[Coordinamento] 6x21 - Every Little Thing She Does

Area dedicata in cui il gruppo Traduttori CMC-What The Buck! si organizza per il lavoro sugli episodi di FiM e della serie Equestria Girls.

Moderatore: Mindstorm

[Coordinamento] 6x21 - Every Little Thing She Does

Messaggioda Don Kazim » 23/09/2016, 19:25

Questo episodio è in collaborazione con il WTB Team. I posti per traduzione e subbing verranno quindi condivisi con loro.

Le linee guida alla traduzione sono consultabili qui: REGOLAMENTO & LINEE GUIDA TRADUTTORI

Dizionari on-line
Reverso Context Traduttore parole e frasi
WordReference Dizionario Inglese-italiano
Heinle's Newbury House Dictionary of American English Dizionario Americano
Oxford Dictionaries Dizionario Inglese
Urbandictionary Dizionario sullo Slang AngloAmericano
Idioms Yourdictionary Dizionario sui modi di dire AngloAmericani

Tempi di consegna (dall'assegnazione delle parti):
- Traduttori-subber (cioè chi subba direttamente ciò che traduce): 24 ore
- Traduttori: 12 - Max 18 ore
- Subber: fino alle 17 del lunedì successivo alla messa in onda


• Don Kazim


• MC Outlaw
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Twilight Sparkle: [yawns] I've prepared a full day of spells. You've been doing great but now it's time for a real challenge!
Starlight Glimmer : Oh-ho-ho! It is on! Where do we begin Soon?
Twilight Sparkle: Teleportation! Multiple locations! Try to keep up!
Twilight Sparkle: Transfiguration!
Twilight Sparkle: Shields!
Starlight Glimmer: Woo! I am on fire! What's next?
Twilight Sparkle: Maybe there's such a thing as too much studying.
Starlight Glimmer: As you know, speed spells like Accelero are not easy. But if done correctly, they can allow you to be much more efficient in your day.
Spike: Way to go, Starlight!
Starlight Glimmer: [laughing] I'm not finished! I've discovered a very old spell, Similo Duplexis, when combined with Accelero in just the right way... [doubled up] You can literally be in two places at once! [normal] [sighs] Now I'm finished.
Twilight Sparkle: I have to admit, your skills with magic really are nothing short of amazing. I'm very impressed.
Starlight Glimmer: [laughing] I've always been something of a natural.
Twilight Sparkle: However, it doesn't look like you've tackled any friendship lessons since you met Trixie.
Starlight Glimmer: Are you sure? I could've sworn there were a couple in there somewhere...
Twilight Sparkle: I'm sure.
Starlight Glimmer: I see... Well, I'm really quite busy this week, so many commitments. I'll try and find some time in my-
Twilight Sparkle: No time like the present! Spike and I are heading to Canterlot. Princess Celestia wanted me to give her students a quick overview on the history of enchanted objects in Equestria! We'll be back after the presentation, which should be...
Spike: Twenty moons from now?
Twilight Sparkle: Tonight. It's a quick presentation.
Spike: [to himself] Sure, keep telling yourself that...
Twilight Sparkle: You can tackle a friendship lesson today, and we can review your progress when I get back later this evening!
Starlight Glimmer: [nervously] Of course, no problem! Friendship lesson... on it...
Twilight Sparkle: Great! Can't wait. Now, Spike, help me color-code these cards according to time, place, and object.
Starlight Glimmer: Huh? Huh! [humming and muttering to self] Oh, yeah. Mm-hmm.
Spike: Hey! Twilight and I are about to head to Canterlot. Just checking to see if you need anything before we left.
Starlight Glimmer: Nope, not at all! I'm good here, oh, not good, great, not a problem in the world, heh!
Spike: [disbelieving] Uh-huh. So... what are you doing, exactly?
Starlight Glimmer: I was... just trying to decide which friendship lesson I was going to tackle while you two were in Canterlot. Bap-ba-du, oh, yep, right here, where I just left them a second ago.
Spike: [blows] [reading] "Bake a cake with Pinkie Pie," "scrapbook with Applejack," "sew with Rarity..."
Spike: "Help an animal with Fluttershy," "chillax with Rainbow Dash?" What is chillaxing?
Starlight Glimmer: No idea.
Spike: You know, uh, if you're nervous about your friendship lessons, it's totally okay to say so.
Starlight Glimmer: Nervous, me? [fake laughter] Oh Spike, you really are hilarious, haha. You think I'm nervous that I'm gonna fail something as simple as baking a cake?

• Sir. Don
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Spike: Well if you were, it'd be-
Starlight Glimmer: Silly! Twilight just said how impressed she was that I combined a speed spell and a duplication spell. That was a challenge. These? Pfft, hah, I could combine all five of these at the same time without breaking a sweat.
Spike: I think maybe you're missing-
Starlight Glimmer: An opportunity to really impress Twilight? [gasps] Great idea, Spike! I'm gonna get right on that! Good talk.
Spike: And I thought Twilight was the master of the freakout.
Starlight Glimmer: So, with your help, I figure these should be done in no time.
Applejack: Are you sure this is what Twilight would want? Seems like you might want to take your time with each of these.
Starlight Glimmer: But, by working as a team, we can get them done faster. And isn't teamwork a key factor in friendship?
Applejack: I... guess.
Starlight Glimmer: Super! Pinkie Pie, since we're baking, you will be in the kitchen.
Starlight Glimmer: Rarity, Applejack, you two can set up in the library...
Rarity: Oh, I don't think a dusty old library has the proper lighting! Perhaps we can stay out here in the foyer.
Starlight Glimmer: I thought that Fluttershy and I could work with the animals right here in the foyer.
Fluttershy: Oh, uh, whatever you think is best.
Starlight Glimmer: Great. Now, Rainbow Dash-
Fluttershy: It might depend on the animal. For instance, this poor little eagle with a sprained wing might be better off up in one of the towers.
Starlight Glimmer: Yeahyeahyeah, sure.
Fluttershy: And these adorable little chipmunks might prefer a nook somewhere. Maybe if you spend some time getting to know-
Starlight Glimmer: In a minute, Fluttershy.
Rainbow Dash: Uh, I don't know if we can chillax properly in the castle. We need very specific conditions for optimal chillaxing.
Starlight Glimmer: Oh, I just assumed chillaxing could happen anywhere.
Rainbow Dash: Heh, shows what you know about chillaxing. Lemme do some location scouting.
Starlight Glimmer: Oookay. It seemed more efficient to start with the scrapbooking, so we can just get it out of the-
Pinkie Pie: Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh! Do you want to start with me? We're gonna need time for the cake to bake! After all...
It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake-
Starlight Glimmer: Uh, we're on a schedule, no time for a song. We can start with baking, then-
Rarity: But you can't design dresses after you've been baking with Pinkie. [hushed] She can be a bit messy!
Starlight Glimmer: Fine, we can start with the dresses, and then-
Applejack: While y'all figure that out, I'm gonna start layin' out the pictures for scrapbookin'. We got a whole lot of time to cover.
Starlight Glimmer: How much is a whole lot?
Applejack: We've got at least eighty moons worth of memories to go through.
Starlight Glimmer: Eighty moons?!
Rainbow Dash: Ugh, there is no place to chillax in this castle! We're gonna have to set up somewhere else.

• Clessidrus
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Starlight Glimmer: Could you all excuse me for one second?
Rainbow Dash: Wow, that pony really needs to chillax.
Starlight Glimmer: [hyperventilating] Okay Starlight, you've got this. A handful of friendship lessons is nothing compared to the spells you've mastered! [nervous laugh] Maybe if I cast a little spell to help things along... Something simple and safe. Fiducia Compelus... that's not bad, they would barely notice it, but... is it enough? Oh... maybe Cogeria so they're more... open to suggestion. Oh, oh, and, maybe, Cogeria combined with Fiducia Compelus! Yes, that could work nicely! And with a hint of Persuadere to make sure it sticks.
Starlight Glimmer: Everypony'll probably thank me for getting it all done so quickly. And Twilight will be thrilled I've completed so many lessons. Everypony wins!
Starlight Glimmer: Congratulations, Starlight, you're a genius. [gasps] Maybe the congratulations were a little premature...
Starlight Glimmer: Cogeria... Persuadere... Fiducia... Hmm. Ah! Of course! Fiducia Compelus needs a trigger. [amplified] Ponies! Hear my voice and listen!
Starlight Glimmer: Pinkie, kitchen. Rarity, Applejack, library. Fluttershy, stay here. Rainbow Dash, find somewhere inside the castle and set up a place where we can chillax.
Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie: [overlapped agreement]
Starlight Glimmer: Let's get to work, Pinkie!
Pinkie Pie: [mechanically] Okie-dokie! What would you like to do first?
Starlight Glimmer: Uh, what are we supposed to do first?
Pinkie Pie: [mechanically] Whatever you want to do first, Starlight Glimmer!
Starlight Glimmer: [reading] In a medium size mixing bowl, beat together eggs, sugar, two teaspoons of vanilla... [beat] mix in flour... [beat] [quickly] add baking soda, salt and cinnamon! Hm, I think you can take it from here!
Pinkie Pie: [mechanically] Take what from where?
Starlight Glimmer: The baking. Just keep following the instructions in the book till I get back.
Pinkie Pie: [mechanically] Abso-tively! Instruction following starting... now!
Starlight Glimmer: Baking a cake, check! Now on to sewing!
Starlight Glimmer: What did you have in mind, Rarity?
Rarity: [mechanically] Whatever you want me to have in my mind, Starlight Glimmer!
Starlight Glimmer: Can you make a dress exactly like that one?
Rarity: [mechanically] Just like this one?
Starlight Glimmer: Just like it.
Rarity: [mechanically] Absolutely. It will look perfectly divine.
Starlight Glimmer: That's a whole lot of photos. How do you usually organize them?
Applejack: [mechanically] However you want me to organize them, Starlight.
Starlight Glimmer: Okay. Tell me about this one!
Applejack: [mechanically] Sweet Apple Acres, twenty moons ago. Granny Smith was lookin' for her favorite pie tin. She looked in the kitchen, but it wasn't there. Then she looked in the barn, but it wasn't there.
Starlight Glimmer: I don't need every little detail, heh! Just sum up the story with one sentence.
Applejack: [mechanically] Huh. Turns out Granny Smith didn't know how to make a pig do the backstroke.
Starlight Glimmer: Uh-huh... Why don't you keep putting these photos in chronological order, and when I come back, you can give me more... highlights.
Applejack: [mechanically] Sure thing, Starlight Glimmer.
Starlight Glimmer: Fluttershy, where are all the animals?
Fluttershy: [mechanically] They ran away.
Starlight Glimmer: And why didn't you stop them?

• Crax
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Fluttershy: [mechanically] Because you didn't ask me to.
Starlight Glimmer: Obviously I wanted you to- never mind. Can you please round up all the animals in the castle and bring them back here to the foyer.
Fluttershy: [mechanically] All the animals. Got it.
Starlight Glimmer: Did you find a place to chillax, Rainbow Dash?
Rainbow Dash: [mechanically] Sure thing, Starlight Glimmer!
Starlight Glimmer: Great, let me know when it's ready.
Rainbow Dash: [mechanically] Yes, Starlight Glimmer.
Applejack: [mechanically] Granny Smith knew she was gonna need a bigger boat, so Goldie Delicious says "If you can't say anythin' nice about anypony, come sit by me!" Big Mac knew if he just covered himself in mud, the creature wouldn't be able to see him!
Rarity: [mechanically] Starlight Glimmer. I have finished the dress. Isn't it gorgeous?
Starlight Glimmer: What is that?
Rarity: [mechanically] You wanted me to make a dress exactly like the one in the book.
Starlight Glimmer: (sighs) Go make a real dress out of fabric, exactly like the one in the book.
Rarity: [mechanically] Ah, I see, yes of course, Starlight Glimmer.
Starlight Glimmer: Rarity! Make it bigger than the one in the book.
Rarity: [mechanically] Of course, darling. Bigger it is.
Applejack: [mechanically] She was just a pony standin' in front of another pony askin' him to love her.
Starlight Glimmer: Pinkie, what are you doing?!
Pinkie Pie: [mechanically] Only all of the instructions in the book like you ordered, Starlight Glimmer!
Starlight Glimmer: I meant just the one cake! I was only gone a few minutes! How in Equestria did you get all of this done so fast?
Pinkie Pie: [mechanically] First I combined three eggs, then- [muffled noises]
Starlight Glimmer: Think the baking lesson is done.
Starlight Glimmer: Oh, what now?
Applejack: [mechanically] They can take our farm, but they can't take our freedom!
Starlight Glimmer: What's going on?
Fluttershy: [mechanically] I gathered all of the animals like you asked, Starlight Glimmer.
Rarity: [mechanically] Oh yes, this will do nicely.
Rarity: [mechanically] A much bigger dress!
Applejack: [mechanically, muffled] It was the best of apples, it was the worst of apples.
Starlight Glimmer: [exhales] I can handle this, it's just magic, and I know magic! What's that?!
Starlight Glimmer: What did you say?
Pinkie Pie: [mechanically] The cakes are burning! You left the ovens on!
Starlight Glimmer: We need water!
Rainbow Dash: [mechanically] Yes, Starlight Glimmer!

• Midnight Specter
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Starlight Glimmer: Storm clouds?!
Applejack: [mechanically] Big Mac told me, "With a whole lot of power comes a heck of a lot of responsibility."
Starlight Glimmer: [groans] This can't get any worse!
Twilight Sparkle: What is going on?!
Spike: I had no idea we had spiders in the castle! I'm never sleeping again!
Starlight Glimmer: Maybe if I had reversed the Fiducia Compelus and Cogeria... Or maybe I added too much Persuadere... What?
Spike: You're really missing the point here.
Twilight Sparkle: [sighs] I finally untangled that mess of a spell and got everypony home. It was really powerful stuff! They're gonna feel that in the morning. Now please try to explain to me how in the name of Celestia things got this out of control.
Starlight Glimmer: Well, it was the first time I cast that particular spell, and I didn't really think it through, I- I bet if I reversed-
Twilight Sparkle: I think you might be missing the point here!
Spike: Told ya.
Twilight Sparkle: What made you think that casting a spell on your friends to do your bidding was even remotely a good idea?
Starlight Glimmer: Well, when you put it that way, it sounds really bad.
Twilight Sparkle: That's because it is really bad!
Starlight Glimmer: Ah- wh- I- d-
Twilight Sparkle: Starlight, I'm not mad at you, but I am disappointed. You've been doing so well! I just don't understand how a friendship lesson turned into all of this!
Starlight Glimmer: Ugh, fine! I've been avoiding the friendship lessons on purpose.
Twilight Sparkle: Why?
Starlight Glimmer: I can cast complex spells, but baking a cake with Pinkie Pie freaks me out! And yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds, that's why I didn't say anything. I just thought if I kept wowing you with my magical abilities, you might just... not... notice?
Twilight Sparkle: Baking a cake freaks you out?
Starlight Glimmer: Yes! Baking a cake, sewing, all of it! What if I was bad at it? I didn't want to be a disappointment to anypony, and ended up being a disappointment to everypony.
Twilight Sparkle: Starlight, do you think anypony cares if you can bake a cake?
Starlight Glimmer: But the lesson-
Twilight Sparkle: Was to get to know Pinkie Pie better by doing something she loves! It was a friendship lesson, not a baking lesson!
Starlight Glimmer: Oh. You know I think I might have missed the point here.
Spike: Told ya.
Starlight Glimmer: So now what?
Twilight Sparkle: Now it's time for a pretty advanced friendship lesson. It's called apologizing.
Applejack: [groaning] I don't know what kind of whammy Starlight put on us, but I feel like I got shoved through the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000.
Rainbow Dash: Ugh, tell me about it.
Rarity: [hushed] If everypony could speak like this for the next few days, it would be delightful. My head is thumping...!
Fluttershy: [tired] I was up all night calming the animals down.
Rarity: [hushed] Fluttershy, please! Not so loud...

• Roxas94
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Pinkie Pie: Starlight's spell made me burn a perfectly good cake! I never burn cakes!
Starlight Glimmer: Yeah, about that... things got a little out of hand last night.
Applejack: Ain't that the understatement of the day.
Pinkie Pie: Hmph! Tell it to the cake, sister!
Rarity: [hushed] Can we all please argue at a lower volume?
Starlight Glimmer: I really messed up. I cast the spell because I was nervous about working with you all on the friendship lessons.
Rainbow Dash: Well here's a friendship lesson for ya, don't cast spells on your friends!
Starlight Glimmer: Believe me, I know! What I did was wrong, and I can't take it back. You're right to be upset, and I hope one day I can make it up to you. But all I can say is... I'm sorry. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go clean the castle covered in wet cake batter and spiders.
Rainbow Dash: That was a pretty good apology.
Fluttershy: Seems like she feels pretty bad.
Applejack: Hey, Starlight! Most of the Apple family photos are still layin' around in the wreckage. I think I'll come along and hunt 'em down.
Fluttershy: Oh, and I feel awful for disturbing all of the cute little spiders and bats. I should check on them.
Rarity: Ah yes, and I left some lovely fabric out. I should come and move into that nice quiet library.
Rainbow Dash: Uh, I'll come and get those storm clouds out of the bathroom.
Pinkie Pie: Fine! Somepony has to bake a cake to honor all the poor cakes that sacrificed their batter in last night's tragedy!
[montage music]
Twilight Sparkle: It seems your apology went well.
Starlight Glimmer: [sighs] I'm just lucky to have such understanding friends, but it's probably going to be a while before I try to tackle those friendship lessons again.
Twilight Sparkle: What do you mean? You've been doing them all day.
Starlight Glimmer: What are you talking about? I've been cleaning up the mess I made by totally failing at friendship.
Twilight Sparkle: Really? But didn't I see you sewing with Rarity?
Starlight Glimmer: Yes, but-
Twilight Sparkle: And you and Applejack did a great job collecting those photos and putting them in the book. Helping animals with Fluttershy, baking with Pinkie Pie, those sound like your assignments to me! In fact, I think there's just one that you're missing.
Starlight Glimmer: Sun, check. Chairs, check. And thanks to a simple Cataduca Levitata spell, we've got water. Is that everything we need to chillax?
Rainbow Dash: Nope.
Starlight Glimmer: No? What did I miss?
Rainbow Dash: Quiet.
Starlight Glimmer: Oh! Right.
Twilight Sparkle: Great job, Starlight. Looks like you've completed another friendship lesson.
Rainbow Dash: Hey! She completes the lesson when I say she completes it. So less learning and more chillaxing!
Starlight Glimmer: So... How long do we sit quietly?


• Crax


• Sir Don
• Gooddwarf

Transcripts da Tradurre:

http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Transcripts/E ... g_She_Does


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Ultima modifica di Don Kazim il 24/09/2016, 20:31, modificato 7 volte in totale.
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Don Kazim
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Re: [Coordinamento] 6x21 - Every Little Thing She Does

Messaggioda MC Outlaw » 23/09/2016, 19:28

Pronto come traduttore, signore!
One Piece of Friendship[My Little Pony X One Piece-Terminata]
Alternative Dimension[My Little Pony post-invasione/apocalisse]
Sunset's Fading [Equestria Girls]
My Little Vault [My Little Pony X Borderlands 2- Solo su EFP]
Fanart di Francy Sunglass
Immagine ~ by Lolly
Immagine ~ by Miri
Immagine ~ by Kage
~ by Otta
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MC Outlaw
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Iscritto il: 24/02/2013, 22:41
Località: Castelceriolo (AL)
Pony preferito: Sunset,Rarity,Ember
Sesso: Maschio

Re: [Coordinamento] 6x21 - Every Little Thing She Does

Messaggioda Sir.Don » 23/09/2016, 19:38

Prenoto come Traduttore e QC :D
Dylan Dog pony sotto spoiler

Grazie mille a Crimson-Pencil
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Re: [Coordinamento] 6x21 - Every Little Thing She Does

Messaggioda Clessidrus » 23/09/2016, 19:40

Ci sono per la traduzione ^_^
Gif Divertente
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Pony preferito: Twilight Sparkle
Sesso: Maschio

Re: [Coordinamento] 6x21 - Every Little Thing She Does

Messaggioda Midnight Specter » 23/09/2016, 20:02

Io ci sono per la traduzione
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Midnight Specter
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Re: [Coordinamento] 6x21 - Every Little Thing She Does

Messaggioda Roxas94 » 24/09/2016, 0:38

Vedo che per questo episodio c'è carenza di personale quindi......
sono disponibile come traduttore.
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Re: [Coordinamento] 6x21 - Every Little Thing She Does

Messaggioda Roxas94 » 24/09/2016, 22:14

Codice: Seleziona tutto
L’incantesimo di Starlight mi ha fatto bruciare un'ottima torta! Io non brucio mai le torte!
Pinkie Pie: Starlight's spell made me burn a perfectly good cake! I never burn cakes!

Gia,riguardo ciò... le cose sono un po sfuggite di zoccolo la scorsa notte.
Starlight Glimmer: Yeah, about that... things got a little out of hand last night.

è l’eufemismo del giorno.
Applejack: Ain't that the understatement of the day.

Hmph! Dillo alla torta, sorella!
Pinkie Pie: Hmph! Tell it to the cake, sister!

Possiamo discutere a voce più bassa?
Rarity: [hushed] Can we all please argue at a lower volume?

Ho davvero sbagliato tutto. Ho lanciato l’incantesimo perché ero preoccupata dall’idea di lavorare con voi sulle lezioni sull’amicizia.
Starlight Glimmer: I really messed up. I cast the spell because I was nervous about working with you all on the friendship lessons.

Beh ecco una lezione sull’amicizia per te, non lanciare incantesimi sui tuoi amici!
Rainbow Dash: Well here's a friendship lesson for ya, don't cast spells on your friends!

Credetemi, lo so! Ciò che ho fatto è sbagliato, e non posso tornare indietro. Avete ragione ad essere arrabbiate, e spero che un giorno riuscirò a farmi perdonare. Ma tutto ciò che posso dire è... mi dispiace. Ora, se volete scusarmi, devo andare a pulire il castello ricoperto da impasto umido e ragni.
Starlight Glimmer: Believe me, I know! What I did was wrong, and I can't take it back. You're right to be upset, and I hope one day I can make it up to you. But all I can say is... I'm sorry. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go clean the castle covered in wet cake batter and spiders.

Quelle sono state delle belle scuse.
Rainbow Dash: That was a pretty good apology.

Sembra sia molto dispiaciuta.
Fluttershy: Seems like she feels pretty bad.

Hey, Starlight! La maggior parte delle foto della famiglia Apple sono ancora da qualche parte nel macello. Penso verrò con te e le cercherò.
Applejack: Hey, Starlight! Most of the Apple family photos are still layin' around in the wreckage. I think I'll come along and hunt 'em down.

Oh, e io sto male per aver disturbato tutti quei graziosi ragni e pipistrelli. Dovrei dargli un’occhiata.
Fluttershy: Oh, and I feel awful for disturbing all of the cute little spiders and bats. I should check on them.

Ah già, e io ho lasciato alcune adorabili stoffe. Dovrei venire e sistemarmi in quella tranquilla biblioteca.
Rarity: Ah yes, and I left some lovely fabric out. I should come and move into that nice quiet library.

Uh, io verrò e farò uscire dal bagno quelle nubi temporalesche.
Rainbow Dash: Uh, I'll come and get those storm clouds out of the bathroom.

Bene! Qualcuno deve cucinare una torta per onorare tutte le povere torte che hanno sacrificato il loro impasto nella tragedia della notte scorsa!
Pinkie Pie: Fine! Somepony has to bake a cake to honor all the poor cakes that sacrificed their batter in last night's tragedy!
[montage music]

Sembra che le tue scuse siano state un successo.
Twilight Sparkle: It seems your apology went well.

Sono solo fortunata ad avere delle amiche così comprensive, ma ci vorrà un po’ prima che io affronti di nuovo quelle lezioni sull’amicizia.
Starlight Glimmer: [sighs] I'm just lucky to have such understanding friends, but it's probably going to be a while before I try to tackle those friendship lessons again.

Cosa vuoi dire? Le hai fatte tutto il giorno.
Twilight Sparkle: What do you mean? You've been doing them all day.

Di che cosa stai parlando? Stavo ripulendo il disastro che ho fatto fallendo nell’amicizia.
Starlight Glimmer: What are you talking about? I've been cleaning up the mess I made by totally failing at friendship.

Davvero? Ma non ti ho vista cucire con Rarity?
Twilight Sparkle: Really? But didn't I see you sewing with Rarity?

Si, ma-
Starlight Glimmer: Yes, but-

E tu ed Applejack avete fatto un ottimo lavoro raccogliendo quelle foto e mettendole nel libro. Aiutare gli animali con Fluttershy, cucinare con Pinkie Pie, questi mi sembrano i tuoi compiti! A proposito, mi sembra che te ne manchi uno solo.
Twilight Sparkle: And you and Applejack did a great job collecting those photos and putting them in the book. Helping animals with Fluttershy, baking with Pinkie Pie, those sound like your assignments to me! In fact, I think there's just one that you're missing.

Sole, c’è. Sdraio, ci sono. E grazie ad un semplice incantesimo Cataduca Levitata, abbiamo l’acqua. Abbiamo tutto ciò che ci serve per stare scialli?
Starlight Glimmer: Sun, check. Chairs, check. And thanks to a simple Cataduca Levitata spell, we've got water. Is that everything we need to chillax?

Rainbow Dash: Nope.

No? Che cosa ho dimenticato?
Starlight Glimmer: No? What did I miss?

Il silenzio.
Rainbow Dash: Quiet.

Oh! Giusto.
Starlight Glimmer: Oh! Right.

Ottimo lavoro, Starlight. Sembra che tu abbia completato un’altra lezione sull’amicizia.
Twilight Sparkle: Great job, Starlight. Looks like you've completed another friendship lesson.

Hey! Lei ha completato la lezione quando io dico che ha completato la lezione. Quindi meno apprendimento e più sciallamento!
Rainbow Dash: Hey! She completes the lesson when I say she completes it. So less learning and more chillaxing!

Allora... Per quanto tempo dobbiamo stare sdraiate in silenzio?
Starlight Glimmer: So... How long do we sit quietly?
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Re: [Coordinamento] 6x21 - Every Little Thing She Does

Messaggioda Sir.Don » 24/09/2016, 22:29

Parte tradotta (Non ricontrollata)
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Spike: Well if you were, it'd be-
Beh se fossi, sarebbe-

Starlight Glimmer: Silly! Twilight just said how impressed she was that I combined a speed spell and a duplication spell. That was a challenge. These? Pfft, hah, I could combine all five of these at the same time without breaking a sweat.
Sciocchino! Twilight ha appena detto quanto fosse sorpresa perché ho combinato l'incantesimo della velocità e della duplicazione. Quella era una sfida. Queste? Pfft, hah, potrei combinare tutte e cinque allo stesso tempo senza perdere una goccia di sudore. (senza il minimo sforzo)

Spike: I think maybe you're missing-
Penso che ti non stia perdendo-

Starlight Glimmer: An opportunity to really impress Twilight? [gasps] Great idea, Spike! I'm gonna get right on that! Good talk.
Un'opportunità per stupire veramente Twilight? Grande idea, Spike! Farò proprio così! Ben detto.

Spike: And I thought Twilight was the master of the freakout.
E io che pensavo che fosse Twilight la maestra (o regina) dei fuori di testa.

Starlight Glimmer: So, with your help, I figure these should be done in no time.
Allora, col vostro aiuto ho pensato che dovremmo finire in men che non si dica.

Applejack: Are you sure this is what Twilight would want? Seems like you might want to take your time with each of these.
Sei sicura che sia questo ciò che Twilight vorrebbe? Sembra che dovresti prenderti il tuo tempo per ognuna.

Starlight Glimmer: But, by working as a team, we can get them done faster. And isn't teamwork a key factor in friendship?
Ma, lavorando come una squadra, potremmo finirle prima. E non è forse il lavoro di squadra la chiave dell'amicizia?

Applejack: I... guess.
Io... penso di sì.

Starlight Glimmer: Super! Pinkie Pie, since we're baking, you will be in the kitchen.
Super! Pinkie Pie, dato che noi dobbiamo cucinare, tu ti metterai in cucina.

Starlight Glimmer: Rarity, Applejack, you two can set up in the library...
Rarity, Applejack, voi due potete sistemarvi nella libreria...

Rarity: Oh, I don't think a dusty old library has the proper lighting! Perhaps we can stay out here in the foyer.
Oh, non credo che una vecchia libreria polverosa abbia la luce giusta! Forse potremmo provare a stare qui nell'atrio.

Starlight Glimmer: I thought that Fluttershy and I could work with the animals right here in the foyer.
Pensavo che Fluttershy ed io avremmo potuto lavorare con gli animali qui nell'atrio.

Fluttershy: Oh, uh, whatever you think is best.
Oh, uh, fai come ritieni opportuno.    (fai come meglio credi, fai come preferisci)      

Starlight Glimmer: Great. Now, Rainbow Dash-
Bene. Ora, Rainbow Dash-

Fluttershy: It might depend on the animal. For instance, this poor little eagle with a sprained wing might be better off up in one of
the towers.
Potrebbe dipendere da animale ad animale. Per esempio, questa povera piccola aquila, con un'ala slogata starebbe meglio su una delle due torri.

Starlight Glimmer: Yeahyeahyeah, sure.
Sìsìsì, certo.

Fluttershy: And these adorable little chipmunks might prefer a nook somewhere. Maybe if you spend some time getting to know-
E questi adorabili piccoli scoiattoli potrebbero preferire un angolino (riparo, nicchia) da qualche parte. Forse se impiegassi un po' di tempo per conoscerli-

Starlight Glimmer: In a minute, Fluttershy.
Fra un minuto, Fluttershy

Rainbow Dash: Uh, I don't know if we can chillax properly in the castle. We need very specific conditions for optimal chillaxing.
Uh, non so se riusciremo a sciallarci per bene al castello. Servono condizioni specifiche per sciallarsi al meglio.

Starlight Glimmer: Oh, I just assumed chillaxing could happen anywhere.
Oh, avevo pensato che si potesse fare in qualsiasi posto.

Rainbow Dash: Heh, shows what you know about chillaxing. Lemme do some location scouting.
Heh, questo dimostra quanto tu sappia riguardo allo sciallarsi. Fammi cercare il posto giusto.

Starlight Glimmer: Oookay. It seemed more efficient to start with the scrapbooking, so we can just get it out of the-
Oook. Iniziare con l'album sembra la cosa migliore, così ce lo possiamo togliere da-

Pinkie Pie: Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh! Do you want to start with me? We're gonna need time for the cake to bake! After all...
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh! Vuoi iniziare da me? Ci servirà del tempo per preparare la torta! Dopo tutto...

It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake-
Preparare una bella torta è un gioco da ragazzi- [Piece of cake=pezzo di torta letteralmente]

Starlight Glimmer: Uh, we're on a schedule, no time for a song. We can start with baking, then-
Uh, abbiamo una tabella di marcia, non c'è tempo per una canzone. Inizieremo a cucinare, poi-

Rarity: But you can't design dresses after you've been baking with Pinkie. [hushed] She can be a bit messy!
Ma non puoi creare vestiti dopo aver cucinato con Pinkie. Potrebbe essere un po' disordinata!

Starlight Glimmer: Fine, we can start with the dresses, and then-
Va bene, allora inizieremo dal vestito, e poi-

Applejack: While y'all figure that out, I'm gonna start layin' out the pictures for scrapbookin'. We got a whole lot of time to cover.
Mentre cercate di capire, io disporrò le foto per l'album. Ci vorrà un sacco di tempo.

Starlight Glimmer: How much is a whole lot?
Quant'è un sacco?

Applejack: We've got at least eighty moons worth of memories to go through.
Abbiamo almeno ottanta lune che vale la pena ricordare da (passare in rassegna, visionare, guardare)

Starlight Glimmer: Eighty moons?!
Ottanta lune?!

Rainbow Dash: Ugh, there is no place to chillax in this castle! We're gonna have to set up somewhere else.
Non c'è posto per sciallarsi in questo castello! Dovremo metterci da qualche altra parte.


Parte Roxas ricontrollata

Codice: Seleziona tutto
L’incantesimo di Starlight mi ha fatto bruciare un'ottima torta! Io non brucio mai le torte!
Pinkie Pie: Starlight's spell made me burn a perfectly good cake! I never burn cakes!

Gia, a proposito... le cose sono un po sfuggite di zoccolo la scorsa notte.
Starlight Glimmer: Yeah, about that... things got a little out of hand last night.

È l’eufemismo del giorno.
Applejack: Ain't that the understatement of the day.

Hmph! Dillo alla torta, sorella!
Pinkie Pie: Hmph! Tell it to the cake, sister!

Possiamo discutere a voce più bassa?
Rarity: [hushed] Can we all please argue at a lower volume?

Ho davvero sbagliato tutto. Ho lanciato l’incantesimo perché ero preoccupata all’idea di lavorare con voi sulle lezioni sull’amicizia.
Starlight Glimmer: I really messed up. I cast the spell because I was nervous about working with you all on the friendship lessons.

Beh ecco una lezione sull’amicizia per te, non lanciare incantesimi sui tuoi amici!
Rainbow Dash: Well here's a friendship lesson for ya, don't cast spells on your friends!

Credetemi, lo so! Ciò che ho fatto è sbagliato, e non posso tornare indietro. Avete ragione ad essere arrabbiate, e spero che un giorno riuscirò a farmi perdonare. Ma tutto ciò che posso dire è... mi dispiace. Ora, se volete scusarmi, devo andare a pulire il castello ricoperto da impasto umido e ragni.
Starlight Glimmer: Believe me, I know! What I did was wrong, and I can't take it back. You're right to be upset, and I hope one day I can make it up to you. But all I can say is... I'm sorry. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go clean the castle covered in wet cake batter and spiders.

Quelle sono state delle belle scuse.
Rainbow Dash: That was a pretty good apology.

Sembra sia molto dispiaciuta.
Fluttershy: Seems like she feels pretty bad.

Hey, Starlight! La maggior parte delle foto della famiglia Apple sono ancora disperse da qualche parte in quel caos. Penso verrò con te a cercarle.
Applejack: Hey, Starlight! Most of the Apple family photos are still layin' around in the wreckage. I think I'll come along and hunt 'em down.

Oh, e io mi sento in colpa per aver disturbato tutti quei graziosi ragni e pipistrelli. Dovrei dargli un’occhiata.
Fluttershy: Oh, and I feel awful for disturbing all of the cute little spiders and bats. I should check on them.

Ah già, e io ho lasciato alcune adorabili stoffe. Dovrei venire e sistemarmi in quella tranquilla biblioteca.
Rarity: Ah yes, and I left some lovely fabric out. I should come and move into that nice quiet library.

Uh, io verrò e farò uscire dal bagno quelle nubi temporalesche.
Rainbow Dash: Uh, I'll come and get those storm clouds out of the bathroom.

Bene! Qualcuno deve cucinare una torta per onorare tutte le povere torte che hanno sacrificato il loro impasto nella tragedia della notte scorsa!
Pinkie Pie: Fine! Somepony has to bake a cake to honor all the poor cakes that sacrificed their batter in last night's tragedy!
[montage music]

Sembra che le tue scuse siano state un successo.
Twilight Sparkle: It seems your apology went well.

Sono solo fortunata ad avere delle amiche così comprensive, ma ci vorrà un po’ prima che provi ad affrontare di nuovo quelle lezioni sull’amicizia.
Starlight Glimmer: [sighs] I'm just lucky to have such understanding friends, but it's probably going to be a while before I try to tackle those friendship lessons again.

Cosa vuoi dire? Le hai fatte tutto il giorno.
Twilight Sparkle: What do you mean? You've been doing them all day.

Di che cosa stai parlando? Stavo ripulendo il disastro che ho fatto fallendo nell’amicizia.
Starlight Glimmer: What are you talking about? I've been cleaning up the mess I made by totally failing at friendship.

Davvero? Ma non ti ho vista cucire con Rarity?
Twilight Sparkle: Really? But didn't I see you sewing with Rarity?

Sì, ma-
Starlight Glimmer: Yes, but-

E tu ed Applejack avete fatto un ottimo lavoro raccogliendo quelle foto e mettendole nel libro. Aiutare gli animali con Fluttershy, cucinare con Pinkie Pie, questi mi sembrano i tuoi compiti! A proposito, mi sembra che te ne manchi uno solo.
Twilight Sparkle: And you and Applejack did a great job collecting those photos and putting them in the book. Helping animals with Fluttershy, baking with Pinkie Pie, those sound like your assignments to me! In fact, I think there's just one that you're missing.

Sole, c’è. Sdraio, ci sono. E grazie ad un semplice incantesimo Cataduca Levitata, abbiamo l’acqua. Abbiamo tutto ciò che ci serve per stare scialli?
Starlight Glimmer: Sun, check. Chairs, check. And thanks to a simple Cataduca Levitata spell, we've got water. Is that everything we need to chillax?

Rainbow Dash: Nope.

No? Che cosa ho dimenticato?
Starlight Glimmer: No? What did I miss?

Il silenzio.
Rainbow Dash: Quiet.

Oh! Giusto.
Starlight Glimmer: Oh! Right.

Ottimo lavoro, Starlight. Sembra che tu abbia completato un’altra lezione sull’amicizia.
Twilight Sparkle: Great job, Starlight. Looks like you've completed another friendship lesson.

Hey! Avrà completato la lezione quando io dico che avrà completato la lezione. Quindi meno apprendimento e più sciallamento!
Rainbow Dash: Hey! She completes the lesson when I say she completes it. So less learning and more chillaxing!

Allora... Per quanto tempo dobbiamo stare sdraiate in silenzio?
Starlight Glimmer: So... How long do we sit quietly?

Parte Crax Ricontrollata
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Fluttershy: [mechanically] Because you didn't ask me to.
Perché non me l'hai chiesto.

Starlight Glimmer: Obviously I wanted you to- never mind. Can you please round up all the animals in the castle and bring them back here to the foyer.
È ovvio che dovevi- lascia stare. Potresti gentilmente radunare tutti gli animali nel castello e portarli qui nell'ingresso?

Fluttershy: [mechanically] All the animals. Got it.
Tutti gli animali. Capito.

Starlight Glimmer: Did you find a place to chillax, Rainbow Dash?
Hai trovato un posto per sciacallarci, Rainbow Dash?

Rainbow Dash: [mechanically] Sure thing, Starlight Glimmer!
Ovvio, Starlight Glimmer!

Starlight Glimmer: Great, let me know when it's ready.
Fantastico, fammi sapere quando sei pronta.

Rainbow Dash: [mechanically] Yes, Starlight Glimmer.
Certo, Starlight Glimmer.

Applejack: [mechanically] Granny Smith knew she was gonna need a bigger boat, so Goldie Delicious says "If you can't say anythin' nice about anypony, come sit by me!" Big Mac knew if he just covered himself in mud, the creature wouldn't be able to see him!
Granny Smith sapeva di aver bisogno di una barca più grande, e allora Goldie Delicious disse “Se non puoi dire niente di carino su nessuno, vieni a sederti vicino a me!” Big Mag sapeva che se si fosse coperto di fango, la creatura non sarebbe stata in grado di vederlo!

Rarity: [mechanically] Starlight Glimmer. I have finished the dress. Isn't it gorgeous?
Starlight Glimmer. Ho finito il vestito. Non è maestoso?

Starlight Glimmer: What is that?

Rarity: [mechanically] You wanted me to make a dress exactly like the one in the book.
Mi hai chiesto di realizzare un vestito esattamente come quello nel libro.

Starlight Glimmer: (sighs) Go make a real dress out of fabric, exactly like the one in the book.
Vai a fare un vestito vero di stoffa, esattamente come quello nel libro.

Rarity: [mechanically] Ah, I see, yes of course, Starlight Glimmer.
Ah, capisco, come desideri, Starlight Glimmer.

Starlight Glimmer: Rarity! Make it bigger than the one in the book.
Rarity! Fallo più grande di quello nel libro.

Rarity: [mechanically] Of course, darling. Bigger it is.
Certo, tesoro. Che sia più grande.

Applejack: [mechanically] She was just a pony standin' in front of another pony askin' him to love her.
Era solo un pony messo di fronte ad un altro pony chiedendogli di amarla.

Starlight Glimmer: Pinkie, what are you doing?!
Pinkie, che stai combinando?

Pinkie Pie: [mechanically] Only all of the instructions in the book like you ordered, Starlight Glimmer!
Seguo solo tutte le istruzioni nel libro come mi hai ordinato, Starlight Glimmer!

Starlight Glimmer: I meant just the one cake! I was only gone a few minutes! How in Equestria did you get all of this done so fast?
Intendevo solo per quella torta! Sono stata via solo pochi minuti! Per Equestria, come hai fatto a fare tutto questo così velocemente?

Pinkie Pie: [mechanically] First I combined three eggs, then- [muffled noises]
Per prima cosa, ho sbattuto tre uova, poi-

Starlight Glimmer: Think the baking lesson is done.
Credo che la lezione di cucina sia finita.

Starlight Glimmer: Oh, what now?
Oh, e ora?

Applejack: [mechanically] They can take our farm, but they can't take our freedom!
Possono prenderci la fattoria, ma non possono prendere la nostra libertà!

Starlight Glimmer: What's going on?
Che sta succedendo?

Fluttershy: [mechanically] I gathered all of the animals like you asked, Starlight Glimmer.
Ho radunato tutti gli animali come mi avevi chiesto, Starlight Glimmer.

Rarity: [mechanically] Oh yes, this will do nicely.
Oh, sì, questo andrà benone.

Rarity: [mechanically] A much bigger dress!
Un vestito ancora più grande!

Applejack: [mechanically, muffled] It was the best of apples, it was the worst of apples.
Era la migliore delle mele, era la peggiore delle mele.

Starlight Glimmer: [exhales] I can handle this, it's just magic, and I know magic! What's that?!
Posso farcela, è solo magia, e conosco la magia! Cos'è quella?

Starlight Glimmer: What did you say?
Cosa hai detto?

Pinkie Pie: [mechanically] The cakes are burning! You left the ovens on!
Le torte stanno bruciando! Hai lasciato i forni accesi.

Starlight Glimmer: We need water!
Abbiamo bisogno di acqua!

Rainbow Dash: [mechanically] Yes, Starlight Glimmer!
Sì, Starlight Glimmer!

Parte Midnight Specter ricontrollata
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Nubi di tempesta?!
Starlight Glimmer: Storm clouds?!
Big Mac mi disse, "Da grandi poteri, derivano grandi responsabilità"
Applejack: [mechanically] Big Mac told me, "With a whole lot of power comes a heck of a lot of responsibility."
Non può andare peggio di così!
Starlight Glimmer: [groans] This can't get any worse!
Che sta succedendo?!
Twilight Sparkle: What is going on?!
Non sapevo che ci fossero ragni nel castello! Non dormirò mai più!
Spike: I had no idea we had spiders in the castle! I'm never sleeping again!
Forse se avessi invertito il Fiducia Compelus e il Cogeria... O forse ho aggiunto troppo Persuadere... Cosa?
Starlight Glimmer: Maybe if I had reversed the Fiducia Compelus and Cogeria... Or maybe I added too much Persuadere... What?
Non stai davvero afferrando il punto.
Spike: You're really missing the point here.
Ho finalmente sciolto quell'incantesimo disastroso e mandato tutti a casa. Era davvero potente! Domani lo sentiranno di certo. Adesso per favore spiegami, in nome di Celestia, come le cose hanno fatto ad andare così fuori controllo.
Twilight Sparkle: [sighs] I finally untangled that mess of a spell and got everypony home. It was really powerful stuff! They're gonna feel that in the morning. Now please try to explain to me how in the name of Celestia things got this out of control.
Beh, era la prima volta che lanciavo quel particolare incantesimo, e non ci ho pensato bene, forse se avessi invertito-
Starlight Glimmer: Well, it was the first time I cast that particular spell, and I didn't really think it through, I- I bet if I reversed-
Pensa che tu non stia afferrando il punto qui.
Twilight Sparkle: I think you might be missing the point here!
Te l'ho detto.
Spike: Told ya.
Cosa ti ha fatto credere che lanciare un incantesimo sui tuoi amici per svolgere i tuoi compiti fosse anche solo remotamente una buona idea?
Twilight Sparkle: What made you think that casting a spell on your friends to do your bidding was even remotely a good idea?
Beh, messa in questo modo, suona davvero terribile.
Starlight Glimmer: Well, when you put it that way, it sounds really bad.
Perché è davvero terribile!
Twilight Sparkle: That's because it is really bad!
Ah- co- io- non-
Starlight Glimmer: Ah- wh- I- d-
Starlight, non sono arrabbiata con te, ma sono delusa. Stavi andando così bene! Non capisco davvero come una lezione sull'amicizia abbia potuto avere questo risvolto!
Twilight Sparkle: Starlight, I'm not mad at you, but I am disappointed. You've been doing so well! I just don't understand how a friendship lesson turned into all of this!
Ok, va bene! Stavo evitando queste lezioni sull'amicizia di proposito.
Starlight Glimmer: Ugh, fine! I've been avoiding the friendship lessons on purpose.
Twilight Sparkle: Why?
Posso lanciare incantesimi complessi, ma preparare una torta con Pinkie Pie mi terrorizza! E sì, so quanto suona ridicolo, è per questo che non ho detto nulla. Ho pensato che se avessi continuato a stupirti con le mie abilità magiche tu forse... non... l'avresti notato?
Starlight Glimmer: I can cast complex spells, but baking a cake with Pinkie Pie freaks me out! And yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds, that's why I didn't say anything. I just thought if I kept wowing you with my magical abilities, you might just... not... notice?
Preparare una torta ti terrorizza?
Twilight Sparkle: Baking a cake freaks you out?
Sì! Preparare una torta, cucire, tutte quelle cose! E se non ci fossi riuscita? Non volevo essere una delusione per nessuno, ed ho finito per esserlo per tutti quanti.
Starlight Glimmer: Yes! Baking a cake, sewing, all of it! What if I was bad at it? I didn't want to be a disappointment to anypony, and ended up being a disappointment to everypony.
Starlight, pensi che a qualcuno importi se sai cucinare una torta?
Twilight Sparkle: Starlight, do you think anypony cares if you can bake a cake?
Ma la lezione-
Starlight Glimmer: But the lesson-
Era sul conoscere meglio Pinkie Pie facendo qualcosa che lei ama! Era una lezione sull'amicizia, non una lezione di pasticceria!
Twilight Sparkle: Was to get to know Pinkie Pie better by doing something she loves! It was a friendship lesson, not a baking lesson!
Oh. Sai, penso che mi sia sfuggito il punto qua.
Starlight Glimmer: Oh. You know I think I might have missed the point here.
Te l'ho detto.
Spike: Told ya.
Quindi adesso?
Starlight Glimmer: So now what?
Adesso è il momento di una lezione avanzata sull'amicizia. Si chiama come scusarsi.
Twilight Sparkle: Now it's time for a pretty advanced friendship lesson. It's called apologizing.
Non so che tipo di malocchio Starlight ci abbia lanciato, ma mi sento come se mi avessero infilato dentro al Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000.
Applejack: [groaning] I don't know what kind of whammy Starlight put on us, but I feel like I got shoved through the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000.
Ugh, non dirlo a me
Rainbow Dash: Ugh, tell me about it.
Se tutti poteste parlare così per i prossimi giorni, sarebbe delizioso. La mia testa sta esplodendo...!
Rarity: [hushed] If everypony could speak like this for the next few days, it would be delightful. My head is thumping...!
Sono stata sveglia tutta la notte a calmare gli animali.
Fluttershy: [tired] I was up all night calming the animals down.
Fluttershy, per favore! Non urlare...
Rarity: [hushed] Fluttershy, please! Not so loud...
Ultima modifica di Sir.Don il 25/09/2016, 17:21, modificato 5 volte in totale.
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Re: [Coordinamento] 6x21 - Every Little Thing She Does

Messaggioda Crax » 25/09/2016, 0:50

Parte tradotta
Fluttershy: [mechanically] Because you didn't ask me to.
Perché non me l'hai chiesto.

Starlight Glimmer: Obviously I wanted you to- never mind. Can you please round up all the animals in the castle and bring them back here to the foyer.
È ovvio che dovevi- lascia stare. Potresti gentilmente radunare tutti gli animali nel castello e portarli qui nell'ingresso?

Fluttershy: [mechanically] All the animals. Got it.
Tutti gli animali. Capito.

Starlight Glimmer: Did you find a place to chillax, Rainbow Dash?
Hai trovato un posto per sciacallarci, Rainbow Dash?

Rainbow Dash: [mechanically] Sure thing, Starlight Glimmer!
Ovvio, Starlight Glimmer!

Starlight Glimmer: Great, let me know when it's ready.
Fantastico, fammi sapere quando sei pronta.

Rainbow Dash: [mechanically] Yes, Starlight Glimmer.
Certo, Starlight Glimmer.

Applejack: [mechanically] Granny Smith knew she was gonna need a bigger boat, so Goldie Delicious says "If you can't say anythin' nice about anypony, come sit by me!" Big Mac knew if he just covered himself in mud, the creature wouldn't be able to see him!
Granny Smith sapeva di aver bisogno di una barca più grande, e allora Goldie Delicious dice “Se non puoi dire niente di carino su nessuno, vieni a sederti vicino a me!” Big Mag sapeva che se si fosse coperto di fango, la creatura non sarebbe stata in grado di vederlo!

Rarity: [mechanically] Starlight Glimmer. I have finished the dress. Isn't it gorgeous?
Starlight Glimmer. Ho finito il vestito. Non è maestoso?

Starlight Glimmer: What is that?

Rarity: [mechanically] You wanted me to make a dress exactly like the one in the book.
Mi hai chiesto di realizzare un vestito esattamente come quello nel libro.

Starlight Glimmer: (sighs) Go make a real dress out of fabric, exactly like the one in the book.
Vai a fare un vestito vero di stoffa, esattamente come quello nel libro.

Rarity: [mechanically] Ah, I see, yes of course, Starlight Glimmer.
Ah, capisco, come desideri, Starlight Glimmer.

Starlight Glimmer: Rarity! Make it bigger than the one in the book.
Rarity! Fallo più grande di quello nel libro.

Rarity: [mechanically] Of course, darling. Bigger it is.
Certo, tesoro. Che sia più grande.

Applejack: [mechanically] She was just a pony standin' in front of another pony askin' him to love her.
Era solo un pony messo di fronte ad un altro pony chiedendogli di amarla.

Starlight Glimmer: Pinkie, what are you doing?!
Pinkie, che stai combinando?

Pinkie Pie: [mechanically] Only all of the instructions in the book like you ordered, Starlight Glimmer!
Solo tutte le istruzioni nel libro come mi hai ordinato, Starlight Glimmer!

Starlight Glimmer: I meant just the one cake! I was only gone a few minutes! How in Equestria did you get all of this done so fast?
Intendevo solo per quella torta! Sono stata via solo pochi minuti! Per Equestria, come hai fatto a fare tutto questo così velocemente?

Pinkie Pie: [mechanically] First I combined three eggs, then- [muffled noises]
Per prima cosa, ho messo sbattuto tre uova, poi-

Starlight Glimmer: Think the baking lesson is done.
Credo che la lezione di cucina sia finita.

Starlight Glimmer: Oh, what now?
Oh, e ora?

Applejack: [mechanically] They can take our farm, but they can't take our freedom!
Possono prenderci la nostra fattoria, ma non possono prendere la nostra libertà!

Starlight Glimmer: What's going on?
Che sta succedendo?

Fluttershy: [mechanically] I gathered all of the animals like you asked, Starlight Glimmer.
Ho radunato tutti gli animali come mi avevi chiesto, Starlight Glimmer.

Rarity: [mechanically] Oh yes, this will do nicely.
Oh, si, questo andrà benone.

Rarity: [mechanically] A much bigger dress!
Un vestito ancora più grande!

Applejack: [mechanically, muffled] It was the best of apples, it was the worst of apples.
Era il meglio delle mele, era il peggio delle mele.

Starlight Glimmer: [exhales] I can handle this, it's just magic, and I know magic! What's that?!
Posso farcela, è solo magia, e conosco la magia! Cos'è quella?

Starlight Glimmer: What did you say?
Cosa hai detto?

Pinkie Pie: [mechanically] The cakes are burning! You left the ovens on!
Le torte stanno bruciando! Hai lasciato i forni accesi.

Starlight Glimmer: We need water!
Abbiamo bisogno di acqua!

Rainbow Dash: [mechanically] Yes, Starlight Glimmer!
Si, Starlight Glimmer!
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Status: Offline
Messaggi: 33
Iscritto il: 03/04/2014, 23:04
Pony preferito: Fluttershy
Sesso: Maschio

Re: [Coordinamento] 6x21 - Every Little Thing She Does

Messaggioda Midnight Specter » 25/09/2016, 1:00

Ecco qua
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Nubi di tempesta?!
Starlight Glimmer: Storm clouds?!

Big Mac mi disse, "Da grandi poteri, derivano grandi responsabilità"
Applejack: [mechanically] Big Mac told me, "With a whole lot of power comes a heck of a lot of responsibility."

Non puó andare peggio di cosí!
Starlight Glimmer: [groans] This can't get any worse!

Che sta succedendo?!
Twilight Sparkle: What is going on?!

Non sapevo che ci fossero ragni nel castello! Non dormiró mai piú!
Spike: I had no idea we had spiders in the castle! I'm never sleeping again!

Forse se avessi invertito il Fiducia Compelus e il Cogeria... O forse ho aggiunto troppo Persuadere... Cosa?
Starlight Glimmer: Maybe if I had reversed the Fiducia Compelus and Cogeria... Or maybe I added too much Persuadere... What?

Non stai davvero afferrando il punto.
Spike: You're really missing the point here.

Ho finalmente districato quel casino di incantesimo e mandato tutti a casa. Era davvero potente! Domani lo sentiranno di certo. Adesso perfavore spiegami come in nome di Celestia le cose hanno fatto ad andare cosí fuori controllo.
Twilight Sparkle: [sighs] I finally untangled that mess of a spell and got everypony home. It was really powerful stuff! They're gonna feel that in the morning. Now please try to explain to me how in the name of Celestia things got this out of control.

Beh, era la prima volta che lanciavo quel particolare incantesimo, e non ci ho pensato bene, forse se avessi invertito-
Starlight Glimmer: Well, it was the first time I cast that particular spell, and I didn't really think it through, I- I bet if I reversed-

Pensa che tu non stia afferrando il punto qui.
Twilight Sparkle: I think you might be missing the point here!

Te l'ho detto.
Spike: Told ya.

Cosa ti ha fatto credere che lanciare un incantesimo sui tuoi amici per compiere i tuoi doveri fosse anche solo remotamente una buona idea?
Twilight Sparkle: What made you think that casting a spell on your friends to do your bidding was even remotely a good idea?

Beh, se la metti in questo modo, suona davvero terribile.
Starlight Glimmer: Well, when you put it that way, it sounds really bad.

Forse perchè è davvero terribile!
Twilight Sparkle: That's because it is really bad!

Ah- co- io- non-
Starlight Glimmer: Ah- wh- I- d-

Starlight, non sono arrabbiata con te, ma sono delusa. Stavi andando cosí bene! Non capisco davvero come una lezione sull'amicizia abbia potuto avere questo risvolto!
Twilight Sparkle: Starlight, I'm not mad at you, but I am disappointed. You've been doing so well! I just don't understand how a friendship lesson turned into all of this!

Ok, va bene! Stavo evitando queste lezioni sull'amicizia di proposito.
Starlight Glimmer: Ugh, fine! I've been avoiding the friendship lessons on purpose.

Twilight Sparkle: Why?

Posso lanciare incantesimi complessi, ma preparare una torta con Pinkie Pie mi terrorizza! E sí, so quanto suona ridicolo, è per questo che non ho detto nulla. Ho pensato che se avessi continuato a stupirti con le mie abilità magiche tu forse... non... l'avresti notato?
Starlight Glimmer: I can cast complex spells, but baking a cake with Pinkie Pie freaks me out! And yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds, that's why I didn't say anything. I just thought if I kept wowing you with my magical abilities, you might just... not... notice?

Preparare una torta ti terrorizza?
Twilight Sparkle: Baking a cake freaks you out?

Sí! Preparare una torta, cucire, tutte quelle cose! E se non ci fossi riuscita? Non volevo essere una delusione per nessuno, ed ho finito per esserlo per tutti quanti.
Starlight Glimmer: Yes! Baking a cake, sewing, all of it! What if I was bad at it? I didn't want to be a disappointment to anypony, and ended up being a disappointment to everypony.

Starlight, pensi che a qualcuno importi se sai cucinare una torta?
Twilight Sparkle: Starlight, do you think anypony cares if you can bake a cake?

Ma la lezione-
Starlight Glimmer: But the lesson-

Era sul conoscere meglio Pinkie Pie facendo qualcosa che lei ama! Era una lezione sull'amicizia, non una lezione di pasticceria!
Twilight Sparkle: Was to get to know Pinkie Pie better by doing something she loves! It was a friendship lesson, not a baking lesson!

Oh. Sai, penso che mi sia sfuggito il punto qua.
Starlight Glimmer: Oh. You know I think I might have missed the point here.

Te l'ho detto.
Spike: Told ya.

Quindi adesso?
Starlight Glimmer: So now what?

Adesso è il momento di una lezione avanzata sull'amicizia. Si chiama come scusarsi.
Twilight Sparkle: Now it's time for a pretty advanced friendship lesson. It's called apologizing.

Non so che tipo di malocchio Starlight ci abbia lanciato, ma mi sento come se mi avessero infilato dentro al Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000.
Applejack: [groaning] I don't know what kind of whammy Starlight put on us, but I feel like I got shoved through the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000.

Ugh, non dirlo a me
Rainbow Dash: Ugh, tell me about it.

Se tutti poteste parlare cosí per i prossimi giorni, sarebbe delizioso. La mia testa sta esplodendo...!
Rarity: [hushed] If everypony could speak like this for the next few days, it would be delightful. My head is thumping...!

Sono stata sveglia tutta la notte a calmare gli animali.
Fluttershy: [tired] I was up all night calming the animals down.

Fluttershy, per favore! Non urlare...
Rarity: [hushed] Fluttershy, please! Not so loud...
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Midnight Specter
Status: Offline
Messaggi: 88
Iscritto il: 12/10/2015, 2:34
Località: Biella, Italia
Pony preferito: Starlight/Luna
Sesso: Maschio


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