[Coordinamento] 6x23 - Where The Apple Lies

Area dedicata in cui il gruppo Traduttori CMC-What The Buck! si organizza per il lavoro sugli episodi di FiM e della serie Equestria Girls.

Moderatore: Mindstorm

[Coordinamento] 6x23 - Where The Apple Lies

Messaggioda Mindstorm » 07/10/2016, 20:17

Le linee guida alla traduzione sono consultabili qui: REGOLAMENTO & LINEE GUIDA TRADUTTORI

Dizionari on-line
Reverso Context Traduttore parole e frasi
WordReference Dizionario Inglese-italiano
Heinle's Newbury House Dictionary of American English Dizionario Americano
Oxford Dictionaries Dizionario Inglese
Urbandictionary Dizionario sullo Slang AngloAmericano
Idioms Yourdictionary Dizionario sui modi di dire AngloAmericani

Tempi di consegna (dall'assegnazione delle parti):
- Traduttori-subber (cioè chi subba direttamente ciò che traduce): 24 ore
- Traduttori: 12 - Max 18 ore
- Subber: fino alle 17 del lunedì successivo alla messa in onda


• Mindstorm


• Mindstorm
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Applejack: Welp, that's the last of it, Filthy Rich.
Filthy Rich: Just Rich, please. And on behalf of Rich's Barnyard Bargains, thanks for another season's shipment of zap apple jam.
Applejack: Our pleasure. See ya next time.
Applejack: Uh, Apple Bloom, did you pack up the cider into the same crates as the zap apple jam?
Apple Bloom: Sure did! Now that I'm gettin' older, I wanna prove I can handle more responsibility on the farm.
Applejack: But the crates aren't marked. You kept track of what went into which crate, right?
Apple Bloom: Oh. Um... y-yep. I totally kept track of everything.
Applejack: Good. Because we wouldn't want Filthy Rich to get a shipment of cider when he's s'posed to get zap apple jam. You know how Granny feels about sellin' cider anywhere but on the farm. Are you sure he got the right crates?
Apple Bloom: [huffs] Sure I'm sure! Now why don't you and Big Mac head on out to the house and let me finish up here?
Applejack: If you gave Rich the zap apple jam, then what's this here?
Apple Bloom: Um... extra?
Big McIntosh: Nnnope.
[theme song]
Filthy Rich: Granny knows I-I wasn't tryin' to make off with a shipment of cider, right? Because I would never do that.
Applejack: Don't worry. We know exactly whose fault it was.
Applejack: Now why in tarnation would you lie to me, Apple Bloom?
Apple Bloom: I was kinda hopin' I could fix it before anypony found out.
Applejack: Tellin' lies won't fix anything. Trust me. I know.
Apple Bloom: What could you possibly know about it? You've never told a lie in your whole life!
Apple Bloom: What's so funny?
Granny Smith: Oh-ho, sugarcube, heh heh heh, your big sister lied so much when she was a filly, the whole family ended up in the hospital.
Apple Bloom: What?!
Big McIntosh: Hee hee hee, eeyup!
Applejack: [groans] You might as well tell her the whole story. Might even do her some good.
Granny Smith: When Applejack and Big Mac were just a wee bit older than you are now, they both kept a-squabblin' over who would run the farm better.
Young Applejack: All I'm sayin' is that you may have plenty of brawn, but I'm the one with the ideas on how to run things better around here!
Young Big McIntosh: Applejack, Applejack, Applejack, ideas are all well and good, but you can't plow a field with 'em. I don't know how many times I've told you that.
Young Applejack: Too many!
Granny Smith: You two horned toads better stop jabberin' and get to workin'! Yeah, they'd better. I need you to go to town. The apple blight's been awful and if we don't get more spray, cider season'll be shorter than a dwarf crabapple tree!
Young Applejack and Young Big McIntosh: [snarl]
Young Big McIntosh: It's like I was just tellin' Cousin Braeburn last week, now there's a pony who knows how to put his back into a problem....
Young Applejack: [growls] Oh, hey there, Filthy Rich!
Filthy Rich: Just Rich, please. And I'd you to meet my fiancée, Spoiled Milk. Honey, this is Applejack and Big Mac, the two hardest workin' ponies at Sweet Apple Acres.
Spoiled Milk: You work on a farm? How... quaint.

• Thunder Jolt
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Filthy Rich: [chuckles] Oh, now, dear, be nice. Sweet Apple Acres makes zap apple jam. It's one of Dad's best-sellers.
Spoiled Milk: You mean one of your best-sellers. [to AJ and Big Mac] My amazing husband-to-be is running the Rich family business now. Did you know that? Well, now you do.
Filthy Rich: [chuckles] Oh, my Spoiled Milk. She's just proud of me. Uh, but she's right. I'm in charge of the store now, and I'm just burstin' with ideas I wanna try.
Young Applejack: Like what?
Filthy Rich: Well, how 'bout this? Cider season's around the corner. Why not let me sell it for ya?
Young Applejack: That is an interestin' idea.
Young Big McIntosh: Well, maybe it's interestin' an' maybe it ain't. But it's definitely not a new idea. Granny Smith told us your grandpa, Stinkin' Rich, used to ask her every year if he could sell our cider in your store, and Granny told him every year about the tradition of everypony in Ponyville linin' up out at Sweet Apple Acres.
Filthy Rich: So start a new tradition. Some day, one o' y'all will take over the farm just like I've taken over the store. I'm guessin' it'll the one with the best ideas.
Young Big McIntosh: Well, now, as I've said many a time before, ideas are all well an' good, but you can't plow a field—
Young Applejack: Ya know what? How 'bout we give you three barrels of cider early an' if it sells well, we'll make a deal for the rest.
Filthy Rich: Uh, hey, now! Perfect! Come on, honey. I've gotta get everything ready.
Young Applejack: Hoo-wee! I tell ya, if the future means me runnin' Sweet Apple Acres and you bein' quiet, I can't wait!
Young Big McIntosh: I just can't believe you'd make a deal with Filthy Rich without even talkin' to Granny!
Young Applejack: Aw, Granny will love the idea. And then she'll decide I'm the one to take over the farm. You'll see.
Granny Smith: See what?
Young Big McIntosh: Applejack here had another one of her "big ideas", and I think we all know my position on good ideas. You can't—
Granny Smith and Young Applejack: ...can't plow with 'em.
Young Big McIntosh: Ee... right.
Granny Smith: Big idear, hmmm?
Young Applejack: Actually, more of an opportunity. Y'see, we ran into Filthy Rich in town. Did ya know he's runnin' the family store now?
Granny Smith: And what does this here "opportunity" mean fer Sweet Apple Acres?
Young Applejack: Well, uh, since cider season is almost here, he—or, I-I mean I—thought it'd be a good idea to give him a few barrels of cider to sell at the store before the season starts.
Granny Smith: Oh, is that all? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!
Young Applejack: [scoffs] But, Granny, why can't we sell a few barrels o' cider early to Filthy Rich? An' how is it any different than when you gave zap apple jam to Filthy's grandpappy to sell?
Granny Smith: Your cider and your jam ain't the same thing! Zap apple jam jars preserve the flavor fer moons, but cider starts to spoil the second it comes out the press. That is why every cider season, all of Ponyville lines up at Sweet Apple Acres. And first come is first served! Hmph!
Young Applejack: I get what you're sayin', Granny. But couldn't you make an exception just this once? I sort of promised.
Granny Smith: Mm, meh-ehn. Besides, cider-makin' is iffy business, an' we're probably not gonna have a lot this year anyway, what with all the blight. I am sorry, Applejack, but you's just gonna hafta un-promise.
Young Big McIntosh: I hate to say I told you so, Applejack, but—
Young Applejack: You an' I both know you don't hate to say anythin'.
Young Big McIntosh: Well, I've always thought that the most important thing a pony can do is say exactly what's on his mind to anypony who'll listen, so everypony everywhere always knows everythin' they're thinkin', and...
Young Applejack: And you don't ever have to listen to anypony else.
Young Big McIntosh: What?
Young Applejack: Exactly.
Filthy Rich: Well, if it ain't my new business partner!

• Clessidrus
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Young Applejack: Uh, about the cider, Rich...
Filthy Rich: Take a look at what I did last night after we made our deal!
Filthy Rich: Whoo! Ha! Pretty great, huh?
Young Applejack: The thing is, I-I don't think I can get you any.
Filthy Rich: What? Well, I did all this work on your say-so! We shook hooves and everything!
Young Big McIntosh: Well, you see, at Sweet Apple Acres, we've always been about quality, an' while your basic jam jar'll keep—
Young Applejack: Plus it's been a tough harvest this year, what with all the blight.
Filthy Rich: Gah! Sounds to me like you're tryin' to make excuses! Whenever Granddad dealt with Granny Smith, she kept her word! If you can't do that, then maybe our families should stop doin' business together! Altogether!
Young Big McIntosh: Now, now, the thing is, Rich, it ain't really up to us. Y'see, Granny's—
Young Applejack: Uh, sick!
Filthy Rich: Wait, Granny's sick? I had no idea.
Young Big McIntosh: Ee... yeah. Nopony did.
Young Applejack: Uh, what Big Mac means is, uh, we've been tryin' to keep it quiet. Don't want people to make rash decisions about doin' business with Sweet Apple Acres just because we're, uh, a little short-hooved at the moment.
Filthy Rich: Oh, my! O-Of course, of course! I am so sorry. Please let me know if there's anything I can do.
Young Applejack: Much appreciated. But right now, we-we only ask for your understanding during this difficult time.
Filthy Rich: Mm-hmm.
Young Big McIntosh: You were s'posed to tell Rich the simple truth! But instead, you made things worse with a giant lie!
Young Applejack: W-W-What was I supposed to do? You heard Rich. If I told him the truth, he was gonna stop doin' business with us altogether.
Young Big McIntosh: Yeah, but that's only because I... I-I-I forgot to ask if we had any oat crumbles for this delicious-lookin' salad, Granny.
Granny Smith: [grunts] Yeah, I'll go take a look.
Young Big McIntosh: That was only because you made promises you couldn't keep! But there's gotta be a better way out of this mess than by makin' up some story about Granny bein' sick!
Young Applejack: Well, it worked, didn't it?
Filthy Rich: Sorry to drop by unannounced. We just wanted to come by to wish Granny a speedy recovery.
Young Big McIntosh: Look, sis! Our good friend, Mr. Rich and his fiancée... are here. Oh, and they brought flowers! For Granny! On accounta she is sick! Like you said. Ain't that sweet?
Young Applejack: Uh, excuse me one second.
Granny Smith: Golly, what in tarnation?
Young Applejack Oh, I-I'm sorry, Granny. I-I didn't see ya there.
Granny Smith: Ya came blastin' in so fast, t'weren't possible to see nothin'!
Young Applejack: Can you go out to the barn? I, uh, I think I might've left a blight sprayer in the orchard.
Granny Smith: Are you outta yer apple-pickin' mind?! It's suppertime, girl!
Young Applejack: I know, but, uh, if we forgot a sprayer, I wanna get it before dark. You go start countin', an—an' I'll tell Big Mac we'll be right back, okay?
Young Big McIntosh: ...so from that moment on, I took to referrin' to myself as Big or Large or...
Filthy Rich: Oh, Applejack! Your brother was just explainin' why he always wears his yoke.
Spoiled Milk: Even though we asked him how your grandmare is doing!

• Laurel Crown
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Young Applejack: Oh, well, you know how Big Mac can get to... to talkin', especially when he's upset. An' right now, he's just as worried about Granny Smith as I am.
Filthy Rich: Oh, dear. Is she doin' that bad?
Young Applejack: Well, one thing's for sure, she... she shouldn't be seein' anypony right now. In fact, I'm gettin' more upset just thinkin' about it. Excuse me.
Granny Smith: D'oh! What in the frilly fumidil has gotten into you?
Young Applejack: Sorry, Granny. I just decided if I helped you, it would go faster.
Granny Smith: Well, you're too late. All the sprayers are here.
Young Applejack: Oh, good. Uh, say, Granny, when did you first fight the apple blight again?
Granny Smith: It was my second year here in Ponyville. Uh, they was before I had the rick on the one knee.
Young Big McIntosh: ...and others say that's how the tress got to growin' so tall, but, to me, it's just how I got my cutie mark!
Spoiled Milk: But we asked when we could come back to see Granny.
Young Applejack: Uh, Big Mac didn't wanna be rude, but you just can't see Granny right now, because she's... got apple blight!
Filthy Rich: [gasps] I thought only trees got the blight.
Young Applejack: Yeah, that's usually the case. [beat] The doctors think it's from workin' in the orchards for so many years. [beat] Y'see, we had to take Granny to Ponyville General. We just got back right before you showed up.
Filthy Rich: Oh, my. That is terrible!
Spoiled Milk: Ew! It's not contagious, is it?
Young Applejack: Um, I'm sure you'll be fine, but you should leave... just in case.
Filthy Rich: You're right. We're gonna have to hurry if we wanna get there before visitin' hours are over.
Young Applejack: That's right. Wh—Get where?
Filthy Rich: Why, the hospital, of course. I'm sure we'll see you there.
Young Big McIntosh: Tellin' Filthy Rich that Granny's in the hospital just made everythin' a hundred times worse! What're we supposed to do now?
Young Applejack: I got it!
Granny Smith: Dropped my second best teeth right in the pigpen, and that was the worst case of apple blight I have ever seen!
Young Applejack: I'd love to hear more, Granny, but we gotta get to the hospital right away!
Granny Smith: The hospital? Why? Who's sick?
Young Big McIntosh: You are, apparently.
Young Applejack: What he means is you're needed at the hospital.
Granny Smith: Eh, whatever for?
Young Applejack: [beat] It's the apple blight! It's startin' to infect ponies now! The doctors need an expert opinion, and nopony knows more about fightin' blight than Granny Smith!
Granny Smith: Well, what in tarnation are we waitin' for? Let's go!
Young Applejack: [gasps] You know, we're supposed to go in, uh, in the back! Uh, to avoid anypony in the waitin' room with the blight.
Young Applejack: Whoops! I almost forgot!
Young Applejack: This is perfect! Now you don't have to worry about catchin' the blight.
Granny Smith: If you say so, dearie.
Young Applejack: Now you wait right here while I... check on your presentation!

• Roxas94
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Granny Smith: What in the rotten rhubarb is goin' on here?
Young Applejack: Fancy meetin' you two here!
Spoiled Milk: Well, we told you we were coming.
Filthy Rich: But I'm glad we found you, because I can't seem to find Granny's room, or any nurses who've even heard about a pony with apple blight.
Young Applejack: Granny's room. Sure! Just go down here, take a left, then a right, go down some stairs, up a bunch more stairs, through the cafeteria, then three more times, and then you're there! Easy as Granny's apple pie!
Filthy Rich: Uh, aren't you comin' with us?
Young Applejack: Uh, I'll catch up! I gotta find Big Mac!
Young Applejack: Okay, Granny, just wait here one second and we can go.
Granny Smith: Where are you two going?
Young Applejack: Big Mac can't come! He, uh, might be contagious!
Young Big McIntosh and Granny Smith: Contagious?!
Young Applejack: Alright, climb up here and I'll cover you up. Then I'll bring Rich in, tell him you're Granny - you're not allowed to take the sheets off. You nod a few times, he leaves, and this whole thing is over.
Young Big McIntosh: This is spinnin' way out of control, Applejack! Now I know you thought sellin' cider in Filthy's store was a good idea, but it ain't worth lyin' to him about Granny bein' sick and needin' to go to the hospital, or fibbin' to Granny about them wantin' her come here to talk about the blight, or—
Young Applejack: Big McIntosh, just listen to me for once! This ain't about my ideas! If Rich finds out about all the lies, he'll cut off ties with us and the farm'll go under! Now do you want that to happen, or do you wanna help?
Young Big McIntosh: Why can't you be Granny? You're her size, and this is all your fault in the first place.
Young Applejack: I would, but if I let you do the talkin', you'll just ramble on and on until we all got caught!
Young Applejack: Just lay down, keep still, and promise me you won't say anythin', for once in your life!
Young Big McIntosh: Eeyup.
Young Applejack: Granny! Granny!
Granny Smith: It's about time! What is goin' on around here?
Young Applejack: Uh, Granny, they need you to wait here! I'll come get ya!
Filthy Rich: [gasps] There you are! We've been going in circles looking for Granny's room!
Young Applejack: Well, you're in luck, 'cause it's, it's right over here, and this time I'll make sure you don't get lost.
Young Applejack: What in dadgum—
Spoiled Milk: What now?
Young Applejack: He- I mean, she was right here! Oh no. We gotta go!
Spoiled Milk: I-Is that Granny Smith?
Filthy Rich: Where are they takin' her?
Young Applejack: You two, don't lose that gurney! [hushed] Granny, what are you doin'? You're supposed to stay there!
Granny Smith: It was a supply closet!
Young Applejack: Oh, uh, well okay, come with me, but be quiet! You know, save your voice for the big presentation!
Masked Pony: I-I-II'm sorry, but you can't get any closer without a gown and mask.
Young Applejack: But-but-but-but that's my brother on there!
Masked Pony: Don't worry, this is our best doctor. She'll have your brother back on his hooves in no time.

• Midnight Specter
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Granny Smith: Now apple blight is a serious disease!
Masked Pony: [splutters] Did she say... apple blight?
Masked Nurse: I think she said "gasket mites".
Granny Smith: And once the trunk turns red, like this, the only thing to do is prune the branches.
Filthy Rich: [gasps] Oh no! Granny!
Masked Nurse: Did you say..."'prune them branches"?
Granny Smith: Well, sure! What else you gonna do once the blight gets this bad?
Young Applejack: Everypony just stop! This is all a big misunderstandin'! Actually... it's a big lie.
Granny Smith: Big Mac?!
Filthy Rich: Granny Smith?! What is goin' on here, Applejack?!
Granny Smith: That is a darn good question.
Young Applejack: [sighs] I'm not sure if I was worried that nopony was listenin' to my ideas, or just nervous that I wouldn't be the one to end up runnin' the farm, but... I promised somethin' to Filthy Rich that I couldn't deliver... and I was too embarrassed to admit it.
Filthy Rich: So Granny was never sick?
Granny Smith: And there ain't no apple blight in ponies?
Young Big McIntosh: Nnope.
Young Applejack: Those were all lies. A-and I thought if you found out, you'd stop doin' business with the farm, so I just kept tellin' more.
Masked Pony: So she's not a doctor.
Young Applejack: Please don't make Granny and the farm suffer for what I did! This whole thing is myfault.
Young Big McIntosh: That's... not entirely true. Maybe if I paid more attention to what you had to say instead of talkin' all the time, none'a this would've happened in the first place. I just need to... talk less, and listen more. Especially to you.
Young Applejack: [sighs] Thanks, big brother. And whether it's me runnin' Sweet Apple Acres or you, I know it'll be in good hooves.
Granny Smith: Well that's nice, but I don't know what in blazes you two are talkin' about! I ain't goin' anywhere anytime soon! "Running the farm," not after this display! Not likely! And don't you go gettin' any ideas about cuttin' ties with Sweet Apple Acres, or I'm goin' right to your grandpappy. Get me?
Filthy Rich: [stutters] Um, yes ma'am.
Granny Smith: Now, who here still wants to hear about apple blight? Now, when I was a filly...
Apple Bloom: I can't believe you told all those lies!
Applejack: It's not a story I'm proud of, but it taught me a lifelong lesson about bein' honest. I hope youlearned somethin', too.
Apple Bloom: I sure did. I learned that nopony starts out perfect and sometimes you gotta make a few mistakes to figure out who you are.
Big McIntosh: Eeyup.
Apple Bloom: But I think the most important thing I learned is who really runs Sweet Apple Acres.
Applejack, Apple Bloom and Big McIntosh: Granny!
Granny Smith: You're darn tootin'! Now everypony quit your lollgaggery and get back to work! Right after we have a glass of cider.


• Mindstorm

• Laurel Crown


• Gooddwarf
• Sir.Don

Transcripts da Tradurre:
http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Transcripts/W ... Apple_Lies


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Re: [Coordinamento] 6x23 - Where The Apple Lies

Messaggioda Thunder Jolt » 07/10/2016, 20:19

Oh, Dio sia lodato!
Finalmente posso fare qualcosa anch'io.
Prenoto per traduzione.
Ultima modifica di Thunder Jolt il 07/10/2016, 21:17, modificato 1 volta in totale.
We're not acquaintances, we're not friends... we are family!

We're not relatives, we're not even siblings! We are family!
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Re: [Coordinamento] 6x23 - Where The Apple Lies

Messaggioda Clessidrus » 07/10/2016, 20:21

Thunder Jolt ha scritto:Oh, Dio sia lodato:
Finalmente posso fare qualcosa anch'io.
Prenoto per traduzione.

Siamo in due allora TJ. Mi prenoto pure io per la traduzione ^_^
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Re: [Coordinamento] 6x23 - Where The Apple Lies

Messaggioda Laurel Crown » 07/10/2016, 20:47

Traduzione + Subbing :ajsmile2:
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Re: [Coordinamento] 6x23 - Where The Apple Lies

Messaggioda Roxas94 » 07/10/2016, 21:06

Ci sono come traduttore
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Re: [Coordinamento] 6x23 - Where The Apple Lies

Messaggioda Midnight Specter » 07/10/2016, 22:57

Io ci sono come traduttore :D
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Re: [Coordinamento] 6x23 - Where The Apple Lies

Messaggioda Roxas94 » 08/10/2016, 22:29

Codice: Seleziona tutto
Che rabarbaro marcio sta succedendo qua?
Granny Smith: What in the rotten rhubarb is goin' on here?

Strano incontrarvi qua!
Young Applejack: Fancy meetin' you two here!

Beh, ti avevamo detto che saremmo venuti.
Spoiled Milk: Well, we told you we were coming.

Ma siamo felici di averti trovato, perché sembra che non riesca a trovare la stanza di Granny, o un’infermiera che sappia di un pony con il batterio delle mele.
Filthy Rich: But I'm glad we found you, because I can't seem to find Granny's room, or any nurses who've even heard about a pony with apple blight.

La stanza di Granny. Certo! Dovete solo andare giù di qua, girare a sinistra, poi a destra, scendere le scale, salire più scale, attraversare la caffetteria, poi tre volte ancora, e siete arrivati! Facile come la torta di mele di Granny!
Young Applejack: Granny's room. Sure! Just go down here, take a left, then a right, go down some stairs, up a bunch more stairs, through the cafeteria, then three more times, and then you're there! Easy as Granny's apple pie!

Uh, non vieni con noi?
Filthy Rich: Uh, aren't you comin' with us?

Uh, vi raggiungerò! Devo trovare Big Mac!
Young Applejack: Uh, I'll catch up! I gotta find Big Mac!

Ok, Granny, aspetta qui un secondo e possiamo andare.
Young Applejack: Okay, Granny, just wait here one second and we can go.

Dove state andando voi due?
Granny Smith: Where are you two going?

Big Mac non può venire! Lui, uh, potrebbe essere contagioso!
Young Applejack: Big Mac can't come! He, uh, might be contagious!

Young Big McIntosh and Granny Smith: Contagious?!

Ok, sali qui sopra e io ti coprirò. Quindi farò entrare Rich, gli dirò che sei Granny - non ti puoi togliere il lenzuolo. Annuirai un paio di volte, se ne andrà, e tutta questa storia sarà finita.
Young Applejack: Alright, climb up here and I'll cover you up. Then I'll bring Rich in, tell him you're Granny - you're not allowed to take the sheets off. You nod a few times, he leaves, and this whole thing is over.

Questa storia sta andando fuori controllo, Applejack! So che credevi che vendere il sidro nel negozio di Filthy fosse una buona idea, ma non vale la pena inventare che Granny è ammalata e che deve essere ospedalizzata, o mentire a Granny su loro che vogliono lei per parlargli della piaga, o-
oung Big McIntosh: This is spinnin' way out of control, Applejack! Now I know you thought sellin' cider in Filthy's store was a good idea, but it ain't worth lyin' to him about Granny bein' sick and needin' to go to the hospital, or fibbin' to Granny about them wantin' her come here to talk about the blight, or—

Big Macintosh, ascoltami per una buon volta! Non centrano le mie idee! Se Rich scopre la verità, taglierà i ponti con noi e la fattoria fallirà! Vuoi che succeda quello, o mi vuoi aiutare?
Young Applejack: Big McIntosh, just listen to me for once! This ain't about my ideas! If Rich finds out about all the lies, he'll cut off ties with us and the farm'll go under! Now do you want that to happen, or do you wanna help?

Perché non puoi fare tu Granny? Hai la sua stessa corporatura, ed in primo luogo è tutta colpa tua.
Young Big McIntosh: Why can't you be Granny? You're her size, and this is all your fault in the first place.

Lo farei, ma se ti lasciassi parlare, divagheresti finché non saremmo scoperti!
Young Applejack: I would, but if I let you do the talkin', you'll just ramble on and on until we all got caught!

Sdraiati, resta fermo, e promettimi che non dirai niente, per una volta nella vita!
Young Applejack: Just lay down, keep still, and promise me you won't say anythin', for once in your life!

Young Big McIntosh: Eeyup.

Granny! Granny!
Young Applejack: Granny! Granny!

Era ora! Cosa sta succedendo qui!
Granny Smith: It's about time! What is goin' on around here?

Uh, Granny, hanno bisogno che aspetti qui! Verrò a prenderti!
Young Applejack: Uh, Granny, they need you to wait here! I'll come get ya!

Eccoti qui! Stavamo girando in tondo cercando la stanza di Granny!
Filthy Rich: [gasps] There you are! We've been going in circles looking for Granny's room!

Beh, siete fortunati, perché è, è proprio laggiù, e questa volta mi assicurò ch non vi perdiate.
Young Applejack: Well, you're in luck, 'cause it's, it's right over here, and this time I'll make sure you don't get lost.

Che diamine-
Young Applejack: What in dadgum—

Che c’è adesso?
Spoiled Milk: What now?

Lui- voglio dire, lei era proprio qui! Oh no. Dobbiamo andare!
Young Applejack: He- I mean, she was right here! Oh no. We gotta go!

è-è Granny Smith quella?
Spoiled Milk: I-Is that Granny Smith?

Dove la stanno portando?
Filthy Rich: Where are they takin' her?

Voi due, non perdete quella barella! Granny, che cosa stai facendo? Dovresti restare li!
Young Applejack: You two, don't lose that gurney! [hushed] Granny, what are you doin'? You're supposed to stay there!

Era un ripostiglio!
Granny Smith: It was a supply closet!

Oh, uh, beh ok, vieni con me, ma fai silenzio! Sai, risparmia la voce per la grande presentazione!
Young Applejack: Oh, uh, well okay, come with me, but be quiet! You know, save your voice for the big presentation!

M-m-mi dispiace, ma non può avvicinarsi di più senza un camice ed una maschera.
Masked Pony: I-I-II'm sorry, but you can't get any closer without a gown and mask.

Ma-ma-ma-ma quello laggiù è mio fratello!
Young Applejack: But-but-but-but that's my brother on there!

Non si preoccupi, questo è il nostro miglior dottore. Riavrà suo fratello di nuovo in piedi in men che non si dica.
Masked Pony: Don't worry, this is our best doctor. She'll have your brother back on his hooves in no time.
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Re: [Coordinamento] 6x23 - Where The Apple Lies

Messaggioda Clessidrus » 08/10/2016, 22:55

Finita la mia parte. E' stata molto dura a causa del dialetto Applellese di questo episodio XD , se ho fatto degli gravi errori perdonatemi.

Codice: Seleziona tutto
Eh, riguardo al sidro, Rich....
Young Applejack: Uh, about the cider, Rich...

Date un'occhiata a quello che ho fatto ieri sera dopo che abbiamo fatto il nostro affare!
Filthy Rich: Take a look at what I did last night after we made our deal!

Whoo!Ha!Piuttosto grande, eh?
Filthy Rich: Whoo! Ha! Pretty great, huh?

Il fatto è che io non credo di riuscire a darvelo.
Young Applejack: The thing is, I-I don't think I can get you any.

Cosa?Beh, ho fatto tutto questo lavoro come avevi detto tu! Ci siamo stretti lo zoccolo e tutto!
Filthy Rich: What? Well, I did all this work on your say-so! We shook hooves and everything!

Beh, vede, al Sweet Apple Acres, noi puntiamo sempre sulla qualità, e mentre i vostri barattoli----
Young Big McIntosh: Well, you see, at Sweet Apple Acres, we've always been about quality, an' while your basic jam jar'll keep—

In più è stata una vendemmia difficile quest'anno, con tutti questi batteri.
Young Applejack: Plus it's been a tough harvest this year, what with all the blight.

Gah! A me sembra che voi state cercando di trovare delle scuse! Ogni volta che il nonno trattata con Granny Smith, lei mantenva la sua parola! Se non è possibile farlo, allora forse le nostre famiglie dovrebbero smettere di fare affari insieme! Del tutto!
Filthy Rich: Gah! Sounds to me like you're tryin' to make excuses! Whenever Granddad dealt with Granny Smith, she kept her word! If you can't do that, then maybe our families should stop doin' business together! Altogether!

Adesso,adesso, la cosa è, Rich, non dipende da noi. Vedete, Granny è--
Young Big McIntosh: Now, now, the thing is, Rich, it ain't really up to us. Y'see, Granny's—

Young Applejack: Uh, sick!

Cosa, Granny è malata? Non ne avevo idea.
Filthy Rich: Wait, Granny's sick? I had no idea.

Eh....già. Nessuno ne aveva.
Young Big McIntosh: Ee... yeah. Nopony did.

Uh, quello che voleva dire Big Mac è che, uh, stiamo cercando di tenerlo segreto. Non vogliamo che la gente prenda decisioni affrettate nel fare affari con Sweet Apple Acres solo perché siamo, eh, a corti di zoccoli al momento.
Young Applejack: Uh, what Big Mac means is, uh, we've been tryin' to keep it quiet. Don't want people to make rash decisions about doin' business with Sweet Apple Acres just because we're, uh, a little short-hooved at the moment.

Oh cielo! Certo, certo! Sono così dispiaciuto. Per favore fatemi sapere se c'è qualcosa che posso fare.
Filthy Rich: Oh, my! O-Of course, of course! I am so sorry. Please let me know if there's anything I can do.

Molto apprezzato. Ma in questo momento, noi-noi chiediamo solo la vostra comprensione in questo momento difficile.
Young Applejack: Much appreciated. But right now, we-we only ask for your understanding during this difficult time.

Filthy Rich: Mm-hmm.

Dovevi dire Rich la semplice verità! Ma invece, hai peggiorato le cose con una gigantesca bugia!
Young Big McIntosh: You were s'posed to tell Rich the simple truth! But instead, you made things worse with a giant lie!

C-C-Cosa avrei dovuto fare? Hai sentito Rich. Se gli avessi detto la verità, avrebbe fermato gli affari con noi del tutto.
Young Applejack: W-W-What was I supposed to do? You heard Rich. If I told him the truth, he was gonna stop doin' business with us altogether.

Sì, ma questo è solo perché io ... io-io-ho dimenticato di chiedere se abbiamo avena sbriciolata per questa deliziosa insalata, Granny
Young Big McIntosh: Yeah, but that's only because I... I-I-I forgot to ask if we had any oat crumbles for this delicious-lookin' salad, Granny.

Sì, vado a dare un occhiata.
Granny Smith: [grunts] Yeah, I'll go take a look.

Questo è solo perché hai fatto promesse che non puoi mantenere! Ma ci poteva essere un modo migliore per uscire da questa situazione che inventarsi una storia sul fatto che Granny fosse malata!
Young Big McIntosh: That was only because you made promises you couldn't keep! But there's gotta be a better way out of this mess than by makin' up some story about Granny bein' sick!

Beh, ha funzionato, dico bene?
Young Applejack: Well, it worked, didn't it?

Siamo spiacenti di passare senza preavviso. Volevamo solo passare per augurare a Granny una pronta guarigione.
Filthy Rich: Sorry to drop by unannounced. We just wanted to come by to wish Granny a speedy recovery.

Vedi, sorella! Il nostro buon amico, il signor Rich e la sua fidanzata ... sono qui. Oh, e hanno portato dei fiori! Per Granny! In quanto lei è malata! Come hai detto tu. Non è dolce?
Young Big McIntosh: Look, sis! Our good friend, Mr. Rich and his fiancée... are here. Oh, and they brought flowers! For Granny! On accounta she is sick! Like you said. Ain't that sweet?

Eh, scusatemi un secondo.
Young Applejack: Uh, excuse me one second.

Perbacco, ma che diavolo?
Granny Smith: Golly, what in tarnation?

Oh, m-mi dispiace, Granny. I-Io non ti avevo vista.
Young Applejack Oh, I-I'm sorry, Granny. I-I didn't see ya there.

Ti sei fiondata così in fretta, che era impossibile che tu potessi vedere qualcosa
Granny Smith: Ya came blastin' in so fast, t'weren't possible to see nothin'!

Potresti andare al fienile? Io, eh, penso che potrei aver lasciato un nebulizzatore anti-batterico nel frutteto.
Young Applejack: Can you go out to the barn? I, uh, I think I might've left a blight sprayer in the orchard.

Sei fuori di testa dalla raccolta di mele?! E' ora di cena, ragazza!
Granny Smith: Are you outta yer apple-pickin' mind?! It's suppertime, girl!

Lo so, ma, uh, se ci siamo dimenticati di un nebulizzatore, voglio farlo prima che faccia buio. Tu inizia a contare, e-e io dirò a Big Mac che torneremo subito, va bene?
Young Applejack: I know, but, uh, if we forgot a sprayer, I wanna get it before dark. You go start countin', an—an' I'll tell Big Mac we'll be right back, okay?

....perciò da quel momento in poi, mi sono riferito a me stesso come Grande o Large o ...
Young Big McIntosh: ...so from that moment on, I took to referrin' to myself as Big or Largo or...

Oh,Applejack! Tuo fratello ci stava spiegando perché indossa sempre il suo giogo.
Filthy Rich: Oh, Applejack! Your brother was just explainin' why he always wears his yoke.

Anche se gli avevamo chiesto cose stava facendo vostra nonna!
Spoiled Milk: Even though we asked him how your grandmare is doing!
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Re: [Coordinamento] 6x23 - Where The Apple Lies

Messaggioda Midnight Specter » 09/10/2016, 2:57

Codice: Seleziona tutto
Il batterio delle mele è una malattia seria!
Granny Smith: Now apple blight is a serious disease!

Ha forse detto... batterio delle mele?
Masked Pony: [splutters] Did she say... apple blight?

Penso abbia detto (?).
Masked Nurse: I think she said "gasket mites".

E quando il tronco diventa rosso, come qui, l'unica cosa rimasta da fare è potare i rami.
Granny Smith: And once the trunk turns red, like this, the only thing to do is prune the branches.

Oh no! Granny!
Filthy Rich: [gasps] Oh no! Granny!

Ha forse detto... "potare i rami"?
Masked Nurse: Did you say..."'prune them branches"?

Bè, certo! Cosa altro si potrebbe fare con i batteri arrivati a questo stadio?
Granny Smith: Well, sure! What else you gonna do once the blight gets this bad?

Fermatevi tutti! Questo è solo un grande fraintendimento! In realtà piú una grande bugia.
Young Applejack: Everypony just stop! This is all a big misunderstandin'! Actually... it's a big lie.

Big Mac?!
Granny Smith: Big Mac?!

Granny Smith?! Che sta succedendo qui, Applejack?!
Filthy Rich: Granny Smith?! What is goin' on here, Applejack?!

Questa è proprio un'ottima domanda.
Granny Smith: That is a darn good question.

Non sono sicura se fossi preoccupata che nessuno mi ascoltasse, o solo nervosa per il fatto che non sarei stata io a mandare avanti la fattoria, ma... ho promesso a Filthy Rich qualcosa che non ho potuto mantere...  ed ero troppo imbarazzata per ammetterlo.
Young Applejack: [sighs] I'm not sure if I was worried that nopony was listenin' to my ideas, or just nervous that I wouldn't be the one to end up runnin' the farm, but... I promised somethin' to Filthy Rich that I couldn't deliver... and I was too embarrassed to admit it.

Quindi Granny non è mai stata malata?
Filthy Rich: So Granny was never sick?

E nessun pony ha mai avuto il batterio delle mele?
Granny Smith: And there ain't no apple blight in ponies?

Ehh no
Young Big McIntosh: Nnope.

Quelle erano tutte bugie. Ed ho pensato che se tu l'avessi scoperto, avresti smesso di fare affari con la fattoria, quindi ho continuato a dirne altre.
Young Applejack: Those were all lies. A-and I thought if you found out, you'd stop doin' business with the farm, so I just kept tellin' more.

Quindi lei non è un dottore?
Masked Pony: So she's not a doctor.

Perfavore, non fare soffrire Granny e la fattoria per ció che ho fatto! È stata soltanto colpa mia.
Young Applejack: Please don't make Granny and the farm suffer for what I did! This whole thing is myfault.

Questo... non è completamente vero. Magari se avessi prestato piú attenzione a quello che dicevi al posto di parlare tutto il tempo, nulla di tutto ció sarebbe accaduto. Ho solo bisogno di... parlare meno, ed ascoltare di piú. Specialmente con te.
Young Big McIntosh: That's... not entirely true. Maybe if I paid more attention to what you had to say instead of talkin' all the time, none'a this would've happened in the first place. I just need to... talk less, and listen more. Especially to you.

Grazie, fratellone. E sia che saró io a portare avanti la fattoria, o tu, sapró che sarà sempre in buoni zoccoli.
Young Applejack: [sighs] Thanks, big brother. And whether it's me runnin' Sweet Apple Acres or you, I know it'll be in good hooves.

Bè, questo è dolce, ma non ho idea di che diavolo voi due stiate parlando! Io non me ne andró da nessuna parte per ancora un bel pó di tempo! "Mandare avanti la fattoria", non dopo ció che avete combinato! Non di certo! E tu non farti strane idee sul tagliare i rapporti con Sweet Apple Acres, o io andró dritta dal tuo nonnino. Mi hai capita?
Granny Smith: Well that's nice, but I don't know what in blazes you two are talkin' about! I ain't goin' anywhere anytime soon! "Running the farm," not after this display! Not likely! And don't you go gettin' any ideas about cuttin' ties with Sweet Apple Acres, or I'm goin' right to your grandpappy. Get me?

Um, sissignora.
Filthy Rich: [stutters] Um, yes ma'am.

Allora, chi vuole ascoltare ancora qualcosa sul batterio delle mele? Ok, quando ero una puledrina...
Granny Smith: Now, who here still wants to hear about apple blight? Now, when I was a filly...

Non posso credere che tu abbia detto tutte queste bugie!
Apple Bloom: I can't believe you told all those lies!

Non è una storia di cui sono orgogliosa, ma mi ha insegnato una lezione di vita sull'essere onesti. Spero abbia imparato qualcosa pure tu.
Applejack: It's not a story I'm proud of, but it taught me a lifelong lesson about bein' honest. I hope you learned somethin', too.

Certamente. Ho imparato che nessuno nasce perfetto, e che a volte dovrai commettere degli errori per capire chi sei veramente.
Apple Bloom: I sure did. I learned that nopony starts out perfect and sometimes you gotta make a few mistakes to figure out who you are.

Big McIntosh: Eeyup.

Ma penso che la cosa piú importante che io abbia imparato sia stata chi manda avanti Sweet Apple Acres.
Apple Bloom: But I think the most important thing I learned is who really runs Sweet Apple Acres.

Applejack, Apple Bloom and Big McIntosh: Granny!

Ci puoi scommettere! E adesso smettetela di oziare e tornate al lavoro! Subito dopo un bel bicchiere di sidro.
Granny Smith: You're darn tootin'! Now everypony quit your lollgaggery and get back to work! Right after we have a glass of cider.

[Edit] P.s. ci ho provato, ma non sono davvero riuscito a capire come tradurre "gasket mites", le due parole insieme non hanno senso (parassiti della guarnizione? Boh).
Ultima modifica di Midnight Specter il 09/10/2016, 13:55, modificato 1 volta in totale.
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Re: [Coordinamento] 6x23 - Where The Apple Lies

Messaggioda Thunder Jolt » 09/10/2016, 11:47

Codice: Seleziona tutto
Suvvia, tesoro, sii carina. La Sweet Apple Acres fa la marmellata di zap apple. È uno dei prodotti più venduti di mio padre.
Filthy Rich: [chuckles] Oh, now, dear, be nice. Sweet Apple Acres makes zap apple jam. It's one of Dad's best-sellers.

Vuoi dire uno dei tuoi prodotti più venduti. Il mio fantastico futuro marito gestisca gli affari della famiglia Rich adesso. Lo sapevate?  Ora, ora lo sapete.
Spoiled Milk: You mean one of your best-sellers. [to AJ and Big Mac] My amazing husband-to-be is running the Rich family business now. Did you know that? Well, now you do.

Oh, la mia Spoiled Milk. È fiera di me. Eppure ha ragione. Adesso sono io a capo dell’attività e sono così pieno di idee che voglio provare.
Filthy Rich: [chuckles] Oh, my Spoiled Milk. She's just proud of me. Uh, but she's right. I'm in charge of the store now, and I'm just burstin' with ideas I wanna try.

Young Applejack: Like what?

Beh, che ne pensate di questo? La stagione del sidro è dietro l’angolo. Perché non lasciate che sia io a venderlo per voi?
Filthy Rich: Well, how 'bout this? Cider season's around the corner. Why not let me sell it for ya?

È un’idea interessante.
Young Applejack: That is an interestin' idea.

Beh, forse è interessante e forse no. Ma di certo non è un’idea innovativa. Granny Smith ci ha detto che suo nonno, Stinkin’ Rich, era solito chiederle ogni anno di poter vendere il nostro sidro nel suo emporio e Granny gli ripeteva ogni anno della tradizione dei pony di Ponyville in fila davanti alla Sweet Apple Acres.
Young Big McIntosh: Well, maybe it's interestin' an' maybe it ain't. But it's definitely not a new idea. Granny Smith told us your grandpa, Stinkin' Rich, used to ask her every year if he could sell our cider in your store, and Granny told him every year about the tradition of everypony in Ponyville linin' up out at Sweet Apple Acres.

Allora iniziamo una nuova tradizione. Un giorno, uno di voi erediterà la fattoria proprio come io ho fatto con l’emporio. Credo che sarà quello con le idee migliori.
Filthy Rich: So start a new tradition. Some day, one o' y'all will take over the farm just like I've taken over the store. I'm guessin' it'll the one with the best ideas.

Beh, allora come ho detto più di una volta sinora, le idee sono tutte cose buone e giuste, ma non si può arare un campo-
Young Big McIntosh: Well, now, as I've said many a time before, ideas are all well an' good, but you can't plow a field—

Sa una cosa? Che ne dice se le dessimo tre barili di sidro in anticipo e, se vende bene, ci accorderemo per il resto?
Young Applejack: Ya know what? How 'bout we give you three barrels of cider early an' if it sells well, we'll make a deal for the rest.

Ehilà! Perfetto! Andiamo, tesoro. Devo preparare ogno cosa per bene.
Filthy Rich: Uh, hey, now! Perfect! Come on, honey. I've gotta get everything ready.

Oh sì! Te lo dico io, se il future comporta me che gestisco la Sweet Apple Acres e te che stai in silenzio, non posso aspettare!
Young Applejack: Hoo-wee! I tell ya, if the future means me runnin' Sweet Apple Acres and you bein' quiet, I can't wait!

Non posso credere che hai fatto un accord con Filthy Rich senza neanche dirlo a Granny!
Young Big McIntosh: I just can't believe you'd make a deal with Filthy Rich without even talkin' to Granny!

Bah, Granny adorer l’idea. E poi deciderà che sarà io quella ad ereditare la fattoria. Vedrai.
Young Applejack: Aw, Granny will love the idea. And then she'll decide I'm the one to take over the farm. You'll see.

Vedere cosa?
Granny Smith: See what?

Applejack qui ha avuto un’altra della sue “brillanti idee”, e penso che sappiamo tutti la mia opinione sulle buone idee. Non si può-
Young Big McIntosh: Applejack here had another one of her "big ideas", and I think we all know my position on good ideas. You can't—

… Arare con esse.
Granny Smith and Young Applejack: ...can't plow with 'em.

Ee… esatto.
Young Big McIntosh: Ee... right.

Brillante idea, eh?
Granny Smith: Big idear, hmmm?

A dire il vero, è più un’opportunità. Vedi, siamo incappati in Filthy Rich giù in città. Sapevi che ora è lui a capo dell’emporio di famiglia?
Young Applejack: Actually, more of an opportunity. Y'see, we ran into Filthy Rich in town. Did ya know he's runnin' the family store now?

E cosa significa questa “opportunità” qui per la Sweet Apple Acres?
Granny Smith: And what does this here "opportunity" mean fer Sweet Apple Acres?

Beh, dato che la stagione del sidro è ormai alle porte, lui… o… volevo dire io… ho pensato che sarebbe una buona idea dargli alcuni barili di sidro, così da venderli prima che la stagione inizi.
Young Applejack: Well, uh, since cider season is almost here, he—or, I-I mean I—thought it'd be a good idea to give him a few barrels of cider to sell at the store before the season starts.

Oh, è tutto qui? Assolutamente no!!!
Granny Smith: Oh, is that all? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!

Ma Granny, perché non possiamo vendere in anticipo un paio di barili a Filithy Rich? E che differenza c’è quando davi la marmellata di zap apple al nonno di Filthy per venderla?
 Young Applejack: [scoffs] But, Granny, why can't we sell a few barrels o' cider early to Filthy Rich? An' how is it any different than when you gave zap apple jam to Filthy's grandpappy to sell?

Il sidro e la marmellata non sono la stessa cosa! I barattoli di marmellata di zap apple mantengono il sapore per lune, mentre il sidro inizia ad andare a male nello stesso secondo in cui esce dal torchio. Ecco perché,  ad ogni stagione del sidro, tutta Ponyville si mette in fila di fronte alla Sweet Apple Acres. E chi prima arriva, meglio alloggia!
Granny Smith: Your cider and your jam ain't the same thing! Zap apple jam jars preserve the flavor fer moons, but cider starts to spoil the second it comes out the press. That is why every cider season, all of Ponyville lines up at Sweet Apple Acres. And first come is first served! Hmph!

Capisco quello che dici, Granny. Ma non potresti fare un’eccezione solo per stavolta? L’avrei promesso, diciamo.
Young Applejack: I get what you're sayin', Granny. But couldn't you make an exception just this once? I sort of promised.

No no. Inoltre, fare il sidro è un lavoro senza garanzie e probabilmente non ne avremo molto quest’anno, vista la moria. Mi dispiace, Applejack, ma dovrai rompere la promessa.
Granny Smith: Mm, meh-ehn. Besides, cider-makin' is iffy business, an' we're probably not gonna have a lot this year anyway, what with all the blight. I am sorry, Applejack, but you's just gonna hafta un-promise.

Odio dire “te l’avevo detto”, Applejack, ma-
Young Big McIntosh: I hate to say I told you so, Applejack, but—

Tu ed io sappiamo entrambi che non odi dire nulla!
Young Applejack: You an' I both know you don't hate to say anythin'.

Beh, io ho sempre pensato che la cosa più importante che un pony possa fare è dire esattamente ciò che pensa a chiunque lo ascolti, così che tutti ovunque sappiano sempre ogni cosa pensino, e…
Young Big McIntosh: Well, I've always thought that the most important thing a pony can do is say exactly what's on his mind to anypony who'll listen, so everypony everywhere always knows everythin' they're thinkin', and...

E tu non devi mai ascoltare gli altri.
Young Applejack: And you don't ever have to listen to anypony else.

Young Big McIntosh: What?

Young Applejack: Exactly.

Bene, se non è la mia nuova socia d’affari!
Filthy Rich: Well, if it ain't my new business partner!

Allora, dovrebbe essere tutto a posto. Tuttavia:
1) Zap apples e Sweet Apple Acres. Non so se le abbiamo mai tradotte, né come, fatto sta che ho lasciato l'originale.
2) E bon, non dovrebbero esservi altre cose da segnalare, a parte qualche potenziale errore classico.
We're not acquaintances, we're not friends... we are family!

We're not relatives, we're not even siblings! We are family!
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Thunder Jolt
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