[Coordinamento] S6 E17 - Dungeons & Discords

Area dedicata in cui il gruppo Traduttori CMC-What The Buck! si organizza per il lavoro sugli episodi di FiM e della serie Equestria Girls.

Moderatore: Mindstorm

[Coordinamento] S6 E17 - Dungeons & Discords

Messaggioda Mindstorm » 26/08/2016, 16:42

Le linee guida alla traduzione sono consultabili qui: REGOLAMENTO & LINEE GUIDA TRADUTTORI

Dizionari on-line
WordReference Dizionario Inglese-italiano
Heinle's Newbury House Dictionary of American English Dizionario Americano
Oxford Dictionaries Dizionario Inglese
Urbandictionary Dizionario sullo Slang AngloAmericano
Idioms Yourdictionary Dizionario sui modi di dire AngloAmericani

Tempi di consegna (dall'assegnazione delle parti):
- Traduttori-subber (cioè chi subba direttamente ciò che traduce): 24 ore
- Traduttori: 12 - Max 18 ore
- Subber: fino alle 17 del lunedì successivo alla messa in onda


• Mindstorm


RICORDATE: nello scrivere la traduzione, lo schema è: Traduzione ITA [a capo] Testo ENG

• Mindstorm (+sub)
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Discord: Tea?
Discord: Trendy coats? Bedrolls? Saddlebags? Oh! A surprise vacation just for the two of us? How thoughtful. I hear Puerto Caballo is lovely this time of year. Sand like powdered sugar.
Fluttershy: Um, Princess Celestia's taking us on an overnight goodwill tour of Yakyakistan. I just found out.
Discord: So what you're saying is no tea? Ugh. Well. That's fine. I wasn't thirsty anyway.
Fluttershy: If you're looking for something to do, you could spend the evening with Spike and Big Mac.
Discord: You aren't kidding.
Fluttershy. They're very nice. They have a "top secret" thing they do whenever we leave Ponyville. Although everypony knows about it, so it's not a very good secret. I think you'd have fun with them.
Discord: Fun? With sidekicks? Oh, you must think that we're in a dimension where everything is opposite. "Da-dee-la! I'm Opposite Discord, and I want to hang out with Spike and Big Mac! I'm sure I'd have fun!"
Opposite Fluttershy: Well, guess what, Sassafras?! I'm Opposite Fluttershy, and I'm sick of being nice and quiet all the time!
Discord: Let me explain it to you as simply as I can. Me? Amazing! Them? Well, I've already forgotten who we're talking about. You see?
Fluttershy: All I'm saying is it's an opportunity to expand your circle of friends. Unless you're afraid they won't like you?
Discord: Oh, please. Don't stoop to tedious reverse psychology. You're better than that.
Fluttershy: It never hurts to make new friends.
Discord: Consider it considered.
Discord: Couldn't I just come with you instead?
[theme song]
Discord: I suppose this is goodbye then. Have an absolutely fabulous voyage. [snap]
Fluttershy: Discord...
Discord: Well, it's not my fault the new train route leads into an active volcano. Guess you'll have to stay.
Discord: Oh, you're no fun. [snap]
Applejack: I got my bedroll, parka, unattractive but functional hikin' boots... Uh, anything I forgot, Pinkie Pie? You're our resident Yakyakistan expert.
Pinkie Pie: Nope! I brought yeti food!
Pinkie Pie: Did I forget to mention there's a pony-eating yeti on Frost Field Glacier? We're gonna have so much fun!
Rainbow Dash: Heh. If he messes with us, I'll turn that yeti into confetti!
Applejack: Heh. Somepony's in an awful quick hurry to get us out of here. Don't y'all have too much fun without us.
Twilight Sparkle: I bet you boys have big plans. Right, Spike?

• Doctor Whooves (+sub)
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Spike: I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about. Although if I did, I certainly wouldn't be allowed to discuss it with you girls.
Twilight Sparkle: Buh-bye!
Applejack: Bye, y'all!
Big McIntosh: [hushed] Yup.
Discord: Fascinating article, yes? Don't let them come over, please don't let them come over, please don't let them come over, please, please, please— Oh, salutations, my friend! Wish I could stay and chat, but I don't want to.
Spike: Wait! Um, we were wondering... What are you up to tonight?
Discord: Oh, here we go...
Spike: Do you wanna, I don't know, hang out? Is that, like, something you do?
Discord: Oh, Twilight's friend and Applejack's monosyllabic brother, if only I weren't super busy this evening.
Spike: I guess guys' night will just be you and me.
Discord: A guys' night? You mean a rowdy evening of reckless revelry? Zoot suits, fedoras, swing dancing?
Spike: Eh, something like that. You should totally come. Three of us would be way better than two...
Discord: That does sound fun, actually...
Spike: Too bad you're busy.
Discord: Well, I suppose I could squeeze you in if I move a few very important ponies around.
Discord: June, honey, be a dear. Reschedule Luna and K.K. That's what I call Princess Celestia, what a hoot! In fact, clear the whole evening. Tonight is guys' night. These fellas invited me to spice things up and bring a little class to the whole affair.
Discord: Tonight will be the best night of your lives, and not just because you get to bask in my greatness.
Spike: I do like basking in things. See you tonight. Twilight's castle. The fun starts promptly at sundown.
Discord: Technically, the fun starts when I arrive, but I'll make sure it's around sunset. Adieu, fellas.
Spike: And... we have sundown. Repeat, we have sundown. I declare tonight's guys' night ceremonies officially open!
Big McIntosh: Eeyup!
Spike: It's guys' night.
Big McIntosh: Yup.
Spike: Oh, yeah.
Big McIntosh: Yup.
Spike: Havin' fun now.
Big McIntosh: Yup.
Spike: Oh, yeah!
Big McIntosh: Oh, yeah!

• Laurel Crown (+sub)
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Spike: What the hay?
Discord: Announcing the much anticipated arrival of the spirit of chaos and disharmony, the purveyor of pandemonium, lord of lawlessness, earl of turmoil, bring of bedlam... Discord!
Discord: So, shall we hop to it? I made a list of the rowdiest establishments in Ponyville. It's rather short.
Spike: Actually, we're staying here. I hope you like awesome games!
Discord: Games? I love games. I'm great at games.
Discord: Famous pony charades? Oh, this is an easy one. Who am I? Huh? Huh?
Discord: Oh, come on!
Spike: Uh... I'm talkin' about a real game.
Discord: Oh, you mean like trapping best friend ponies in hedge mazes and turning them against each other. Those were the days.
Spike: Not exactly. Wait here.
Discord: Whatever it is, it can only get better by adding me to the mix.
Spike: Okay!
Spike: In a world where evil reigns supreme, a small band of warriors stands tall against the darkness. This is... Ogres & Oubliettes!
Discord: Oh, this looks like...
Spike: The best game ever? You're right!
Discord: Yes...
Spike: Ogres & Oubliettes is a fantasy role-playing adventure game. Our goal, defeat the evil Squid Wizard, or... as we call him... the Squizard!
Spike: The Squizard has laid siege to the last free city in Spiketopia. That's the name of the land. He's kidnapped a beautiful unicorn princess named Shmarity. [beat] Uh, which is like a normal name in Spiketopia, so, you know, don't think about it too much.
Discord: Fear not. Your romantic delusions are safe with me.
Spike: First things first – you've gotta create a character! Name?
Discord: How about... Discord?
Spike: The whole point of the game is you get to use your imagination to be someone you're not. I'm Garbunkle, a famous magician. Everyone treats me with the utmost respect.
Discord: Just like in real life?
Spike: And don't get jealous, but I'm a level 30 Enchanter with major skill points assigned to Intellect and Perception.
Discord: Go on, I'm listening.
Spike: Big Mac's character is Sir McBiggen, a level 27 Black Knight Unicorn from Castle Chadwick!
Discord: I'm listening.

• Thunder Jolt
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Spike: When his king aligned himself with the Squizard, Sir McBiggen would not besmirch his honor.
Big McIntosh: Nnope!
Discord: I'm listening.
Spike: And so it came to pass, the magician and black knight vowed to rid Spiketopia of the evil Squizard.
Spike: So, your character's name?
Discord: I already have the best name in the universe, why would I change it for something like "Captain Wuzz"?
Spike: Captain Wuzz it is!
Spike: What class are you, Captain Wuzz? There's Archers, Mages, Rogues...
Discord: Can I suggest we take a break and, I don't know, go out and have some fun? Ponyville's not going to paint itself red.
Spike: You'll love it once we get started! How 'bout an Archer?
Discord: Sounds just as miserable as the other options. So fine.
Spike: Sir McBiggen, are you prepared to enter the world of Ogres & Oubliettes?
Big McIntosh: Eeyup.
Spike: Discord, or should I say, Captain Wuzz, are you—
Discord: Oh, get on with it.
Spike: We find ourselves trapped in the dungeon of the evil Squizard. The bars are locked tight.
Spike: The bars exist in our imagination.
Discord: Really? You describe things, and then we pretend it's real?
Spike: It is real. In our imagination. It's your turn first. What do you wanna do?
Discord: Curse myself for attending this infernal evening? Ohhh, no, you mean in the game.
Spike: Well, you can do whatever you want. Then, I roll this twenty-sided die and see if you're successful.
Discord: I stick my head through the bars and demand for the immediate release of the Lord of Chaos.
Spike: That's a big risk. You have to roll a seventeen or higher to succeed. Ooh, bad idea. The guard gets mad.
Discord: This spell here. I transform him into a parsnip.
Spike: You need eleven Intelligent points to cast a Transform Into Root Vegetable spell.
Discord: I'm not intelligent? I cast it anyway because this game is stupid.
Spike: The spell backfires. So... your claws grow leaves and transform into parsnips!
Big McIntosh: Parsnips.
Spike: The guard laughs. He calls his friends over, and they laugh too.
Discord: Don't you laugh at me, Big Mac! Does it really say that? Let me see.
Spike: As you get angrier, everypony laughs harder!
Discord: I seal Sir McBiggen in a magic bubble until he stops laughing!
Spike: I told you, you can't do magic!

• Midnight Specter
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Big McIntosh: Whoaa! Nope! Nope! Nope!
Discord: "Not intelligent enough." Please.
Spike: Cut it out, Discord!
Discord: Oh, this game is insufferable! Let me show you a real guys' night!
Discord: This is the life! Jazz, dancing, the best table magic can buy! This is what guys' night is all about. Am I right, fellas?
Big McIntosh: Eeyup!
Spike: I know you probably didn't do this on purpose, but this table's the perfect size and shape!
Discord: I don't think so. Let's have a drink. Chocolate milkshakes?
Spike: No, we want to go back to Ogres &—
Discord: Oh, how 'bout a different game? Those are very bad cards.
Spike: Stop messing with us! We wanna—
Discord: A dance contest?
Discord: Surprise! We won!
Spike: Discord!
Discord: [sinister] Yes?
Spike: Look, we don't wanna do these things. We wanna play our game. If you don't want to play with us, you can, I don't know, sit and watch.
Discord: Sit and watch? Fine. We'll play your game. Are you ready to enter the world of Ogres & Oubliettes?
Spike: Sir McBiggen?!
Big McIntosh: Eeyup!
Spike: And I'm... Garbunkle? That means... Sweetness! We're in the game! Check it out! Ka-zam!
Spike: It's guys' night!
Big McIntosh: Eeyup!
Spike: Oh, yeah!
Big McIntosh: Yup!
Spike: In the game now!
Big McIntosh: Yup!
Spike: Oh, yeah!
Big McIntosh: Oh, yeah!
Spike: Discord, where are you? This is great! You made the game real!
Discord: Aren't games fun?
Spike: Should we be worried he's using his scary voice?
Squizard: Behold! I am the Squizard!
Discord: You're welcome.

• Roxas94
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Squizard: Attack!
Spike: Run!
Discord: You find yourself on the battlefield. A barrage of arrows rains down on you. If you roll a fifteen or higher, the shield protects you. Fourteen or lower and, well... You get the idea.
Discord: Seventeen! Lucky you!
Discord: Boo.
Discord: Boo.
Spike: Discord!
Discord: Sir McBiggen, I'd cover the entrance if I were you.
Spike: This isn't funny!
Discord: Isn't this what every gamer wants? To live the game? Like this?!
Spike: This kinda hurts! Like, real pain!
Discord: Oh, how kind of you to notice. It's the little details that really bring alternate dimensions to life, wouldn't you say?
Spike: Discord, this is awful!
Squizard: Of course it is! Spiketopia will be mine! And Rarity shall be my bride!
Squizard: I mean, Shmarity.
Spike: Why are you doing this? You're the worst!
Discord: If I'm the worst, then why did you invite me?
Spike: Because we felt bad for you!
Discord: Because you... what?!
Spike: We're okay, we're okay! No thanks to you, Discord!
Discord: You felt sorry for me?
Spike: Who wouldn't? Fluttershy told us you practically begged her to stay! And then at the train station, you were just standing there, all alone!
Discord: This can't be. I'm supposed to feel sorry for you because I'm me and you're you.
Spike: We only invited you to be nice! I mean, you're kind of a... weirdo!
Big McIntosh: Eeyup.
Discord: I ruined your night, and you don't even think I'm cool? Ugh. How embarrassing. I should go. I have a lot of other friends I need to see tonight.
Spike: Good!
Discord: Yes, so many other friends. Farewell, Garbunkle the magician and brave Sir McBiggin. May Providence smile upon thee in thy quest to rid Spiketopia of the dreaded Squizard... When I say it that way, the game doesn't sound half bad.
Discord: Oh, well.

• MC Outlaw
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Spike: [sighs] It... it's better this way, right?
Big McIntosh: Eeyup.
Spike: Because... now he can't bother us, 'cause he's off somewhere by himself... all alone... with no friends.
Big McIntosh: Yup.
Spike: We find ourselves in the dungeon of the evil Squizard. The bars are locked, and... Ah, who am I kidding? We should give him another chance. Captain Wuzz? Can you hear me?
Discord: Oh! You realized how amazing I am and that I make you cooler just by being around me?
Discord: Uh... No, no, actually, that's not what I meant to say... I'm... sssssss...
Spike: What?
Discord: I'm ssssssss—
Spike: Can't hear you.
Big McIntosh: Nope.
Discord: I'm trying to say I'm sorry, all right?! I'm sorry for ruining your game, and I'm sorry that I thought I was better than you! Now let's play before this evening gets any sappier, shall we?
Spike: Huh? Yeah, yeah! Okay! What if we forgot the board and the pieces for a minute? I mean, the whole game coming to life was completely terrifying, but also kind of the best thing ever! So, uh, Big Mac and I were wondering... What if you toned it down just a teensy bit?
Spike: I've got your back, Captain Wuzz!
Discord: Garbunkle! Follow my lead!
Spike: Bull's-eye!
Discord: Nice one!
Spikeand Discord: It's guys' night!
Big McIntosh: Eeyup!
Spikeand Discord: Oh, yeah!
Big McIntosh: Eeyup!
Spikeand Discord: Having fun now!
Big McIntosh: Eeyup!
Spikeand Discord: Oh, yeah!
Big McIntosh: Oh, yeah!
Twilight Sparkle: We should just close the door and let them finish... whatever this... is.
Rainbow Dash: No way! Did you see Big Mac's sword? I totally want in!
Pinkie Pie: Yeah! I don't know what it is, but it looks like super duper fun!
Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash: Guys' night!



• Mindstorm

Transcripts da Tradurre:
http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Transcripts/D ... 6_Discords


Codice: Seleziona tutto
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E17 - Dungeons & Discords

Messaggioda Doctor Whooves » 26/08/2016, 18:03

Guess who? Who-oves!
Traduzione e Subbing.
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E17 - Dungeons & Discords

Messaggioda Thunder Jolt » 26/08/2016, 18:13

Disponibile per tradurre.
We're not acquaintances, we're not friends... we are family!

We're not relatives, we're not even siblings! We are family!
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E17 - Dungeons & Discords

Messaggioda Laurel Crown » 26/08/2016, 18:26

Traduzione e subbing... per ora.
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E17 - Dungeons & Discords

Messaggioda Midnight Specter » 26/08/2016, 18:54

Ci sono per la traduzione :D
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E17 - Dungeons & Discords

Messaggioda Roxas94 » 26/08/2016, 19:29

Traduzione come al solito
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E17 - Dungeons & Discords

Messaggioda MC Outlaw » 26/08/2016, 20:30

Pronto come traduttore, signore!
One Piece of Friendship[My Little Pony X One Piece-Terminata]
Alternative Dimension[My Little Pony post-invasione/apocalisse]
Sunset's Fading [Equestria Girls]
My Little Vault [My Little Pony X Borderlands 2- Solo su EFP]
Fanart di Francy Sunglass
Immagine ~ by Lolly
Immagine ~ by Miri
Immagine ~ by Kage
~ by Otta
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E17 - Dungeons & Discords

Messaggioda Roxas94 » 27/08/2016, 22:57

Codice: Seleziona tutto
Squizard: Attack!

Spike: Run!

Vi ritrovate nel campo di battaglia. Una raffica di frecce vi piove addosso. Se tirate un quindici o superiore, lo scudo vi protegge. Quattordici o meno e, beh... avete capito.
Discord: You find yourself on the battlefield. A barrage of arrows rains down on you. If you roll a fifteen or higher, the shield protects you. Fourteen or lower and, well... You get the idea.

Diciassette! Siete fortunati!
Discord: Seventeen! Lucky you!

Discord: Boo.

Discord: Boo.

Spike: Discord!

Sir McBiggen, fossi in voi proteggerei l’entrata.
Discord: Sir McBiggen, I'd cover the entrance if I were you.

Questo non è divertente!
Spike: This isn't funny!

Non è questo ciò che ogni giocatore vuole? Vivere il gioco? In questo modo?!
Discord: Isn't this what every gamer wants? To live the game? Like this?!

Fa male! Come, dolore vero!
Spike: This kinda hurts! Like, real pain!

Oh, che gentile ad averlo notato. Sono i piccoli dettagli che animano le dimensioni alternative, non trovi?
Discord: Oh, how kind of you to notice. It's the little details that really bring alternate dimensions to life, wouldn't you say?

Discord, questo è terribile!
Spike: Discord, this is awful!

Certo che lo è! Spiketopia sarà mia! E Rarity sarà mia sposa!
Squizard: Of course it is! Spiketopia will be mine! And Rarity shall be my bride!

Voglio dire, Shmarity.
Squizard: I mean, Shmarity.

Perché stai facendo tutto questo? Sei il peggiore!
Spike: Why are you doing this? You're the worst!

Se sono il peggiore, allora perché mi avete invitato?
Discord: If I'm the worst, then why did you invite me?

Perché eravamo dispiaciuti per te!
Spike: Because we felt bad for you!

Perché voi... cosa?!
Discord: Because you... what?!

Stiamo bene, stiamo bene! Non grazie a te, Discord!
Spike: We're okay, we're okay! No thanks to you, Discord!

Eravate dispiaciuti perme?
Discord: You felt sorry for me?

Chi non lo sarebbe? Fluttershy ci ha detto che l’hai praticamente implorata di restare! E poi alla stazione, eri li in piedi, tutto solo!
Spike: Who wouldn't? Fluttershy told us you practically begged her to stay! And then at the train station, you were just standing there, all alone!

Non può essere. Io dovrei essere dispiaciuto per voi perché io sono io e voi siete voi.
Discord: This can't be. I'm supposed to feel sorry for you because I'm me and you're you.

Ti abbiamo invitato per gentilezza! Voglio dire, tu sei un po’... strano!
Spike: We only invited you to be nice! I mean, you're kind of a... weirdo!

Big McIntosh: Eeyup.

Ho rovinato la vostra serata, e non pensate nemmeno che io sia mitico? Ugh. Com’è imbarazzante. Dovrei andare. Ho un sacco di altri amici che devo vedere stasera.
Discord: I ruined your night, and you don't even think I'm cool? Ugh. How embarrassing. I should go. I have a lot of other friends I need to see tonight.

Spike: Good!

Sì, molti altri amici. Addio, Garbunkle lo stregone e coraggioso Sir McBiggin. Possa la Provvidenza assistervi nella vostra campagna per liberare Spiketopia dal temuto Calamago... Quando lo dico in questo modo, il gioco non sembra malaccio.
Discord: Yes, so many other friends. Farewell, Garbunkle the magician and brave Sir McBiggin. May Providence smile upon thee in thy quest to rid Spiketopia of the dreaded Squizard... When I say it that way, the game doesn't sound half bad.

Oh, beh.
Discord: Oh, well.

Ok, ho corretto l'ordine ora
Ultima modifica di Roxas94 il 28/08/2016, 0:41, modificato 2 volte in totale.
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E17 - Dungeons & Discords

Messaggioda Thunder Jolt » 27/08/2016, 22:58

Codice: Seleziona tutto
Spike: Quando il suo re si alleò con il Calamago, Sir McBiggen non volle macchiare il suo onore.
When his king aligned himself with the Squizard, Sir McBiggen would not besmirch his honor.

Big McIntosh: E no!

Discord: Sto ascoltando.
I'm listening.

Spike: E fu così che il mago e il cavaliere nero fecero voto di porre fine alla Spiketopia del malvagio Calamago.
And so it came to pass, the magician and black knight vowed to rid Spiketopia of the evil Squizard.

Spike: Allora, il nome del tuo personaggio?
So, your character's name?

Discord: Ho già il nome migliore dell’universo, perchè dovrei cambiarlo per qualcosa come “Capitan Wuzz”^
I already have the best name in the universe, why would I change it for something like "Captain Wuzz"?

Spike: E Capitan Wuzz sia!
Captain Wuzz it is!

Spike: Che classe sei, Capitan Wuzz? Ci sono gli arcieri, i maghi, i ladri…
What class are you, Captain Wuzz? There's Archers, Mages, Rogues...

Discord: Potrei suggerire di fare una pausa e, che so, uscire a divertirci? Ponyville non si colorerà di rosso da sola.
Can I suggest we take a break and, I don't know, go out and have some fun? Ponyville's not going to paint itself red.

Spike: Ti piacerà una volta iniziato! Che dici, arciere?
You'll love it once we get started! How 'bout an Archer?

Discord: Sembra patetico esattamente come le altre opzioni. Perciò va bene.
Sounds just as miserable as the other options. So fine.

Spike: Sir McBiggen, siete pronto ad entrare nel mondo di Orchi & Prigioni?
Sir McBiggen, are you prepared to enter the world of Ogres & Oubliettes?

Big McIntosh: Eeyup.
E sì!

Spike: Discord, o dovrei dire, Capitan Wuzz, siete-
Discord, or should I say, Captain Wuzz, are you—

Discord: Oh, datti una mossa.
Oh, get on with it.

Spike: Ci ritroviamo rinchiusi nelle segrete del malvagio Calamago. La cella è ben chiusa.
We find ourselves trapped in the dungeon of the evil Squizard. The bars are locked tight.

Spike: La cella esiste nella nostra immaginazione.
The bars exist in our imagination.

Discord: Sul serio? Tu descrivi qualcosa e poi noi fingiamo sia reale?
Really? You describe things, and then we pretend it's real?

Spike: È reale. Nella nostra immaginazione. Vieni tu per primo. Cosa vuoi fare?
It is real. In our imagination. It's your turn first. What do you wanna do?

Discord: Maledirmi per aver preso parte a questa serata infernale? Oh, no, intendi nel gioco.
Curse myself for attending this infernal evening? Ohhh, no, you mean in the game.

Spike: Beh, puoi fare quello che vuoi. Allora, io lancio questo dado a venti facce e vedo se hai successo.
Well, you can do whatever you want. Then, I roll this twenty-sided die and see if you're successful.

Discord: Infilo la testa tra le sbarre e pretendo l’immediato rilascio del Signore del Caos.
 I stick my head through the bars and demand for the immediate release of the Lord of Chaos.

Spike: È un bel rischio. Devi fare un diciassette o di più per riuscirci. Oh, pessima idea. La guardia si arrabbia.
That's a big risk. You have to roll a seventeen or higher to succeed. Ooh, bad idea. The guard gets mad.

Discord: Quest’incantesimo qui. Lo trasformo in una pastinaca.
This spell here. I transform him into a parsnip.

Spike: Devi avere undici punti d’Intelligenza per usare l’incantesimo di trasformazione in tubero.
You need eleven Intelligent points to cast a Transform Into Root Vegetable spell.

Discord: Io non sono intelligente? Io lo uso comunque perché questo gioco è stupido.
I'm not intelligent? I cast it anyway because this game is stupid.

Spike: L’incantesimo ti si ritorce. E allora… sui tuoi artigli crescono delle foglie e si trasformano in pastinache.
The spell backfires. So... your claws grow leaves and transform into parsnips!

Big McIntosh: Pastinache.

Spike: La guardia ride. Chiama i suoi compagni e ridono anche loro.
The guard laughs. He calls his friends over, and they laugh too.

Discord: Non ridere di me, Big mac! Dice davvero così? Fa vedere.
Don't you laugh at me, Big Mac! Does it really say that? Let me see.

Spike: Mentre tu ti arrabbia di più, tutti gli altri ridono più forte!
As you get angrier, everypony laughs harder!

Discord: Confino Sir McBiggen in una bolla magica finché non smette di ridere!
I seal Sir McBiggen in a magic bubble until he stops laughing!

Spike: Te l’ho detto, non puoi fare magie!
I told you, you can't do magic!

Allora, questioni in sospeso:
1) Roll a seventeen or higher: non ho saputo tradurlo alla lettera, Roxas ha suggerito un "tirare un diciassette", ma non mi convince, quindi lascio la questione ai revisionatori.
2) Non so come sia stato tradotto il nome del gioco. Ho messo "Orchi & Prigioni", ma anche qui lascio ai revisionatori.
3) Parsnip è proprio pastinaca, un tubero.
We're not acquaintances, we're not friends... we are family!

We're not relatives, we're not even siblings! We are family!
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Thunder Jolt
Status: Offline
Messaggi: 3499
Iscritto il: 04/01/2012, 20:33
Località: Da qualche parte in Terronia
Pony preferito: Applejack
Sesso: Maschio

Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E17 - Dungeons & Discords

Messaggioda Midnight Specter » 28/08/2016, 0:36

Ecco qua (Y)
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Whoaa! No! No! No
Big McIntosh: Whoaa! Nope! Nope! Nope!

"Non abbastanza intelligente." Ma perfavore.
Discord: "Not intelligent enough." Please.

Piantala, Discord!
Spike: Cut it out, Discord!

Oh, questo gioco è insopportabile! Lasciate che vi mostri una vera serata per ragazzi!
Discord: Oh, this game is insufferable! Let me show you a real guys' night!

Questa è vita! Jazz, balli, il miglior tavolo che la magia possa comprare! Questa è una vera serata per ragazzi. Non ho ragione, amici?
Discord: This is the life! Jazz, dancing, the best table magic can buy! This is what guys' night is all about. Am I right, fellas?

Big McIntosh: Eeyup!

So che probabilmente non l'hai fatto di proposito, ma questa tavola ha una forma e una grandezza perfetta!
Spike: I know you probably didn't do this on purpose, but this table's the perfect size and shape!

Non penso proprio. Facciamoci un drink. Milkshake al cioccolato?
Discord: I don't think so. Let's have a drink. Chocolate milkshakes?

No, vogliamo tornare a giocare a Orchi &-
Spike: No, we want to go back to Ogres &—

Oh, che ne dite di un gioco diverso? Queste carte sono davvero pessime.
Discord: Oh, how 'bout a different game? Those are very bad cards.

Piantala di sherzare! Vogliamo-
Spike: Stop messing with us! We wanna—

Una gara di danza?
Discord: A dance contest?

Sorpresa! Abbiamo vinto!
Discord: Surprise! We won!

Spike: Discord!

Discord: [sinister] Yes?

Senti, non abbiamo voglia di fare queste cose. Vogliamo giocare al nostro gioco. Se tu non vuoi partecipare, potresti, non so, sederti e guardare.
Spike: Look, we don't wanna do these things. We wanna play our game. If you don't want to play with us, you can, I don't know, sit and watch.

Sedermi e guardare? Va bene. Giocheremo al vostro gioco. Siete pronti ad entrare nel mondo di Orchi e Botole?
Discord: Sit and watch? Fine. We'll play your game. Are you ready to enter the world of Ogres & Oubliettes?

Sir McBiggen?!
Spike: Sir McBiggen?!

Big McIntosh: Eeyup!

E io sono... Garbunkle? Questo vuol dire... Cavoli! Siamo dentro al gioco! Guardami! Ka-zam!
Spike: And I'm... Garbunkle? That means... Sweetness! We're in the game! Check it out! Ka-zam!

È la sera dei ragazzi!
Spike: It's guys' night!

Big McIntosh: Eeyup!

Oh, sí!
Spike: Oh, yeah!

Big McIntosh: Yup!

Siamo nel gioco!
Spike: In the game now!

Big McIntosh: Yup!

Oh, sí!
Spike: Oh, yeah!

Oh, sí!
Big McIntosh: Oh, yeah!

Discord, dove sei? È una figata! Hai reso il gioco reale!
Spike: Discord, where are you? This is great! You made the game real!

Non sono divertenti i giochi?
Discord: Aren't games fun?

Dovremmo preoccuparci del fatto che sta usando la sua voce inquietante?
Spike: Should we be worried he's using his scary voice?

Ammiratemi! Io sono lo Squizard!
Squizard: Behold! I am the Squizard!

Non c'è bisogno di ringraziare.
Discord: You're welcome.
Avatar utente
Midnight Specter
Status: Offline
Messaggi: 88
Iscritto il: 12/10/2015, 2:34
Località: Biella, Italia
Pony preferito: Starlight/Luna
Sesso: Maschio


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