[Coordinamento] S6 E4 - On Your Marks

Area dedicata in cui il gruppo Traduttori CMC-What The Buck! si organizza per il lavoro sugli episodi di FiM e della serie Equestria Girls.

Moderatore: Mindstorm

[Coordinamento] S6 E4 - On Your Marks

Messaggioda Mindstorm » 08/04/2016, 11:16

Questo è il thread dedicato alla traduzione dell'episodio.

Le linee guida alla traduzione sono consultabili qui: REGOLAMENTO & LINEE GUIDA TRADUTTORI

Dizionari on-line
WordReference Dizionario Inglese-italiano
Heinle's Newbury House Dictionary of American English Dizionario Americano
Oxford Dictionaries Dizionario Inglese
Urbandictionary Dizionario sullo Slang AngloAmericano
Idioms Yourdictionary Dizionario sui modi di dire AngloAmericani

Tempi di consegna (dall'assegnazione delle parti):
- Traduttori-subber (cioè chi subba direttamente ciò che traduce): 24 ore
- Traduttori: 12 - Max 18 ore
- Subber: fino alle 17 del lunedì successivo alla messa in onda


• Mindstorm


• Mindstorm (+sub)
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Apple Bloom: Hear ye, hear ye! The first post-cutie mark meetin' of the Cutie Mark Crusaders is now in session!
Sweetie Belle: Oh, I'm sorry, Apple Bloom! I was distracted by the radiance of my cutie mark... Did you say something?
Scootaloo: I mean... it's pretty amazing how the colors just pop off your flank, it's kinda hard to look aw--
Apple Bloom: Look, I know our cutie marks are amazing, but is that all we're gonna do now? Just spend our days starin' down at our own flanks?
Sweetie Belle: [sighs] I guess not.
Scootaloo: Yeah, I suppose that could get real boring...
Apple Bloom: Yeah... This is ridiculous! We need to go out and do somethin'!
Sweetie Belle: Wow, you're right!
Scootaloo: Yeah, we need to go try new stuff like we used to!
Apple Bloom: Exactly.
Sweetie Belle: Like square dancing!
Scootaloo: Or mountain climbing!
Apple Bloom: Or square dancin' on the mountain we just climbed!
Cutie Mark Crusaders: Yeah!
Apple Bloom: And the more things we try, the more chances we'll have to finally get our cutie marks! Come on!
Sweetie Belle: Um... Apple Bloom?
[theme song]
Apple Bloom: Wow... did we really only ever do things just to get our cutie marks?
Sweetie Belle: I don't know... maybe?
Scootaloo: Aw, come on! We did lots of stuff that didn't have anything to do with getting a cutie mark.
Sweetie Belle: Of course we did!
Apple Bloom: Absolutely!
Sweetie Belle: Hm... so now that we don't have to do stuff to get our cutie marks, what is it that the Cutie Mark Crusaders actually do?
Apple Bloom: We do exactly what we got our cutie marks in!
Cutie Mark Crusaders: Helping other ponies!
Scootaloo: Ponies without cutie marks!
Sweetie Belle: Or ponies who've forgotten their special purpose!
Apple Bloom: Exactly! We just have to find ponies who need our help! Come on!
Sweetie Belle: But are you sure you feel content?
Big McIntosh: Eeyup.

• Laurel Crown (+sub)
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Scootaloo: Not even a tinge of dissatisfaction?
Big McIntosh: Nope.
Apple Bloom: Not even the slightest naggin' sensation that you don't really know what your purpose is in life or why you have a big apple as a cutie mark?
Big McIntosh: Nnope.
Apple Bloom: The important thing to remember is that there is no rush.
Scootaloo: The three of us tried for the longest time, but it just comes when it comes!
Sweetie Belle: And it's totally normal to feel confused or maybe even a little lost! But being a blank flank is nothing to be ashamed of.
Scootaloo: So if you're having even the slighest problem...
Sweetie Belle: ...or concerns or questions...
Apple Bloom: We want you to know that we are here to help.
Mrs. Cake: I... don't think they're too worried about it yet.
Apple Bloom: This is gonna be a lot harder than I thought.
Sweetie Belle: Who knew there were so few ponies worried about their cutie marks.
Scootaloo: Kinda makes you wonder why we made such a big deal out of it for so long.
Scootaloo: What?
Apple Bloom: The point is, helpin' ponies with cutie mark problems is what makes us special.
Sweetie Belle: But if we can't find anypony with a problem...
Scootaloo: ...Maybe we're not special.
Bulk Biceps: Yeah! I know exactly what you mean. You can't find a cutie mark problem. I have a cutie mark problem. It's so confusing, and I feel like the solution is staring me right in the muzzle.
Bulk Biceps: What?
Bulk Biceps: I see why you guys hang out here! It's cozy!
Scootaloo: The Crusader Clubhouse is a safe place, Mr., um, Bulk.
Sweetie Belle: A place where we faced all kinds of cutie mark problems!
Apple Bloom: A place where we'll go on to solve even more! Startin' with yours!
Scootaloo: No matter how long it takes!
Sweetie Belle: Or how hard it is!
Apple Bloom: We'll solve it because that's what we do!
Cutie Mark Crusaders: Yeah!
Bulk Biceps: Yeah!
Sweetie Belle: So... what's your cutie mark problem?
Bulk Biceps: Oh, right, uh, well, my cutie mark is a dumbbell, but I've lifted every dumbbell in Ponyville!
Scootaloo: Have you tried lifting other things?

• Quick Fix
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Bulk Biceps: You mean, not dumbbells?
Sweetie Belle: Yeah!
Apple Bloom: Yeah!
Bulk Biceps: Yeah!
Bulk Biceps: Oof! I mean... no. I hadn't thought of that. You guys are awesome!
Bulk Biceps: But... what happens when I run out of other stuff?
Sweetie Belle: ...I guess you could teach other ponies to lift things?
Apple Bloom: Yeah!
Scootaloo: Yeah!
Bulk Biceps: Yeah! Wow, you three really have a knack for this!
Sweetie Belle: That was easy!
Apple Bloom: Maybe too easy.
Scootaloo: What do you mean?
Apple Bloom: Well, it's lookin' like cutie mark problems are few and far between.
Sweetie Belle: And...?
Apple Bloom: And what if we never find another one?
Scootaloo: Well...
Apple Bloom: And even if we do, we could solve it so quickly it'd be like it never happened in the first place!
Sweetie Belle: So...?
Apple Bloom: So... then the Cutie Mark Crusaders don't have any reason to exist!
Sweetie Belle: The problem boils down to this: We don't need to go out and do things anymore to get our cutie marks.
Apple Bloom: Right! And--
Scootaloo: Ponies with cutie mark problems are hard to find.
Apple Bloom: Exactly! But even when we find problems, we're so good at solvin' them that most of the time there's nothin' for the Cutie Mark Crusaders to do! So... I thought we should start figurin' out ways to search all of Equestria for cutie mark problems!
Scootaloo: That kinda seems like a lot.
Sweetie Belle: I don't think Rarity would let me travel to the far reaches of Equestria looking for cutie mark problems.
Scootaloo: Yeah, I'm sure we'll come across them in Ponyville. And when we do, we'll totally solve them, because we are so awesome at it!
Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle: Hoof!
Apple Bloom: But... what do we do until then?
Sweetie Belle: Maybe whatever we want?

• Roxas94
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Apple Bloom: What do you mean?
Sweetie Belle: Well, we used to only do stuff to get our cutie marks or fulfill our destiny, but now we don't have to!
Apple Bloom: So... we can do things just for fun? Are you girls thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?!
Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle: Sure am!
Apple Bloom: Makin' potions!
Scootaloo: Scootering!
Sweetie Belle: Singing!
Scootaloo: Just remember, stomp, kick, and roll! After this, you two are gonna love scootering as much as me!
Apple Bloom: If you say so.
Scootaloo: Ready, stomp, kick, and soar! Whooo!
Apple Bloom: I don't think I did it right.
Sweetie Belle: Do... Mi... So...! It's just a simple harmony!
Scootaloo: Harmony, huh?
Sweetie Belle: And a-one, and a-two, and a-one two three! [on-key] Do...
Apple Bloom: So...!
Scootaloo: Mi! Wow, that was simple!
Apple Bloom: It's just a dash, and a drop, and a drip!
Apple Bloom: Just a dash, and a drop, and a drip!
Apple Bloom: ...and even though Scootaloo thinks bungee jumping is the bee's knees...
Apple Bloom: ...Sweetie Belle would rather keep bees!
Apple Bloom: [spits] Of course, I'm allergic. Who'd've thought it'd be so hard to find somethin' for us all to do together?
Scootaloo: Well, I know this might sound crazy, but what if we didn't?
Apple Bloom: Didn't what?
Scootaloo: Do things together. Well, do everything together.
Apple Bloom: But we're the Cutie Mark Crusaders!
Scootaloo: And we always will be! But I really wanna bungee jump! The speed, the height, the fall!
Sweetie Belle: And I know you two aren't interested, but I wanna try crochet!
Scootaloo: Isn't there something you've always wanted to do on your own?
Apple Bloom: I don't know... I guess I figured we'd always do stuff together. But bungee jumping sounds just as scary as crochet sounds borin'!
Scootaloo: That's okay! Sweetie Belle and I can do the things we like, and you can do whatever you like!
Sweetie Belle: Just as soon as you figure out what it is.
Apple Bloom: I guess...

• Clessidrus
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Scootaloo: Great! Then we can meet back here and talk all about what we've done!
Apple Bloom: But I don't know what it'll be!
Sweetie Belle: You'll find something!
Scootaloo: Something awesome!
Apple Bloom: [sighs] Well... I guess now I have to.

I never imagined myself out on my own
Tryin' to find out what's next for me
The Cutie Mark Crusaders have always been my home
Maybe now there's more that I could be
I guess as time goes by
Everypony has to go out on their own
And maybe someday I'll have to try
Somethin' new that's just for me
A little somethin' that could be
Just my own and I won't feel so left behind
We used to say that we'd be always side by side
Maybe things are changin' and this could mean goodbye
I always thought our friendship was all I'd ever need
We've always been crusadin' – what else is there for me?
I guess as time goes by
Everypony has to go out on their own
And maybe someday I'll have to try
Somethin' new that's just for me
A little somethin' that could be
Just my own and I won't feel so left behind

Hoofer Steps: And one, two, three, four, two, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, two, two, three, four--
Apple Bloom: Whatever kind of dancin' y'all are doin', you're doin' it together, and I want in! I-I mean, uh... Would it be okay if I enrolled in this dance class?
Hoofer Steps: Well, let's see what you can do. We have a recital at town hall tonight, and a spot just opened up! Tender Taps is a little too shy to perform. But if you're ready to step into a partnered routine...
Apple Bloom: That sounds an awful lot like friendship! And I'm ready for anything I don't have to do by myself!
Hoofer Steps: Well then! Dancing with partner will be perfect.
Apple Bloom: Well, I feel like that went pretty good, but let's give it one more whirl, because it's important that I do a good job partnering with my new group of friends!

• TeoWolf82
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Hoofer Steps: Eh, now I think of it, you might be better as soloist.
Hoofer Steps: Uh, partnering is a little advanced for you? But there still lots you can do on your own.
Apple Bloom: I'm sorry, but doin' stuff on my own is exactly what I don't want.
Tender Taps: Sorry it didn't work out.
Apple Bloom: Tryin' different things with my friends is always fun, even when we were terrible. Now it's just terrible.
Tender Taps: You weren't that bad, you just need to learn a few things on your own. Being a soloist can be fun! You just have to do it with feeling!
Apple Bloom: Thanks, but... without my friends, I don't think I'll ever feel again. Good luck at the recital.
Tender Taps: Oh, I'm not gonna do that. I mean, I want to, it's kind of all I think about... I bet some day my cutie mark will even be about performing! But I could never dance in front of an audience the way I do in class. That's t-t-t-t-terrifying!
Apple Bloom: Yeah, okay. Nice meetin' you.
Tender Taps: You too.
Scootaloo: Sweetie Belle! You are not gonna believe this, but I think I like bungee jumping even more than scootering!
Sweetie Belle: Seriously?! That's amazing! Look what I did!
Scootaloo: Wow, uh, that's, um...
Sweetie Belle: Horrible! But it was so much fun! Rarity showed me how, even though she says 'Crochet is knitting's poorer cousin', but I loved it!
Scootaloo: Awesome!
Apple Bloom: Oh, hello, girls. Have fun pursuing your own interests?
Scootaloo: Apple Bloom? What are you doing sitting in the dark?
Sweetie Belle: Yeah, we thought you'd be out looking for things you like to do!
Apple Bloom: I did, I looked all over town! I looked, and I looked, and I looked, and you know what I found? Nothin'!
Scootaloo: You tried every one of these?
Apple Bloom: And each one just made me feel more alone than the next! I don't see how I'm supposed to be happy that we're not hanging out anymore!
Scootaloo: Wait, I never said that! I just said we don't have to do everything together!
Sweetie Belle: Like when there's something one of us wants to do that the others don't!
Apple Bloom: Oh. [beat] Well I guess that changes things.
Scootaloo: I can't believe you thought we didn't want to hang out anymore!
Sweetie Belle: I can't believe you tried all this stuff and didn't find one thing you liked!
Apple Bloom: Well, I kind of liked dancin', mainly because it looked like somethin' you couldn't do alone, but... I wasn't very good at it.

• MCOutlaw
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Sweetie Belle: Well, you don't have to be good at something to have fun!
Scootaloo: And being good doesn't always mean you will.
Apple Bloom: I know... I met the best dancer in the world, but he was so shy, he couldn't bring himself to perform, even though he really, really wanted to!
Sweetie Belle: I don't suppose this dancing pony had a cutie mark, did he?
Apple Bloom: You're here!
Shoeshine: Shhhh!
Tender Taps: What are you doing here?
Apple Bloom: You told me that you wanted to perform more than anythin', but I was too caught up in myself to listen! You're the best dancer I've ever seen, and I'm here to convince you to get out on that stage!
Tender Taps: Um, didn't I also tell you that dancing in front of other ponies is t-t-terrifying?! I don't know if you noticed, but that auditorium is full of other ponies! I can't go out there! What if I'm bad?!
Apple Bloom: We can go on together! No matter what, you'll look good dancin' next to me.
Tender Taps: [sighs] All right, I'll do it. But I don't have my costume, and the backdrop is all wrong, and we don't have time to change it!
Apple Bloom: Leave everything to us.
Tender Taps: I don't know about this...
Sweetie Belle: Don't worry, you'll be just fine!
Apple Bloom: Here goes nothin'...
Apple Bloom: Can't be any worse than I was!
Tender Taps: I can't believe it! It's just what I always imagined it would be! And if it weren't for all of you... I wouldn't even have it.
Scootaloo: No problem!
Sweetie Belle: It's what we do!
Apple Bloom: I only wish I'd realized what you needed right away, instead of mopin' around for no reason...
Tender Taps: Well, either way, I hope you keep dancing.
Apple Bloom: [taps] You know, I just might! It sure is a lot of fun, and I'm pretty confident I can only get better. I'm sorry I was so silly about us all doin' our own things. If we hadn't, I might never even have tried dancin'!
Tender Taps: Or find out I needed help!
Sweetie Belle: With each of us going out and trying things on our own, we'll be three times as likely to find ponies to help!
Scootaloo: And trying new stuff might even make us better at helping them, like how I used my bungee jumping to change the sets!
Sweetie Belle: Or my crochet to make the costumes!
Apple Bloom: Well, one thing is for sure, the Cutie Mark Crusaders will never be the same. We'll be better!
Cutie Mark Crusaders: Yeah!


• Barbossi


• Mindstorm
• TeoWolf82

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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E4 - On Your Marks

Messaggioda Laurel Crown » 08/04/2016, 11:18

Subbazione e Tradubbing :pinkiegrin:
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E4 - On Your Marks

Messaggioda Roxas94 » 08/04/2016, 11:59

Traduzione come al solito.
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E4 - On Your Marks

Messaggioda Clessidrus » 08/04/2016, 12:11

Roxas94 ha scritto:Traduzione come al solito.

Lo stesso vale anche per me ^_^
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E4 - On Your Marks

Messaggioda TeoWolf82 » 08/04/2016, 13:13

Segnato su traduzione et revisione.
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E4 - On Your Marks

Messaggioda MC Outlaw » 08/04/2016, 14:01

Pronto come traduttore, signore!
One Piece of Friendship[My Little Pony X One Piece-Terminata]
Alternative Dimension[My Little Pony post-invasione/apocalisse]
Sunset's Fading [Equestria Girls]
My Little Vault [My Little Pony X Borderlands 2- Solo su EFP]
Fanart di Francy Sunglass
Immagine ~ by Lolly
Immagine ~ by Miri
Immagine ~ by Kage
~ by Otta
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E4 - On Your Marks

Messaggioda Quick Fix » 08/04/2016, 15:51

Count me in, se necessario, ho la serata libera!

Non si accettano richieste, se interessati a commissioni, mandare un messaggio privato
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E4 - On Your Marks

Messaggioda Mindstorm » 08/04/2016, 15:56

Quick Fix ha scritto:Count me in, se necessario, ho la serata libera!

Puoi entrare su Skype, per favore? Devo spiegarti alcune cose, mi trovo meglio lì.
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E4 - On Your Marks

Messaggioda Barbossi » 08/04/2016, 18:45

Posti già pieni, bene bene bene. :)

Mi prenoto per il subbing allora.
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E4 - On Your Marks

Messaggioda Roxas94 » 09/04/2016, 22:06

Ecco qua.
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Apple Bloom: What do you mean?
Cosa vuoi dire?

Sweetie Belle: Well, we used to only do stuff to get our cutie marks or fulfill our destiny, but now we don't have to!
Beh, abbiamo sempre fatto cose per ottenere i nostri cutie marks o compiere il nostro destino, ma ora non dobbiamo più farlo!

Apple Bloom: So... we can do things just for fun? Are you girls thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?!
Quindi... possiamo fare cose solo per divertirci? Voi ragazze state pensando ciò che sto pensando io?!

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle: Sure am!

Apple Bloom: Makin' potions!
Fare pozioni!

Scootaloo: Scootering!
Andare in scooter!

Sweetie Belle: Singing!

Scootaloo: Just remember, stomp, kick, and roll! After this, you two are gonna love scootering as much as me!
Ricordate, pestare, scalciare, e andare! Dopo questo, amerete andare in scooter tanto quanto me!

Apple Bloom: If you say so.
Se lo dici tu.

Scootaloo: Ready, stomp, kick, and soar! Whooo!
Pronti, pestare, scalciare, e volare! Whooo!

Apple Bloom: I don't think I did it right.
Non penso di averlo fatto bene.

Sweetie Belle: Do... Mi... So...! It's just a simple harmony!
Do... Mi... So...! è un’armonia semplice!

Scootaloo: Harmony, huh?
Armonia, huh?

Sweetie Belle: And a-one, and a-two, and a-one two three! [on-key] Do...
E uno, e due, e un due tre! Do..

Apple Bloom: So...!

Scootaloo: Mi! Wow, that was simple!
Mi! Wow, era facile!

Apple Bloom: It's just a dash, and a drop, and a drip!
è solo un pizzico, e una lacrima, e una goccia!

Apple Bloom: Just a dash, and a drop, and a drip!
Solo un pizzico, e una lacrima, e una goccia!

Apple Bloom: ...and even though Scootaloo thinks bungee jumping is the bee's knees...
...E nonostante Scootaloo pensi che il Bungee dumping sia fantastico…

Apple Bloom: ...Sweetie Belle would rather keep bees!
...Sweette Belle preferirebbe fare l’apicoltrice!

Apple Bloom: [spits] Of course, I'm allergic. Who'd've thought it'd be so
hard to find somethin' for us all to do together?
Ovviamente, sono allergica. Chi avrebbe mai pensato fosse così difficile trovare qualcosa che possiamo fare tutte assieme?

Scootaloo: Well, I know this might sound crazy, but what if we didn't?
Beh, so che può suonare strano, ma se non lo facessimo?

Apple Bloom: Didn't what?
Non fare cosa?

Scootaloo: Do things together. Well, do everything together.
Fare cose assieme. Beh, fare ogni cosa assieme.

Apple Bloom: But we're the Cutie Mark Crusaders!
Ma siamo le Cutie Mark Crusaders!

Scootaloo: And we always will be! But I really wanna bungee jump! The speed, the height, the fall!
E lo saremo sempre! Ma io voglio davvero fare Bungee jump! La velocità, l’altezza, la caduta!

Sweetie Belle: And I know you two aren't interested, but I wanna try crochet!
E io so che non siete interessate, ma voglio provare a lavorare all’uncinetto!

Scootaloo: Isn't there something you've always wanted to do on your own?
Non c’è qualcosa che hai sempre voluto fare per conto tuo?

Apple Bloom: I don't know... I guess I figured we'd always do stuff together. But bungee jumping sounds just as scary as crochet sounds borin'!
Non lo so... Credo di aver pensato che avremmo sempre fatto tutto assieme. Ma Il bungee jumping sembra tanto pericoloso quanto lavorare all’uncinetto sembra tanto noioso.

Scootaloo: That's okay! Sweetie Belle and I can do the things we like, and you can do whatever you like!
è ok! Sweetie Belle ed io possiamo fare ciò che ci piace, e tu puoi fare ciò che ti piace!

Sweetie Belle: Just as soon as you figure out what it is.
Appena avrai capito cos’è.

Apple Bloom: I guess...
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