[Coordinamento] 9x07 - She's All Yak

Area dedicata in cui il gruppo Traduttori CMC-What The Buck! si organizza per il lavoro sugli episodi di FiM e della serie Equestria Girls.

Moderatore: Mindstorm

[Coordinamento] 9x07 - She's All Yak

Messaggioda Mindstorm » 08/05/2019, 20:19

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- Per facilitare il lavoro di revisione, lasciate per ogni dialogo la versione originale. Esempio:
Ciao Twilight!
Pinkie Pie: Hi, Twilight!

Termini frequenti

Dizionari on-line
Reverso Context Traduttore parole e frasi
WordReference Dizionario Inglese-italiano
Heinle's Newbury House Dictionary of American English Dizionario Americano
Oxford Dictionaries Dizionario Inglese
Urbandictionary Dizionario sullo Slang AngloAmericano
Idioms Yourdictionary Dizionario sui modi di dire AngloAmericani

Tempi di consegna (dall'assegnazione delle parti):
  • Traduttori-subber (cioè chi subba direttamente ciò che traduce): 24 ore
  • Traduttori: 12 - Max 18 ore
  • Subber: fino alle 17 del lunedì successivo alla messa in onda


  • Mindstorm



  1. Mindstorm (+sub)
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Silverstream: See?! New posters! We never had those underwater!
    Twilight Sparkle: I won't keep you in suspense any longer. We're bringing one of Ponyville's oldest traditions to our school – the Fetlock Fete.
    Smolder: The what-lock what?
    Sandbar: It's a pony dance party! They're the best!
    Ocellus: I'm ready!
    Twilight Sparkle: You don't need to do that, Ocellus. This year, the event's at school and open to everycreature. We're calling our dance the Amity Ball.
    Ocellus: Even better!
    Yona: Yona not know Amity Ball dance. Yona only know traditional dance of Yakyakistan. Go like this!
    Yona: Ball dance like that?
    Sandbar: Not exactly. It isn't just one dance. It's a whole night of them. Plus an awesome party!
    Twilight Sparkle: And we'll have all the old Fetlock Fete traditions – the Pony Pal Contest, the lucky pot dinner. You'll love it! So, like this says, "get your pony pal and come along."
    Smolder: Want to go? I've got nothing better to do.
    Gallus: You had me at "dinner".
    Twilight Sparkle: Now, who wants to help me hang more posters?
    Silverstream: Me!
    Ocellus: Sure!
    Sandbar: Hey, Yona, want to be my pony pal? We can enter the contest together.
    Yona: But Yona yak. Yona not pony.
    Sandbar: So?
    Yona: Pony, pony, more pony.
    Sandbar: Aw, that's just a poster. Come on! It'll be tons of fun together. Promise.
    Yona: Okay. Yona go with Sandbar.
    Sandbar: Great! I'll get the tickets. See you later! [laughs]
    Yona: Yona not let Sandbar down! Yak best at being pony pal! But Yona not sure how if she not pony.
    Rarity: Ooh! Oh, terribly sorry, Yona. All these dresses I'm sewing for the dance have me completely frazzled.
    Yona: Dress? Yona need dress for dance?! Yona have lots to learn about being best pony pal.[theme song]
    Yona: Yona interrupting?
    Rarity: Well, not interrupting exactly. More like blocking the flow— uh, stopping me from what I'm doing— so, yes, interrupting! Now, what can I do for you, Yona?
    Yona: Yona not know yak need special pony dress for dance. Yona no can wear what Yona always wear?
    Rarity: Yona could— I mean, you could. But the Fetlock Fete or whatever Twilight is calling it – it's all about a tradition. There's a certain way to do everything at the dance.
    Yona: Yes! That what Yona want to learn! How to do all the pony things, even if Yona has to wear dress.
    Rarity: Well, uh, y-y-yes, if that's what you really want.
    Yona: Yona be best pony pal for Sandbar!
    Rarity: In that case, at an elegant affair like a pony dance, one must converse in a sophisticated fashion. Talking with Brussels sprouts in your mouth helps you to learn to ar-ti-cu-late. Take a mouthful, and repeat after me.
    Rarity: [elocuting] How kind of you to ask me to tea.
    Yona: [muffled] How kind of you to ask me to tea.

  2. Roxas94 (+sub) (Parte 1 canzone)
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Rarity: [elocuting] May I offer you a glass of punch?
    Yona: [muffled] May I offer you a glass of punch?
    Rarity: [elocuting] The weather is quite agreeable today.
    Yona: [muffled] The weather is quite agreeable today. Yona like Brussels sprouts!
    Rarity: Let's move on.
    Rarity: We will need to do something about your hairstyle. But first, let's find the right dress!
    Rarity: Now, purple taffeta, frosted chiffon... [gasps] Gold brocade! One of my favorites!
    Yona: Yona like brown.
    Rarity: Earth tones. They're so... earthy, aren't they? Don't worry. We shall find something to make you stand out.
    Yona: Yona not want to stand out. Yona want to fit in.
    Rarity: [sighs] Quite. And by the time we're through, it'll be like you've been going to pony dances your whole life.
    [Rarity]The more you know how things are done
    The more confident you'll be
    There's more to a dance than just having fun
    And there's no better teacher than me
    Yona: Oh, Yona see!
    Rarity: When I'm finished with you
    You'll start to fit right in
    Listen to me when I say
    Once you learn the pony way
    You'll start to fit right in
    [Yona]Right in!
    [Rarity]No need to wait another day
    To be part of our smart soiree
    The perfect dress
    A color all the rage, but still unique
    Now loose the braids
    Try a style more fantastique
    Here's what we'll do:
    A horn-icure and a de-frizz
    We'll dry shampoo this
    Whatever yak part this is
    Too curly, too blue
    Too retro, too new
    Too Twilight, too furry
    We'll find one, don't you worry
    Choose what you want to be and be it
    Picture you to see and see it
    I'm the mare to guarantee it
    You'll fit right in
    My plan, my grand design

  3. Laurel Crown (+sub) (parte 2 canzone)
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Your friends will thrill to find
    A new you that's too divine
    Yeah, you're gonna—
    [Yona]Yona gonna—
    [Rarity and Yona]Fit right in
    [Yona]Right in
    [Rarity]Listen to me when I say
    Once you learn the pony way
    [Rarity and Yona]You'll/I'll start to fit right in
    [Rarity]Right in
    [Yona]Yak not waste another day
    To be part of your pony...
    [Rarity and Yona]Waaaaayyyyy
    [Yona]Yak not waste another day to
    [Rarity and Yona]Fit... right... in!
    Rarity: [gasps] I almost forgot! The most important part of the ball!
    Yona: Yona already have pony pal.
    Rarity: Oh, not that, darling. The dancing! And I know precisely who can help!
    Yona: Uh... Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy good at dancing?
    Rainbow Dash: Don't be so surprised. I'm awesome at everything! Except for baking.
    Fluttershy: There are two traditional dances that everypony does at the Fete. After a few days of practicing with us, you'll know them both.
    Yona: And fit right in!
    Rarity: Absolutely. We'll start with the slow dance, the Pony Cotillion. That's Fluttershy's specialty.
    Fluttershy: I wouldn't say specialty. It's just fun. Here, Yona. I made you a chart.
    Fluttershy: All you have to do is follow these dance steps. You'll learn them in no time.
    Fluttershy: Now, just start walking. Step on whatever color I name. Let's begin. Blue, red, step ahead. Green, black, now step back. Now you try.
    Yona: Blue, red, step— ah, oh! No. Um, Yona start over. Blue, red, green, black, yak step back?
    Fluttershy: Good! Now, black, green, red, and blue. Red, black, hold one and two. Red, blue, red once more. Green, black, blue, red, three and four.
    Yona: Yona feel like she has four front feet!
    Fluttershy: Ooh. Um, maybe we should try this again later.
    Rainbow Dash: Don't worry, Yona. That was the hard one. Mine's way easier. A little dance called the Pony Prance! The key to this one is speed! Come on, Yona, try it! Just get with the flow and let yourself go!
    Rarity: Oh, my!
    Rainbow Dash: Whoa there!
    Yona: [panting] Yona like to flow and go!
    Applejack: Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres, Yona. Rarity tells us you need some help gettin' ready for the big dance.
    Rarity: "Some". Ha! Indeed. And we only have a few more days.
    Pinkie Pie: Well, you've come to the right place. Because if you asked me what my favorite part of the dance is, I'd say everything about the dance! But especially... this! The Fetlock lucky pot dinner!

  4. Midnight Specter (reprise canzone)
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Applejack: It's part of the Ponyville dance tradition. Everypony brings a dish to share, and we swap 'em without knowin' whose is whose. Although my lucky pot probably gives me away. [laughs]
    Pinkie Pie: You can cook anything you want! Like, can I suggest, oh, I don't know, maybe... cupcakes?!
    Rarity: Uh, I already told Yona a little bit about that tradition. She's even brought her own lucky... bucket.
    Yona: Yak buckets are best buckets. Yona think make traditional yak dish – tree-root stew!
    Yona: Extra fiber. Ponies like?
    Pinkie Pie: Hmm, I'm not sure. So, just in case, let's get baking! Flour, milk, sugar, butter, icing. Then we mix, and we beat, and we pour into pans. We bake... And now you try it! Well, that's one way to mix it.
    Applejack: Let's try somethin' a little simpler. I'm sure we can do somethin' with these. O-kay. Applesauce it is.
    Yona: Blue, red, green... whoa! Blue... How kind of you to ask me to tea. How kind of you to ask me to tea.
    Yona: Blue, red, step ahead. How kind of you... Green, black, Yona step back. ...to ask Yona to tea. Black, green, red, and blue. Red, black hold one and two. Red, blue, red once more. Green, black, blue, red, three and four!
    Rainbow Dash: Look! She's dancing!
    Applejack: How 'bout that? And she's good!
    Rarity: Yona, if someone at the party tells you they're thirsty, you say...
    Yona: May Yona— May I offer you a cup of punch?
    Rarity: By Celestia, I think she's got it!
    Pinkie Pie: She's really got it!
    Applejack: Yona, you did it!
    Rainbow Dash: You dance great!
    Fluttershy: And are so well spoken!
    Pinkie Pie: You'll be the hit of the ball!
    [Rarity]You've mastered so many pony ways
    And grown a lot in the past few days
    You've shown a turn that has earned our praise
    [Yona]And now I fit right...
    [Rarity and Yona]...in
    [Rarity, Fluttershy, Dash, AJ, and Pinkie]You fit right in!
    Spike: [amplified] Hello, everycreature! I'm your DJ, Scales-n-Tail, spinning your favorite tunes all night long! So welcome to the Fetlock Fet— I mean, the Amity Ball!
    Gallus: I'm just glad I'm here with you guys. Least I'm not the only non-pony in the crowd.
    Sandbar: You're not still worried about that, are you? Like Headmare Twilight said, this is a dance for everycreature. There's no pony pressure.
    Ocellus: You should've told Yona that.
    Sandbar: Uh, what do you mean?
    Silverstream: Didn't you hear? Our teachers have been helping her get ready for the dance! She's been taking lessons.
    Smolder: She's gone full pony for the dance.
    Gallus: All for you.
    Sandbar: For me? Why?
    Yona: [elocuting] How kind of you to ask me to this soiree, Sandbar.
    Smolder: What?
    Silverstream: You look so weird!

  5. Bad_Karma
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Sandbar: Yona?!
    Yona: Quite. Oh, I do hope I make a good pony pal for you.
    Sandbar: Uh, of course you do. But, Yona, you didn't need to do any of... this.
    Smolder: And why are you talking so funny?
    Yona: [elocuting] I am not "talking funny". I'm fitting in.
    Gallus: Could've fooled me.
    Rarity: Yona! You look absolutely scrumptious, darling. Uh, why don't I get that for you?
    Sandbar: You made a lucky pot?
    Yona: [elocuting] Precisely like ponies prepare!
    Twilight Sparkle: [amplified] Welcome, everycreature, to our school's first annual Amity Ball! For those of you who've never attended a Fetlock Fete, we can't wait to show you some of our fun traditions on this special night!
    Twilight Sparkle: [amplified] So, Spike...
    Spike: Uh, Scales-n-Tail?
    Twilight Sparkle: Uh, right. Scales-n-Tail. Let's get this party started!
    Spike: [amplified] Oh, yeah, party ponies! It's time to raise the roof and stomp your hoof for the traditional first dance of the night, the Pony Cotillion!
    Yona: Ah! Yona know this one!
    Sandbar: You do?
    Yona: [elocuting] Indeed! Green, black, then step back. Shall we?
    Sandbar: [chuckles] Wow! How did you learn this?
    Yona: [elocuting] I had good teachers.
    Sandbar: [gasps] Yona! Are you alright?
    Yona: Yona never practice dance with dress on. I mean, may I offer you a cup of punch?
    Spike: [amplified] Time to shake things up a little! That's right, everycreature! It's the Pony Prance!
    Sandbar: Uh, maybe we should sit this one out.
    Yona: [elocuting] No! I do so love the Pony Prance!
    Sandbar: It's okay, Yona!
    Smolder: Just stop bouncing!
    Gallus: We got you!
    Yona: Wig... come... off!
    Rarity: What a calamitous yak-ccident!
    Sandbar: Yona!
    Ocellus: What happened?!
    Silverstream: Are you all right?
    Yona: No! Yona not all right! Yona want to be alone!
    Yona: Yona sad... Yona sing sad song... sad Yona... Yona no blame bird. Yona no want to be around Yona either. Yona sad... Yona sing sad song...
    Sandbar: Yona?
    Yona: How Sandbar find Yona?
    Sandbar: I know you pretty well by now. I figured you'd come here. Besides, it's where I'd go if something like that happened to me.
    Yona: Sandbar mean something awful and embarrassing. So awful Yona can not come down from treehouse ever! Will Sandbar bring Yona food and water?

  6. Crax
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Sandbar: You know, it really wasn't that bad. I don't think anycreature hardly even noticed! ...well, maybe one or two did. If they happened to be in Canterlot for the day. But anyway, it's all over now, so... will you come back to the dance with me?
    Yona: Yona disappoint Sandbar. Yona not make very good pony.
    Sandbar: Why would you think you'd disappointed me? And who said anything about having to be a good pony?
    Yona: Yona just want to do all the right pony things, and fit in at dance! Then maybe Sandbar and Yona win Best Pony Pals contest. Instead, Yona win worst pony ever.
    Sandbar: That's not true.
    Yona: Really? Sandbar name two ponies worse than Yona.
    Sandbar: Cozy Glow and Sombra.
    Yona: Hm. Okay, Sandbar right. They worse.
    Sandbar: Yona, it doesn't really matter if you're a great pony or a horrible pony! You're the best Yona I know. That's why I asked you to the dance!
    Yona: Really?
    Sandbar: I never wanted you to be anything other than what you are. My friend, Yona, the yak. So, what do you say? Let's go back to the dance?
    Sandbar: Don't worry, I'm with you!
    Gallus: We all are.
    Pinkie Pie: Yona! Are you alright?
    Fluttershy: We were so worried when you disappeared like that!
    Yona: Yona fine, but... Yona sorry. Not mean to make such a mess and ruin the pony dance!
    Applejack: It's not your fault, Sugarcube.
    Rainbow Dash: It's the opposite. If anything, we should be apologising.
    Pinkie Pie: I thought we were just teaching you how to have fun at the dance!
    Rarity: We never meant to try to turn you into something you're not.
    Yona: Is okay. Friend help Yona feel better.
    Twilight Sparkle: And that's why we're giving you this.
    Sandbar: No way! The Pony Pal prize!
    Twilight Sparkle: From now on, it's the annual Amity Ball Award for Friendship!
    Applejack: No pony-ness required.
    Rainbow Dash: We all decided you and Yona totally earned this.
    Rarity: Your actions tonight exemplify the true meaning of friendship.
    Twilight Sparkle: Congratulations, you two!
    Spike: Yona, I'm glad you're back! Everypony wants to learn that crazy dance you did!
    Yona: Yak dance? Is easy! Yona teach... if everycreature want to learn?
    Rarity: It would be an honor.
    Spike: You asked for it, and DJ Scales-and-Tail is gonna deliver! Everycreature join Yona for... the Yakyakistan Stomp!


  • Vyden
  • Mindstorm
  • Laura Scratch
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Re: [Coordinamento] 9x07 - She's All Yak

Messaggioda Midnight Specter » 12/05/2019, 22:14

Codice: Seleziona tutto
 Fa parte della tradizione del ballo di Ponyville. Ogni pony porta una pietanza da condividere, e poi ce le scambiamo senza sapere quale é di chi. Anche se probabilmente la mia pentola fortunata fa capire che sono io.
Applejack: It's part of the Ponyville dance tradition. Everypony brings a dish to share, and we swap 'em without knowin' whose is whose. Although my lucky pot probably gives me away. [laughs]

Puoi cucinare quello che vuoi! Come, posso suggerire, oh, non saprei, forse... dei cupcake?!
Pinkie Pie: You can cook anything you want! Like, can I suggest, oh, I don't know, maybe... cupcakes?!

Uh, ho già parlato a Yona di questa tradizione. Ha addirittura portato il suo... secchio fortunato.
Rarity: Uh, I already told Yona a little bit about that tradition. She's even brought her own lucky... bucket.

I secchi di yak sono i meglio secchi. Yona pensa di fare piatto tradizionale yak - stufato di radici!
Yona: Yak buckets are best buckets. Yona think make traditional yak dish – tree-root stew!

Fibre extra. Pony volere?
Yona: Extra fiber. Ponies like?

Hmm, non sono sicura. Quindi, nel caso, iniziamo ad infornare! Farina, latte, zucchero, burro, glassatura. Poi mescoliamo, impastiamo, e versiamo nella teglia. Inforniamo... Ora prova tu! Beh, questo é un modo per mescolare.
Pinkie Pie: Hmm, I'm not sure. So, just in case, let's get baking! Flour, milk, sugar, butter, icing. Then we mix, and we beat, and we pour into pans. We bake... And now you try it! Well, that's one way to mix it.

Proviamo qualcosa di più semplice. Sono sicura che possiamo fare qualcosa con queste. O-K. Vada per la salsa di mela.
Applejack: Let's try somethin' a little simpler. I'm sure we can do somethin' with these. O-kay. Applesauce it is.

Blu, rosso, verde... whoa! Blu... Gentile da parte tua chiedermi se gradissi del tè. Gentile da parte tua chiedermi se gradissi del tè.
Yona: Blue, red, green... whoa! Blue... How kind of you to ask me to tea. How kind of you to ask me to tea.

Blu, rosso, avanti un passo. Gentile da parte tua... Verde, nero, Yona va indietro. ...chiedere a Yona se gradisse il tè. Nero, verde, rosso e blu. Rosso, nero uno e due. Rosso, blu, rosso ancora. Verde, nero, blu, rosso, tre e quattro!
Yona: Blue, red, step ahead. How kind of you... Green, black, Yona step back. ...to ask Yona to tea. Black, green, red, and blue. Red, black hold one and two. Red, blue, red once more. Green, black, blue, red, three and four!

Guardate! Sta ballando!
Rainbow Dash: Look! She's dancing!

E chi se lo aspettava? È pure brava!
Applejack: How 'bout that? And she's good!

Yona, se qualcuno al party ti dice che ha sete, tu rispondi...
Rarity: Yona, if someone at the party tells you they're thirsty, you say...

Può Yona- Posso offrirti un bicchiere di punch?
Yona: May Yona— May I offer you a cup of punch?

Per Celestia, penso abbia capito!
Rarity: By Celestia, I think she's got it!

Ha capito davvero!
Pinkie Pie: She's really got it!

Yona, ce l'hai fatta!
Applejack: Yona, you did it!

Balli benissimo!
Rainbow Dash: You dance great!

E sei così eloquente!
Fluttershy: And are so well spoken!

Sarai la regina del ballo!
Pinkie Pie: You'll be the hit of the ball!

Ti ambienterai subito
Hai padroneggiato gli usi dei pony
[Rarity]You've mastered so many pony ways

E sei cresciuta molto i giorni scorsi
And grown a lot in the past few days

Hai dimostrato un cambiamento che vale il nostro elogio
You've shown a turn that has earned our praise

Ed adesso mi sono...
[Yona]And now I fit right...

[Rarity and Yona]...in

Tu ti sei ambientata!
[Rarity, Fluttershy, Dash, AJ, and Pinkie]You fit right in!

Salve a tutti creature! Sono il vostro DJ, Coda-a-Scaglie, che si occuperà della musica per tutta la notte! Per cui benvenuti alla Festa del Nodel- voglio dire, il Veglione dell'Amicizia!
Spike: [amplified] Hello, everycreature! I'm your DJ, Scales-n-Tail, spinning your favorite tunes all night long! So welcome to the Fetlock Fet— I mean, the Amity Ball!

Sono felice di essere qui con voi ragazzi. Almeno non sono l'unico non-pony dei partecipanti.
Gallus: I'm just glad I'm here with you guys. Least I'm not the only non-pony in the crowd.

Non sei ancora preoccupato per quello, vero? Come ha detto la preside Twilight, questo é un ballo per tutte le creature. Non sentirti oppresso dai pony.
Sandbar: You're not still worried about that, are you? Like Headmare Twilight said, this is a dance for everycreature. There's no pony pressure.

Avresti dovuto dirlo a Yona.
Ocellus: You should've told Yona that.

Uh, che intendi?
Sandbar: Uh, what do you mean?

Non hai sentito? Le nostre insegnanti l'hanno aiutata a prepararsi per il ballo! Ha preso delle lezioni.
Silverstream: Didn't you hear? Our teachers have been helping her get ready for the dance! She's been taking lessons.

È diventata un pony completo per questo ballo.
Smolder: She's gone full pony for the dance.

Tutto per te.
Gallus: All for you.

Per me? Perché?
Sandbar: For me? Why?

Gentile da parte tua invitarmi a questa serata, Sandbar.
Yona: [elocuting] How kind of you to ask me to this soiree, Sandbar.

Smolder: What?

Sei così strana!
Silverstream: You look so weird!
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Midnight Specter
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Iscritto il: 12/10/2015, 2:34
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