[Coordinamento] S6 E18 - Buckball Season

Area dedicata in cui il gruppo Traduttori CMC-What The Buck! si organizza per il lavoro sugli episodi di FiM e della serie Equestria Girls.

Moderatore: Mindstorm

[Coordinamento] S6 E18 - Buckball Season

Messaggioda Mindstorm » 02/09/2016, 12:01

Le linee guida alla traduzione sono consultabili qui: REGOLAMENTO & LINEE GUIDA TRADUTTORI

Dizionari on-line
WordReference Dizionario Inglese-italiano
Heinle's Newbury House Dictionary of American English Dizionario Americano
Oxford Dictionaries Dizionario Inglese
Urbandictionary Dizionario sullo Slang AngloAmericano
Idioms Yourdictionary Dizionario sui modi di dire AngloAmericani

Tempi di consegna (dall'assegnazione delle parti):
- Traduttori-subber (cioè chi subba direttamente ciò che traduce): 24 ore
- Traduttori: 12 - Max 18 ore
- Subber: fino alle 17 del lunedì successivo alla messa in onda


• Mindstorm


RICORDATE: nello scrivere la traduzione, lo schema è: Traduzione ITA [a capo] Testo ENG

• Mindstorm (+sub)
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Rainbow Dash: Hey, Applejack! Whatcha doin'?
Applejack: Aah! Ooh! Uhh! Well, I was practicin' my distance buckin'.
Rainbow Dash: Uh, distance bucking? What for?
Applejack: Because Cousin Braeburn and the rest of the Apple family in Appleloosa seem to think that their team can beat Ponyville at buckball.
Rainbow Dash: What?! Ha! That's ridiculous! Nopony beats Ponyville! I mean, I could beat the whole town of Appleloosa at buckball with one wing tied behind my back!
Applejack: So I can count on ya to join the Ponyville buckball team?
Rainbow Dash: Oh, yeah! I am so there! I've just got one question.
Rainbow Dash: Uh... what's buckball?
[theme song]
Rainbow Dash: So, basically, buckball is the coolest game ever. Offense, defense, teamwork, nonstop action! It's got it all!
Fluttershy: Wow, Rainbow Dash. You sure seem to know a lot about this game. I've never even heard of... buckball.
Rainbow Dash: Yeah, I'm kind of an expert.
Applejack: An expert who hadn't heard of the game either until I told you.
Rainbow Dash: Well, it's a new game. I probably know more than most ponies, so that makes me an expert.
Pinkie Pie: I don't know anything about it at all. But it sounds like there's a ball and bucking, so I'm betting it's super duper fun!
Applejack: The point is, my cousin, Braeburn, somehow convinced a Pegasus and a unicorn to come play with him on the Appleloosa team, and he can't stop braggin' about how his team is gonna beat ours!
Fluttershy: But, um, we don't have a team.
Rainbow Dash: Well, between Applejack and me, we've got two-thirds of a team. All we need is a unicorn. That's where you two come in.
Pinkie Pie: Uh... they know we're not unicorns, right?
Rainbow Dash: Uh, obviously. You're gonna be on my team and Fluttershy is gonna be on Applejack's team.
Applejack: We'll play against each other along with whatever unicorns wanna try out until we find the best one.
Pinkie Pie: Ohh! Phew! That's a relief because I left my unicorn costume at home!
Applejack: I know a lot of you are here because I told you what an amazin' game buckball is. And even though it's already an Apple family favorite, most o' you probably don't know anything about it, so I thought we'd give you a quick demonstration. The two Earth ponies are on offense. They meet in the middle of the field for the buckoff. They both try to be the first one to kick it.
Rainbow Dash: And the Pegasus is on defense. She tries to keep the ball from going in the goal and passes it back to the Earth pony on her team. Just give it a little kick, Pinkie.
Pinkie Pie: Ohh. I get it.
Applejack: And all the unicorns have to do is float these here baskets around the outside of the field and catch as many balls as possible for their team. You two get the idea?
Pinkie Pie: Absolutely!

• Laurel Crown (+sub)
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Fluttershy: Oh, I don't know. That ball moves pretty fast.
Rainbow Dash: All right. Now let's see which of you has what it takes.
Buckball Unicorn: Um, what do I do?
Rainbow Dash: When the ball comes towards you, catch it.
Applejack: Okay, just try your best, Pinkie. I have been doin' this a lot longer than you.
Applejack: Nice kick.
Applejack: Great save, Fluttershy!
Rainbow Dash: Coming your way, Pinkie!
Pinkie Pie: Somersault kick!
Pinkie Pie: Hey, this game is easy!
Fluttershy: Oh! It actually is kinda fun!
Applejack: Where did Pinkie Pie learn to buck like that?
Rainbow Dash: And Fluttershy's spinning tail catch is pretty amazing.
Applejack: Um... okay. Well, let's see what the rest of you can do.
Applejack: Now don't expect to be able to beat me twice in a row.
Fluttershy: Well, hello there, Mr. Ball. Whee!
Fluttershy: Hurry along, butterflies, before that ball comes and hits you.
Applejack: Nope. Um... okay. Let's see what the rest of you can do.
Rainbow Dash: Nope.
Applejack: Definitely not.
Rainbow Dash: No.
Applejack: Not a chance.
Rainbow Dash: No.
Applejack: Nope.
Rainbow Dash: Aaaand... no.
Rainbow Dash: This didn't go how I thought it would.
Applejack: It sure didn't.
Fluttershy: This game is a whole lot more fun than I thought it would be.
Pinkie Pie: It's exactly as much fun as I thought it would be! A whole bunch!
Carryin' my water
My water, my water
Carryin' my water
On my shoulder pole
Pinkie Pie: Snails! Look out!
Applejack: Amazing!
Snails: You should be more careful with these. You could lose them.
Rainbow Dash: Hey, Snails, can you float one of those baskets over here?
Snails: Hmm? Sure. What do you want me to do with it?
Applejack: Catch!

• Clessidrus
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Snails: Anything else?
Fluttershy: Wow, Snails. You're a natural at buckball.
Pinkie Pie: It's a good thing, too. We were running out of unicorns.
Fluttershy: D'you think you'll be ready to play with Applejack and Rainbow Dash against the Appleloosa team?
Snails: I guess I'll find out. Plus, after I deliver this water, I don't really have anything else to do.
Rainbow Dash: Well, Snails, with you on the team, Ponyville is one step closer to crushing Appleloosa!
Applejack: Huh. And after today, it's pretty clear who the other two players should be.
Fluttershy: W-What do you mean? I thought you and Dash were gonna play.
Pinkie Pie: Yeah! If you're not crushing Appleloosa, who is?
Rainbow Dash: Uh, you two, obviously!
Fluttershy: Um, you want us to play buckball against Appleloosa instead of you?
Pinkie Pie: That's uncredible!
Pinkie Pie: Unbelievable and incredible? [scoffs] Come on!
Applejack: I can't explain it, but you two are really good at this game. And if it means beatin' Appleloosa, I'll give either one of you my spot on the team quicker than Granny Smith can core an apple.
Rainbow Dash: Me. too. I'd normally be so pumped all of Ponyville was counting on me to win, I'd run right over the competition, but you still flew rings around me.
Fluttershy: Oh, I'm sorry. I was just having fun.
Applejack: Well, you can have all the fun you want as long as it's while you're beatin' the hide off of Braeburn's team.
Pinkie Pie: I do like fun!
Fluttershy: Honestly, the game was a little scary at first, but once I got the hang of it, I had a pretty good time.
Pinkie Pie: Let's get this party started!
Applejack: All right. But if we really wanna beat Appleloosa, we're gonna have to get serious.
Fluttershy: Serious?
Pinkie Pie: Serious how?
Applejack: With serious practice!
Fluttershy: [gulps] Wow. This looks pretty intense.
Rainbow Dash: Well, duh! You two are gonna be representing all of Ponyville. And, more importantly, us!
Applejack: That's why, before we leave for Appleloosa tomorrow, you two are gonna practice just as hard as we would.
Rainbow Dash: So let's hop to it! Snails already has a head start on you!
Rainbow Dash: Okay, if you wanna win, you totally gotta get this drill down!
Fluttershy: I-I, I do?
Rainbow Dash: It's all about ball control.
Rainbow Dash: Ready? Go! Come on! Faster! You don't want Ponyville to lose because you can't get into high gear, do you?!
Applejack: All right. Bein' able to buck a ball into a goal from any direction is the most important thing in the game.

• Roxas94
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Pinkie Pie: Eh, if you say so.
Applejack: Keep it up! Just one miss'll ruin the Apple family's buckball reputation forever!
Pinkie Pie: Whoa! What?! [grunts]
Rainbow Dash: Come on! Push! Push! Push!
Applejack: Come on, now! Every shot is for Sweet Apple Acres! And me! And Dash! And all of Ponyville!
Rainbow Dash: Faster!
Applejack: Come on now!
Rainbow Dash: Come on!
Applejack: Keep it up!
Rainbow Dash: Come on!
Applejack: What in the apple happened to those two?
Rainbow Dash: I don't know. They mopped the field with us before.
Applejack: All right! That's it for today, y'all!
Pinkie Pie: I thought practice was s'posed to make us better.
Fluttershy: Maybe we just need a little rest.
Rainbow Dash: Or a whole lot of it.
Applejack: Just be sure to get your heads in the game before tomorrow. All of Ponyville is countin' on a win.
Fluttershy: I really don't want to let Applejack and Rainbow Dash down, or anypony else, but after that practice, I'm not feeling very confident.
Pinkie Pie: Maybe we weren't that bad!
Pinkie Pie: I guess I was hoping you saw something I didn't.
Fluttershy: I know our friends want us to win, but how can the whole town be counting on us if most ponies have never even heard of buckball?
Pinkie Pie: I know! How can we disappoint a pony who doesn't even know we have a team?
Fluttershy: Or that we're gonna play Appleloosa?
Pinkie Pie: Pfft yeah, I don't think we need to worry. I'd be surprised if anypony in this town cares about this game at all.
Crowd: Go Ponyville! Go Ponyville! Win, win, win! Ponyville! Way to go!
Snails: [beat] Whoa. The whole town really seems to care about this game a lot.
Rainbow Dash: Heh, we kinda went around town and talked up the team a little.
Applejack: Yup! We wanted to make sure you two knew that all of Ponyville was behind you!
Pinkie Pie: [nervous] Greaaaaat...
Applejack: I hear the whole town's already plannin' a parade for when you get back after whuppin' Appleloosa! That should feel pretty good!
Fluttershy: It should...?
Rainbow Dash: Totally! Just spend the whole ride to Appleloosa thinking about everypony cheering for the victorious Ponyville buckball team! I bet Princess Celestia even comes to congratulate you! If that doesn't get you in "the zone," I don't know what will!
Fluttershy: I don't know what zone Rainbow Dash is talking about, but I'm pretty sure I don't want to be in it. Do you?

• MC Outlaw
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Rainbow Dash: Hey! You two are supposed to be in the zone!
Pinkie Pie: You see... the thing is... thinking about everypony... thinking about us...! There's just no way to...
Fluttershy: There's no way that we can get in the zone, because the zone sounds like a horrible place! Since we are terrible at buckball, and we are going to lose, and let everypony down, and we don't want to play anymore!
Snails: I'm still okay with playing in case you were worried.
Rainbow Dash: I don't get it. They're naturals! Why wouldn't they want to play anymore?
Applejack: Maybe us telling them how much everypony was countin' on them messed them up somehow.
Rainbow Dash: What?! That's crazy talk! Having ponies depend on you is exactly what you need to focus! And-
Applejack: Get serious and play hard, and-
Rainbow Dash: Get ready to totally smash the competition, and- and... none of that sounds like Pinkie or Fluttershy, does it?
Applejack: Guess not. We got so wrapped up in what's important to us, we went and ruined what was fun about the game for them.
Rainbow Dash: What do we do now?
Rainbow Dash: Pinkie? Fluttershy?
Applejack: We know you're in here! We've looked in every other car on the train!
Fluttershy: Maybe you need to look again!
Pinkie Pie: Yeah! Because... we're totally not in here!
Fluttershy: And, we're definitely not in here, because you're gonna try to make us play against Appleloosa!
Pinkie Pie: Or anypony else!
Fluttershy: Oh... we're sorry to let you down. But it's better to do it now than during the game against Appleloosa.
Rainbow Dash: You don't have to play against Appleloosa.
Fluttershy: We don't?
Applejack: Nope! We're gonna take your place! So you don't have to worry about that at all.
Pinkie Pie: [sighs] Why didn't you say so?
Rainbow Dash: But... We can't take on Braeburn and his team without any practice. So we need you to play just one more time.
Applejack: Against us.
Applejack: Now I know we mixed up the teams before, but since Dash and I really need the practice, we'll play against the two of you.
Fluttershy: Oh, I don't know how much practice you'll get against us, we've been playing just awful.
Rainbow Dash: Don't worry about it. Applejack and I just need a little workout.
Applejack: Yup! You two just do your best.
Pinkie Pie: I can do that!
Fluttershy: Looks like you two really do need practice!
Fluttershy: If you need more practice, we can keep going.
Pinkie Pie: Yeah! I could do this all day!

• TeoWolf82
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Rainbow Dash: No thanks! Playing against you two is just as humiliating now as it was when we weren't trying to show you how awesome you are.
Pinkie Pie: Wait... what?
Snails: Finally!
Applejack: You musta noticed how you aren't bad anymore.
Pinkie Pie: Oh yeah! Weird!
Fluttershy: But, um, why were we so terrible before?
Rainbow Dash: I guess some ponies thrive on pressure, and some ponies don't. And even though we weren't playing, we were treating you like us, which totally stressed you out.
Applejack: And that just sucked the fun right out of the game for you.
Rainbow Dash: And having fun is what makes you really, really, really good!
Fluttershy: But being good doesn't matter if we're too afraid of letting ponies down.
Pinkie Pie: Yeah! What about all those ponies back in Ponyville counting on us to win?
Applejack: I'm sure folks want you to win, but not if worrying about it makes you miserable! Winning's never worth that.
Fluttershy: But how do we keep from worrying about it?
Snails: You could do what I do and not think about it. Seriously. I don't think about anything. Ever.
Pinkie Pie: Hm. Works for me!
Announcer: And with another bouncing goal from Pinkie Pie, the score is tied!
Rainbow Dash: You guys are amazing!
Pinkie Pie: [panting] Braeburn is really good!
Fluttershy: So is that Pegasus. Oh, I don't know if we can win.
Snails: You know what I would do?
Pinkie Pie: Not think about it?
Snails: Not think a- [beat] Oh, yeah. That.
Applejack: Ha, and as long as you're havin' fun, it doesn't matter if you win or not.
Pinkie Pie: I think it's more fun this way!
Announcer: And Pinkie wins the buck-off! But her shot's rejected! Back to Braeburn, whose kick stopped by another Fluttershy save! Next point wins. Lots of tense back and forth here. Fluttershy unleashes the rapid spin move, but Braeburn's there to- no! It's Pinkie with a somersault kick! What a move! And that's the game! Ponyville wins!
Crowd: Ponyville! Ponyville! Ponyville! Ponyville! Ponyville! Ponyville!
Applejack: Huh, looks like you three made quite an impression!
Braeburn: Well, cousin, I have to admit, your Ponyville team played a pretty good game.
Rainbow Dash: Hah, good game? We bucked the hooves right off of you!
Braeburn: Yup, you sure as shootin' did. I'm gonna have to get real serious about a strategy for our rematch.
Fluttershy: Oh, I wouldn't get too serious.
Pinkie Pie: Yeah! Everypony knows the secret to good buckball is just having fun!



• Mindstorm
• TeoWolf82

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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E18 - Buckball Season

Messaggioda Laurel Crown » 02/09/2016, 12:07

Domani sarò a casa quindi traduzione e subbing ^_^
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E18 - Buckball Season

Messaggioda Clessidrus » 02/09/2016, 12:25

Ci sono per la traduzione ^_^
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E18 - Buckball Season

Messaggioda Roxas94 » 02/09/2016, 16:43

Traduzione come sempre
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E18 - Buckball Season

Messaggioda MC Outlaw » 02/09/2016, 20:51

Presente come traduttore, signore!
One Piece of Friendship[My Little Pony X One Piece-Terminata]
Alternative Dimension[My Little Pony post-invasione/apocalisse]
Sunset's Fading [Equestria Girls]
My Little Vault [My Little Pony X Borderlands 2- Solo su EFP]
Fanart di Francy Sunglass
Immagine ~ by Lolly
Immagine ~ by Miri
Immagine ~ by Kage
~ by Otta
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E18 - Buckball Season

Messaggioda TeoWolf82 » 03/09/2016, 11:51

Mi prenoto anch'io per traduzione e revisione.
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E18 - Buckball Season

Messaggioda Roxas94 » 03/09/2016, 23:53

Revisionatori, a voi.
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Eh, se lo dici tu.
Pinkie Pie: Eh, if you say so.

Continua così! Un solo fallimento rovinerebbe la reputazione del buckball degli Apple per sempre!
Applejack: Keep it up! Just one miss'll ruin the Apple family's buckball reputation forever!

Whoa! Cosa?
Pinkie Pie: Whoa! What?! [grunts]

Forza! Vai! Vai! Vai!
Rainbow Dash: Come on! Push! Push! Push!

Forza, adesso! Ogni tiro è per Sweet Apple Acres! E me! E Dash! E tutta Ponyville!
Applejack: Come on, now! Every shot is for Sweet Apple Acres! And me! And Dash! And all of Ponyville!

Più veloce!
Rainbow Dash: Faster!

Forza ora!
Applejack: Come on now!

Rainbow Dash: Come on!

Continua così!
Applejack: Keep it up!

Rainbow Dash: Come on!

Ma che mela è presa a quelle due?
Applejack: What in the apple happened to those two?

Non lo so. Prima ci hanno usato per pulire il campo.
Rainbow Dash: I don't know. They mopped the field with us before.

Va bene! è tutto per oggi!
Applejack: All right! That's it for today, y'all!

Pensavo che l’allenamento dovesse farci sentire meglio.
Pinkie Pie: I thought practice was s'posed to make us better.

Forse dobbiamo solo riposare un po’.
Fluttershy: Maybe we just need a little rest.

O parecchio.
Rainbow Dash: Or a whole lot of it.

Assicuratevi solo di essere concentrate sul gioco entro domani. Tutta Ponyville si aspetta una vittoria.
Applejack: Just be sure to get your heads in the game before tomorrow. All of Ponyville is countin' on a win.

Non voglio deludere Applejack e Rainbow Dash, o qualcun altro, ma dopo quell’allenamento, non sono più così sicura di me stessa.
Fluttershy: I really don't want to let Applejack and Rainbow Dash down, or anypony else, but after that practice, I'm not feeling very confident.

Forse non eravamo così male!
Pinkie Pie: Maybe we weren't that bad!

Suppongo stessi sperando che tu avessi visto qualcosa che io non ho visto.
Pinkie Pie: I guess I was hoping you saw something I didn't.

So che le nostre amiche vogliono che vinciamo, ma come può l’intera città contare su di noi se gran parte dei pony non ha mai sentito parlare del buckball?
Fluttershy: I know our friends want us to win, but how can the whole town be counting on us if most ponies have never even heard of buckball?

Lo so! Come possiamo deludere un pony che non sa nemmeno che abbiamo una squadra?
Pinkie Pie: I know! How can we disappoint a pony who doesn't even know we have a team?

O che giocheremo ad Appleloosa?
Fluttershy: Or that we're gonna play Appleloosa?

Pfft già, non penso dovremmo preoccuparci. Sarei sorpresa se a qualcuno in città importasse qualcosa di questo gioco.
Pinkie Pie: Pfft yeah, I don't think we need to worry. I'd be surprised if anypony in this town cares about this game at all.

Forza Ponyville! Forza Ponyville! Vinci, vinci, vinci! Ponyville! Vai così!
Crowd: Go Ponyville! Go Ponyville! Win, win, win! Ponyville! Way to go!

Whoa. Sembra che alla città interessi molto questo gioco.
Snails: [beat] Whoa. The whole town really seems to care about this game a lot.

Heh, siamo andate in giro e abbiamo parlato un po’ della squadra.
Rainbow Dash: Heh, we kinda went around town and talked up the team a little.

Già! Volevamo assicurarci che voi due sapeste che tutta Ponyville vi supporta!
Applejack: Yup! We wanted to make sure you two knew that all of Ponyville was behind you!

Pinkie Pie: [nervous] Greaaaaat...

Ho sentito dire che la città sta preparando una parata per quando tornerete dopo aver distrutto Appleloosa! Dovrebbe farvi piacere!
Applejack: I hear the whole town's already plannin' a parade for when you get back after whuppin' Appleloosa! That should feel pretty good!

Fluttershy: It should...?

Certamente! Passate il viaggio per Appleloosa pensando a tutti che tifano per la vincente  squadra di buckball di Ponyville! Scommetto che persino Princess Celestia si congratulerà con voi! Se questo non vi fa arrivare nella “zona”, non so cos’altro potrebbe farlo!
Rainbow Dash: Totally! Just spend the whole ride to Appleloosa thinking about everypony cheering for the victorious Ponyville buckball team! I bet Princess Celestia even comes to congratulate you! If that doesn't get you in "the zone," I don't know what will!

Non so di cosa stia parlando Rainbow Dash, ma sono abbastanza sicura di non voler esserci dentro. Tu?
Fluttershy: I don't know what zone Rainbow Dash is talking about, but I'm pretty sure I don't want to be in it. Do you?
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E18 - Buckball Season

Messaggioda Clessidrus » 04/09/2016, 0:19

Parte finita, spero di non aver commesso troppi errori ^_^

Codice: Seleziona tutto
Snails: Anything else?

Fluttershy: Wow, Snails. You're a natural at buckball.
Wow, Snails. Sei un talento a buckball.

Pinkie Pie: It's a good thing, too. We were running out of unicorns.
Ed è pure una bella cosa. Eravamo a corto di unicorni.

Fluttershy: D'you think you'll be ready to play with Applejack and Rainbow Dash against the Appleloosa team?
Pensi che sarai pronto a giocare con Applejack e Rainbow Dash contro la squadra di Appleloosa?

Snails: I guess I'll find out. Plus, after I deliver this water, I don't really have anything else to do.
Credo che lo scoprirò. Inoltre, dopo aver consegnato quest'acqua, non ho davvero nient'altro da fare.

Rainbow Dash: Well, Snails, with you on the team, Ponyville is one step closer to crushing Appleloosa!
Bene, Snails, con te in squadra, Ponyville è un passo più vicino da schiacciare Appleloosa!

Applejack: Huh. And after today, it's pretty clear who the other two players should be.
Già. E dopo oggi, è abbastanza chiaro chi dovranno essere gli altri due giocatori.

Fluttershy: W-What do you mean? I thought you and Dash were gonna play.
I-In che senso? Io pensavo che tu e Dash giocavate.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah! If you're not crushing Appleloosa, who is?
Già! Se voi non schiaccerete Appleloosa, chi?

Rainbow Dash: Uh, you two, obviously!
Beh, voi due, ovviamente!

Fluttershy: Um, you want us to play buckball against Appleloosa instead of you?
Eh, voi volete che noi giocassimo al posto vostro la partita di buckball contro Appleloosa?

Pinkie Pie: That's uncredible!
Questo è inverodibile!

Pinkie Pie: Unbelievable and incredible? [scoffs] Come on!
Inverosimile ed incredibile? Andiamo!

Applejack: I can't explain it, but you two are really good at this game. And if it means beatin' Appleloosa, I'll give either one of you my spot on the team quicker than Granny Smith can core an apple.
Non riesco a spiegarmelo, ma voi due siete davvero brave in questo gioco. E se questo significa battere Appleloosa, darò il mio posto in squadra ad una di voi più veloce di Granny Smith quando raggiunge il centro di una mela.

Rainbow Dash: Me too. I'd normally be so pumped all of Ponyville was counting on me to win, I'd run right over the competition, but you still flew rings around me.
Anche io. Normalmente, se Ponyville contasse su di me per vincere, sarei così gasata che mi fionderei subito sulla competizione, ma tu continueresti a girarmi intorno

Fluttershy: Oh, I'm sorry. I was just having fun.
Oh, mi dispiace. Mi stavo solo divertendo.

Applejack: Well, you can have all the fun you want as long as it's while you're beatin' the hide off of Braeburn's team.
Beh, potete divertirvi quanto volete se nel frattempo fate il contropelo alla squadra di Braeburn.

Pinkie Pie: I do like fun!
Mi piace divertirmi!

Fluttershy: Honestly, the game was a little scary at first, but once I got the hang of it, I had a pretty good time.
Onestamente, all'inizio il gioco era un po spaventoso, ma una volta che ci ho preso la zampa, è stato un divertimento.

Pinkie Pie: Let's get this party started!
Diamo inizio alla festa!

Applejack: All right. But if we really wanna beat Appleloosa, we're gonna have to get serious.
Molto bene. Ma se vogliamo battere Appleloosa, dovremo fare sul serio.

Fluttershy: Serious?
Sul serio?

Pinkie Pie: Serious how?
Sul serio come?

Applejack: With serious practice!
Con allenamenti seri!

Fluttershy: [gulps] Wow. This looks pretty intense.
Wow. Questo sembra molto intenso.

Rainbow Dash: Well, duh! You two are gonna be representing all of Ponyville. And, more importantly, us!
Beh! Voi due state andando a rappresentare tutta Ponyville. E, cosa più importante, noi!

Applejack: That's why, before we leave for Appleloosa tomorrow, you two are gonna practice just as hard as we would.
Ecco perché, prima di partire per Appleloosa domani, voi vi allenerete con lo stesso impegno che noi vorremmo.

Rainbow Dash: So let's hop to it! Snails already has a head start on you!
Mettiamo a lavoro! Snails è già un passo in avanti a voi!

Rainbow Dash: Okay, if you wanna win, you totally gotta get this drill down!
Ok, se tu vuoi vincere, devi completamente andare a fondo!

Fluttershy: I-I, I do?
I-i-io devo?

Rainbow Dash: It's all about ball control.
Sta tutto nel controllo della palla.

Rainbow Dash: Ready? Go! Come on! Faster! You don't want Ponyville to lose because you can't get into high gear, do you?!
Pronta? Vai! Andiamo! Più veloce! Non vuoi che Ponyville perda perché non riesci a dare il massimo, vero?!

Applejack: All right. Bein' able to buck a ball into a goal from any direction is the most important thing in the game.
Molto bene. Essere in grado di sgroppare una palla in un cesto da qualsiasi direzione è la cosa più importante nel gioco.

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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E18 - Buckball Season

Messaggioda MC Outlaw » 04/09/2016, 0:40

Ok, parte consegnata!
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Rainbow Dash: Hey! Voi due dovreste essere nella zona!
Hey! You two are supposed to be in the zone!

Pinkie Pie: Vedete... il fatto è che... pensare a tutti quanti... che pensano a noi...! È solo che non c'è modo di...
You see... the thing is... thinking about everypony... thinking about us...! There's just no way to...

Fluttershy: Non c'è modo per noi di entrare nella zona, perché la zona sembra un posto orribile! Perchè siamo terribili a buckball, e quindi perderemo sicuramente, e quindi deluderemo tutti, e quindi non vogliamo giocare più!
There's no way that we can get in the zone, because the zone sounds like a horrible place! Since we are terrible at buckball, and we are going to lose, and let everypony down, and we don't want to play anymore!

Snails: A me va ancora bene giocare nel caso siate preoccupate.
I'm still okay with playing in case you were worried.

Rainbow Dash: Non capisco. Sono talenti naturali! Perché non vorrebbero più giocare?
I don't get it. They're naturals! Why wouldn't they want to play anymore?

Applejack: Magari dirgli quanto tutti quanti contassero su di loro le ha un po' scombussolate.
Maybe us telling them how much everypony was countin' on them messed them up somehow.

Rainbow Dash: Cosa?! Non diciamo sciocchezze! Avere pony che dipendono da te è esattamente ciò che ti serve per concentrarti! E-
What?! That's crazy talk! Having ponies depend on you is exactly what you need to focus! And-

Applejack: Per essere seri e giocare duro, e-
Get serious and play hard, and-

Rainbow Dash: Per essere pronti a sbaragliare del tutto la gara, e- e... niente di tutto ciò sembra qualcosa da Pinkie o Fluttershy, vero?
Get ready to totally smash the competition, and- and... none of that sounds like Pinkie or Fluttershy, does it?

Applejack: Credo di no. Ci siamo fatte così tanto coinvolgere in ciò che è importante per noi, che abbiamo rovinato ciò che c'era di divertente nel gioco per loro.
Guess not. We got so wrapped up in what's important to us, we went and ruined what was fun about the game for them.

Rainbow Dash: che cosa facciamo adesso?
What do we do now?

Rainbow Dash: Pinkie? Fluttershy?
Pinkie? Fluttershy?

Applejack: Sappiamo che siete qui! Abbiamo già cercato in ogni altra carrozza del treno!
We know you're in here! We've looked in every other car on the train!

Fluttershy: Magari dovreste cercare di nuovo!
Maybe you need to look again!

Pinkie Pie: Già! Perché... noi non siamo assolutamente in questa!
Yeah! Because... we're totally not in here!

Fluttershy: Infatti, non siamo in alcun modo in questa, perché cerchereste di farci giocare contro Appleloosa!
And, we're definitely not in here, because you're gonna try to make us play against Appleloosa!

Pinkie Pie: O contro chiunque altro!
Or anypony else!

Fluttershy: Oh... ci dispiace di avervi deluse. Ma è meglio adesso che durante la partita contro Appleloosa.
Oh... we're sorry to let you down. But it's better to do it now than during the game against Appleloosa.

Rainbow Dash: Non dovrete giocare contro Appleloosa.
You don't have to play against Appleloosa.

Fluttershy: Davvero?
We don't?

Applejack: No! Prenderemo noi il vostro posto! Quindi non c'è bisogno che vi preoccupiate in alcun modo.
Nope! We're gonna take your place! So you don't have to worry about that at all.

Pinkie Pie: Perchè non lo avete detto subito?
[sighs] Why didn't you say so?

Rainbow Dash: Ma... non possiamo sfidare Braeburn e la sua squadra senza un po' di pratica. Quindi abbiamo bisogno che giochiate solo un'altra volta.
But... We can't take on Braeburn and his team without any practice. So we need you to play just one more time.

Applejack: contro di noi.
Against us.

Applejack: So che prima di adesso abbiamo mischiato le squadre, ma dato che io e Dash abbiamo davvero bisogno di fare pratica, giocheremo contro voi due.
Now I know we mixed up the teams before, but since Dash and I really need the practice, we'll play against the two of you.

Fluttershy: Oh, non so quanta pratica possiate fare contro noi due, giochiamo in maniera davvero pessima.
Oh, I don't know how much practice you'll get against us, we've been playing just awful.

Rainbow Dash: Non preoccparti di quello. Applejack ed io abbiamo bisogno solo di un piccolo allenamento
Don't worry about it. Applejack and I just need a little workout.

Applejack: Già! Voi due fate solo del vostro meglio.
Yup! You two just do your best.

Pinkie Pie: Quella posso prenderla!
I can do that!

Fluttershy: Sembra che a voi due serva davvero fare pratica!
Looks like you two really do need practice!

Fluttershy: Se avete bisogno di più pratica, possiamo continuare.
If you need more practice, we can keep going.

Pinkie Pie: Già! Potrei andare avanti tutto il giorno!
Yeah! I could do this all day!
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E18 - Buckball Season

Messaggioda TeoWolf82 » 04/09/2016, 8:39

Ecco la mia parte e le revisioni!

• TeoWolf82:
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Rainbow Dash: No thanks! Playing against you two is just as humiliating now as it was when we weren't trying to show you how awesome you are.
No grazie! Gareggiare contro voi due è tanto umiliante ora tanto quanto lo era quando cercavamo di farvi vedere quanto eravate fantastiche.

Pinkie Pie: Wait... what?
Aspetta… cosa?

Snails: Finally!

Applejack: You musta noticed how you aren't bad anymore.
Dovreste aver notato quanto non siete più un disastro.

Pinkie Pie: Oh yeah! Weird!
Oh già! Strano!

Fluttershy: But, um, why were we so terrible before?
Ma, ehm, perché eravamo cosi terribili prima?

Rainbow Dash: I guess some ponies thrive on pressure, and some ponies don't. And even though we weren't playing, we were treating you like us, which totally stressed you out.
Immagino alcuni pony traggono beneficio ad essere sotto pressione, e altri no. E sebbene non stessimo gareggiando, vi stavamo trattando come noi stesse, il che vi ha totalmente stressate.

Applejack: And that just sucked the fun right out of the game for you.
E quello vi ha sottratto tutto il divertimento per il gioco.

Rainbow Dash: And having fun is what makes you really, really, really good!
E divertirvi è quello che vi rende veramente, veramente, veramente brave!

Fluttershy: But being good doesn't matter if we're too afraid of letting ponies down.
Ma essere brave non ha importanza se siamo troppo spaventate di deludere tutti.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah! What about all those ponies back in Ponyville counting on us to win?
Già! Cosa dire di tutti quei pony a Ponyville che contano su di noi per vincere?

Applejack: I'm sure folks want you to win, but not if worrying about it makes you miserable! Winning's never worth that.
Sono certa che vogliano che vinciate, ma se preoccuparvene vi rende miserabili. Vincere non vale così tanto.

Fluttershy: But how do we keep from worrying about it?
Ma come possiamo evitare di preoccuparci per questo?

Snails: You could do what I do and not think about it. Seriously. I don't think about anything. Ever.
Potete fare come faccio io e non pensarci. Seriamente. Io non penso a nulla. Mai.

Pinkie Pie: Hm. Works for me!
Uhm. Per me funziona!

Announcer: And with another bouncing goal from Pinkie Pie, the score is tied!
E con un altro punto di rimbalzo da Pinkie Pie, il punteggio è in parità!

Rainbow Dash: You guys are amazing!
Ragazze siete incredibili!

Pinkie Pie: [panting] Braeburn is really good!
Braeburn è davvero in gamba!

Fluttershy: So is that Pegasus. Oh, I don't know if we can win.
Cosi come quel pegaso. Oh, non so se riusciremo a vincere.

Snails: You know what I would do?
Sapete cosa farei io?

Pinkie Pie: Not think about it?
Non ci penseresti?

Snails: Not think a- [beat] Oh, yeah. That.
Non ci penser- Oh, già. Quello.

Applejack: Ha, and as long as you're havin' fun, it doesn't matter if you win or not.
Ha, e finché vi continuate a divertire, non importa se vincete o meno.

Pinkie Pie: I think it's more fun this way!
Io penso sia più divertente in questo modo!

Announcer: And Pinkie wins the buck-off! But her shot's rejected! Back to Braeburn, whose kick stopped by another Fluttershy save! Next point wins. Lots of tense back and forth here. Fluttershy unleashes the rapid spin move, but Braeburn's there to- no! It's Pinkie with a somersault kick! What a move! And that's the game! Ponyville wins!
E Pinkie conquista il calcio d’inizio! Ma il suo tiro viene respinto! Passaggio a Braeburn, il cui tiro viene fermato da una parata di Fluttershy! Il prossimo punto è per la vittoria. La tensione è al massimo. Fluttershy esegue una parata in rotazione, ma Braeburn è pr- no! È Pinkie con un tiro in rovesciata! Che colpo! E che partita! Ponyville vince!

Crowd: Ponyville! Ponyville! Ponyville! Ponyville! Ponyville! Ponyville!
Ponyville! Ponyville! Ponyville! Ponyville! Ponyville! Ponyville!

Applejack: Huh, looks like you three made quite an impression!
Eh, sembra che voi tre abbiate fatto proprio una buona impressione!

Braeburn: Well, cousin, I have to admit, your Ponyville team played a pretty good game.
Beh, cugina, devo ammettere che la vostra squadra di Ponyville abbia giocato una bella partita.

Rainbow Dash: Hah, good game? We bucked the hooves right off of you!
Hah, bella partita? Vi abbiamo soffiato la vittoria da sotto gli zoccoli!

Braeburn: Yup, you sure as shootin' did. I'm gonna have to get real serious about a strategy for our rematch.
Già, lo avete proprio fatto. Dovrò mettermi seriamente a studiare una strategia per la rivincita.

Fluttershy: Oh, I wouldn't get too serious.
Oh, non ma prenderei così seriamente.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah! Everypony knows the secret to good buckball is just having fun!
Già! Tutti sanno che il segreto per un buon buckball è di divertirsi!


Codice: Seleziona tutto
Snails: Anything else?

Fluttershy: Wow, Snails. You're a natural at buckball.
Uao, Snails. Sei un talento a buckball.

Pinkie Pie: It's a good thing, too. We were running out of unicorns.
Ed è pure una bella cosa. Eravamo a corto di unicorni.

Fluttershy: D'you think you'll be ready to play with Applejack and Rainbow Dash against the Appleloosa team?
Pensi che sarai pronto a giocare con Applejack e Rainbow Dash contro la squadra di Appleloosa?

Snails: I guess I'll find out. Plus, after I deliver this water, I don't really have anything else to do.
Credo che lo scoprirò. Inoltre, dopo aver consegnato quest'acqua, non ho davvero nient'altro da fare.

Rainbow Dash: Well, Snails, with you on the team, Ponyville is one step closer to crushing Appleloosa!
Bene, Snails, con te in squadra, Ponyville è un passo più vicino da schiacciare Appleloosa!

Applejack: Huh. And after today, it's pretty clear who the other two players should be.
Già. E dopo oggi, è abbastanza chiaro chi dovranno essere le altre due giocatrici.

Fluttershy: W-What do you mean? I thought you and Dash were gonna play.
I-In che senso? Io pensavo che tu e Dash giocavate.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah! If you're not crushing Appleloosa, who is?
Già! Se voi non schiaccerete Appleloosa, chi?

Rainbow Dash: Uh, you two, obviously!
Beh, voi due, ovviamente!

Fluttershy: Um, you want us to play buckball against Appleloosa instead of you?
Eh, voi volete che noi giocassimo al posto vostro la partita di buckball contro Appleloosa?

Pinkie Pie: That's uncredible!
Questo è inverodibile!

Pinkie Pie: Unbelievable and incredible? [scoffs] Come on!
Inverosimile ed incredibile? Andiamo!

Applejack: I can't explain it, but you two are really good at this game. And if it means beatin' Appleloosa, I'll give either one of you my spot on the team quicker than Granny Smith can core an apple.
Non riesco a spiegarmelo, ma voi due siete davvero brave in questo gioco. E se questo significa battere Appleloosa, darò il mio posto in squadra ad una di voi più velocemente di Granny Smith quando sbuccia una mela.

Rainbow Dash: Me too. I'd normally be so pumped all of Ponyville was counting on me to win, I'd run right over the competition, but you still flew rings around me.
Anche io. Normalmente, se Ponyville contasse su di me per vincere, sarei così gasata che mi fionderei subito sulla competizione, ma tu continueresti a girarmi intorno.

Fluttershy: Oh, I'm sorry. I was just having fun.
Oh, mi dispiace. Mi stavo solo divertendo.

Applejack: Well, you can have all the fun you want as long as it's while you're beatin' the hide off of Braeburn's team.
Beh, potete divertirvi quanto volete se nel frattempo fate il contropelo alla squadra di Braeburn.

Pinkie Pie: I do like fun!
Mi piace divertirmi!

Fluttershy: Honestly, the game was a little scary at first, but once I got the hang of it, I had a pretty good time.
Onestamente, all'inizio il gioco era un po’ spaventoso, ma una volta che ci ho preso la zampa, è stato un divertimento.

Pinkie Pie: Let's get this party started!
Diamo inizio alla festa!

Applejack: All right. But if we really wanna beat Appleloosa, we're gonna have to get serious.
Molto bene. Ma se vogliamo battere Appleloosa, dovremo fare sul serio.

Fluttershy: Serious?
Sul serio?

Pinkie Pie: Serious how?
Sul serio come?

Applejack: With serious practice!
Con allenamenti seri!

Fluttershy: [gulps] Wow. This looks pretty intense.
Wow. Questo sembra molto intenso.

Rainbow Dash: Well, duh! You two are gonna be representing all of Ponyville. And, more importantly, us!
Beh! Voi due state andando a rappresentare tutta Ponyville. E, cosa più importante, noi!

Applejack: That's why, before we leave for Appleloosa tomorrow, you two are gonna practice just as hard as we would.
Ecco perché, prima di partire per Appleloosa domani, voi vi allenerete con lo stesso impegno che ci metteremmo.

Rainbow Dash: So let's hop to it! Snails already has a head start on you!
Mettiamoci al lavoro! Snails è già un passo in avanti a voi!

Rainbow Dash: Okay, if you wanna win, you totally gotta get this drill down!
Ok, se tu vuoi vincere, devi completamente andare a fondo!

Fluttershy: I-I, I do?
I-i-io devo?

Rainbow Dash: It's all about ball control.
Sta tutto nel controllo della palla.

Rainbow Dash: Ready? Go! Come on! Faster! You don't want Ponyville to lose because you can't get into high gear, do you?!
Pronta? Vai! Andiamo! Più veloce! Non vuoi che Ponyville perda perché non riesci a dare il massimo, vero?!

Applejack: All right. Bein' able to buck a ball into a goal from any direction is the most important thing in the game.
Molto bene. Essere in grado di sgroppare una palla in un cesto da qualsiasi direzione è la cosa più importante nel gioco.


Codice: Seleziona tutto
Eh, se lo dici tu.
Pinkie Pie: Eh, if you say so.

Continua così! Un solo fallimento rovinerebbe la reputazione del buckball degli Apple per sempre!
Applejack: Keep it up! Just one miss'll ruin the Apple family's buckball reputation forever!

Whoa! Cosa?
Pinkie Pie: Whoa! What?! [grunts]

Forza! Vai! Vai! Vai!
Rainbow Dash: Come on! Push! Push! Push!

Forza, adesso! Ogni tiro è per Sweet Apple Acres! E me! E Dash! E tutta Ponyville!
Applejack: Come on, now! Every shot is for Sweet Apple Acres! And me! And Dash! And all of Ponyville!

Più veloce!
Rainbow Dash: Faster!

Forza ora!
Applejack: Come on now!

Rainbow Dash: Come on!

Continua così!
Applejack: Keep it up!

Rainbow Dash: Come on!

Ma che mela è presa a quelle due?
Applejack: What in the apple happened to those two?

Non lo so. Prima ci hanno usato per pulire il campo.
Rainbow Dash: I don't know. They mopped the field with us before.

Va bene! è tutto per oggi!
Applejack: All right! That's it for today, y'all!

Pensavo che l’allenamento dovesse farci sentire meglio.
Pinkie Pie: I thought practice was s'posed to make us better.

Forse dobbiamo solo riposare un po’.
Fluttershy: Maybe we just need a little rest.

O parecchio.
Rainbow Dash: Or a whole lot of it.

Assicuratevi solo di essere concentrate sul gioco entro domani. Tutta Ponyville si aspetta una vittoria.
Applejack: Just be sure to get your heads in the game before tomorrow. All of Ponyville is countin' on a win.

Non voglio deludere Applejack e Rainbow Dash, o qualcun altro, ma dopo quell’allenamento, non sono più così sicura di me stessa.
Fluttershy: I really don't want to let Applejack and Rainbow Dash down, or anypony else, but after that practice, I'm not feeling very confident.

Forse non eravamo così male!
Pinkie Pie: Maybe we weren't that bad!

Suppongo stessi sperando che tu avessi visto qualcosa che io non ho visto.
Pinkie Pie: I guess I was hoping you saw something I didn't.

So che le nostre amiche vogliono che vinciamo, ma come può l’intera città contare su di noi se gran parte dei pony non ha mai sentito parlare del buckball?
Fluttershy: I know our friends want us to win, but how can the whole town be counting on us if most ponies have never even heard of buckball?

Lo so! Come possiamo deludere un pony che non sa nemmeno che abbiamo una squadra?
Pinkie Pie: I know! How can we disappoint a pony who doesn't even know we have a team?

O che giocheremo ad Appleloosa?
Fluttershy: Or that we're gonna play Appleloosa?

Pfft già, non penso dovremmo preoccuparci. Sarei sorpresa se a qualcuno in città importasse qualcosa di questo gioco.
Pinkie Pie: Pfft yeah, I don't think we need to worry. I'd be surprised if anypony in this town cares about this game at all.

Forza Ponyville! Forza Ponyville! Vinci, vinci, vinci! Ponyville! Vai così!
Crowd: Go Ponyville! Go Ponyville! Win, win, win! Ponyville! Way to go!

Whoa. Sembra che alla città interessi molto questo gioco.
Snails: [beat] Whoa. The whole town really seems to care about this game a lot.

Heh, siamo andate in giro e abbiamo parlato un po’ della squadra.
Rainbow Dash: Heh, we kinda went around town and talked up the team a little.

Già! Volevamo assicurarci che voi due sapeste che tutta Ponyville vi supporta!
Applejack: Yup! We wanted to make sure you two knew that all of Ponyville was behind you!

Pinkie Pie: [nervous] Greaaaaat...

Ho sentito dire che la città sta preparando una parata per quando tornerete dopo aver distrutto Appleloosa! Dovrebbe farvi piacere!
Applejack: I hear the whole town's already plannin' a parade for when you get back after whuppin' Appleloosa! That should feel pretty good!

Fluttershy: It should...?

Certamente! Passate il viaggio per Appleloosa pensando a tutti che tifano per la vincente  squadra di buckball di Ponyville! Scommetto che persino Princess Celestia si congratulerà con voi! Se questo non vi fa arrivare nella “zona”, non so cos’altro potrebbe farlo!
Rainbow Dash: Totally! Just spend the whole ride to Appleloosa thinking about everypony cheering for the victorious Ponyville buckball team! I bet Princess Celestia even comes to congratulate you! If that doesn't get you in "the zone," I don't know what will!

Non so di cosa stia parlando Rainbow Dash, ma sono abbastanza sicura di non voler esserci dentro. Tu?
Fluttershy: I don't know what zone Rainbow Dash is talking about, but I'm pretty sure I don't want to be in it. Do you?

MC Outlaw

Codice: Seleziona tutto
Rainbow Dash: Hey! Voi due dovreste essere nella zona!
Hey! You two are supposed to be in the zone!

Pinkie Pie: Vedete... il fatto è che... pensare a tutti quanti... che pensano a noi...! È solo che non c'è modo di...
You see... the thing is... thinking about everypony... thinking about us...! There's just no way to...

Fluttershy: Non c'è modo per noi di entrare nella zona, perché la zona sembra un posto orribile! Perché siamo terribili a buckball, e quindi perderemo sicuramente, e quindi deluderemo tutti, e quindi non vogliamo giocare più!
There's no way that we can get in the zone, because the zone sounds like a horrible place! Since we are terrible at buckball, and we are going to lose, and let everypony down, and we don't want to play anymore!

Snails: A me va ancora bene giocare nel caso siate preoccupate.
I'm still okay with playing in case you were worried.

Rainbow Dash: Non capisco. Sono talenti naturali! Perché non vorrebbero più giocare?
I don't get it. They're naturals! Why wouldn't they want to play anymore?

Applejack: Magari dirgli quanto tutti quanti contassero su di loro le ha un po' scombussolate.
Maybe us telling them how much everypony was countin' on them messed them up somehow.

Rainbow Dash: Cosa?! Non diciamo sciocchezze! Avere pony che dipendono da te è esattamente ciò che ti serve per concentrarti! E-
What?! That's crazy talk! Having ponies depend on you is exactly what you need to focus! And-

Applejack: Per essere seri e giocare duro, e-
Get serious and play hard, and-

Rainbow Dash: Per essere pronti a sbaragliare del tutto la gara, e- e... niente di tutto ciò sembra qualcosa da Pinkie o Fluttershy, vero?
Get ready to totally smash the competition, and- and... none of that sounds like Pinkie or Fluttershy, does it?

Applejack: Credo di no. Ci siamo fatte così tanto coinvolgere in ciò che è importante per noi, che abbiamo rovinato ciò che c'era di divertente nel gioco per loro.
Guess not. We got so wrapped up in what's important to us, we went and ruined what was fun about the game for them.

Rainbow Dash: che cosa facciamo adesso?
What do we do now?

Rainbow Dash: Pinkie? Fluttershy?
Pinkie? Fluttershy?

Applejack: Sappiamo che siete qui! Abbiamo già cercato in ogni altra carrozza del treno!
We know you're in here! We've looked in every other car on the train!

Fluttershy: Magari dovreste cercare di nuovo!
Maybe you need to look again!

Pinkie Pie: Già! Perché... noi non siamo assolutamente in questa!
Yeah! Because... we're totally not in here!

Fluttershy: Infatti, non siamo in alcun modo in questa, perché cerchereste di farci giocare contro Appleloosa!
And, we're definitely not in here, because you're gonna try to make us play against Appleloosa!

Pinkie Pie: O contro chiunque altro!
Or anypony else!

Fluttershy: Oh... ci dispiace di avervi deluse. Ma è meglio adesso che durante la partita contro Appleloosa.
Oh... we're sorry to let you down. But it's better to do it now than during the game against Appleloosa.

Rainbow Dash: Non dovrete giocare contro Appleloosa.
You don't have to play against Appleloosa.

Fluttershy: Davvero?
We don't?

Applejack: No! Prenderemo noi il vostro posto! Quindi non c'è bisogno che vi preoccupiate in alcun modo.
Nope! We're gonna take your place! So you don't have to worry about that at all.

Pinkie Pie: Perchè non lo avete detto subito?
[sighs] Why didn't you say so?

Rainbow Dash: Ma... non possiamo sfidare Braeburn e la sua squadra senza un po' di esercizio. Quindi abbiamo bisogno che giochiate solo un'altra volta.
But... We can't take on Braeburn and his team without any practice. So we need you to play just one more time.

Applejack: contro di noi.
Against us.

Applejack: So che prima di adesso abbiamo mischiato le squadre, ma dato che io e Dash abbiamo davvero bisogno di fare pratica, giocheremo contro voi due.
Now I know we mixed up the teams before, but since Dash and I really need the practice, we'll play against the two of you.

Fluttershy: Oh, non so quanta pratica possiate fare contro noi due, giochiamo in maniera davvero pessima.
Oh, I don't know how much practice you'll get against us, we've been playing just awful.

Rainbow Dash: Non preoccparti di quello. Applejack ed io abbiamo bisogno solo di un piccolo allenamento
Don't worry about it. Applejack and I just need a little workout.

Applejack: Già! Voi due fate solo del vostro meglio.
Yup! You two just do your best.

Pinkie Pie: Quella posso prenderla!
I can do that!

Fluttershy: Sembra che a voi due serva davvero fare pratica!
Looks like you two really do need practice!

Fluttershy: Se avete bisogno di più pratica, possiamo continuare.
If you need more practice, we can keep going.

Pinkie Pie: Già! Potrei andare avanti tutto il giorno!
Yeah! I could do this all day!
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Messaggi: 3592
Iscritto il: 05/05/2012, 2:08
Località: Vicenza
Pony preferito: Luna e Applejack
Sesso: Maschio

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