[Coordinamento] S6 E11 - Flutter Brutter

Area dedicata in cui il gruppo Traduttori CMC-What The Buck! si organizza per il lavoro sugli episodi di FiM e della serie Equestria Girls.

Moderatore: Mindstorm

[Coordinamento] S6 E11 - Flutter Brutter

Messaggioda Mindstorm » 03/06/2016, 11:45

Questo è il thread dedicato alla traduzione dell'episodio.

Le linee guida alla traduzione sono consultabili qui: REGOLAMENTO & LINEE GUIDA TRADUTTORI

Dizionari on-line
WordReference Dizionario Inglese-italiano
Heinle's Newbury House Dictionary of American English Dizionario Americano
Oxford Dictionaries Dizionario Inglese
Urbandictionary Dizionario sullo Slang AngloAmericano
Idioms Yourdictionary Dizionario sui modi di dire AngloAmericani

Tempi di consegna (dall'assegnazione delle parti):
- Traduttori-subber (cioè chi subba direttamente ciò che traduce): 24 ore
- Traduttori: 12 - Max 18 ore
- Subber: fino alle 17 del lunedì successivo alla messa in onda


• Mindstorm


• Mindstorm (+sub)
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Mrs. Shy: So happy you could come have lunch with me and your father, Fluttershy.
Fluttershy: I'm so glad you asked.
Rainbow Dash: And it was super awesome of you to invite me too! Things have been so busy with the Wonderbolts lately, it's great to get a chance to relax somewhere quiet.
Mr. Shy: That's exactly what I intend to do now that I've retired. In fact, I converted the back house to showcase my cloud collection. I have my clouds, your mom has her flowers, you've got your animals, and your brother...
Mrs. Shy: Zephyr Breeze has his... interests.
Rainbow Dash: I'll say! Remember when he was convinced square clouds were gonna be the next big thing?
Mrs. Shy: He's matured a lot since then.
Mr. Shy: Actually, it's funny you bring Zephyr up...
Fluttershy: Oh no! Not again!
Mrs. Shy: It's just for a little while, dear. 'til he gets back on his hooves.
Rainbow Dash: Wait, you don't mean-
Zephyr Breeze: Guess who's home! That's right, big sis, it's your one and only favorite little brother, moi.
[theme song]
Zephyr Breeze: Hi, Flutterbutter! How's the bestest big sister ever? Hey, where's the love? How about a little excitement to see your baby brother?
Fluttershy: I'm just surprised. When you left you said mane therapy was your calling.
Zephyr Breeze: Oh it is, sis, it is, you would not believe how much stress ponies fold in their manes! Everything gets limp and unmanageable! No offense, but brushing alone won't solve the problem.
Fluttershy: What went wrong?
Zephyr Breeze: Nothing went wrong per se! It's just the powers that be were so locked into their required styles, and you know me! I got my own style! And I think they were a little threatened.
Mrs. Shy: Oh, this is... lovely, dear.
Rainbow Dash: Ugh.
Zephyr Breeze: Welllll, if it ain't Rainbows "the best flyer that ever was" Dash!
Rainbow Dash: [flatly] Oh, this ought to be good.
Zephyr Breeze: Sorry, I shouldn't tease you, I know the whole super awesome flyer bit's just to impress me.
Zephyr Breeze: Still, thanks for showing up for my homecoming, it's, it's sweet.
Zephyr Breeze: I thought there'd be more ponies here! I mean, what about your party planner friend, um... Sprinkle Pie! She could turn this into a real house partay, am I right? I mean, this place could use it! Drab!
Mrs. Shy: [stuttering] I...
Mr. Shy: We have been meaning to redecorate...
Zephyr Breeze: Dad, please. When I get all my stuff back in here you won't even know what this boring old place looked like!
Fluttershy: Um, Mom, Dad, can I talk to you for a second?
Mrs. Shy: What is it, honey?
Fluttershy: I'm not so sure letting Zephyr live back home is a good idea! I know you both want to help, but don't you remember last time?
Mrs. Shy: Zephyr's just trying to find his place, dear.
Fluttershy: [sighs] I know, it just seems like his place always ends up being your place! Then he sort of makes you do everything for him!
Mr. Shy: Well, we may not be as bold as you, Fluttershy, but, don't you worry, we know how to stand up for ourselves.
Zephyr Breeze: And they were all like, "We love your free spirit, Zeph! And it would be wrong to cage that! Go follow your dreams!"

• Laurel Crown (+sub)
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Rainbow Dash: Zeph was just telling me all about the ins and outs of mane therapy school.
Zephyr Breeze: It's all so political. I just could not take it!
Fluttershy: Well, maybe if you stuck with it for more than a few weeks...
Zephyr Breeze: Sorry, sis, when something's not the right fit, this pony's gotta fly!
Zephyr Breeze: [yawns] Anyway, good talk, Rainbows, I am so touched you came me, really, I hate to deprive you of my presence, but this breeze needs his z's.
Rainbow Dash: You know it's the middle of the day, right?
Zephyr Breeze: I know. Siesta! I'm just gonna assume you made up my room the way I like it, right Mom? Oh, I almost forgot! All my stuff is out front, wanna grab that for me, Pops? Thanks.
Rainbow Dash: [sighs] Same old Zeph.
Rainbow Dash: I know you weren't expecting to see your brother, but you've been kind of quiet, even for you.
Fluttershy: I'm sorry, but I am just so... so... peeved right now! Excuse my language!
Pinkie Pie: Rainbow Dash! Fluttershy! It's me, Pinkie Pie! Your friend!
Fluttershy: Oh, um, sorry about that.
Rainbow Dash: We just had lunch with Fluttershy's parents, and you'll never guess who showed up!
Pinkie Pie: Ooh! Mayor Mare? Cranky Doodle Donkey? Cheese Sandwich? Miss Marshwhinny?!
Rainbow Dash: Zephyr Breeze.
Pinkie Pie: Oh, that makes more sense.
Applejack: And from the look on your face I'm guessin' it's for another one of his "extended stays"?
Rainbow Dash: She's a bit peeved.
Fluttershy: Zephyr's my brother, and I love him. But he's never learned to do anything for himself. I don't know why my parents keep letting him tread all over them!
Applejack: Well, if your parents won't stand up for themselves, maybe you need to stand up for them!
Fluttershy: You know, you're right!
Fluttershy: Zephyr Breeze!
Zephyr Breeze: Oh, hey sis! Come to see me work my magic and turn this place from drab to fab, huh? Well, watch and learn!
Fluttershy: Can't you see what you're doing?!
Zephyr Breeze: Yeah! I'm getting rid of this old stuff so I can turn the backhouse into my art studio! I've decided I'm gonna be a sculptor!
Fluttershy: You're talking about Mom's flowers!
Zephyr Breeze: She's gonna move them so I can have my meditation patio here! She loves replanting stuff, don't you, Mom?
Fluttershy: And Dad's been collecting his favorite bits of cloud from the factory since before you were born.
Mr. Shy: The very best from every production run since my first day on the job. Ah!
Mr. Shy: [sighs] But why hold onto the past really?
Fluttershy: You can't just fly in and change everything Mom and Dad have built here.
Zephyr Breeze: But this is the only place big enough for my studio/meditation garden. Ooh! Unless I do it in the living room!
Fluttershy: I know speaking up for yourself can be hard, believe me, but Zephyr will never live on his own if he can lean on you.
Zephyr Breeze: Don't be so dramatic, sis! Mom and Dad just wanna let me be me! Right? I can do plenty on my own.
Fluttershy: I agree. Which is why you should move out.

• Roxas94
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Zephyr Breeze: Oh. Well, I mean, I totally would, but... I don't think that's what Mom and Dad want! It's not, is it?
Mrs. Shy: Ehhh...
Mr. Shy: You know we love you, son, but your sister has a point.
Zephyr Breeze: Sure. I mean, I really just came back to keep you guys company, but... whatever's best for the family. I just... I just gotta grab a few essentials.
Mrs. Shy: And... you definitely have somewhere else to go?
Zephyr Breeze: Of course! There's plenty of ponies who'd love for a little breeze to blow their way...
Rainbow Dash: So... where's Zeph gonna go now?
Fluttershy: I'm not sure. Oh, I hope I did the right thing...
Rainbow Dash: Are you kidding? One hundred per cent!
Zephyr Breeze: Hey sis!
Zephyr Breeze: Your new roommate's here!
Rainbow Dash: Okay, maybe like seventy per cent.
Fluttershy: Um, Zephyr. When Mom and Dad told you to find someplace else to live, I don't think they meant here.
Zephyr Breeze: Well, it's not their house, so by definition, it's someplace else. Am I right, Rainbows? Stop oogling me and help settle this!
Rainbow Dash: [sighs] You know what? I totally forgot that I promised to help Pinkie Pie... sprinkle... something.
Fluttershy: You said you had plenty of places to go!
Fluttershy: [sighs] Fine. You can stay here-
Zephyr Breeze: You're the best! We're gonna have so much fun.
Fluttershy: On one condition.
Zephyr Breeze: Totally! Anything.
Fluttershy: You have to get a job.
Zephyr Breeze: Cracking the whip, huh? You always were kind of bossy.
Fluttershy: [through gritted teeth] Zephyr Breeze...
Zephyr Breeze: Kidding! Get a job. Absolutely.
Zephyr Breeze: [yawns] Where are we goin' so early? You have no idea how bad morning sun is for your mane!
Fluttershy: Remember how we talked about you getting a job?
Zephyr Breeze: It was just yesterday, and it's totally on my to-do list, but you can't expect to find something befitting my awesomeness overnight.
Fluttershy: I thought you might say that.
Fluttershy: So I did it for you.
Zephyr Breeze: What?!
Rarity: These fabrics all need to be dyed those colors. Do you think you can handle that?
Zephyr Breeze: [muttering] Um, I don't know...
Rarity: You get started while Fluttershy and I head to the store for more supplies. Ta-ta!
Fluttershy: Good luck!
Fluttershy: Thanks for giving my brother a job! I just hope he's up to the task...
Rarity: Oh, darling, dyeing fabric is the simplest thing!
Rarity: Just dip cloth in a wa-
Zephyr Breeze: Rarity, you're back!
Fluttershy: What did you do?

• Clessidrus
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Zephyr Breeze: Since you talk to animals all the time, I just figured it runs in the family, so why not outsource this stuff, you know?
Zephyr Breeze: Turns out the animal communication thing isn't genetic.
Rarity: Zephyr, I asked you to do this job! Not to pawn it off on innocent woodland creatures!
Zephyr Breeze: Okay, I guess you have some feelings about this, but you should know it's basically your cat's fault for walking by and giving me the idea. But I'm actually kinda into this look!
Zephyr Breeze: So I guess what I'm saying is... you're welcome?
Rarity: Zephyr, this is just unacceptable!
Zephyr Breeze: Wow. I guess I know when my efforts aren't appreciated.
Zephyr Breeze: Whoa, those are tall!
Twilight Sparkle: I'm glad you noticed, because they're your new job!
Zephyr Breeze: Wha? You said you were taking me to tea with the Princess!
Fluttershy: Actually, I said I was going to tea with the Princess. You're going to work.
Zephyr Breeze: Sis, c'mon!
Twilight Sparkle: Don't worry, Zephyr, it'll be easy! I just need a pegasus pony to fly up and wipe each window down from top to bottom!
Spike: And I'm here to make sure you do it right.
Twilight Sparkle: Wow, Zephyr! This looks amazing!
Zephyr Breeze: Uh, you know, like you said, it was easy!
Fluttershy: Where's Spike?
Spike: Up here!
Twilight Sparkle: You were supposed to supervise, not do all the work!
Spike: I was supervising! And then Zephyr asked me about different cleaning techniques, and which one was best, and he had me- hey! I did all the work!
Zephyr Breeze: Don't let him fool you. Old Spike is quite the taskmaster.
Zephyr Breeze: Oh, come on, sis! I had to ask Spike to make sure I was doing it right!
Fluttershy: You didn't do it at all! Well, I guarantee there won't be any fooling around on the next job.
Zephyr Breeze: Next job?
Rainbow Dash: That's right, Zeph! You're coming with me!
Zephyr Breeze: You don't have to come up with some excuse to hang out with me, Rainbows! Let's just go for a fly and see where the day takes us.
Rainbow Dash: We're going to Wonderbolts Headquarters, and I am gonna give you a job so simple, and straightforward, not even you can weasel your way out of it! [quickly] And the second you try I'm gonna zap you with a storm cloud, got it?
Zephyr Breeze: Oh, I got it. I can already feel the electricity between us.
Zephyr Breeze: Rainbow Dash is crazy, okay?! She expects me to do stuff right when she asks me to do it! It's insane!
Fluttershy: So you just quit? Again?
Zephyr Breeze: Escaped is more like it. Besides, what was I supposed to do?
Fluttershy: Keep trying? Finish something for once? Maybe that way you'd actually find something you like to do!
Zephyr Breeze: That all sounds fine for your friends, but it's just not me.
Fluttershy: Then I'm sorry, Zephyr, but I don't think you can live here.
Zephyr Breeze: Fine! I'll just go live in the woods like my foreponies before me! Guess the only breeze this zephyr can count on is his own!

• TeoWolf82
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Rainbow Dash: Aw, cheer up, Fluttershy! I know it was hard, but you did the right thing. You couldn't let Zephyr pull the same stuff on you that he's always pulled on your folks!
Fluttershy: I guess so...
Fluttershy: Oh, hello, Constance!
Fluttershy: Oh? Oh dear.
Zephyr Breeze: See, Winford? The breeze needs nopony! We've got food, shelter, just need to put the old kettle on...
Zephyr Breeze: Come on, sticky-sticky... make with the sparks!
Zephyr Breeze: Ugh! What's a pony got to do to find a decent stick around here?!
Rainbow Dash: I know he needs to learn to do things for himself, but...
Fluttershy: Oh... I can't let him live like this!
Rainbow Dash: Actually... I don't think he'd make it through the night.
Zephyr Breeze: Fluttershy, hey! I was just, um, cosying up in my sleeping bag! Ready to call it a night! What an exhausting day, y'know?
Rainbow Dash: It's noon.
Zephyr Breeze: You know me! Siesta...
Zephyr Breeze: Ugh... I can't do this. I can't do anything.
Fluttershy: Zephyr, you're smart and talented. You could do anything if you just tried!
Zephyr Breeze: And what if I give everything I have and still fail? Honestly, I think it's better not to try at all.
Rainbow Dash: But then you won't ever do anything.
Zephyr Breeze: I don't expect you two to understand. I mean, when have you ever failed? You've literally helped save Equestria like a dozen times.
Fluttershy: And I was worried that I'd fail every time! Sometimes, you have to do things, even though you might fail.
Zephyr Breeze: But failing is the worst!
Fluttershy: And quitting doesn't feel much better, does it?
Zephyr Breeze: No.
Fluttershy: So here's the deal: You can come back with me, but you have to do exactly what I say. No exceptions.
Zephyr Breeze: [resigned] I will literally do anything you ask me if it means I don't have to stay here.
Fluttershy: Okay, you know what you have to do, right?
Zephyr Breeze: Beg for help, then quit when I get frustrated. Just kidding! Total opposite of that. Got it.
Rainbow Dash: You think he can do it?
[Fluttershy]Everypony has times in their lives
When their hearts are filled with doubt
[Zephyr Breeze]Frustration builds up inside
And it makes you want to shout
[Rainbow Dash]But if you just take that first step
The next one will appear
[Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash]And you find you can walk, then run
Then fly...!
Into the stratosphere
You've got to give it your best
So you can pass the test
Give it everything that you've got
And we know you can win
You just have to begin
Have to give it your very best shot

• MC Outlaw
Codice: Seleziona tutto
[Zephyr Breeze]There are times that you want to give up
When you think that you can't go on
[Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash]But if you fight through with all of your might
You will find that you can't go wrong
That you could do it all along
[Fluttershy]Everypony has times in their lives
When their hearts are filled with doubt
[Rainbow Dash]But if you just give it your all
You'll start to work it out
[Zephyr Breeze]And I know I can't give up too soon
Get myself in the zone
And I find I can walk, then run
[Fluttershy, Zephyr, and Rainbow Dash]Then fly...!
[Zephyr Breeze]I can do it on my own
[Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash]You can do it on your own
[Zephyr Breeze]I can do it on my own
I can do it on my own
Zephyr Breeze: I did it! I actually finished something! By myself!
Rainbow Dash: And it looks exactly like it's supposed to!
Fluttershy: I knew you could do it, Zephyr.
Zephyr Breeze: I didn't! But I do now. Thanks for believing in me, sis.
Fluttershy: That's what big sisters are for.
Rainbow Dash: So, Zeph, now that you've accomplished this, what's next?
Zephyr Breeze: Anything I want! I mean, the sky's the limit, right? [beat] But, y'know... I've got some baby steps in mind.
Rainbow Dash: Thanks for dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Shy! It was brilliant, as usual.
Mrs. Shy: Thank you, dear, for not giving up on Zephyr. After all these years of pining for him, it must be so satisfying to see him on the right track.
Fluttershy: Have you heard from Zephyr? Is he doing well?
Mr. Shy: I tell you, he's a brand new pony! So full of drive and determination.
Rainbow Dash: That's great.
Zephyr Breeze: Guess who graduated from mane therapy training?
Rainbow Dash: Hah, awesome!
Mr. Shy: Congratulations, son!
Mrs. Shy: You look so handsome!
Fluttershy: I'm so proud of you, Zephyr.
Zephyr Breeze: It was only a matter of time before they recognized my true genius! But actually doing the work probably helped, and I wouldn't have it it weren't for you.
Fluttershy: Oh, I just gave you some encouragement. You did this on your own.
Zephyr Breeze: And honestly, right now I feel like I can do anything... except find a place. I can still crash here for a few days, right?



• Mindstorm
• TeoWolf82

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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E11 - Flutter Brutter

Messaggioda Laurel Crown » 03/06/2016, 11:47

Traduzione e subbing anche oggi. /)^_^
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E11 - Flutter Brutter

Messaggioda Roxas94 » 03/06/2016, 11:52

Traduzione come al solito
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E11 - Flutter Brutter

Messaggioda Clessidrus » 03/06/2016, 11:58

Scegli me :D

A parte gli scherzi, partecipo pure io alla traduzione ^_^
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E11 - Flutter Brutter

Messaggioda MC Outlaw » 03/06/2016, 13:39

Pronto a fare da Traduttore, signore!
One Piece of Friendship[My Little Pony X One Piece-Terminata]
Alternative Dimension[My Little Pony post-invasione/apocalisse]
Sunset's Fading [Equestria Girls]
My Little Vault [My Little Pony X Borderlands 2- Solo su EFP]
Fanart di Francy Sunglass
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~ by Otta
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E11 - Flutter Brutter

Messaggioda MC Outlaw » 04/06/2016, 22:31

Parte tradotta, signore!
Codice: Seleziona tutto
[Zephyr Breeze]Ci sono volte in cui ti vuoi arrendere
There are times that you want to give up

Quando pensi di non poter andare avanti
When you think that you can't go on

[Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash]Ma se ti impegni con tutta la tua volontà
But if you fight through with all of your might

Scoprirai che non puoi sbagliare
You will find that you can't go wrong

Che puoi fare tutto ciò che vuoi
That you could do it all along

[Fluttershy]Tutti hanno momenti nelle loro vite
Everypony has times in their lives

In cui i loro cuori sono pieni di dubbi
When their hearts are filled with doubt

[Rainbow Dash]Ma se solo dai tutto ciò che hai
But if you just give it your all

Inizierai a risolverli
You'll start to work it out

[Zephyr Breeze]E so che non posso arrendermi troppo presto
And I know I can't give up too soon

Devo buttarmi e concentrarmi
Get myself in the zone

E scoprirò che posso camminare, poi correre
And I find I can walk, then run

[Fluttershy, Zephyr, and Rainbow Dash]E poi volare...!
Then fly...!

[Zephyr Breeze]Posso farcela con le mie forze
I can do it on my own

[Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash]Puoi farcela con le tue forze
You can do it on your own

[Zephyr Breeze]Posso farcela con le mie forze
I can do it on my own

Posso farcela con le mie forze
I can do it on my own

Zephyr Breeze: I did it! I actually finished something! By myself!
Ce l'ho fatta! Ho veramente finito qualcosa! Da solo!

Rainbow Dash: And it looks exactly like it's supposed to!
E sembra esattamente ciò che dovrebbe essere!

Fluttershy: I knew you could do it, Zephyr.
Sapevo che potevi farcela, Zephyr.

Zephyr Breeze: I didn't! But I do now. Thanks for believing in me, sis.
Io no! Ma lo so adesso. Grazie per aver creduto in me, sorellona.

Fluttershy: That's what big sisters are for.
Questo è ciò a cui servono le sorelle maggiori.

Rainbow Dash: So, Zeph, now that you've accomplished this, what's next?
Quindi, Zeph, ora che hai finito questo, che altro farai?

Zephyr Breeze: Anything I want! I mean, the sky's the limit, right? [beat] But, y'know... I've got some baby steps in mind.
Tutto ciò che voglio! Insomma, il limite è il cielo, giusto? Ma, sapete... Ho in mente qualche piccolo passo prima.

Rainbow Dash: Thanks for dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Shy! It was brilliant, as usual.
Grazie per la cena, Mr. And Mrs. Shy! È stata fantastica, come sempre.

Mrs. Shy: Thank you, dear, for not giving up on Zephyr. After all these years of pining for him, it must be so satisfying to see him on the right track.
Grazie a te, cara, per non esserti arresa con Zephyr. Dopo tutti questi anni di penare per lui, deve essere così soddisfacente vederlo sulla strada adatta a lui.

Fluttershy: Have you heard from Zephyr? Is he doing well?
Avete notizie di Zephyr? Sta andando bene?

Mr. Shy: I tell you, he's a brand new pony! So full of drive and determination.
Ve lo dirò, è un pony tutto nuovo! Così pieno di spinta e determinazione.

Rainbow Dash: That's great.
È stupendo.

Zephyr Breeze: Guess who graduated from mane therapy training?
Indovinate chi si è diplomato all'allenamento terapeutico della criniera?

Rainbow Dash: Hah, awesome!
Hah, fantastico!

Mr. Shy: Congratulations, son!
Congratulazioni, figliolo!

Mrs. Shy: You look so handsome!
Sembri così bello!

Fluttershy: I'm so proud of you, Zephyr.
Sono così fiera di te, Zephyr.

Zephyr Breeze: It was only a matter of time before they recognized my true genius! But actually doing the work probably helped, and I wouldn't have it it weren't for you.
Era solo questione di tempo prima che riconoscessero la mia vera genialità! Ma lavorare per davvero probabilmente ha aiutato, e non lo avrei mai fatto se non fosse stato per te.

Fluttershy: Oh, I just gave you some encouragement. You did this on your own.
Oh, io ti ho solo dato un po' di incoraggiamento. Questo lo hai fatto da solo.

Zephyr Breeze: And honestly, right now I feel like I can do anything... except find a place. I can still crash here for a few days, right?
Ed onestamente, in questo momento sento come di poter fare qualsiasi cosa... eccetto trovare un posto dove vivere. Posso accamparmi qui per qualche altro giorno, vero?
One Piece of Friendship[My Little Pony X One Piece-Terminata]
Alternative Dimension[My Little Pony post-invasione/apocalisse]
Sunset's Fading [Equestria Girls]
My Little Vault [My Little Pony X Borderlands 2- Solo su EFP]
Fanart di Francy Sunglass
Immagine ~ by Lolly
Immagine ~ by Miri
Immagine ~ by Kage
~ by Otta
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MC Outlaw
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Iscritto il: 24/02/2013, 22:41
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Sesso: Maschio

Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E11 - Flutter Brutter

Messaggioda Roxas94 » 04/06/2016, 22:34

A voi
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Zephyr Breeze: Oh. Well, I mean, I totally would, but... I don't think that's what Mom and Dad want! It's not, is it?
Oh. Beh, voglio dire, io lo farei, ma... non penso sia ciò che mamma e papà vogliono! è così, non è vero?

Mrs. Shy: Ehhh...

Mr. Shy: You know we love you, son, but your sister has a point.
Sai quanto ti vogliamo bene, figliolo, ma tua sorella ha ragione.

Zephyr Breeze: Sure. I mean, I really just came back to keep you guys company, but... whatever's best for the family. I just... I just gotta grab a few essentials.
Certo. Voglio dire, sono tornato solo per farvi compagnia, ma... farò ciò che è maglio per la famiglia. Devo... devo solo prendere il minimo indispensabile.

Mrs. Shy: And... you definitely have somewhere else to go?
E... hai un altro posto dove andare?

Zephyr Breeze: Of course! There's plenty of ponies who'd love for a little breeze to blow their way...
Certamente! Ci sono un sacco di pony a cui piacerebbe avermi attorno per un po’…

Rainbow Dash: So... where's Zeph gonna go now?
Allora... dove andrà Zeph adesso?

Fluttershy: I'm not sure. Oh, I hope I did the right thing...
Non lo so. Oh, spero di aver fatto la cosa giusta...

Rainbow Dash: Are you kidding? One hundred per cent!
Stai scherzando? Al cento per cento!

Zephyr Breeze: Hey sis!
Hey sorellona!

Zephyr Breeze: Your new roommate's here!
Il tuo nuovo coinquilino è qui!

Rainbow Dash: Okay, maybe like seventy per cent.
Ok, forse settanta per cento.

Fluttershy: Um, Zephyr. When Mom and Dad told you to find someplace else to live, I don't think they meant here.
Um, Zephyr. Quando mamma e papà ti hanno detto di trovare un altro posto dove vivere, non penso intendessero qui.

Zephyr Breeze: Well, it's not their house, so by definition, it's someplace else. Am I right, Rainbows? Stop oogling me and help settle this!
Beh, non è la loro casa, quindi per definizione, è un altro posto. Non ho ragione, Rainbow? Smettila di fissarmi e aiutami a risolvere la questione!

Rainbow Dash: [sighs] You know what? I totally forgot that I promised to help Pinkie Pie... sprinkle... something.
Sai cosa? Mi ero completamente dimenticata che avevo promesso di aiutare Pinkie Pie a... spargere... qualcosa.

Fluttershy: You said you had plenty of places to go!
Hai detto di avere un sacco di posti dove andare!

Fluttershy: [sighs] Fine. You can stay here-
Va bene. Puoi restare qui-

Zephyr Breeze: You're the best! We're gonna have so much fun.
Sei la migliore! Ci divertiremo un sacco.

Fluttershy: On one condition.
Ad una condizione.

Zephyr Breeze: Totally! Anything.
Certamente! Qualsiasi cosa.

Fluttershy: You have to get a job.
Devi trovarti un lavoro.

Zephyr Breeze: Cracking the whip, huh? You always were kind of bossy.
Schiocchi la frusta, huh? Sei sempre stata un po’ autoritaria.

Fluttershy: [through gritted teeth] Zephyr Breeze...
Zephyr Breeze...

Zephyr Breeze: Kidding! Get a job. Absolutely.
Scherzavo! Trovare un lavoro. Certamente.

Zephyr Breeze: [yawns] Where are we goin' so early? You have no idea how bad morning sun is for your mane!
Dove stiamo andando così di buonora? Tu non hai idea di quanto il sole del mattino faccia male alla tua criniera!

Fluttershy: Remember how we talked about you getting a job?
Ricordi quando abbiamo parlato di te che devi trovare un lavoro?

Zephyr Breeze: It was just yesterday, and it's totally on my to-do list, but you can't expect to find something befitting my awesomeness overnight.
Era solo ieri, ed è decisamente nella mia lista delle cose da fare, ma non puoi pensare di trovare qualcosa di adatto alla mia grandiosità da un giorno all’altro.

Fluttershy: I thought you might say that.
Sapevo avresti potuto dirlo.

Fluttershy: So I did it for you.
Quindi l’ho fatto io al posto tuo.

Zephyr Breeze: What?!

Rarity: These fabrics all need to be dyed those colors. Do you think you can handle that?
Questi tessuti devono essere tinti con quei colori. Pensi di poterci riuscire?

Zephyr Breeze: [muttering] Um, I don't know...
Um, non lo so...

Rarity: You get started while Fluttershy and I head to the store for more supplies. Ta-ta!
Inizia pure mentre io e Fluttershy andiamo al negozio per fare provviste. Ta-ta!

Fluttershy: Good luck!
Buona fortuna!

Fluttershy: Thanks for giving my brother a job! I just hope he's up to the task...
Grazie per aver dato un lavoro a mio fratello! Spero solo sia all’altezza del compito...

Rarity: Oh, darling, dyeing fabric is the simplest thing!
Oh, cara, tingere le stoffe è la cosa più semplice!

Rarity: Just dip cloth in a wa-
Devi solo immergere la stoffa in una-

Zephyr Breeze: Rarity, you're back!
Rarity, sei tornata!

Fluttershy: What did you do?
Che cosa hai fatto?
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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E11 - Flutter Brutter

Messaggioda Clessidrus » 04/06/2016, 23:44

Ho appena finito, spero veramente di aver fatto bene ^_^

Codice: Seleziona tutto
Zephyr Breeze: Since you talk to animals all the time, I just figured it runs in the family, so why not outsource this stuff, you know?
Dal momento che parli con gli animali in continuazione, ho solo pensato che fosse una caratteristica ereditaria, quindi perché non esternalizzare questa cosa, sai?

Zephyr Breeze: Turns out the animal communication thing isn't genetic.
Abbiamo scoperto che la cosa della comunicazione animale non è genetica.

Rarity: Zephyr, I asked you to do this job! Not to pawn it off on innocent woodland creatures!
Zephyr, ti avevo chiesto di fare questo lavoro! Non di rifilarlo alle creature innocenti del bosco!

Zephyr Breeze: Okay, I guess you have some feelings about this, but you should know it's basically your cat's fault for walking by and giving me the idea. But I'm actually kinda into this look!
Va bene, credo che tu abbia alcune sensazioni su questo, ma devi sapere che tecnicamente è colpa del tuo gatto per aver passeggiato e per avermi dato l'idea. Ma in realtà mi piace questo aspetto!

Zephyr Breeze: So I guess what I'm saying is... you're welcome?
Quindi credo che quello che sto dicendo è ... non c'è di che?

Rarity: Zephyr, this is just unacceptable!
Zephyr, questo è inaccettabile!

Zephyr Breeze: Wow. I guess I know when my efforts aren't appreciated.
Wow. Credo di sapere quando i miei sforzi non sono apprezzati.

Zephyr Breeze: Whoa, those are tall!
Whao, quanto sono alti!

Twilight Sparkle: I'm glad you noticed, because they're your new job!
Mi fa piacere che li hai notati, perché sono il tuo nuovo lavoro!

Zephyr Breeze: Wha? You said you were taking me to tea with the Princess!
Che cosa? Hai detto che mi stavi portando a prendere il tè con la principessa!

Fluttershy: Actually, I said I was going to tea with the Princess. You're going to work.
A dire il vero, ho detto che io stavo andando a prendere il tè con la principessa. Tu stai andando a lavorare.

Zephyr Breeze: Sis, c'mon!
Oh andiamo sorellona!

Twilight Sparkle: Don't worry, Zephyr, it'll be easy! I just need a pegasus pony to fly up and wipe each window down from top to bottom!
Non preoccuparti, Zephyr, sarà facile! Ho solo bisogno di un pegasus che voli e pulisca ogni finestra da cima a fondo!

Spike: And I'm here to make sure you do it right.
E io sono qui per fare in modo che tu lo faccia bene.

Twilight Sparkle: Wow, Zephyr! This looks amazing!
Wow, Zephyr! Questo è straodinario!

Zephyr Breeze: Uh, you know, like you said, it was easy!
Uh, lo sai, come hai detto, è stato facile!

Fluttershy: Where's Spike?
Dov'è Spike?

Spike: Up here!

Twilight Sparkle: You were supposed to supervise, not do all the work!
Avresti dovuto supervisionare, non fare tutto il lavoro!

Spike: I was supervising! And then Zephyr asked me about different cleaning techniques, and which one was best, and he had me- hey! I did all the work!
Stavo supervisionando! E poi Zephyr mi ha chiesto a proposito delle varie tecniche di pulizia, e quale era meglio, e  mi aveva- hey! Ho fatto tutto il lavoro!

Zephyr Breeze: Don't let him fool you. Old Spike is quite the taskmaster.
Non fatevi ingannare. Il vecchio Spike è proprio un sorvegliante severo.

Zephyr Breeze: Oh, come on, sis! I had to ask Spike to make sure I was doing it right!
Oh, andiamo, sorellona! Io ho chiesto a Spike di accettarsi che stessi facendo bene!

Fluttershy: You didn't do it at all! Well, I guarantee there won't be any fooling around on the next job.
Non l'hai fatto per niente! Beh, ti garantisco che non ci sarà alcun inganno nel prossimo lavoro.

Zephyr Breeze: Next job?
Prossimo lavoro?

Rainbow Dash: That's right, Zeph! You're coming with me!
Proprio così, Zeph! Tu verrai con me!

Zephyr Breeze: You don't have to come up with some excuse to hang out with me, Rainbows! Let's just go for a fly and see where the day takes us.
Non devi trovare qualche scusa per uscire con me, Rainbows! Facciamo solo un giretto e vediamo dove il giorno ci porta.

Rainbow Dash: We're going to Wonderbolts Headquarters, and I am gonna give you a job so simple, and straightforward, not even you can weasel your way out of it! [quickly] And the second you try I'm gonna zap you with a storm cloud, got it?
Stiamo andando al quartier generale degli Wonderbolts, e ti darò un lavoro così semplice, e lineare, che nemmeno tu potrai evitare questa responsabilità! E secondo, tu provaci e io ti fulminerò come una nube di tempesta, capito?

Zephyr Breeze: Oh, I got it. I can already feel the electricity between us.
Oh, capito. Io posso già sentire l'elettricità tra noi.

Zephyr Breeze: Rainbow Dash is crazy, okay?! She expects me to do stuff right when she asks me to do it! It's insane!
Rainbow Dash è pazza, ok?! Si aspetta che io faccia le cose giuste quando mi chiede di farlo! E' folle!

Fluttershy: So you just quit? Again?
Quindi sei scappato? Di nuovo?

Zephyr Breeze: Escaped is more like it. Besides, what was I supposed to do?
Fuggito suona meglio. Inoltre, cosa avrei dovuto fare?

Fluttershy: Keep trying? Finish something for once? Maybe that way you'd actually find something you like to do!
Continuare a provare? Finire qualcosa per una volta? Forse in questo modo avresti effettivamente trovato qualcosa che ti piace fare!

Zephyr Breeze: That all sounds fine for your friends, but it's just not me.
Tutto questo suona bene per i tuoi amici, ma non per me.

Fluttershy: Then I'm sorry, Zephyr, but I don't think you can live here.
Allora mi dispiace, Zephyr, ma non penso che tu possa vivere qui.

Zephyr Breeze: Fine! I'll just go live in the woods like my foreponies before me! Guess the only breeze this zephyr can count on is his own!
Va bene! Mi limiterò ad andare a vivere nei boschi come i miei antenati prima di me! Immagino che l'unica brezza che questo zeffiro può contare è quella propria!

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Re: [Coordinamento] S6 E11 - Flutter Brutter

Messaggioda TeoWolf82 » 05/06/2016, 11:04

La mia parte:
• TeoWolf82
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Rainbow Dash: Aw, cheer up, Fluttershy! I know it was hard, but you did the right thing. You couldn't let Zephyr pull the same stuff on you that he's always pulled on your folks!
Eh, su col morale, Fluttershy! So che era dura, ma hai fatto la cosa giusta. Non potevi permettere a Zephyr di fare la stessa cosa con te come aveva sempre fatto con gli altri della tua famiglia!

Fluttershy: I guess so...
Immagino di si…

Fluttershy: Oh, hello, Constance!
Oh, ciao, Constance!

Fluttershy: Oh? Oh dear.
Oh? Oh cara.

Zephyr Breeze: See, Winford? The breeze needs nopony! We've got food, shelter, just need to put the old kettle on...
Vedi, Winford? Una brezza non ha bisogno di nessuno! Abbiamo cibo, riparo, bisogna solo mettere il vecchio bollitore appeso…

Zephyr Breeze: Come on, sticky-sticky... make with the sparks!
Andiamo legno-legnetto… fai delle scintille!

Zephyr Breeze: Ugh! What's a pony got to do to find a decent stick around here?!
Agh! Cosa deve fare un pony per trovare un legnetto decente qui?!

Rainbow Dash: I know he needs to learn to do things for himself, but...
So che ha bisogno di imparare a cavarsela da se, ma…

Fluttershy: Oh... I can't let him live like this!
Oh… Non posso lasciarlo vivere in quel modo!

Rainbow Dash: Actually... I don't think he'd make it through the night.
Effettivamente… non penso che riuscirà a superare la notte.

Zephyr Breeze: Fluttershy, hey! I was just, um, cosying up in my sleeping bag! Ready to call it a night! What an exhausting day, y'know?
Fluttershy, ehi! Stavo, ehm, mettendo comodo nel sacco a pelo! Pronto per trascorrere la notte! È stata una giornata stancante, sai?

Rainbow Dash: It's noon.
È mezzogiorno.

Zephyr Breeze: You know me! Siesta...
Mi conosci! Riposino…

Zephyr Breeze: Ugh... I can't do this. I can't do anything.
Agh… Non riesco a farlo. Non riesco a fare nulla.

Fluttershy: Zephyr, you're smart and talented. You could do anything if you just tried!
Zephyr, tu sei intelligente e hai molti talenti. Potresti fare quasiasi cosa se solo ci provassi!

Zephyr Breeze: And what if I give everything I have and still fail? Honestly, I think it's better not to try at all.
E se ce la metto tutta e fallisco lo stesso? Onestamente, io penso che sia meglio non provare affatto.

Rainbow Dash: But then you won't ever do anything.
Ma allora non combinerai mai nulla.

Zephyr Breeze: I don't expect you two to understand. I mean, when have you ever failed? You've literally helped save Equestria like a dozen times.
Non mi aspetto che voi due capiate. Voglio dire, quando mai avete fallito? Avete letteralmente contribuito a salvare Equestria una dozzina di volte.

Fluttershy: And I was worried that I'd fail every time! Sometimes, you have to do things, even though you might fail.
E ero preoccupata che avrei fallito ogni volta! A volte, devi fare delle cose, anche se pensi che potresti non riuscire.

Zephyr Breeze: But failing is the worst!
Ma fallire è la cosa peggiore!

Fluttershy: And quitting doesn't feel much better, does it?
E smettere non ti fa sentire molto meglio, vero?

Zephyr Breeze: No.

Fluttershy: So here's the deal: You can come back with me, but you have to do exactly what I say. No exceptions.
Quindi ecco il patto: puoi tornare da me, ma devi fare esattamente quello che dico. Senza eccezioni.

Zephyr Breeze: [resigned] I will literally do anything you ask me if it means I don't have to stay here.
Farò letteralmente quello che mi chiedi se significa che non dovrò stare qui.

Fluttershy: Okay, you know what you have to do, right?
Va bene, sai cosa devi fare, giusto?

Zephyr Breeze: Beg for help, then quit when I get frustrated. Just kidding! Total opposite of that. Got it.
Elemosinare aiuto, poi mollare quando sono frustrato. Stavo scherzando! Il completo opposto di quello. Capito.

Rainbow Dash: You think he can do it?
Pensi che lo possa fare?

Tutti hanno momenti nelle loro vite - Everypony has times in their lives

In cui i loro cuori sono pieni di incertezza - When their hearts are filled with doubt

[Zephyr Breeze]La frustrazione ti cresce dentro - Frustration builds up inside

E ti fa aver voglia di gridare - And it makes you want to shout

[Rainbow Dash]Ma se compi solo un primo passo - But if you just take that first step
Il prossimo ti apparirà - The next one will appear

[Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash]E scopri che puoi camminare, poi correre - And you find you can walk, then run
Quindi volare…! - Then fly...!
Fino alla stratosfera - Into the stratosphere
Devi dare il meglio di te - You've got to give it your best
Cosi puoi superare la prova - So you can pass the test
Mettici tutto te stesso - Give it everything that you've got
E noi sappiamo che puoi vincere - And we know you can win
Devi solo cominciare - You just have to begin
Devi dare il tuo colpo migliore - Have to give it your very best shot

E qui le tre porzioni revisionate ^_^

• Roxas94
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Zephyr Breeze: Oh. Well, I mean, I totally would, but... I don't think that's what Mom and Dad want! It's not, is it?
Oh. Beh, voglio dire, io lo farei, ma... non penso sia ciò che mamma e papà vogliono! È così, non è vero?

Mrs. Shy: Ehhh...

Mr. Shy: You know we love you, son, but your sister has a point.
Sai quanto ti vogliamo bene, figliolo, ma tua sorella ha ragione.

Zephyr Breeze: Sure. I mean, I really just came back to keep you guys company, but... whatever's best for the family. I just... I just gotta grab a few essentials.
Certo. Voglio dire, sono tornato solo per farvi compagnia, ma... farò ciò che è meglio per la famiglia. Devo... devo solo prendere il minimo indispensabile.

Mrs. Shy: And... you definitely have somewhere else to go?
E... hai un altro posto dove andare?

Zephyr Breeze: Of course! There's plenty of ponies who'd love for a little breeze to blow their way...
Certamente! Ci sono un sacco di pony a cui piacerebbe avermi attorno per un po’…

Rainbow Dash: So... where's Zeph gonna go now?
Allora... dove andrà Zeph adesso?

Fluttershy: I'm not sure. Oh, I hope I did the right thing...
Non lo so. Oh, spero di aver fatto la cosa giusta...

Rainbow Dash: Are you kidding? One hundred per cent!
Stai scherzando? Al cento per cento!

Zephyr Breeze: Hey sis!
Ehi sorellona!

Zephyr Breeze: Your new roommate's here!
Il tuo nuovo coinquilino è qui!

Rainbow Dash: Okay, maybe like seventy per cent.
Ok, forse al settanta per cento.

Fluttershy: Um, Zephyr. When Mom and Dad told you to find someplace else to live, I don't think they meant here.
Ehm, Zephyr. Quando mamma e papà ti hanno detto di trovare un altro posto dove vivere, non penso intendessero qui.

Zephyr Breeze: Well, it's not their house, so by definition, it's someplace else. Am I right, Rainbows? Stop oogling me and help settle this!
Beh, non è la loro casa, quindi per definizione, è un altro posto. Non ho ragione, Rainbow? Smettila di fissarmi e aiutami a risolvere la questione!

Rainbow Dash: [sighs] You know what? I totally forgot that I promised to help Pinkie Pie... sprinkle... something.
Sai cosa? Mi ero completamente dimenticata che avevo promesso di aiutare Pinkie Pie a... spargere... qualcosa.

Fluttershy: You said you had plenty of places to go!
Hai detto di avere un sacco di posti dove andare!

Fluttershy: [sighs] Fine. You can stay here-
Va bene. Puoi restare qui-

Zephyr Breeze: You're the best! We're gonna have so much fun.
Sei la migliore! Ci divertiremo un sacco.

Fluttershy: On one condition.
Ad una condizione.

Zephyr Breeze: Totally! Anything.
Certamente! Qualsiasi cosa.

Fluttershy: You have to get a job.
Devi trovarti un lavoro.

Zephyr Breeze: Cracking the whip, huh? You always were kind of bossy.
Schiocchi la frusta, eh? Sei sempre stata un po’ autoritaria.

Fluttershy: [through gritted teeth] Zephyr Breeze...
Zephyr Breeze...

Zephyr Breeze: Kidding! Get a job. Absolutely.
Scherzavo! Trovare un lavoro. Certamente.

Zephyr Breeze: [yawns] Where are we goin' so early? You have no idea how bad morning sun is for your mane!
Dove stiamo andando così di buonora? Tu non hai idea di quanto il sole del mattino faccia male alla tua criniera!

Fluttershy: Remember how we talked about you getting a job?
Ricordi quando abbiamo parlato di te che devi trovare un lavoro?

Zephyr Breeze: It was just yesterday, and it's totally on my to-do list, but you can't expect to find something befitting my awesomeness overnight.
Era solo ieri, ed è decisamente nella mia lista delle cose da fare, ma non puoi pensare di trovare qualcosa di adatto alla mia grandiosità da un giorno all’altro.

Fluttershy: I thought you might say that.
Sapevo avresti potuto dirlo.

Fluttershy: So I did it for you.
Quindi l’ho fatto io al posto tuo.

Zephyr Breeze: What?!

Rarity: These fabrics all need to be dyed those colors. Do you think you can handle that?
Questi tessuti devono essere tinti con quei colori. Pensi di poterci riuscire?

Zephyr Breeze: [muttering] Um, I don't know...
Um, non lo so...

Rarity: You get started while Fluttershy and I head to the store for more supplies. Ta-ta!
Inizia pure mentre io e Fluttershy andiamo al negozio per fare provviste. Ta-ta!

Fluttershy: Good luck!
Buona fortuna!

Fluttershy: Thanks for giving my brother a job! I just hope he's up to the task...
Grazie per aver dato un lavoro a mio fratello! Spero solo sia all’altezza del compito...

Rarity: Oh, darling, dyeing fabric is the simplest thing!
Oh, cara, tingere le stoffe è la cosa più semplice!

Rarity: Just dip cloth in a wa-
Devi solo immergere la stoffa in una-

Zephyr Breeze: Rarity, you're back!
Rarity, sei tornata!

Fluttershy: What did you do?
Che cosa hai fatto?

• Clessidrus

Codice: Seleziona tutto
Zephyr Breeze: Since you talk to animals all the time, I just figured it runs in the family, so why not outsource this stuff, you know?
Dal momento che parli con gli animali in continuazione, ho solo pensato che fosse una caratteristica ereditaria, quindi perché non esternalizzare questa cosa, sai?

Zephyr Breeze: Turns out the animal communication thing isn't genetic.
Abbiamo scoperto che la cosa della comunicazione animale non è genetica.

Rarity: Zephyr, I asked you to do this job! Not to pawn it off on innocent woodland creatures!
Zephyr, ti avevo chiesto di fare questo lavoro! Non di rifilarlo alle creature innocenti del bosco!

Zephyr Breeze: Okay, I guess you have some feelings about this, but you should know it's basically your cat's fault for walking by and giving me the idea. But I'm actually kinda into this look!
Va bene, credo che tu abbia risentimenti riguardo questo, ma devi sapere che tecnicamente è colpa della tua gatta per aver passeggiato e per avermi dato l'idea. Ma in realtà mi piace questo aspetto!

Zephyr Breeze: So I guess what I'm saying is... you're welcome?
Quindi credo che quello che sto dicendo è… non c'è di che?

Rarity: Zephyr, this is just unacceptable!
Zephyr, questo è inaccettabile!

Zephyr Breeze: Wow. I guess I know when my efforts aren't appreciated.
Ah. Credo di sapere quando i miei sforzi non sono apprezzati.

Zephyr Breeze: Whoa, those are tall!
Ehi, quanto sono alti!

Twilight Sparkle: I'm glad you noticed, because they're your new job!
Mi fa piacere che li hai notati, perché saranno il tuo nuovo lavoro!

Zephyr Breeze: Wha? You said you were taking me to tea with the Princess!
Che cosa? Hai detto che mi stavi portando a prendere il tè con la Principessa!

Fluttershy: Actually, I said I was going to tea with the Princess. You're going to work.
A dire il vero, ho detto che io stavo andando a prendere il tè con la Principessa. Tu stai andando a lavorare.

Zephyr Breeze: Sis, c'mon!
Oh, andiamo sorellona!

Twilight Sparkle: Don't worry, Zephyr, it'll be easy! I just need a pegasus pony to fly up and wipe each window down from top to bottom!
Non preoccuparti, Zephyr, sarà facile! Ho solo bisogno di un pegaso che voli e pulisca ogni finestra da cima a fondo!

Spike: And I'm here to make sure you do it right.
E io sono qui per fare in modo che tu lo faccia bene.

Twilight Sparkle: Wow, Zephyr! This looks amazing!
Uao, Zephyr! Questo è straordinario!

Zephyr Breeze: Uh, you know, like you said, it was easy!
Uh, lo sai, come hai detto, è stato facile!

Fluttershy: Where's Spike?
Dov'è Spike?

Spike: Up here!

Twilight Sparkle: You were supposed to supervise, not do all the work!
Tu avresti dovuto supervisionare, non fare tutto il lavoro!

Spike: I was supervising! And then Zephyr asked me about different cleaning techniques, and which one was best, and he had me- hey! I did all the work!
Stavo supervisionando! E poi Zephyr mi ha chiesto a proposito delle varie tecniche di pulizia, e quale era meglio, e mi aveva- ehi! Ho fatto tutto il lavoro!

Zephyr Breeze: Don't let him fool you. Old Spike is quite the taskmaster.
Non farti ingannare. Il vecchio Spike è proprio un sorvegliante severo.

Zephyr Breeze: Oh, come on, sis! I had to ask Spike to make sure I was doing it right!
Oh, andiamo, sorellona! Io ho chiesto a Spike di accettarsi che stessi facendo bene!

Fluttershy: You didn't do it at all! Well, I guarantee there won't be any fooling around on the next job.
Non l'hai fatto per niente! Beh, ti garantisco che non ingannerai nessuno nel prossimo lavoro.

Zephyr Breeze: Next job?
Prossimo lavoro?

Rainbow Dash: That's right, Zeph! You're coming with me!
Proprio così, Zeph! Tu verrai con me!

Zephyr Breeze: You don't have to come up with some excuse to hang out with me, Rainbows! Let's just go for a fly and see where the day takes us.
Non devi trovare qualche scusa per uscire con me, Rainbows! Facciamo solo un giretto e vediamo dove il giorno ci porta.

Rainbow Dash: We're going to Wonderbolts Headquarters, and I am gonna give you a job so simple, and straightforward, not even you can weasel your way out of it! [quickly] And the second you try I'm gonna zap you with a storm cloud, got it?
Stiamo andando al quartier generale degli Wonderbolts, e ti darò un lavoro così semplice, e lineare, che nemmeno tu potrai evitare questa responsabilità! E l’istante in cui ci provi io ti fulminerò con una nube di tempesta, capito?

Zephyr Breeze: Oh, I got it. I can already feel the electricity between us.
Oh, capito. Posso già sentire l'elettricità tra noi.

Zephyr Breeze: Rainbow Dash is crazy, okay?! She expects me to do stuff right when she asks me to do it! It's insane!
Rainbow Dash è pazza, ok?! Si aspetta che io faccia le cose giuste quando mi chiede di farlo! È una follia!

Fluttershy: So you just quit? Again?
Quindi sei scappato? Di nuovo?

Zephyr Breeze: Escaped is more like it. Besides, what was I supposed to do?
Fuggito suona meglio. Inoltre, cosa avrei dovuto fare?

Fluttershy: Keep trying? Finish something for once? Maybe that way you'd actually find something you like to do!
Continuare a provare? Finire qualcosa per una volta? Forse in questo modo avresti effettivamente trovato qualcosa che ti piace fare!

Zephyr Breeze: That all sounds fine for your friends, but it's just not me.
Tutto questo suona bene per i tuoi amici, ma non per me.

Fluttershy: Then I'm sorry, Zephyr, but I don't think you can live here.
Allora mi dispiace, Zephyr, ma non penso che tu possa vivere qui.

Zephyr Breeze: Fine! I'll just go live in the woods like my foreponies before me! Guess the only breeze this zephyr can count on is his own!
Va bene! Mi limiterò ad andare a vivere nei boschi come i miei antenati prima di me! Immagino che l'unica brezza che questo zeffiro può contare è quella propria!

• MC Outlaw
Codice: Seleziona tutto
[Zephyr Breeze]Ci sono volte in cui ti vuoi arrendere
There are times that you want to give up

Quando pensi di non poter andare avanti
When you think that you can't go on

[Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash]Ma se ti impegni con tutta la tua volontà
But if you fight through with all of your might

Scoprirai che non puoi sbagliare
You will find that you can't go wrong

Che puoi fare tutto ciò che vuoi
That you could do it all along

[Fluttershy]Tutti hanno momenti nelle loro vite
Everypony has times in their lives

In cui i loro cuori sono pieni di dubbi
When their hearts are filled with doubt

[Rainbow Dash]Ma se solo dai tutto ciò che hai
But if you just give it your all

Inizierai a risolverli
You'll start to work it out

[Zephyr Breeze]E so che non posso arrendermi troppo presto
And I know I can't give up too soon

Devo buttarmi e concentrarmi
Get myself in the zone

E scoprirò che posso camminare, poi correre
And I find I can walk, then run

[Fluttershy, Zephyr, and Rainbow Dash]E poi volare...!
Then fly...!

[Zephyr Breeze]Posso farcela con le mie forze
I can do it on my own

[Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash]Puoi farcela con le tue forze
You can do it on your own

[Zephyr Breeze]Posso farcela con le mie forze
I can do it on my own

Posso farcela con le mie forze
I can do it on my own

Zephyr Breeze: I did it! I actually finished something! By myself!
Ce l'ho fatta! Ho veramente finito qualcosa! Da solo!

Rainbow Dash: And it looks exactly like it's supposed to!
E sembra esattamente ciò che dovrebbe essere!

Fluttershy: I knew you could do it, Zephyr.
Sapevo che potevi farcela, Zephyr.

Zephyr Breeze: I didn't! But I do now. Thanks for believing in me, sis.
Io no! Ma lo so adesso. Grazie per aver creduto in me, sorellona.

Fluttershy: That's what big sisters are for.
Questo è ciò a cui servono le sorelle maggiori.

Rainbow Dash: So, Zeph, now that you've accomplished this, what's next?
Quindi, Zeph, ora che hai finito questo, che altro farai?

Zephyr Breeze: Anything I want! I mean, the sky's the limit, right? [beat] But, y'know... I've got some baby steps in mind.
Tutto ciò che voglio! Insomma, il limite è il cielo, giusto? Ma, sapete... Ho in mente qualche piccolo passo prima.

Rainbow Dash: Thanks for dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Shy! It was brilliant, as usual.
Grazie per la cena, Mr. And Mrs. Shy! È stata fantastica, come sempre.

Mrs. Shy: Thank you, dear, for not giving up on Zephyr. After all these years of pining for him, it must be so satisfying to see him on the right track.
Grazie a te, cara, per non esserti arresa con Zephyr. Dopo tutti questi anni di penare per lui, deve essere così soddisfacente vederlo sulla strada adatta a lui.

Fluttershy: Have you heard from Zephyr? Is he doing well?
Avete notizie di Zephyr? Sta andando bene?

Mr. Shy: I tell you, he's a brand new pony! So full of drive and determination.
Ve lo dirò, è un pony tutto nuovo! Così pieno di spinta e determinazione.

Rainbow Dash: That's great.
È stupendo.

Zephyr Breeze: Guess who graduated from mane therapy training?
Indovinate chi si è diplomato all'allenamento terapeutico della criniera?

Rainbow Dash: Hah, awesome!
Hah, fantastico!

Mr. Shy: Congratulations, son!
Congratulazioni, figliolo!

Mrs. Shy: You look so handsome!
Sembri così bello!

Fluttershy: I'm so proud of you, Zephyr.
Sono così fiera di te, Zephyr.

Zephyr Breeze: It was only a matter of time before they recognized my true genius! But actually doing the work probably helped, and I wouldn't have it it weren't for you.
Era solo questione di tempo prima che riconoscessero la mia vera genialità! Ma lavorare per davvero probabilmente ha aiutato, e non lo avrei mai fatto se non fosse stato per te.

Fluttershy: Oh, I just gave you some encouragement. You did this on your own.
Oh, io ti ho solo dato un po' di incoraggiamento. Questo lo hai fatto da solo.

Zephyr Breeze: And honestly, right now I feel like I can do anything... except find a place. I can still crash here for a few days, right?
Ed onestamente, in questo momento sento come di poter fare qualsiasi cosa... eccetto trovare un posto dove vivere. Posso accamparmi qui per qualche altro giorno, vero?
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Messaggi: 3591
Iscritto il: 05/05/2012, 2:08
Località: Vicenza
Pony preferito: Luna e Applejack
Sesso: Maschio

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