[Coordinamento] 7x20 - A Health of Information

Area dedicata in cui il gruppo Traduttori CMC-What The Buck! si organizza per il lavoro sugli episodi di FiM e della serie Equestria Girls.

Moderatore: Mindstorm

[Coordinamento] 7x20 - A Health of Information

Messaggioda Don Kazim » 22/09/2017, 15:33

Le linee guida alla traduzione sono consultabili qui: REGOLAMENTO & LINEE GUIDA TRADUTTORI

Termini frequenti

Dizionari on-line
Reverso Context Traduttore parole e frasi
WordReference Dizionario Inglese-italiano
Heinle's Newbury House Dictionary of American English Dizionario Americano
Oxford Dictionaries Dizionario Inglese
Urbandictionary Dizionario sullo Slang AngloAmericano
Idioms Yourdictionary Dizionario sui modi di dire AngloAmericani

Tempi di consegna (dall'assegnazione delle parti):
  • Traduttori-subber (cioè chi subba direttamente ciò che traduce): 24 ore
  • Traduttori: 12 - Max 18 ore
  • Subber: fino alle 17 del lunedì successivo alla messa in onda



  • McOutlaw
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Thank you so much, Zecora. I never would've found the crisscross moss without you.
    Of course. I know where it grows, so it's not much to ask, though retrieving it has been a difficult task.
    Oh, but the oxen visiting Sweet Feather Sanctuary next week will surely appreciate it. It really adds a shine to their coat.
    There we go. Now, that wasn't so tough. Fluttershy, tell me, will this be enough?
    Gee, I don't know. It's a pretty big pack, so maybe, enough to fill up this sack? Oh, my. You're rubbing off on me, Zecora!
    Whoa. Whoa!
    Zecora, are you all right?
    No need to fret. I only got wet. At least, now, I can easily grab all the crisscross moss there is to be had.
    What's happening to you?
    Honestly, it's hard to tell, but suddenly, I don't feel so well.
    All right, Zecora. Let's have a listen to the old ticker.
    Do you think it's serious, doctor?
    Well, that wasn't a good sign.
    I can't believe a flower did this. I take back thinking it was pretty!
    Mm-hmm. We're looking for any color other than red.
    Oh, it's just as I thought. I'm afraid you have a very rare disease called... Swamp Fever!
    Tell me, doctor, what should I do? I've never heard of Swamp Deer, mind you.
    Unfortunately, very little is known about the disease. Except, of course, its symptoms: change of coat, coughing bubbles, shock sneezing, confusion, and, the last stage, the afflicted turn into the very trees that drop the disease-spreading flower.
    Oh! Is there anything that can be done for such a terrible conundrum?!
    A cure has yet to be discovered. I'm sorry, Zecora.
    It's a lot to take in. I'll leave you two to discuss.
    Zecora, this is all my fault. If you hadn't been helping me get the crisscross moss, you wouldn't have gotten Swamp Fever. I'm so sorry.
    Fluttershy, you are not to blame. These things happen all the same.
    I refuse to accept that! There has to be somepony who can help you!
    Oh. There's a healer of legend who never would fail. But I only know her from ancient folktales. Mystical and masked, she came in the night, and cured everything from Hoof Cough to Fur Blight. What became of the healer, nopony knows, for she disappeared ages and ages ago.
    The Mystical Mask! Of course! My parents would tell me about her whenever I was sick in bed.
    There's so many accounts of her power to heal. She can't just be a legend, I think she's real.
    If that's who we need to cure you, then I'm going to find her! And I know just the pony who can help!
    Twilight? Twilight? Twilight! Oh, I'm so sorry to bother— Are... Are you cooking?
    Yeah! Spike and I are having a cook-off!
    My cauliflower bites blew her sweet potato muffins out of the water!
    I'm glad you're here, Fluttershy, because we're gonna need a second opinion about that.
    Um, they're both delicious but... zecorahasswampfeverandtheresnocureanditsallmyfaultbuttheonlyponywhocancureisthemysticalmaskandineedyourhelptofindher!!!
    So, what'd she pick? The cauliflower bites, right?
     That's the last book on ancient ponies, and still no mention of the Mystical Mask.
    Hmm. Did we check the unabridged versions?
    Yes, and the books on rare diseases, the books on rare plants, and the entire section on bog habitation.
    Well, we might have to look through every book in the entire library, but I know we'll figure it out.
    Oh. Another dead end. Have you found anything yet, Twilight?
    Goodness! Are you okay?
    I'm fine. Fluttershy, you know that I want to help Zecora, but I think we'd be a lot better off if we got some sleep. We've been at this for hours!
    Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize how late it had gotten.
    No problem. I'll grab you a pillow and—

  • Laurel Crown (+sub)
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Oh, no, no, no. I meant you should sleep. I can't rest until Zecora is healed.
    I understand how you feel, but I still think we'd have more luck if we tried again in the morning. Just promise me you'll take a break soon.
    G'night, Fluttershy.
    9x13 pan...
    Nonstick pans!
    What's all the commotion in here, ladies?
    Sorry, but I figured out who the Mystical Mask is.
    You did?!
    All I had to do was cross-reference a book about masks with another book on ancient Equestria healers, then use a third books to translate it all from Olde Ponish and there it was! Zecora was right! The Mystical Mask wasn't just a legend. The Mystical Mask was Mage Meadowbrook!
    The ancient sorceress from Hayseed Swamp? We studied her at Celestia's school! Are you sure?
    Absolutely! Mage Meadowbrook wasn't just a sorceress. She was a healer and back then, healers wore masks so they wouldn't get sick themselves!
    Fluttershy, I am so incredibly proud of you for using your research skills to figure this out! But Meadowbrook lived ages ago, and didn't she disappear?
    Mm-hmm, but if we go to Hayseed Swamp, maybe we can find something she left behind! Something that could lead to a cure!
    It seems like a long shot, but I guess it's possible.
    We have to try! I've gotta route all planned out, and on the way, we can check up on Zecora, and then...
    Whoa, whoa, whoa... We're leaving now!
    Of course! Every second we spend waiting is a second Zecora is coughing bubbles!
    But, Fluttershy, you haven't slept! And that's a long journey!
    There's no use trying to talk me out of this, Twilight! We've got no time to waste!
    Can we at least grab some breakfast?
    I packed cauliflower bites.
    Aw! No sweet potato muffins?
    I, uh, ate them all. They were actually really good.
    And that's when I realized the Mystical Mask was actually Mage Meadowbrook!
    That's marvelous, Fluttershy. I am quite impressed. While you are gone on your journey, I'll try not to be... worried.
    Oh, no. Zecora, you didn't rhyme! You must be getting worse.
    Oh. No, no, no, not at all. Something... something... ball?
    That's it! We' have to go now!
    Lead the way, Fluttershy.
    So... where do you think Meadowbrook lived?
    I'm not sure. Maybe there's somepony we can ask.
    I think we might be the only ponies here.
    Wait! I recognize that tree! Yes! This has to be it! It's just like the illustrations of her home!
    Anypony who lives in a tree is okay by me.
    Phew. Well, if the doorway is sealed up, we'll just have to dig our way in. Back up, Twilight! I don't want you to get hurt!
    Or we could try the handle.
    It really blends in with the bark.
    Easy to miss.
    Wow. It looks like this place has been abandoned for years. Twilight, look! It's the same kind of lily pad that gave Zecora Swamp Fever! Hmm. I wonder if Meadowbrook was looking for a cure for Swamp Fever, too. D'you think she found it?
    I hope so, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.
    That's exactly what I'm talking about. You're making your excited squeaking noise!
    Uh, I wasn't making my excited squeaking noise.
    Twilight Sparkle and...

  • Ser.Don
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Y'all can stop screamin' now. I didn't mean to scare ya. I do that a lot.
    Scare ponies, or rock creepily in the dark?
    Well, both, I s'pose. Name's Cattail. Pleased to meet ya.
    Likewise, but, may I ask, why are you in Mage Meadowbrook's home?
    Oh, I take care of the place. I ain't much of a cleaner, but from what I hear, my kin wasn't neither, so I doubt they'd mind a few cobwebs in our ancestral home.
    You're related to Mage Meadowbrook?
    Oh my goodness, Twilight, we did it! Not only did we find Mage Meadowbrook's old house! We actually found one of her descendants!
    Honestly, I would not have guessed it.
    So, you're lookin' for some kind o' cure, huh? Well, now, I know Meadowbrook was known ta always be writin' in her journals. If she had the cure you want, I reckon that's where it'd be. Come on. I'll show ya the library.
    Library? Now we're talkin'!
    Oh. Well... libraries come in all shapes and sizes.
    This is good. It'll take us less time to go through everything.
    "Today, my mom made me eat peas. Peas are yucky." And we can probably skip this one, unless she found a cure when she was a foal.
    "I met a colt today. He pulled my mane so I put a frog on his head." Also, not helpful, but I do kinda want to see where it goes.
    Wait! Listen to this! "Today, I tried again to brew an unsniffle elixir..."
    ...and I finally got it right!
    Meadowbrook, I think it's time you had this.
    Ma very own healer's mask! You think I'm ready, mother?
    What caused this?
    Mother calls it Swamp Fever. We've been tryin' ta find a cure, but it hasn't been easy.
    The fever spreads like wildfire.
    I fear if we don't find a cure soon, ever'pony will be in grave danger!
    With Mother sick, I didn't think I'd ever find a cure. But starin' at those cursed flowers today, I saw somethin'.
    Flash bees! I realized the flowers' poison didn't affect the flash bees, and if they were immune to Swamp Fever, their honey could be the cure!
    But they were so aggressive defendin' their hive, I didn't know how I was gonna get it!
    Here goes nothin'!
    Today, I cured mother,
    ...and the rest of the bayou!
    "It was the greatest feeling I've ever experienced, and I promise to dedicate my life to curing ponies all over Equestria!
    And she did just that. Right up 'till she disappeared without a trace.
    So, all we have to do is find those aggressive flash bees and get them to give us their honey! Of course, it doesn't say how she did that... What? Is my mane messy? I know I haven't slept in a while, but... Oh no! I've caught Swamp Fever!
    Are you sure these are necessary?
    I said, are you sure these are necessary?
    Yes! I won't risk infecting you or Cattail!
    What you can't risk is getting any sicker! If you don't rest, your symptoms will only get worse!
    Mmhm. You really should rest up before going up against those flash bees. They are nasty critters.
    Um, you don't know this about me, but I'm pretty good with animals. And besides, Dogtail—
    Um, Zecora is counting on me. I have to help her, just like Meadowbrook helped her mother and all those bayou ponies long ago!
    But Fluttershy, as much as Meadowbrook took care of other ponies, I'm sure she also took care of herself.

  • Roxas
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    You're not gonna change my mind, Twilight!
    For bein' sick, she sure is strong.
    The flash beehive is just up yonder.
    Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?
    No! It's too dangerous, Twilight! Besides, I've already gotten one friend hurt. I won't let it happen to another! Okay Fluttershy, you can do this!
    Mind over matter!
    Hello, flash bees! I was hoping I could get some of your honey!
    Oh, I see, you don't let others have any, well, I'm sorry, but I really need it!
    I didn't want it to have to come to this, but I'll just have to use... the Stare!
    You really are aggressive! Oh dear.
    What happened? Where am I?
    I'm so glad you're okay. You're still in Meadowbrook's tree.
    You fainted, but Twilight shot some magic up and caught ya. It was crazy.
    Goodness gracious! Have you heard from Zecora? Is she okay?
    We got word your zebra friend has started sproutin' leaves.
    She's already turning into a tree?! I thought we'd have more time!
    Actually, you've been asleep for three days.
    Three days?!
    Mm-hm. You were asleep so long we were afraid you wouldn't be able to move when you woke up, but thankfully you just wore yourself down!
    Oh dear. We have to get back to the hive! I've wasted so much time!
    Now hang on there, Fluttershy. Those flash bee critters are tricky.
    Cattail's right. I can't even use magic to calm them down! We'll have to find another way to get the honey.
    We've tried everything from disguises to things I won't even speak of.
    He's been through a lot these past three day.
    Wait... disguises...
    That's it! I know how she did it! I know how Meadowbrook got the honey!
    This is how Meadowbrook got the honey from the flash bees!
    She threw a mask at 'em? I wouldn't recommend that.
    No, the male bees aren't aggressive around the queen bee, and this mask has the same stripes that she does!
    Fluttershy, that's brilliant!
    There's no time to waste!
    Hooves crossed!
    Oh golly, I can't watch!
    Mind over matter!
    Twilight... it's working!
    I think she's cured now, Fluttershy.
    Oh, I do feel fine, and this honey is divine.
    Oh, you're rhyming again! Welcome back, my friend!
    Thank you, Fluttershy, for all you endured. If not for you, I would not be cured.
    Oh, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have been sick in the first place.
    Regret is not what you should feel, because on this journey, you've learned a great deal.
    That's true. I certainly learned that if you don't take care of yourself, you won't be able to take care of anypony else! In fact, if I had rested, like Twilight had suggested all along, maybe I would have thought to use Meadowbrook's mask sooner.
    Please tell me you found the cure!



    • Don Kazim
    • Laura Scratch

Ultima modifica di Don Kazim il 23/09/2017, 19:29, modificato 3 volte in totale.
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Don Kazim
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Iscritto il: 30/05/2012, 17:19
Pony preferito: Derpy, Red Pony
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Re: [Coordinamento] 7x20 - A Health of Information

Messaggioda MC Outlaw » 22/09/2017, 15:34

Pronto come traduttore
One Piece of Friendship[My Little Pony X One Piece-Terminata]
Alternative Dimension[My Little Pony post-invasione/apocalisse]
Sunset's Fading [Equestria Girls]
My Little Vault [My Little Pony X Borderlands 2- Solo su EFP]
Fanart di Francy Sunglass
Immagine ~ by Lolly
Immagine ~ by Miri
Immagine ~ by Kage
~ by Otta
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MC Outlaw
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Iscritto il: 24/02/2013, 22:41
Località: Castelceriolo (AL)
Pony preferito: Sunset,Rarity,Ember
Sesso: Maschio

Re: [Coordinamento] 7x20 - A Health of Information

Messaggioda Laurel Crown » 22/09/2017, 17:12

Avatar e firma realizzati da JedaySkayVoker

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Laurel Crown
Rainbow Pony
Rainbow Pony
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Iscritto il: 21/01/2013, 18:33
Località: Provincia di Modena
Pony preferito: Corona e Selena
Sesso: Maschio

Re: [Coordinamento] 7x20 - A Health of Information

Messaggioda Roxas94 » 23/09/2017, 21:55

Codice: Seleziona tutto
Non riuscirai a farmi cambiare idea, Twilight!
You're not gonna change my mind, Twilight!

Ne ha di forza, per essere malata.
For bein' sick, she sure is strong.

L’alveare lampo è laggiù.
The flash beehive is just up yonder.

Sei sicura che non vuoi che venga con te?
Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?

No! è troppo pericoloso, Twilight! E poi, ho già ferito un amico. Non lascerò che succeda di nuovo! Okay, Fluttershy, puoi farcela!
No! It's too dangerous, Twilight! Besides, I've already gotten one friend hurt. I won't let it happen to another! Okay Fluttershy, you can do this!

La mente domina il corpo!
Mind over matter! 

Ciao api lampo! Speravo di poter avere un po’ del vostro miele!
Hello, flash bees! I was hoping I could get some of your honey!

Oh, capisco, non lo date a nessuno, beh, sono spiacente, ma ne ho veramente bisogno!
Oh, I see, you don't let others have any, well, I'm sorry, but I really need it!

Non volevo ricorrere a questo, ma dovrò usare... la Sguardo!
I didn't want it to have to come to this, but I'll just have to use... the Stare!

Siete davvero aggressive! Oh cielo.
You really are aggressive! Oh dear. 

Cos’è successo? Dove sono?
What happened? Where am I?

Sono felice che tu stia bene. Sei ancora nell’albero di Meadowbrook.
I'm so glad you're okay. You're still in Meadowbrook's tree.

Sei svenuta, ma Twilight ha lanciato qualche magia e ti ha preso. è stato assurdo.
You fainted, but Twilight shot some magic up and caught ya. It was crazy.

Santo cielo! Avete notizie di Zecora? Sta bene?
Goodness gracious! Have you heard from Zecora? Is she okay?

Abbiamo saputo che alla vostra amica zebra stanno crescendo le foglie.
We got word your zebra friend has started sproutin' leaves.

Si sta già trasformando in un albero?! Credevo avessimo più tempo!
She's already turning into a tree?! I thought we'd have more time!

Veramente, hai dormito per tre giorni.
Actually, you've been asleep for three days.

Tre giorni?!
Three days?!

Mm-hm. Hai dormito così a lungo che temevamo non saresti riuscita a muoverti una volta sveglia, ma fortunatamente ti sei solo stancata!
Mm-hm. You were asleep so long we were afraid you wouldn't be able to move when you woke up, but thankfully you just wore yourself down!

Oh cielo. Dobbiamo tornare all’alveare! Ho sprecato troppo tempo!
Oh dear. We have to get back to the hive! I've wasted so much time!

Ferma li, Fluttershy. Quelle api lampo sono difficli.
Now hang on there, Fluttershy. Those flash bee critters are tricky.

Cattail ha ragione. Non riesco a calmarle nemmeno con la magia! Dovremmo trovare un altro modo per ottenere il miele.
Cattail's right. I can't even use magic to calm them down! We'll have to find another way to get the honey.

Abbiamo provato tutto da travestimenti a cose di cui non voglio parlare.
We've tried everything from disguises to things I won't even speak of. 

Ne ha passate tante questi tre giorni.
He's been through a lot these past three day.

Aspetta... travestimenti...
Wait... disguises...

Ci sono! So come ci è riuscita! So come Meadowbrook ottenne il miele!
That's it! I know how she did it! I know how Meadowbrook got the honey!

è così che Meadowbrook ottenne il miele dalle api lampo!
This is how Meadowbrook got the honey from the flash bees!

Gli lanciò una maschera addosso? Io lo sconsiglierei.
She threw a mask at 'em? I wouldn't recommend that.

No, i maschi delle api non sono aggressive vicino all’ape regina, e questa maschera ha le stesse strisce che lei ha!
No, the male bees aren't aggressive around the queen bee, and this mask has the same stripes that she does!

Fluttershy, questo è geniale!
Fluttershy, that's brilliant!

Non c’è tempo da perdere!
There's no time to waste!

Zoccoli incrociati!
Hooves crossed!

Oh cavoli, non posso guardare!
Oh golly, I can't watch!

La mente domina il corpo!
Mind over matter!

Twilight... sta funzionando!
Twilight... it's working!

Credo che sia guarita, Fluttershy.
I think she's cured now, Fluttershy.

Oh, ora sto benino, e questo miele è divino.
Oh, I do feel fine, and this honey is divine.

Oh, in rima è la parlata! Amica mia, bentornata!
Oh, you're rhyming again! Welcome back, my friend!

Grazie, Fluttershy, per tutto quello che hai sopportato. Senza te, il mio male non saprebbe passato.
Thank you, Fluttershy, for all you endured. If not for you, I would not be cured.

Oh, se non era per me, non ti saresti ammalata in primo luogo.
Oh, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have been sick in the first place.

Non dovresti provare rimosrso, perché molto hai appreso nel cammino che hai percorso.
Regret is not what you should feel, because on this journey, you've learned a great deal.

è vero. Ho sicuramente imparato che se non ti prendi cura di te, non riuscirai a prenderti cura di nessun altro! Infatti, se mi fossi riposata, come Twilight ha continuato a suggerirmi, forse avrei pensato prima ad usare la maschera di Meadowbrook.
That's true. I certainly learned that if you don't take care of yourself, you won't be able to take care of anypony else! In fact, if I had rested, like Twilight had suggested all along, maybe I would have thought to use Meadowbrook's mask sooner.

Per favore dimmi che hai trovato la cura!
Please tell me you found the cure!
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Iscritto il: 31/05/2014, 19:31
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Re: [Coordinamento] 7x20 - A Health of Information

Messaggioda MC Outlaw » 24/09/2017, 2:23

Parte fatta, signore
Ho lasciato Swamp Fever così com'era essendo un nome proprio, se però volete tradurla e non avete pensato ad altro io suggerisco Febbre Palustre
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Grazie infinite, Zecora. Non avrei mai trovato il muschio incrociato senza di te.
Thank you so much, Zecora. I never would've found the crisscross moss without you.

Ma certo. So dove cresce, trovarlo è stato uno scherzo, anche se recuperarlo richiederà un po più di sforzo.
Of course. I know where it grows, so it's not much to ask, though retrieving it has been a difficult task.

Oh, ma i buoi che visiteranno il Sweet Feather Sanctuary la settimana prossima lo apprezzeranno di sicuro. Aggiunge davvero molta lucentezza al loro pelo.
Oh, but the oxen visiting Sweet Feather Sanctuary next week will surely appreciate it. It really adds a shine to their coat.

Fatto. Non era così complicato. Dimmi, Fluttershy, basterà quello che ho recuperato?
There we go. Now, that wasn't so tough. Fluttershy, tell me, will this be enough?

Gee, non saprei. È una mandria piuttosto massiccia, quindi magari, abbastanza da riempire questa bisaccia? Oh, cielo. Sembra che tu mi stia attaccando le tue abitudini, Zecora!
Gee, I don't know. It's a pretty big pack, so maybe, enough to fill up this sack? Oh, my. You're rubbing off on me, Zecora!

Zecora, stai bene?
Zecora, are you all right?

Non essere preoccupata. Mi sono solo bagnata. Almeno, adesso, potrò prendere con facilità tutto il muschio incrociato di cui hai necessità.
No need to fret. I only got wet. At least, now, I can easily grab all the crisscross moss there is to be had.

Cosa ti sta succedendo?
What's happening to you?

Onestamente, è difficile da spiegare, ma improvvisamente, vedo tutto quanto girare.
Honestly, it's hard to tell, but suddenly, I don't feel so well.

Va bene, Zecora. Sentiamo cosa dice il vecchio battitore.
All right, Zecora. Let's have a listen to the old ticker.

Crede che sia una cosa seria, dottore?
Do you think it's serious, doctor?

Beh, quello non era un buon segno.
Well, that wasn't a good sign.

Non posso credere che un fiore abbia potuto far questo. Mi rimangio di aver pensato che fosse carino!
I can't believe a flower did this. I take back thinking it was pretty!

Mm-hmm. Dobbiamo sperare in qualsiasi colore eccetto il rosso.
Mm-hmm. We're looking for any color other than red.

Oh, è proprio come pensavo. Ho paura che tu abbia preso un mordo molto raro chiamata… Swamp Fever!
Oh, it's just as I thought. I'm afraid you have a very rare disease called... Swamp Fever!

Mi dica, dottore, cosa dovrei fare? Di questa Swamp fever è la prima volta che ne sento parlare.
Tell me, doctor, what should I do? I've never heard of Swamp Fever, mind you.

Sfortunatamente, molto poco è conosciuto di questa malattia. Eccetto, ovviamente, i suoi sintomi: alterazione del pelo, tossire bolle, starnutire saette, confusione, e, all’ultimo stadio, chi è infettato si trasforma nell’albero che rilascia i fiori portatori del morbo.
Unfortunately, very little is known about the disease. Except, of course, its symptoms: change of coat, coughing bubbles, shock sneezing, confusion, and, the last stage, the afflicted turn into the very trees that drop the disease-spreading flower.

Oh! Esiste qualcosa che si possa fare per venire a capo di questo dilemma?!
Oh! Is there anything that can be done for such a terrible conundrum?!

La cura non è stata ancora scoperta. Mi dispiace, Zecora.
A cure has yet to be discovered. I'm sorry, Zecora.

È molto da digerire. Lascio voi due a discutere.
It's a lot to take in. I'll leave you two to discuss.

Zecora, questa è tutta colpa mia. Se non mi avessi aiutato a prendere il muschio incrociato, non ti saresti presa la Swamp Fever. Mi dispiace così tanto.
Zecora, this is all my fault. If you hadn't been helping me get the crisscross moss, you wouldn't have gotten Swamp Fever. I'm so sorry.

Fluttershy, non ti devi incolpare. Sarebbe potuto comunque capitare.
Fluttershy, you are not to blame. These things happen all the same.

Mi rifiuto di accettarlo! Ci deve essere qualcuno che possa aiutarti!
I refuse to accept that! There has to be somepony who can help you!

Oh. C’è una curatrice leggendaria che non ha mai fallito. Ma ne ho sentito parlare solo in qualche mito. Mistica e mascherata, viene da te con l’oscurità, curando di tutto dall’Hoof Cough al Fur Blight, per lei son tutte banalità. Cosa accadde a questa curatrice, nessuno lo sa, perché spari nel nulla anni ed anni fa.
Oh. There's a healer of legend who never would fail. But I only know her from ancient folktales. Mystical and masked, she came in the night, and cured everything from Hoof Cough to Fur Blight. What became of the healer, nopony knows, for she disappeared ages and ages ago.

La Mystical Mask! Ma certo! I miei genitori mi parlavano di lei ogni volta che ero a letto malata.
The Mystical Mask! Of course! My parents would tell me about her whenever I was sick in bed.

Ci sono molti resoconti sui suoi poteri curativi e sulle sue gesta. Non può essere solo una leggenda, penso che lei esista.
There's so many accounts of her power to heal. She can't just be a legend, I think she's real.

Se questo è ciò che ci serve per curarti, allora la troverò! E conosco esattamente una pony che può aiutarmi!
If that's who we need to cure you, then I'm going to find her! And I know just the pony who can help!

Twilight? Twilight? Twilight! Oh, mi dispiace disturbarti— Stai… stai cucinando?
Twilight? Twilight? Twilight! Oh, I'm so sorry to bother— Are... Are you cooking?

Già! Spike ed io staimo avendo uno scontro culinario!
Yeah! Spike and I are having a cook-off!

I miei morsi di cavolfiore surclasseranno i suoi muffin di patate senza dubbio!
My cauliflower bites blew her sweet potato muffins out of the water!

Sono felice che tu sia qui, Fluttershy, perché avremo bisogno di una seconda opinione in proposito.
I'm glad you're here, Fluttershy, because we're gonna need a second opinion about that.

Um, sono entrambi deliziosi, però… zecorahalaswampfeverenonesistecuraedètuttacolpamiamalunicaponychepuòcurarlaèlamysticalmaskedhobisognodeltuoaiutopertrovarla!!!
Um, they're both delicious but… zecorahasswampfeverandtheresnocureanditsallmyfaultbuttheonlyponywhocancureisthemysticalmaskandineedyourhelptofindher!!!

Quindi, cosa ha scelto? I morsi di cavolfiore, giusto?
So, what'd she pick? The cauliflower bites, right?

Questo è l’ultimo libro sui pony antichi, ed ancora non c’è alcun riferimento alla Mystical Mask.
That's the last book on ancient ponies, and still no mention of the Mystical Mask.

Hmm. Abbiamo controllato le versioni integrali?
Hmm. Did we check the unabridged versions?

Si, ed anche i libri sulle malattie rare, quelli sulle piante rare, persino l’intera sezione sugli abitanti della palude.
Yes, and the books on rare diseases, the books on rare plants, and the entire section on bog habitation.

Beh, potremmo dover cercare in tutti i libri della biblioteca, ma sono sicura che ne verremo a capo.
Well, we might have to look through every book in the entire library, but I know we'll figure it out.

Oh. Un altro vicolo cieco. Tu hai trovato qualcosa, Twilight? Cielo! È tutto a posto?
Oh. Another dead end. Have you found anything yet, Twilight?
Goodness! Are you okay?

Sto bene. Fluttershy, sai che voglio aiutare Zecora, ma penso che lavoreremmo meglio se dormissimo un po. Siamo qui da ore!
I'm fine. Fluttershy, you know that I want to help Zecora, but I think we'd be a lot better off if we got some sleep. We've been at this for hours!

Oh, mi dispiace molto. Non mi ero accorta di quanto tardi si fosse fatto.
Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize how late it had gotten.

Nessun problema. Ti prendo un cuscino e—
No problem. I'll grab you a pillow and—
One Piece of Friendship[My Little Pony X One Piece-Terminata]
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Sunset's Fading [Equestria Girls]
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MC Outlaw
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Iscritto il: 24/02/2013, 22:41
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Re: [Coordinamento] 7x20 - A Health of Information

Messaggioda Sir.Don » 25/09/2017, 9:58

Codice: Seleziona tutto
Y'all can stop screamin' now. I didn't mean to scare ya. I do that a lot.
Potete smettere di urlare adesso. Non volevo spaventarvi, lo faccio spesso (mi capita spesso?)

Scare ponies, or rock creepily in the dark?
Spaventare i pony, o fare rumori spaventosi nel buio?

Well, both, I s'pose. Name's Cattail. Pleased to meet ya.
Beh, entrambi, direi. Mi chiamo Cattail. Piacere di conoscerti.

Likewise, but, may I ask, why are you in Mage Meadowbrook's home?
Altrettanto, ma, posso chiedere, perché sei nella casa di Mage Meadowbrook?

Oh, I take care of the place. I ain't much of a cleaner, but from what I hear, my kin wasn't neither, so I doubt they'd mind a few cobwebs in our ancestral home.
Oh, mi occupo di questo posto. Non faccio pulizie, ma da quel che sento, nemmeno il mio parente, quindi dubito che gli darà fastidio qualche campana nella nostra casa natale. (o un po’ di rumore?)

You're related to Mage Meadowbrook?
Sei parente di Mage Meadowbrook?


Oh my goodness, Twilight, we did it! Not only did we find Mage Meadowbrook's old house! We actually found one of her descendants!
Oddio, Twilight, ce l’abbiamo fattaa! Non solo siamo riuscite a trovare la vecchia casa di Mage Meadowbrook! Abbiamo anche trovato uno dei suoi discendenti!

Honestly, I would not have guessed it.
Onestamente, non ci avrei sperato.

So, you're lookin' for some kind o' cure, huh? Well, now, I know Meadowbrook was known ta always be writin' in her journals. If she had the cure you want, I reckon that's where it'd be. Come on. I'll show ya the library.
Quindi state cercando una qualche cura? Beh, adesso, so che Meadowbrook era noto per scrivere sempre sul suo diario. Se avesse la cura che volete, scommetto che si trova lì. Andiamo. Vi mostro la biblioteca.

Library? Now we're talkin'!
Biblioteca? Ora si ragiona!

Oh. Well... libraries come in all shapes and sizes.
Oh. Beh… le biblioteche possono essere di ogni forma e grandezza.

This is good. It'll take us less time to go through everything.
Bene, ci impiegheremo meno a fare tutto.

"Today, my mom made me eat peas. Peas are yucky." And we can probably skip this one, unless she found a cure when she was a foal.
“Oggi, mia mamma mi ha fatto mangiare i piselli. I piselli sono schifosi.” E probabilmente possiamo saltare questo, a meno che non abbia trovato la cura quando era piccolo.

"I met a colt today. He pulled my mane so I put a frog on his head." Also, not helpful, but I do kinda want to see where it goes.
“Ho incontrato un puledro oggi. Mi ha tirato la criniera così gli ho messo una rana in testa.” Anche questo non aiuta, ma vorrei quasi quasi vedere come va a finire.

Wait! Listen to this! "Today, I tried again to brew an unsniffle elixir..."
...and I finally got it right!
Aspetta! Senti qui! “Oggi, ho provato di nuovo a preparare un elisir maleodorante…”
 …e finalmente ci sono riuscita!

Meadowbrook, I think it's time you had this.
Meadowbrook, penso che sia l’ora che tu lo apra.

Ma very own healer's mask! You think I'm ready, mother?
La mia maschera da curatore! Pensi che sia pronta, madre?

What caused this?
Cosa l’ha causato?

Mother calls it Swamp Fever. We've been tryin' ta find a cure, but it hasn't been easy.
Mia madre la chiama Febbre da palude. Abbiamo provato a cercare una cura, ma non è stato facile.

The fever spreads like wildfire.
La febbre si diffonde a macchia d’olio.

I fear if we don't find a cure soon, ever'pony will be in grave danger!
Ho paura che se non troviamo presto una cura, tutti i pony saranno in grave pericolo!

With Mother sick, I didn't think I'd ever find a cure. But starin' at those cursed flowers today, I saw somethin'.
Con la madre malata, non so se troverò mai la cura. Ma guardando questi dannati fiori, oggi, ho visto qualcosa.

Flash bees! I realized the flowers' poison didn't affect the flash bees, and if they were immune to Swamp Fever, their honey could be the cure!
Le api lampo! Ho capito che il veleno dei fiori non aveva effetto sulle api lampo, e se erano immuni alla Febbre da Palude, il loro miele poteva essere la cura!

But they were so aggressive defendin' their hive, I didn't know how I was gonna get it!
Here goes nothin'!
Ma erano così aggressive mentre difendevano il loro alveare, non sapevo come me lo sarei procurato!
O la va o la spacca! (Il dado è tratto, avanti Savoia)

Today, I cured mother,
Oggi ho curato la madre,

...and the rest of the bayou!
…e il resto della palude!

"It was the greatest feeling I've ever experienced, and I promise to dedicate my life to curing ponies all over Equestria!
“È stata l’emozione più grande che abbia mai provato, e prometto di dedicare la mia vita a curare i pony per tutta Equestria!

And she did just that. Right up 'till she disappeared without a trace.
E ha fatto proprio così. Finché non è scomparsa senza lasciare traccia.

So, all we have to do is find those aggressive flash bees and get them to give us their honey! Of course, it doesn't say how she did that... What? Is my mane messy? I know I haven't slept in a while, but... Oh no! I've caught Swamp Fever!
Quindi dobbiamo solo trovare queste api lampo aggressive e farci dare il loro miele! Certo, non dice come l’abbia fatto…Cosa? Ho la criniera in disordine? So che è molto che non dormo, ma… Oh no! Ho preso la Febbre da Palude!

Are you sure these are necessary?
Sei sicura siano necessarie?


I said, are you sure these are necessary?
Ho detto, sei sicura che siano necessarie?

Yes! I won't risk infecting you or Cattail!
Sì! Non rischierò di contagiare te o Cattail!

What you can't risk is getting any sicker! If you don't rest, your symptoms will only get worse!
Ciò che non puoi rischiare è di peggiorare la malattia! Se non riposi, i sintomi possono solo peggiorare!

Mmhm. You really should rest up before going up against those flash bees. They are nasty critters.
Mhmh. Dovresti proprio riposare prima di andare contro queste api lampo. Sono creature cattive. (difficili)

Um, you don't know this about me, but I'm pretty good with animals. And besides, Dogtail—
C’è una cosa che non sai di me, sono piuttosto brava con gli animali. (lett: non sai questo di me, ma sono piuttosto brava  con gli animali) Inoltre, Dogtail-

Um, Zecora is counting on me. I have to help her, just like Meadowbrook helped her mother and all those bayou ponies long ago!
Zecora conta su di me. Devo aiutarla, proprio come Meadowbrook ha aiutato sua madre e tutti i pony della palude tempo fa!

But Fluttershy, as much as Meadowbrook took care of other ponies, I'm sure she also took care of herself.
Ma Fluttershy, sono sicura che Meadowbrook si prendesse cura degli altri pony come di se stessa.
Dylan Dog pony sotto spoiler

Grazie mille a Crimson-Pencil
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Iscritto il: 12/03/2013, 17:37
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