[convention] BroNYcon 2012

L'area delle fan arts, fanfiction, e progetti amatoriali dei Brony da tutto il mondo.

Re: BroNYcon 2012

Messaggioda Fenrir Werewolfe » 08/01/2012, 17:37

La fox è la Fox e se ne è già parlato 100000 volte, chi ha cervello lo sa (anche in America) e bon.

Evento stupendo organizzato benissimo, streaming funzionante e ottima organizzazione. :tssorriso:
Mi sono fermato all'asta alle tre di notte circa, volevo vedere a quanto facevano salire la maxi pinkie ma non ho retto... Madonna se volavano soldi a caso, custom venduti a 600 cucuzze e poster a 300 :V Qualcuno ha guardato anche dopo? C'èra il rave con i musicisti della fandom, sembrava tanta roba

Per il prossimo, se c'è pure un torneo di FiM, ho già il biglietto in mano :20percentcooler:
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Vampire Bat
Vampire Bat
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Re: BroNYcon 2012

Messaggioda Auster » 08/01/2012, 18:13

Ah, dimenticavo: lascio i resoconti di Derpyhoovesnews.net e Ponyleaks:

[ Daniel Ingram Q&A ]

- There will be better notes written, Ingram enjoys talking and there was a good hours worth of interview. Here are the few things jotted down.

Fan of acoustic remixes. Issued a challenge for an acoustic remix for Pinkie Pie’s Laughter Song.
Gave props to the community for all the great music that has been produced.
Gave a shoutout to Eurobeat Brony and RainbowCrash88
Hinted at more great songs coming out this season, said his ‘favorites’ aren’t really from Season 1 anymore.
Pinkie Pie’s Laughter Song was his “resume” to DMX and Studio B on the composer job.
Fan of electronic, dubstep and of course remixes. Has an electronic side project (can’t talk about it).

We got to see demos of two of the three major games being worked on. Equestria Online is coming along very nicely, unfortunately their panel was cut short due to spillage from other panels. Fighting is Magic will be without a doubt popular with everyone, and looks awesome. The Fiends from Dream Valley team was there, but unfortunately wasn’t scheduled for any air time, the game was available for play out in the main bowels of the place.

The one chunk of news is that Lauren Faust will be attending the next Bronycon (planned for the end of June).

This isn’t news just yet (and possibly not good news either), but local FOX5 news seems to have been spotted wandering around the place, so we’ll see what results from it. Truthfully (because its “my” fox channel) its probably just going to be a quick community piece about the event.

First, the voice actors Q & A:

-The most important bit first: Tabitha St. German still always has cookies to make the joy of the recording sessions complete.

-The mysterious smallish studio where Madeleine Peters went to record the CMC theme may have been the studio of a friend of Daniel Ingram which Ashleigh Ball mentioned hesitatingly: “We did some of the singing at Daniel Ingram’s friend’s studio, I think it was, at the beginning, but now we’re doing everything at Studio B.”

-When asked about their current work for the show, the VAs were perfectly evasive. On the other hand they openly talked about season three in more general terms. Until early December the recording—at least that of a song—had only reached the season three Christmas episode, according to a tweet by Shannon Chan-Kent she has since deleted. The VAs interviewed by EverFree Radio roughly confirm this time frame. In the Madeleine Peters interview there is also an ominous sentence that slightly suggested to me that there might be some sort of pony dearth or a hiatus ahead. However, in response to a question about her singing, Ashleigh Ball said “I’m totally excited for future episodes of whether I’ll be singing or not.” At that point she hesitated and Andrea Libman suggested “Maybe, kind of, sort of”; Ashleigh continued, “Maybe… Who knows what’s going to happen… I don’t know… Nothing…”; and Nicole Oliver helped out with a “Lalalalala!” So apparently there are episodes beyond S03E13 in the planning. Thank Celestia! The only way I can think of to reconcile this with the possible hiatus would be that season three remains cut short but a fourth season (perhaps premiering in late 2013) is on the horizon. This is mere speculation of course. Hasbro may want to have a well-rounded sixty-five episodes ready for syndication but still continue the show.

-It was wonderful to see how Nicole Oliver constantly took charge of caring and watching out for everypony, whether on stage or in the audience.

-Shout-outs were shouted out for Maddy Peters’s fundraiser for World Vision, as well as the Humble Brony Bundle and Bronies for Good, who are wonderful partners of Your Siblings!

And second, Daniel Ingram:

-He describes “the whole process of putting a song together,” which “takes three or four months in some cases.” Usually, he first gets the script, the lyrics, and directions on how long the song should be (recently, however, they let him write the lyrics more often), then composes it and records a demo—usually with Shannon Chan-Kent or Rebecca Shoichet accompanying his piano—and sends it off to Hasbro. If they approve, the actual production starts, where they add the individual instruments and the whole orchestra. Only months later the vocals are recorded with the actual voice actors. I’ve noticed that such data can be valuable for testing or improving the consistency of one’s mental timelines.

-Daniel didn’t actually really get the permissions from Hasbro to publish the two demos on his SoundCloud account. Thanks Daniel! Who knows if we’d have them otherwise.

-The CMC song came up again. Daniel said that there was one version where the three VAs, all brilliant singers, were instructed to sing badly. This version, however, was rejected by Hasbro for being not quite bad enough. The final version was made even worse, but on a level that may not be immediately apparent to not so musically-skilled ponies. These latter two versions are probably what also Maddy Peters referred to. The version Sibsy (during a season two mareathon) and Jayson Thiessen (on the last BroNYCon) referred to—sung by “a totally different singer”—may have been a demo Daniel recorded months earlier. Or at least this is my current hypothesis. He hopes that he’ll get an opportunity to record a good version at some point.

-Writing underscore (background music) is much more stressful in his experience. William Anderson regularly has to produce almost twenty-two minutes worth of music within a week. Huge kudos! The underscore is written some eight or nine months after Daniel composes the songs.

-Besides At the Gala, he has “a bunch of new favorites now.” Many of which we may not know yet.

-At first he requested “a really good acoustic version of Pinkie Pie’s Smile Song.” Everypony was a mix of startled, amazed, and unbelieving. The moderator quickly asked whether he was really referring to “the unreleased Pinkie Pie Smile Song,” and Daniel quickly corrected himself: “I meant the Laughter Song.” Phew, mindfuck averted. But Daniel, that song has even been covered on a bucking bike already.

-Almost toward the end, the worst possible thing happened: The very moment Daniel started singing his guitar version of the Laughter Song, Skype derped bad. Perhaps the bits that got through can be used for some vocal glitching? I know Daymare will appreciate it.

Poi qui dovrebbero esserci le registrazioni degli streaming: http://it.justin.tv/everfreemedia/videos

Se magari escono anche i video delle interviste le metto nel thread omonimo con i punti salienti descritti qui :3
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Rainbow Pony
Rainbow Pony
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Iscritto il: 12/08/2011, 16:48
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Re: BroNYcon 2012

Messaggioda Aurelicornus » 09/01/2012, 3:25

Auster ha scritto:However, in response to a question about her singing, Ashleigh Ball said “I’m totally excited for future episodes of whether I’ll be singing or not.” At that point she hesitated and Andrea Libman suggested “Maybe, kind of, sort of”; Ashleigh continued, “Maybe… Who knows what’s going to happen… I don’t know… Nothing…”; and Nicole Oliver helped out with a “Lalalalala!”

Speriamo di sentire ancora Applejack cantare in singolo almeno nella S3, se non lo fanno negli episodi dedicati a lei che verranno a breve! :20percentcooler:
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Rainbow Pony
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Iscritto il: 12/08/2011, 16:20
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Re: BroNYcon 2012

Messaggioda Romeo » 09/01/2012, 3:41

Pare che nei prossimi episodi Applejack sarà molto importante...prima quando sparisce (tra l'altro credo sia "the last roundup") che peró mi sembra piú un episodio "Mane 5 che la vanno a cercare" e poi, se non mi sbaglio, uno in cui ottiene una macchina o qualcosa del genere per fare il sidro di mele. Insomma double Applejack all the way across the sky. Ho solo una piccola cosa da dire, e credo molti condivideranno: MOAR FLUTTERSHY
Amuzani una volta mi disse che la sua parte in questa storia sarebbe finita.
Che ognuno di noi deve venire e andarsene nel raccontarla.

Tamaster ha scritto:Vuol dire che sono le 27 del mattino, quindi le 3 di pomeriggio.
Crystal Pony
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Re: BroNYcon 2012

Messaggioda Aurelicornus » 09/01/2012, 3:53

Theryer ha scritto:Pare che nei prossimi episodi Applejack sarà molto importante...prima quando sparisce (tra l'altro credo sia "the last roundup") che peró mi sembra piú un episodio "Mane 5 che la vanno a cercare"

Dalla sinossi dovrebbe essere così... ma io tiro ad indovinare che andrà al contrario, cioè invece faranno vedere soprattutto dove Applejack va a cacciarsi per tutto il tempo :lol:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gr3yf3ath3r
Thumblr: https://griffins-unicorns.tumblr.com/
mail: derpyhooves@grifoniunicorni.it
Discord: Aurelicornus#6751 ( Filly Funtasia Discord server: https://discord.gg/yyf4vZR )
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Rainbow Pony
Rainbow Pony
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Iscritto il: 12/08/2011, 16:20
Pony preferito: Twilight Sparkle
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Re: BroNYcon 2012

Messaggioda Romeo » 09/01/2012, 3:57

O magari faranno tipo Applebuck Season,loro andranno in capo al mondo quando AJ è stata tutto il tempo nel fienile a preparare qualcosa...
Amuzani una volta mi disse che la sua parte in questa storia sarebbe finita.
Che ognuno di noi deve venire e andarsene nel raccontarla.

Tamaster ha scritto:Vuol dire che sono le 27 del mattino, quindi le 3 di pomeriggio.
Crystal Pony
Crystal Pony
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Iscritto il: 05/12/2011, 15:58
Località: Novi Ligure (AL)
Pony preferito: Rarity
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Re: BroNYcon 2012

Messaggioda Auster » 09/01/2012, 17:31

Intanto continuano le raccolte di materiale dopo il broNYcon, prese da altri siti:

Qui ci sono un sacco di foto di tutta la convention, tra cui alcuni cosplay carini (Granny Smith!): https://plus.google.com/photos/10547231 ... banner=pwa

La performance dei NeighSlayer:

Una compilations di video:
http://www.bronynews.com/article/youtub ... con-events

Un'articolo di Gawker sul raduno, con il focus su alcune persone che c'erano (tra cui il fottuto militare con la toppa "Search and Rescue, Saving your ass" e RD :lol: )
http://gawker.com/5874047/here-are-some ... t-bronycon

Qualcuno sa niente su Fiends from Dream Valley?
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Rainbow Pony
Rainbow Pony
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Iscritto il: 12/08/2011, 16:48
Località: Firenze
Pony preferito: Fluttershy
Sesso: Maschio

Re: BroNYcon 2012

Messaggioda Aedesyr » 09/01/2012, 18:54

Ugh, mi sono perso tutto.
CHi mi fa un piccolo post di recap di cosa si è visto di interessante?

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Crystal Pony
Crystal Pony
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Iscritto il: 30/10/2011, 21:47
Località: In cima ai monti ia ia oh
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Re: BroNYcon 2012

Messaggioda Auster » 09/01/2012, 19:05

Aedesyr ha scritto:Ugh, mi sono perso tutto.
CHi mi fa un piccolo post di recap di cosa si è visto di interessante?

E' questo il post di recap ლ(ಠ益ಠლ
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Rainbow Pony
Rainbow Pony
Status: Offline
Messaggi: 8830
Iscritto il: 12/08/2011, 16:48
Località: Firenze
Pony preferito: Fluttershy
Sesso: Maschio

Re: BroNYcon 2012

Messaggioda Aedesyr » 09/01/2012, 19:33

Nel senso, un post breve che dica più o meno cosa s'è visto, il topic ha 4 pagine eh :lol:
Mvb me lo guarderò tutto con calma ecc

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Crystal Pony
Crystal Pony
Status: Offline
Messaggi: 1629
Iscritto il: 30/10/2011, 21:47
Località: In cima ai monti ia ia oh
Pony preferito: Crimson
Sesso: Maschio


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