why.

Invidia. Voleva più potere di quanto ne avesse, e quel desiderio l’ha condotto verso un percorso da cui non si torna!
Star Swirl the Bearded: Envy. He wanted more power than he had, and that desire led him down a path from which there is no return!

So per esperienza che non è sempre vero. Quando la mappa vi ha manato al mio villaggio, era per un problema di amicizia. Siete sicuri che stavolta sia diverso?
Starlight Glimmer: I know from experience that's not always true. When the map called you six to my village, it was for a friendship problem. Are you sure this is different?

Twilight Sparkle: I...

Stygian vuole distruggere tutto ciò che c’è di buono a questo mondo. Non c’è modo di farsi amico un pony del genere.
Star Swirl: Stygian wants to destroy all that is good in this world. There's no way to befriend a pony like that.

Suppongo sia stata fortunata che non ci fosse in giro il tuo idolo quando hai deciso di diventare mia amica. Sarei stata bandita nel limbo pur io.
Starlight Glimmer: I guess I'm lucky your idol wasn't around when you decided to be my friend. I might've been banished to limbo, too.

Sono lieta che abbiamo la possibilità di vedere co’è cresciuto dai nostri sforzi di allora.
Somnambula: I am glad we have the chance to see what has grown from our efforts so long ago.

Sembra un peccato dovergli far del male.
Mistmane: It seems a shame to harm it.

Un sacrificio necessario. Con il potere degli Elementi, imprigioneremo il Pony delle Ombre nel limbo. E grazie a Twilight, resteremo per vegliare sul reame.
Star Swirl the Bearded: A necessary sacrifice. With the Elements' power, we will bind the Pony of Shadows in limbo. And thanks to Twilight, we will remain to watch over the realm ourselves.

Um... come li usiamo?
Rockhoof: Um... how do we use them?

Beh, dovete… Oh. Non lo so. Fanno tutto loro.
Rarity: Well, you... Oh. I'm not sure. They simply work for us.

Gli elementi sono in sintonia con voi. Dobbiamo usare i loro poteri in coppie.
Star Swirl the Bearded: The Elements are attuned to you. We must use their magic in pairs.

Nessun problema. Siamo abituate a bandire il male prima di colazione.
Rainbow Dash: No problem. We're used to banishing evil before breakfast.

E sarà un onore salvare Equestria con tutti voi.
Applejack: And it'll be an honor to save Equestria with y'all.

Spero davvero che Twilight sappia ciò che sta facendo...
Starlight Glimmer: I really hope Twilight knows what she's doing...

Non ricordo di aver letto nulla che dicesse che Hollow Shade era così.
Sunburst: I don't remember reading anything that said the Hollow Shades was like this.

Il Pony delle Ombre deve averlo distorto per i suoi scopi.
Mistmane: Ohhh. The Pony of Shadows must have twisted it to his purposes.

Preparatevi. Lui è qui. Stygian! Mostrati e affrontaci!
Star Swirl the Bearded: Prepare yourselves. He is here. Stygian! Show yourself and face us!

Mi sarei sicuramente ricordato di aver letto qualcosa a proposito.
Sunburst: I definitely would've remembered reading about this.

Benvenuti al Pozzo delle Ombre! Quando mi avete voltato le spalle, ho scoperto questo posto. L’oscurità mi ha parlato di un potere oltre ogni mia immaginazione, ed io ho ascoltato. L’ombra ed io siamo diventati un tutt’uno. Presto, tutto il reame diverrà così. Allora tutti i pony proveranno la stessa disperazione che provai io quando mi cacciaste!
Pony of Shadows: Welcome to the Well of Shade! When you turned your backs on me, I discovered this place. The darkness spoke to me of a power beyond any I could imagine, and I listened. The shadow and I became one. Soon, all of the realm will be the same. Then all ponies will feel the despair I did when you cast me out!

Facemmo ciò che andava fatto. Hai tentato di rubarci i nostri poteri.
Star Swirl the Bearded: We did what we had to do. You tried to steal our powers for yourself.
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Re: [Coordinamento] 7x25-26 Shadow Play

Messaggioda Gooddwarf » 27/10/2017, 16:09


Codice: Seleziona tutto
No! Siete stati voi ad essere egoisti! {n.d.t. versione altisonante: "Foste voi ad essere egoisti!"} E adesso la pagherete! {n.d.t. controlla se è you singolare o plurale}
Sei ancora sicura che non sia un problema di amicizia?
Pronti? Aprite il portale...
No! Non mi intrappolerete un'altra volta!
Twilight! Spingilo dentro!
Huh? C'è... un pony lì dentro.
Sei... Stygian?
Lo ero, un tempo. Finché i miei amici non mi tradirono.
Ma Star Swhirl dice che li hai traditi tu. Volevi la loro magia...
No! Volevo il loro rispetto. Li ho uniti. Ho pianificato strategie, e ho letto tutto quello che potevo sulle bestie che abbiamo affrontato. Ma non avevo né la magia né la forza, quindi nessuno mi ha mai notato. Sono andato a Ponehenge per fare le mie copie degli artefatti. Con esse, credevo che sarei potuto essere anch'io un Pilastro, e stare al loro fianco in battaglia. Non ho mai voluto rubare il loro potere. Ma anziché condividere e lasciarmi aiutare, i miei amici mi hanno escluso. Così sono diventato più forte di ognuno di loro! L'oscurità mi ha accolto quando nessun altro lo ha fatto, e farò tutto ciò che devo per proteggerla!
È soltanto un malinteso! Se i Pilastri avessero saputo come stavi, sono sicura che non ti avrebbero voltato le spalle. Tu non sei davvero l'ombra. Lascia che ti aiuti ad essere Stygian di nuovo.
Anche se ai miei amici importasse ancora, cosa ti fa pensare di avere il potere di aiutarmi? (di essere capace di aiutarmi)
Perché è quello che fa. Non ero così diversa da te, e Twilight mi ha aiutato a cambiare. Se c'è qualcuno in Equestria che può salvare un amicizia, è lei.
Io... voglio crederti... Ma l'oscurità non sarà fermata!
Combatti l'oscurità, Stygian! Non ne hai più bisogno! Non è la vendetta che vuoi! È l'amicizia!
Ugh! L'ombra non lo lascierà andare. Vuole fermarsi, ma non può farcela da solo.
In tal caso dobbiamo aiutarlo!
Yeah! Oh, è stato così bello farlo di nuovo!
Scarica (vedi tu se cambiarlo) di potere dell'amicizia! Whoo!
Gli Elementi! Non sono scomparsi!
Forse è perchè li abbiamo usati per una magia che cura invece che per bandire?
Tanto tempo fa, avevi bisogno del nostro aiuto Stygian. Ma invece di ascoltarti, ti abbiamo voltato le spalle. L'orgoglio ha offuscato il mio giudizio. Ti devo delle scuse. Grazie per averci aiutato a vedere gli sbagli nelle nostre azioni, Twilight. Sembrerebbe che non abbia mai tenuto in considerazione la Magia dell'Amicizia.
Grazie, Swirlstar! Uh, Star Swirl!
Quindi... a quanto pare una conversazione (chiacchierata) può salvare Equestria? {controllare che sia uguale all'altra occorrenza di questa frase}
Qualcosa mi dice che dovrò fare molte scuse oggi.
Non riesco proprio a credere a quanto siate (siete? panico) diventate alte!
Beh, sono passati più di mille anni. Rimarrai qui e insegnerai di nuovo magia? Mia sorella ed io abbiamo ricordi molto lieti {non rende benissimo "fond" ma non mi esce meglio} delle tue lezioni.
Sempre che tu non ci chieda quei temi che avremmo dovuto consegnare prima che tu sparissi.
Non sono sicuro che il mio posto sia Canterlot. Il regno è cresciuto e credo che mi darò un'occhiata in giro prima di stabilirmi da qualche parte.
Ed io non vedo l'ora di vedere che ne è stato di casa mia. {ed io bramo di vedere che ne è stato della mia patria. "bramare" rende bene "long" imo, ma forse è troppo aulico}
Credo che sia così per tutti noi.
Allora spero che tornerai a Canterlot ogni tanto per condividere la tua grande saggezza ed esperienza con la nuova generazione di pony. (non è precisissima, ma dovrebbe funzionare)
Ne sarei onorato. Ma se è la saggezza che cercate, non serve andare oltre alla tua allieva (pupilla. Io preferisco di gran lunga allieva personalmente). Mi ha mostrato che il potere dell'amicizia è davvero una forza magica. E che voltando le spalle agli altri, fai anche male a te stesso.
È divertente. ("È strano." è un altra traduzione possibile. Vedete voi quale si adatta meglio) Credevo che incontrando il mio idolo avrei avuto tutte le risposte che volevo. Ma invece, mi sono dimenticata quello che sapevo già. Per fortuna avevo una mia studentessa che me lo ha ricordato.
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Re: [Coordinamento] 7x25-26 Shadow Play

Messaggioda Clessidrus » 28/10/2017, 20:14

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Re: [Coordinamento] 7x25-26 Shadow Play

Messaggioda TeoWolf82 » 30/10/2017, 22:55

Eccomi anch'io!

Codice: Seleziona tutto
Pony of Shadows: Your pitiful attempt to imprison me has failed, Star Swirl!
Il tuo patetico tentativo di imprigionarmi è fallito, Star Swirl!

Star Swirl the Bearded: You must return us to limbo. It's the only way to stop him.
Devi farci ritornare nel limbo. È il solo modo per fermarlo.

Twilight Sparkle: I only figured out how to bring you back.
Ho solo trovato come riportarvi indietro.

Sunburst: Working on it! No table of contents!
Ci sto lavorando! Non c’è alcun indice!

Pony of Shadows: Allow me to assist.
Permettetemi di aiutarvi.

Pony of Shadows: There! Without the power of Ponehenge, your banishing spell is useless!
Ecco! Privi del potere di Ponehenge, il vostro incantesimo per scacciarmi è inutile!

Star Swirl the Bearded: You have studied my writings. Surely you have some other plan.
Tu hai studiato le mie scritture. Certamente devi avere qualche altro piano.

Twilight Sparkle: No. I just wanted to save you. I didn't think—
No. Volevo soltanto salvarvi. Non avevo pensato-

P. Shadows: Don't fret. When I extinguish the light and hope of this miserable world, you won't remember any of this.
Non preoccupatevi. Quando estinguerò luce e speranza da questo miserabile mondo, non ricorderete nulla di questo.

Twilight Sparkle: No!

Pony of Shadows: This one is almost as... strong as you, Star Swirl. But even in my weakened state, she cannot stop the might of shadows!
Questa è quasi potente... quanto te, Star Swirl. Ma perfino nel mio stato indebolito, non può arrestare la potenza delle ombre!

Starlight Glimmer: Lucky for her, she's not alone!
Fortunatamente per lei, non è da sola!

Star Swirl the Bearded: Know this, fiend! We will not rest until we find a way to return you to limbo!
Sappi questo, demone! Noi non avremo riposeremo finché non troveremo modo per rimandarti nel limbo!

P. Shadows: Never! Your days of glory are through, Star Swirl. Now my dark power will reign, and you six will bow to me!
Mai! I tuoi gioni di gloria sono trascorsi, Star Swirl. Ora il mio potere oscuro regnerà, e voi sei vi inchinerete a me!

Rainbow Dash: Um... where'd he go?
Eh... dov’è andato?

Somnambula: That is a riddle we must unravel. And quickly.
Questo è un enigma che dobbiamo risolvere. E rapidamente.

Mage Meadowbrook: How long have we been gone?
Da quanto tempo siamo scomparsi?

Fluttershy: Over a thousand years.
Più d’un migliaio d’anni.

Star Swirl: Then my spell worked – before it was meddled with – and the realm has been at peace for a millennia!
Allora il mio incantesimo ha funzionato – prima che vi si interferisse – e il regno è stato in pace per un millennio!

Pinkie Pie: Well... we did have to save everypony from Nightmare Moon and Discord and Chrysalis and King Sombra and Lord Tirek, and there was that one time when Starlight traveled through time and almost destroyed life as we know it! But that's all in the past.
Bene... noi abbiamo salvato tutti i pony da Nightmare Moon e Discord e Chryaslis e Re Sombra e Lord Tirek, e c’è stata quella volta che Starlight ha viaggiato attraverso il tempo e quasi annientato la vita come la conosciamo! Ma tutto questo è nel passato.

Flash Magnus: If you are truly this accomplished, we will stop the Pony of Shadows twice as fast together.
Se voi siete veramente così abili, fermeremo il Pony delle Ombre il doppio più rapidamente insieme.

Star Swirl the Bearded: We shall see. It is an easy thing to say you have saved the world. It is quite another to do it.
Vedremo. È una cosa facile dire che avete salvato il mondo. Ben altra cosa è farlo.

Rainbow Dash: Oh, we've saved the world, Beardo. And we can do it again.
Oh, noi abbiamo salvato il mondo, Barbone(-oppure Barbalunga-). E possiamo farlo di nuovo.

Star Swirl the Bearded: Be that as it may, the problem of locating the Pony of Shadows remains, and this land is vast.
Sia come sia, il problema di localizzare il Pony delle Ombre rimane, e questa terra è vasta.

Rarity: It sounds like you need a map. Luckily, we have just the thing.
Sembra che ti occorra una mappa. Fortunatamente, noi abbiamo quello che fa al caso.

Star Swirl the Bearded: Something about this magic seems familiar...
Qualcosa di questa magia mi sembra familiare...

Rarity: Did you know he can do that?
Sapevi che era in grado di farlo?

Twilight Sparkle: He's Star Swirl! He can do anything!
Lui è Star Swirl! Può fare qualunque cosa!

Star Swirl: This map, and indeed this very castle, are grown from the seed we planted over a thousand years ago.
Questa mappa, e perfino questo stesso castello, sono cresciuti dal seme che abbiamo piantato oltre un migliaio di anni fa.

Rockhoof: Then it did work!
Quindi ha funzionato!

Sunburst: What worked?
Cosa ha funzionato?

Somnambula: Each of us infused a crystal seed with our magic in hopes that it would grow into a force for good.
Ognuno di noi ha infuso in un seme di cristallo la propria magia nella speranza che esso sarebbe cresciuto in una forza al sevizio del bene.

Mistmane: We wanted to leave something to protect the realm in our absence, but we never dreamed our gift would become so powerful.
Volevamo lasciare qualcosa per proteggere il regno nella nostra assenza, ma non avremmo mai sognato che sarebbe divenuto tanto potente.

Applejack: Y'all mean the Elements came from you?
Volete dire che gli Elementi provengono da voi?

Pinkie Pie: You know, the sparkly crystal things that grow from the Tree of Harmony and represent each of us? Laughter, honesty, generosity, loyalty, kindness, and magic!
Sapete, le cosa di cristallo luccicante che crescono dall’Albero dell’Armonia e rappresentano ogniuna di noi? Risata, onestà, generosità, lealtà, gentilezza, e magia!

Somnambula: They are reflections of our own elements of hope, strength, beauty, bravery, healing, and sorcery.
Sono dei riflessi dei nostri elementi di speranza, tenacia, bellezza (anche se personalmente propendo per “splendore”, mi ispira di più), audacia, guarigione, e stregoneria.

Mage Meadowbrook: We had no idea our small seeds would bloom into the living spirit of the land. I am glad our mantles have passed to such capable ponies.
Non avevamo idea che i nostri minuscoli semi sarebbero sbocciati nello spirito vitale della terra. Sono così lieta che i nostri manti siano passati a delle pony così in gamba.

Star Swirl the Bearded: More importantly, we no longer need Ponehenge to send our foe back to limbo. We can use the stored magic in this Tree of Harmony.
Più importante, non è più necessario Ponehenge per mandare il nostro avversario nel limbo. Possiamo usare la magia contenuta in questo Albero dell’Armonia.

Twilight Sparkle: But doesn't a banishing spell take a lot of power? We'd have to sacrifice the Elements for that.
Ma un incantesimo di esilio non richiede un grande potere? Dovremmo sacrificare gli Elementi per farlo.

Fluttershy: They'd be gone... forever?
Scompariranno... per sempre?

Twilight Sparkle: Star Swirl, I don't think the Tree can survive without the Elements. If it dies, Equestria will suffer.
Star Swirl, non penso che l’albero possa senza gli Elementi. Se muore, Equestria soffrirà.

Star Swirl the Bearded: If the Pony of Shadows has his way, your land will not exist. So unless you have a better idea...
Se il Pony delle Ombre avrà il sopravvento, la vostra patria non esisterà più. Quindi a meno che tu non abbia un’idea migliore...

Star Swirl the Bearded: Our foe will seek dark places from which to draw power. I will prepare my spell so that we may strike as soon as you find him.
Il nostro nemico cercherà delle fonti di oscurità dalle quali ricevere potere. Preparerò il mio incantesimo così lo potremo colpire non appena lo troverete.

Rainbow Dash: What are we waiting for?
Cosa stiamo aspettando?

Flash Magnus: I like your spirit!
Mi piace il tuo spirito!

Spike: What about this one?
Che ne dite di questo?
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Messaggi: 3592
Iscritto il: 05/05/2012, 2:08
Località: Vicenza
Pony preferito: Luna e Applejack
Sesso: Maschio

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