[Coordinamento] S6 E16 - The Times They Are...

Area dedicata in cui il gruppo Traduttori CMC-What The Buck! si organizza per il lavoro sugli episodi di FiM e della serie Equestria Girls.

Moderatore: Mindstorm

[Coordinamento] S6 E16 - The Times They Are...

Messaggioda Mindstorm » 19/08/2016, 19:09

Quanto ho aspettato 'sto episodio... :yay:

Le linee guida alla traduzione sono consultabili qui: REGOLAMENTO & LINEE GUIDA TRADUTTORI

Dizionari on-line
WordReference Dizionario Inglese-italiano
Heinle's Newbury House Dictionary of American English Dizionario Americano
Oxford Dictionaries Dizionario Inglese
Urbandictionary Dizionario sullo Slang AngloAmericano
Idioms Yourdictionary Dizionario sui modi di dire AngloAmericani

Tempi di consegna (dall'assegnazione delle parti):
- Traduttori-subber (cioè chi subba direttamente ciò che traduce): 24 ore
- Traduttori: 12 - Max 18 ore
- Subber: fino alle 17 del lunedì successivo alla messa in onda


• Mindstorm


RICORDATE: nello scrivere la traduzione, lo schema è: Traduzione ITA - a capo - Testo ENG

• Mindstorm (+sub)
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Twilight Sparkle: I hope Shining Armor and Princess Cadance don't think it's too soon for me to come back to the Crystal Empire for a visit, but I just know Flurry Heart's grown so much already. I wonder if I'll even recognize her.
Starlight Glimmer: She's the only baby they have, Twilight. I think it'll be pretty easy to figure out who she is.
Twilight Sparkle: Hmm.
Starlight Glimmer: Sorry. I know you want to visit your niece as much as possible, and I'm excited to see Sunburst again. I just don't wanna fall behind on my friendship lessons back home.
Twilight Sparkle: Starlight, your work in Ponyville isn't going anywhere. Besides, I think we all know you can learn about friendship anywhere. Right, Spike?
Spike: "Spike?" Who's "Spike"?
Starlight Glimmer: Pfft. Uh, you're Spike, Spike. And why are you dressed like that?
Spike: Guys, you're blowing my cover! How'd you even know it was me?
Starlight Glimmer: Because you're you... in a coat, hat and glasses. Also, we're the only ones here.
Spike: Right.
Twilight Sparkle: Spike, why do you need a disguise?
Spike: Last time we came to the Crystal Empire, there was a lot goin' on with the new baby and the Crystalling, but I still got mobbed in the street.
Starlight Glimmer: I wouldn't say mobbed.
Spike: And this is just a family visit. I wouldn't want the presence of Spike the Brave and Glorious to turn it into some kind of circus.
Starlight Glimmer: We get it. The Crystal Ponies adore you.
Twilight Sparkle: He did save the Empire. Twice But still, I don't think your presence will turn our visit into a circus.
Spike: Not if I find the right disguise, it won't.
[theme song]
Starlight Glimmer: Uh, disguise or not, Spike, I don't think you need to worry about being mobbed. Nopony's here.
Spike: It's like a ghost town.
Twilight Sparkle: I've got a bad feeling about this.
Starlight Glimmer: Yeah, this is weird.
Spike: I guess I don't need the disguise after all.
Glamour Gleam: It's Spike the Brave and Glorious!
Amber Waves: He's come to save us yet again!
Crystal ponies: Spike! Spike! Spike! Spike!
Spike: Save you from what?

• Laurel Crown (+sub)
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Starlight Glimmer: Yeah, what's going on?
Twilight Sparkle: Why was everypony hiding?
Amber Laurel: Oh, it sure looks like Princess Twilight and her pupil.
"Scarlet Heart": But how can we be sure?
Pony Senza nome: We can't! Either one of them could be the... you know!
"Amber Laurel": What if this... isn't... the real Spike?!
"Scarlet Heart": Everypony run!
Twilight Sparkle: Okay. Something strange is definitely going on.
Spike: [groans] Ya think?
Royal guard 1: Who goes there?
Starlight Glimmer: Um, you don't recognize the Princess of Friendship?
Royal guard 1: Of course we recognize her.
Royal guard 2: But that doesn't mean it's really her.
Spike: It's okay, guys. They're with me. And any friend of Spike the Brave and Glorious is a friend of the Crystal Empire, am I right?
Royal guard 2: Huh. It does look like him.
Royal guard 1: Well, it would, wouldn't it? I'm sorry, but we'll need to see some proof of identification.
Princess Cadance: We'll take care of things from here.
Twilight Sparkle: Oh, Cadance, thank goodness! What's going on?
Shining Armor: We can explain, Twily... if it really is you.
Princess Cadance: Sunshine, sunshine...
Princess Cadance and Twilight Sparkle: ...ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake! Mmm!
Shining Armor: It's okay, everypony! It's her.
Starlight Glimmer: Of course it's her! What's this all about?
Sunburst: A changeling's been spotted nearby.
Twilight Sparkle: A changeling?
Spike: That's not good.
Princess Cadance: No, it's not. After Queen Chrysalis took my place at our wedding and invaded Canterlot with her army of minions, we're not taking any chances.
Sunburst: Changelings feed off of love. And ever since Flurry Heart's Crystalling, the Empire is filled with more love than anywhere in Equestria! It's possible they've come for the baby.
Shining Armor: That's why we posted the extra guards, and why we're...
Twilight Sparkle: ...checking everypony's identity.
Princess Cadance: I'm sorry for all of this. Flurry Heart's really been looking forward to seeing you.
Twilight Sparkle: Oh, she's gotten so big. Starlight and I will do whatever we can to help protect her.

• MC Outlaw
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Princess Cadance: To be honest, having you here is already a big relief.
Shining Armor: Hmm. The royal guards were wondering if Spike the Brave and Glorious would like to join in the search for the changeling.
Spike: Really?
Twilight Sparkle: Uh, I don't know if that's such a good idea, Spike. It sounds dangerous.
Spike: Come on, Twilight, this is Spike the Brave and Glorious you're talking to. Have you ever known me to run from danger?
Twilight Sparkle: Um...
Shining Armor: He'll be safe with our guards.
Spike: Or will your guards be safe with me?
Royal guard 2: Spike the Brave and Glorious, you've faced the evil changelings before. What can you tell us?
Spike: Oh, uh, well, they are changelings, so they can... change.
Royal guard 2: You hear that? These monsters can look like any of us, so be on guard, guards! Even more than normal.
Spike: And they could be anywhere. So we should cover as much ground as possible. You, search that way!
Spike: And, you, search that way!
Spike: And... I'll... just search... here, I guess. Not many places to hide... Unless that rock is a changeling. Okay, rock. How do I know you're really a rock? Hmm. Not talkin', huh? Well, you can't fool me! Uhh! Ow!
Spike: Help! Help! Help! Help! Help! Help! Help!
Spike: Phew! [kisses] Okay. Maybe it's time Spike the Brave and Glorious went back to, uh, protect those guards. Gah! Huh. Just my reflection. Huh? Ha! Ha-ha! Hmm. Just my imagination, I guess.
Spike: Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-changeling! [stutters]
Thorax: No, wait! Come back!
Spike: [screaming] This is unexpected.
Thorax: The ice is pretty slippery. I wouldn't want you to get hurt because of me.
Spike: You... saved me?
Thorax: It's okay. I know you don't wanna be friends.
Spike: Wait! I don't understand! Changelings are supposed to be evil... right?
Thorax: Evil? Oh, not me. All I've ever wanted is a friend. From the moment I first split my egg in the nursery hive...
Thorax: I was part of the attack on Canterlot during the Royal Wedding, but I've never seen true friendship like that! And I couldn't just steal it and feed on its love. I wanted to share it! After that, I knew I couldn't live with my kind anymore. I set off looking for love to share, but...
Spike: But... what?
Thorax: I'm starving! And there's so much love in the Crystal Empire right now. It's what drew me here! But it's drivin' me crazy!

• Clessidrus
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Spike: That would be from the royal Crystalling. It's pretty much a giant outpouring of light and love for the new baby.
Thorax: Oh, sorry! I'm just so hungry! If I had a friend, maybe the love we shared could sustain me, but I don't think the Crystal Ponies wanna be friends.
Spike: What if I told you there was somepony they respect and admire so much that could convince them to give it a try?
Thorax: If only that were true.
Spike: It is! I mean, I am! It's me, Spike! Spike the Brave and Glorious? I'm sure you've heard of me.
Thorax: Nope. But I was raised by an evil queen. I'm Thorax. I can't believe you want to help me.
Spike: Why? Hasn't anypony ever just been nice to you?
Thorax: Uh! S-Sorry! Kindness like that kind of brings it out. Do you still wanna be my friend?
Spike: Of course! And I am one hundred percent sure I can get the whole Crystal Empire to be your friend too.
Spike: But... maybe I should just, uh, talk to them first.
Royal guard 1: What do you mean? Did you see the changeling?
Royal guard 2: Did you defeat the evil creature?
Spike: Defeating a changeling would be brave, but do you know what would be glorious?
Royal guard 1: Defeating two changelings?
Royal guard 2: Defeating all the changelings?
Spike: Not having to fight the changeling at all! Because I made friends with him.
Royal guard 1: Wow! For a second I thought you were serious!
Royal guard 2: Could you imagine? Friends with a changeling!
Spike: I am serious. He wants to be friends!
Royal guard 2: Right!
Royal guard 1: Not only are you Spike the Brave and Glorious, you're also Spike the Hilarious!
Spike: I'm not joking! The changeling is nice.
Shining Armor: I'm sorry, but I don't think it's funny. The Changeling Queen Chrysalis kidnapped Cadance, and cast a spell on me.
Shining Armor: There's no such thing as a "nice" changeling.
Spike: You're right, Shining Armor. Sorry. That was a... bad joke.
Thorax: So? So? Uh, what did they say? How many new friends do I have?
Spike: Well, it didn't go exactly the way I thought.
Thorax: Uh, I understand. Well, thanks for trying. I-I guess it's not surprising. How can you expect ponies who looks like this... to trust something that looks like this?
Spike: I think I might know.

• TeoWolf82
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Twilight Sparkle: Spike, if you're done searching for the changeling, Starlight and I could use your help. We're working on a protection spell for Flurry Heart, and nopony takes notes like you.
Spike: Uh, actually, Twilight, I, uh, wanted to introduce you to my friend, uh... Uh, Crystal, uh... hoof! Crystalhoof! [chuckles] My good friend, Crystalhoof.
Thorax: Nice to meet you.
Twilight Sparkle: Oh. Well, it's, uh, nice to meet you, too. How do you know Spike?
Thorax: Oh, uh, Spike and I go way back.
Spike: To the Equestria Games! That's when we met. We've been pen pals ever since.
Twilight Sparkle: Pen pals? Spike! You could have been using my pen pal quill set! Why didn't you tell me?
Spike: Well, I... I pretty much only write to him when you and Starlight are... studying.
Thorax: I like to brag to all my friends about my letters from Spike the Brave and Glorious.
Spike: Yeah.
Twilight Sparkle: Well, I'm sure Starlight and I can manage, if you want to spend time with your friend.
Spike: Great! Crystalhoof promised to take me around the city.
Thorax: Oh, that was amazing!
Spike: I told ya.
Royal guard 1: Crystalhoof is nearly as entertaining as Spike himself!
Thorax: This place is everything I've ever dreamed of! [hushed] But I can't keep pretending to be a crystal pony forever, can I?
Spike: Relax, you're winning them over! Pretty soon, nopony will care that you're a changeling!
Princess Cadance: Spike! Twilight told me you were off with a friend.
Princess Cadance: And any friend of Spike the Brave and Glorious is a friend of mine.
Thorax: Oh, she's so beautiful! There's so much love around her...! I... I...!
Thorax: I... I'm so... sorry...! I can't... Can't... stop!
Twilight Sparkle: Spike! Get away from the changeling!
Spike: Wait, no! You don't understand!
Sunburst: This changeling replaced your friend to get close to the baby! What other explanation could there be?!
Spike: I...
Spike: ...I don't know.
Royal guard 1: After it! Don't let the changeling escape!
Princess Cadance: I hope your friend is okay.
Spike: Yeah... me too.
Royal guard 1: Spike, you should go find Crystalhoof while we hunt down the changeling.
Spike: I'm pretty sure he doesn't wanna see me...

• Midnight Specter
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Shining Armor: Spread out! The changeling is probably still nearby!
Spike: Actually, I'm pretty sure he ran as far away from here as possible. ...but I bet I know where!
Spike: Thorax! Hello? I just want to apologize! I should have stood up for you... Aw, come on, Thorax! I know you're in here!
Thorax: Leave me alone! [hisses]
Spike: [yelps] [panting] Little help?
Thorax: Why do you think I would help you? I'm an "evil changeling"!
Spike: Because you're my friend. I just wish I had been there for you.
Thorax: It's okay, I know it's hard. Everyone in the Crystal Empire loves you. I couldn't ask you to give that up for me.
Spike: You don't have to ask.
Thorax: What are you gonna do?
Spike: What I should've done in the first place.
Starlight Glimmer: I know it's bad that there's a changeling around, but is all this really necessary?
Princess Cadance: If there's one changeling, there may well be a whole army on the way.
Twilight Sparkle: True. But Starlight has a point. This is getting a little out of hand.
Princess Cadance: I understand, but I don't know what else we can do.
Spike: I do!
Shining Armor: Spike! What are you doing?! Get away from that thing!
Spike: No. He's not a 'thing'! His name is Thorax, and he's my friend!
[Spike]Would you say I'm a hero
Glorious and brave
If I told something you wouldn't believe?
That sometimes I'm scared
And I can make mistakes
And I'm not so heroic, it seems
But if day can turn to night
And the darkness turn to light
Then why can't we imagine a changeling can change?
No two ponies are exactly the same
No two snowflakes ever match their design
And I thought I was strong
But I was nothing but wrong
When I forgot to be friendly and kind
But if day can turn to night

• Roxas94
Codice: Seleziona tutto
And the darkness turn to light
Then why can't we imagine a changeling can change?
Would you say I'm a hero
Glorious and brave
If I told something you wouldn't believe?
This changeling, it seems
Knows the real me
And would stay by my side 'til the end
So if day can turn to night
And the darkness turn to light
Then why can't we imagine
Just, why can't we imagine
Then why can't we imagine a changeling can change?
Twilight Sparkle: Spike, I'm so proud of you.
Spike: You are?
Twilight Sparkle: Of course! You're a celebrity here in the Crystal Empire, and you just risked all of it for a friend! I can't imagine anything more brave than that. [to others] As the Princess of Friendship, I try to set an example for all of Equestria. But today, it was Spike who taught me that a new friend can come from anywhere. I guess everypony still has things to learn about friendship. Even me! And if Spike says Thorax is his friend, then he's my friend too.
Thorax: Thank you.
Princess Cadance: On behalf of the Crystal Empire, I would like to extend my hoof in friendship, and I'm sure all of my subjects are eager to do the same.
Shining Armor: Welcome to the Crystal Empire, Thorax. I'm sorry we didn't take the time to get to know you. Maybe we can change that now.
Thorax: That'd be so amazing! I want to know all about friendship and maybe one day I can take that knowledge back to the changeling kingdom! If my kind learned how to create love for one another, maybe they wouldn't have to take it from others!
Royal guard 1: To Spike the Brave and Glorious!
Starlight Glimmer: Looks like you were right after all.
Twilight Sparkle: Right about what?
Starlight Glimmer: Friendship lessons can happen anywhere.


• Doctor Whooves


• Mindstorm
• TeoWolf82

Transcripts da Tradurre:
http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Transcripts/T ... Changeling


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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E16 - The Times They Are...

Messaggioda Laurel Crown » 19/08/2016, 19:19

Confermata la mia disponibilità anche stavolta
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E16 - The Times They Are...

Messaggioda MC Outlaw » 19/08/2016, 19:20

Come al solito, pronto come traduttore, signore!
One Piece of Friendship[My Little Pony X One Piece-Terminata]
Alternative Dimension[My Little Pony post-invasione/apocalisse]
Sunset's Fading [Equestria Girls]
My Little Vault [My Little Pony X Borderlands 2- Solo su EFP]
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Immagine ~ by Miri
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~ by Otta
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E16 - The Times They Are...

Messaggioda Clessidrus » 19/08/2016, 19:35

Ci sono pure io come traduttore
Gif Divertente
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E16 - The Times They Are...

Messaggioda Midnight Specter » 19/08/2016, 19:55

Ci sono per la traduzione (Y)
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E16 - The Times They Are...

Messaggioda Roxas94 » 19/08/2016, 21:30

Traduzione come sempre
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E16 - The Times They Are...

Messaggioda Thunder Jolt » 19/08/2016, 22:16

Se c'è posto, salgo a bordo come traduttore.
We're not acquaintances, we're not friends... we are family!

We're not relatives, we're not even siblings! We are family!
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E16 - The Times They Are...

Messaggioda Doctor Whooves » 19/08/2016, 22:20

Traduzione e subbing, o se sono già pieni tutti i posti solo subbing.
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E16 - The Times They Are...

Messaggioda Roxas94 » 20/08/2016, 21:34

A voi.
Codice: Seleziona tutto
E l’oscurità diventa luce
And the darkness turn to light

Allora perché non possiamo credere che un changeling possa cambiare?
Then why can't we imagine a changeling can change?

Direste che io sono un eroe
Would you say I'm a hero

Glorioso e coraggioso
Glorious and brave

Se vi dicessi qualcosa a cui non credereste?
If I told something you wouldn't believe?

Questo changeling, sembra
This changeling, it seems

Conosca il vero me
Knows the real me

E resterebbe al mio fianco fino alla fine
And would stay by my side 'til the end

Quindi se il giorno può diventar notte
So if day can turn to night

E l’oscurità diventa luce
And the darkness turn to light

Allora perché non possiamo pensare
Then why can't we imagine

Solo, perché non possiamo pensare
Just, why can't we imagine

Allora perché non possiamo credere che un changeling possa cambiare?
Then why can't we imagine a changeling can change?

Twilight Sparkle: Spike, I'm so proud of you.
Spike, sono così fiera di te.

Spike: You are?
Lo sei?

Twilight Sparkle: Of course! You're a celebrity here in the Crystal Empire, and you just risked all of it for a friend! I can't imagine anything more brave than that. [to others] As the Princess of Friendship, I try to set an example for all of Equestria. But today, it was Spike who taught me that a new friend can come from anywhere. I guess everypony still has things to learn about friendship. Even me! And if Spike says Thorax is his friend, then he's my friend too.
Certo! Sei una celebrità qui nel Crystal Empire, e tu hai appena rischiato tutto per un amico! Non posso immaginare niente di più coraggioso di questo. Come Principessa dell’Amicizia, cerco di essere un modello per tutta Equestria. Ma oggi, è stato Spike che mi ha insegnato che un nuovo amico può venire da ovunque. Suppongo che tutti hanno ancora qualcosa da imparare sull’amicizia. Persino io! E se Spike dice che Thorax è un suo amico, allora è anche un mio amico.

Thorax: Thank you.

Princess Cadance: On behalf of the Crystal Empire, I would like to extend my hoof in friendship, and I'm sure all of my subjects are eager to do the same.
A nome del Crystal Empire, vorrei porgere il mio zoccolo in segno di amicizia, e sono sicura che tutti i miei sudditi siano ansiosi di fare lo stesso.

Shining Armor: Welcome to the Crystal Empire, Thorax. I'm sorry we didn't take the time to get to know you. Maybe we can change that now.
Benvenuto al Crystal Empire, Thorax. Mi dispiace che non ci siamo presi del tempo per conoscerti. Forse possiamo farlo adesso.

Thorax: That'd be so amazing! I want to know all about friendship and maybe one day I can take that knowledge back to the changeling kingdom! If my kind learned how to create love for one another, maybe they wouldn't have to take it from others!
Sarebbe fantastico! Voglio imparare tutto sull’amicizia e forse un giorno potrò portare quella conoscenza nel regno dei changeling! Se la mia razza imparasse a provare amore per qualcun altro, forse non dovranno più prenderlo dagli altri!

Royal guard 1: To Spike the Brave and Glorious!
A Spike il Coraggioso e Glorioso!

Starlight Glimmer: Looks like you were right after all.
Sembra che tu avessi ragione dopotutto.

Twilight Sparkle: Right about what?
Riguardo che cosa?

Starlight Glimmer: Friendship lessons can happen anywhere.
Le lezioni sull’amicizia possono avvenire ovunque.
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E16 - The Times They Are...

Messaggioda Clessidrus » 20/08/2016, 22:02

Finito B)

Codice: Seleziona tutto
Spike: That would be from the royal Crystalling. It's pretty much a giant outpouring of light and love for the new baby.
Questo potrebbe essere dalla Cristallizzazione reale. Praticamente è una gigantesca diffusione di luce ed amore per la neonata.

Thorax: Oh, sorry! I'm just so hungry! If I had a friend, maybe the love we shared could sustain me, but I don't think the Crystal Ponies wanna be friends.
Oh, mi dispiace! Sono solo molto affamato! Se io avessi un amico, forse l'amore che abbiamo condiviso potrebbe sostenermi, ma non penso che i pony di cristallo vogliano essermi amici.

Spike: What if I told you there was somepony they respect and admire so much that could convince them to give it a try?
E se ti dicessi che c'è qualcuno che loro rispettano ed ammirano così tanto che li potrebbe convincerli a dargli una possibilità?

Thorax: If only that were true.
Se solo fosse vero.

Spike: It is! I mean, I am! It's me, Spike! Spike the Brave and Glorious? I'm sure you've heard of me.
Lo è! Voglio dire, sono io! Sono io, Spike! Spike il il Coraggioso e Glorioso? Sono sicuro che hai sentito parlare di me.

Thorax: Nope. But I was raised by an evil queen. I'm Thorax. I can't believe you want to help me.
No. Ma sono stato cresciuto da una malvagia regina. Sono Thorax. Non posso credere che tu vuoi aiutarmi.

Spike: Why? Hasn't anypony ever just been nice to you?
Perchè? Mai nessuno prima d'ora è stato gentile con te?

Thorax: Uh! S-Sorry! Kindness like that kind of brings it out. Do you still wanna be my friend?
Ah! S-Scusami!La gentilezza mi provoca questo. Vuoi essere ancora mio amico?

Spike: Of course! And I am one hundred percent sure I can get the whole Crystal Empire to be your friend too.
Certamente! E sono sicuro al cento per cento che posso convincere pure tutta Crystal Empire ad esserti amica.

Spike: But... maybe I should just, uh, talk to them first.
Ma ... forse dovrei solo, eh, parlare con loro prima.

Royal guard 1: What do you mean? Did you see the changeling?
Che cosa volete dire? Avete visto il changeling?

Royal guard 2: Did you defeat the evil creature?
Avete sconfitto la malvagia creatura?

Spike: Defeating a changeling would be brave, but do you know what would be glorious?
Sconfiggere una changeling sarebbe coraggioso, ma sapete cosa sarebbe glorioso?

Royal guard 1: Defeating two changelings?
Sconfiggere due changelings?

Royal guard 2: Defeating all the changelings?
Sconfiggere tutti i changelings?

Spike: Not having to fight the changeling at all! Because I made friends with him.
Non dover combattere il changeling per niente! Perché ho fatto amicizia con lui.

Royal guard 1: Wow! For a second I thought you were serious!
Wow! Per un momento ho pensato che foste serio!

Royal guard 2: Could you imagine? Friends with a changeling!
Potete immaginare? Essere amici di un changeling!

Spike: I am serious. He wants to be friends!
Sono serio. Lui vuole essere nostro amico!

Royal guard 2: Right!

Royal guard 1: Not only are you Spike the Brave and Glorious, you're also Spike the Hilarious!
Non solo siete Spike il il Coraggioso e Glorioso, ma anche Spike lo Spiritoso!

Spike: I'm not joking! The changeling is nice.
Non sto scherzando! Il changeling è buono.

Shining Armor: I'm sorry, but I don't think it's funny. The Changeling Queen Chrysalis kidnapped Cadance, and cast a spell on me.
Mi dispiace, ma non penso che sia divertente. La regina dei changeling Chrysalis ha rapito Cadance, e lanciato un incantesimo su di me.

Shining Armor: There's no such thing as a "nice" changeling.
Non esiste qualcosa come un Changeling "buono"

Spike: You're right, Shining Armor. Sorry. That was a... bad joke.
Hai ragione, Shining Armor. Mi dispiace. Era solo.... una battuta.

Thorax: So? So? Uh, what did they say? How many new friends do I have?
Quindi? Quindi? Eh, che cos'hai detto. Quanti nuovi amici ho?

Spike: Well, it didn't go exactly the way I thought.
Beh, non è andata esattamente come avevo pensato.

Thorax: Uh, I understand. Well, thanks for trying. I-I guess it's not surprising. How can you expect ponies who looks like this... to trust something that looks like this?
Oh, capisco. Beh, grazie per averci provato. I-Immagino che non c'è da stupirsi. Come puoi aspettarti che i pony che assomigliano a questo ... possano fidarsi di qualcosa che assomiglia a questo?

Spike: I think I might know.
Penso di saperlo.

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Guardia Reale
Guardia Reale
Status: Offline
Messaggi: 6712
Iscritto il: 25/11/2013, 13:11
Località: Ovunque il tuo cuore desideri, tranne Sorrento (Na)
Pony preferito: Twilight Sparkle
Sesso: Maschio


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