[Coordinamento] EqG - Mirror Magic

Area dedicata in cui il gruppo Traduttori CMC-What The Buck! si organizza per il lavoro sugli episodi di FiM e della serie Equestria Girls.

Moderatore: Mindstorm

[Coordinamento] EqG - Mirror Magic

Messaggioda Mindstorm » 04/12/2017, 15:05

Le linee guida alla traduzione sono consultabili qui: REGOLAMENTO & LINEE GUIDA TRADUTTORI

Termini frequenti

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  • Mindstorm


  1. Laura Scratch
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    So, are you sure she won't be back anytime soon?
    Starlight Glimmer: Pretty sure.
    Sunset Shimmer: O...kay... I guess I'll be going now.
    Starlight Glimmer: What's it like back there?
    Sunset Shimmer: It's pretty different. And not so different at the same time. It's kinda hard to explain.
    Starlight Glimmer: Heh. Guess you kinda have to go there to really get it, huh? I, uh, don't suppose...
    Sunset Shimmer: You really think Princess Twilight would be okay with that?
    Starlight Glimmer: I don't know for sure that she wouldn't be okay with it.
    Sunset Shimmer: That's not a particularly compelling argument.
    Starlight Glimmer: She wants me to learn as much as I can about friendship. And I'm not learning a whole lot just hanging out here in her castle.
    Sunset Shimmer: Well, I haven't ever seen you in that world. So chances are you aren't gonna run into yourself.
    Starlight Glimmer: ...is something you don't hear everyday.
    Sunset Shimmer: So, just lay low. Don't draw too much attention to your-
    Starlight Glimmer: You'll barely even notice I'm there!
    Sunset Shimmer: Introducing you to my friends could be a nice distraction.
    Starlight Glimmer: But you'll also totally notice I'm there, and it will keep your mind off of other things that might be bothering you. So? What do you think? Can I go back with you?!
    Starlight Glimmer: What happened?
    Sunset Shimmer: It's all pretty weird at first, but try to roll with it. Hi!
    Starlight Glimmer: Are these?
    Sunset Shimmer: Hands.
    Starlight Glimmer: And what happened to the rest of my hoo-
    Sunset Shimmer: Feet! Those are feet. Remember the whole thing where I said you need to lay low? Now would be a good time to play it cool.
    Starlight Glimmer: Oh. Right. Play it cool.
    Starlight Glimmer: You did say I'd make a good distraction.
    Juniper Montage: Mirror, pick up this popcorn!
    Juniper Montage: Mirror, I command thee, pick upeth this poppage of corn!
    Juniper Montage: Ugh! Why won't this thing work anymore?
    Patron: Like... we were gonna eat some of that.
    Juniper Montage: Mirror, make these annoying people go away. Well, that kinda worked...

  2. Roxas94
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Pinkie Pie: Juniper Montage?!
    Applejack: What in the blazes are you doin' here?
    Pinkie Pie: Were you invited to the Daring Do premiere? Ooh, that's exciting! No, crazy! No, concerning! No! Just no! No offense.
    Juniper Montage: I wasn't invited to the premiere. My uncle Canter Zoom felt bad for firing me, so he pulled some strings and got me this job.
    Fluttershy: You work here?
    Juniper Montage: As little as possible.
    Rainbow Dash: Y'know, if you hadn't tried to sabotage the movie, you could be celebrating with us.
    Juniper Montage: This should be my night! I would have found a way to be in the film if you all had stayed out of it! I would have been Daring Do! Everyone would've loved me! See?
    Juniper Montage: Can't you see what's right under your noses? Ugh! I wish you'd all just go away and leave me alone!
    Juniper Montage: Looks like I may be finally getting the hang of this. Hi, me!
    Sunset Shimmer: Six cell phones, all straight to voicemail.\NStarlight Glimmer: I'm sure they're around. What's the worst that could have happened?
    Sunset Shimmer: Magic is on the loose here now, and it does not work the same way it does back in Equestria. Any number of terrible things could have happened. And lately, I spend eighty percent of my time thinking about them. My friends are probably fine. I'm overreacting. But maybe not. I can't tell anymore.
    Starlight Glimmer: This is the problem you wanted to talk to Princess Twilight about, right? Because you can still talk it over with me if you want.
    Starlight Glimmer: Or you could just journal with Princess Twilight about it. Whatever works.
    Sunset Shimmer: It's just... I know my friends and I have been given special powers for a reason, and I want to be ready for whatever is gonna be thrown at us. I guess knowing that is making me feel like I could never really relax and let my guard down, so I end up obsessing about it and can't get out of my own head.
    Starlight Glimmer: That is a toughie. Guess my advice would be to just trust things will work themselves out in the end. If you spend too much time worrying about the bad things that might happen, you'll miss out on all the good things that are happening.
    Sunset Shimmer: Heh. Like how Princess Twilight's student is teaching me a lesson right now.
    Starlight Glimmer: Yup. Like that.
    Sunset Shimmer: Come on. Let's go take a look around the theater. I'm sure they're fine.
    Rarity: Uh... Any clue yet where we are or what just happened? Anyone?

  3. Midnight Specter
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Pinkie Pie: Pinkie Pie's on the case! Nope, no wall over here. Come out, come out, walls, wherever you are! I don't get this place! There's no walls in here anywhere!
    Applejack: Somehow, some way, that dang Juniper sucked us all inside of that mirror of hers.
    Twilight Sparkle: Or into some kind of limbo behind it.
    Fluttershy: I think I might be freaking out a little bit.
    Rainbow Dash: You call that a freakout?
    Fluttershy: It's sort of a deep-down-inside freakout.
    Pinkie Pie: On the upside, there's popcorn in here! Mmm, sticky...
    Rarity: How could this happen on the evening of my very first movie premiere? Of all the nights! Curse you, cruel fate!
    Rainbow Dash: Not our number-one problem right now, Rarity.
    Rarity: True. But perhaps we can agree it's in the top five.
    Applejack: Is there really no way out of here?
    Rarity: Oh, my heavens! What's that?
    Rainbow Dash: Chocolate-covered almonds?
    Pinkie Pie: Dibs!
    Sunset Shimmer: It's Juniper Montage!
    Starlight Glimmer: No! Who's that?
    Sunset Shimmer: She's trouble. That's Fluttershy's barrette. Wait here for me.
    Juniper Montage: Sunset Shimmer. I was wondering if you'd show up.
    Sunset Shimmer: I'm, uh, looking for my friends. I don't suppose you've seen them. Where are they?
    Juniper Montage: I'll never tell.
    Sunset Shimmer: You don't have to.
    Canter Zoom: You're lucky I offered to get you this job after the stunt you pulled on my set!
    Juniper Montage: I just wanted to be Daring Do. I just wanted people to like me.
    Juniper Montage: Everyone would love me if it weren't for you girls! This is all your fault! I wish you'd all just go away and leave me alone!
    Juniper Montage: What?
    Sunset Shimmer: I know you want people to like you. But trust me, the magic in that mirror is only gonna make things worse for you.
    Juniper Montage: You're just saying that because you want the mirror for yourself.
    Sunset Shimmer: What I want is my friends back. Please, Juniper. You wished them into that mirror. Maybe there's a way you can wish them out.

  4. Laurel Crown
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Juniper Montage: Or maybe... I wish you'd join them!
    Starlight Glimmer: Sunset!
    Twilight Sparkle: Sunset Shimmer!
    Pinkie Pie: Hooray! We're all together again!
    Twilight Sparkle: But wait. If we're all together, then nobody out there knows where we are!
    Fluttershy: Um, girls...
    Sunset Shimmer: Starlight Glimmer does!
    Fluttershy: Um, girls...
    Rarity: You mean Twilight's student back in Equestria?
    Pinkie Pie: How would she know where-
    Twilight Sparkle: You didn't. She isn't...!
    Sunset Shimmer: I kinda told her she could come back here with me.
    Fluttershy: Girls...
    Applejack: You really think Princess Twilight would be okay with that?
    Sunset Shimmer: I don't know for sure that she wouldn't be okay with it.
    Fluttershy: Um, so sorry to interrupt, but-
    Rainbow Dash: Whoa! Check out our geodes!
    Fluttershy: That's what I was trying to say.
    Twilight Sparkle: Something's changed. This wasn't happening before.
    Sunset Shimmer: Maybe it's because all seven of us are together now.
    Applejack: Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
    Rarity: I'm going with not a good thing!
    Juniper Montage: Now everyone will recognize I'm a real star!
    Starlight Glimmer: Okay, first things first. I need to get that mirror away from her.
    Juniper Montage: Want Mommy to take our picture together?
    Sunset Shimmer: The mirror is breaking!
    Twilight Sparkle: If Starlight Glimmer doesn't find a way to get us out of here soon, I don't know what's gonna happen!
    Sunset Shimmer: Starlight Glimmer, I hope you know what you're doing.
    Juniper Montage: Give that back!
    Starlight Glimmer: No! This mirror is nothing but trouble. You have to realize that.
    Juniper Montage: What I realize is that you are just like those other girls! I wish you'd join them!
    Starlight Glimmer: Looks like you can't make that wish unless you're the one holding the mirror!

  5. Teowolf82
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Starlight Glimmer: I wish Sunset Shimmer and her friends would come back!
    Juniper Montage: Looks like you can't use it, either!
    Juniper Montage: Give it back to me!
    Starlight Glimmer: But my friends are trapped in there!
    Juniper Montage: Your friends stole my one chance at being famous!
    Pinkie Pie: Twilight!
    Starlight Glimmer: Is fame really what you're after or are you looking for something else?
    Juniper Montage: Like what?!
    Starlight Glimmer: Like... a friend?
    Juniper Montage: Who would want to be my friend?
    Starlight Glimmer: I would.
    Juniper Montage: Why?
    Starlight Glimmer: Because I understand you, Juniper. You think getting revenge is going to make you feel better, but it's not! Please, don't make a mistake that you'll end up regretting for the rest of your life.
    Juniper Montage: I've already made too many mistakes. What I've done is... is... unforgivable.
    Starlight Glimmer: No, Juniper. I know they'll forgive you. But first, you have to set them free!
    Juniper Montage: I... I wish I could make up for my mistakes.
    Sunset Shimmer: Starlight, you did it!
    Starlight Glimmer: So much for laying low.
    Sunset Shimmer: I think even Princess Twilight would understand.
    Juniper Montage: I'm so sorry.
    Sunset Shimmer: It's okay. We've all been there.
    Juniper Montage: Really?
    Starlight Glimmer: Manipulated an entire town into giving up their talents so they wouldn't think they were special.
    Twilight Sparkle: Overpowered by a magic I couldn't control and created a rift between two worlds, almost destroying both of them in the process.
    Sunset Shimmer: Turned an entire school into my own personal zombie army in hopes of conquering a distant pony world.
    Pinkie Pie: Wow! We are a really forgiving group!
    Starlight Glimmer: I'm so sad to leave. I haven't really had the chance to get to know all of you.
    Sunset Shimmer: Maybe you don't have to leave yet. "Dear Sunset, some lessons are better learned in action, and you girls are great teachers. Starlight should stay for a few more days. Enjoy the premiere!"
    Starlight Glimmer: Think you can focus on the positive?
    Sunset Shimmer: Whatever happens is gonna happen. I've just gotta live in the moment, right?
    Starlight Glimmer: Right!



  • Laura Scratch (2-3)
  • Mindstorm (1-4-5)

Video: http://my-files.ru/Save/brew5a/YP-1TV-E ... -Spazz.mkv
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Re: [Coordinamento] EqG - Mirror Magic

Messaggioda Roxas94 » 05/12/2017, 15:57

Codice: Seleziona tutto
Juniper Montage?!
Pinkie Pie: Juniper Montage?!

Cosa diavolo ci fai qui?
Applejack: What in the blazes are you doin' here?

Sei stata invitata alla prima di Daring Do? Ooh, è emozionante! No, è una pazzia! No, è inquietante! No! Proprio no! Senza offesa.
Pinkie Pie: Were you invited to the Daring Do premiere? Ooh, that's exciting! No, crazy! No, concerning! No! Just no! No offense.

Non sono stata invitata alla prima. Mio zio Canter Zoom si sentiva in colpa per avermi licenziata, quindi ha fatto qualche telefonata e mi ha trovato questo lavoro.
Juniper Montage: I wasn't invited to the premiere. My uncle Canter Zoom felt bad for firing me, so he pulled some strings and got me this job.

Tu lavori qui?
Fluttershy: You work here?

Il minimo necessario.
Juniper Montage: As little as possible.

Sai, se non avessi cercato di sabotare il film, potresti essere a festeggiare con noi.
Rainbow Dash: Y'know, if you hadn't tried to sabotage the movie, you could be celebrating with us.

Questa doveva essere la mia serata! Avrei trovato il modo di essere nel film se voi ne foste rimaste fuori! Io sarei stata Daring Do! Tutti mi avrebbero adorato! Vedete?
Juniper Montage: This should be my night! I would have found a way to be in the film if you all had stayed out of it! I would have been Daring Do! Everyone would've loved me! See?

Non riuscite a vedere ciò che è propio sotto il vostro naso? Ugh! Vorrei che spariste tutte e mi lasciaste da sola!
Juniper Montage: Can't you see what's right under your noses? Ugh! I wish you'd all just go away and leave me alone!

Sembra che ci stia finalmente prendendo la mano. Ciao, me!
Juniper Montage: Looks like I may be finally getting the hang of this. Hi, me!

Sei cellulari, tutti con la segreteria.
Sunset Shimmer: Six cell phones, all straight to voicemail.

Sono sicura che siano qui in giro. Qual è il peggio che potrebbe essere successo?
Starlight Glimmer: I'm sure they're around. What's the worst that could have happened?

La magia qui è piede libero adesso, e funziona in maniera differente da Equestria. Possono essere successe un sacco di cose terribili. E recentemente, passo l’ottanta percento del mio tempo a pensarci. Le mie amiche probabilmente stanno bene. Sto esagerando. Ma forse no. Non so più dirlo.
Sunset Shimmer: Magic is on the loose here now, and it does not work the same way it does back in Equestria. Any number of terrible things could have happened. And lately, I spend eighty percent of my time thinking about them. My friends are probably fine. I'm overreacting. But maybe not. I can't tell anymore.

Era di questo problema che volevi parlare a Princess Twilight, giusto? Perché puoi sempre parlarne con me se vuoi.
Starlight Glimmer: This is the problem you wanted to talk to Princess Twilight about, right? Because you can still talk it over with me if you want.

O puoi messaggiare con Princess Twilight. Basta che funzioni.
Starlight Glimmer: Or you could just journal with Princess Twilight about it. Whatever works.

È solo che... io so che io le mie amiche abbiamo ricevuto poteri speciali per un motivo, e voglio essere pronta per qualsiasi cosa succeda. Credo che saperlo mi stia facendo sentire come se non potessi mai rilassarmi ed abbassare la guardia, e quindi ne divento ossessionata e non riesco ad uscire dalla mia testa.
Sunset Shimmer: It's just... I know my friends and I have been given special powers for a reason, and I want to be ready for whatever is gonna be thrown at us. I guess knowing that is making me feel like I could never really relax and let my guard down, so I end up obsessing about it and can't get out of my own head.

Questo è difficile. Credo che il mio avviso siche dovresti credere che alla fine le cose si risolveranno da sole. Se passi troppo tempo a preoccuparti delle brutte cose che potrebbero accadere, ti perdi tutte le belle cose che stanno succedendo.
Starlight Glimmer: That is a toughie. Guess my advice would be to just trust things will work themselves out in the end. If you spend too much time worrying about the bad things that might happen, you'll miss out on all the good things that are happening. 

Heh. Come la studente di Princess Twilight che mi sta dando una lezione.
Sunset Shimmer: Heh. Like how Princess Twilight's student is teaching me a lesson right now.

Già. Qualcosa del genere.
Starlight Glimmer: Yup. Like that.

Forza. Andiamo a cercare vicino al cinema. Sono certa che stanno bene.
Sunset Shimmer: Come on. Let's go take a look around the theater. I'm sure they're fine.

Uh... Qualche indizio su dove siamo o che è successo? Nessuno?
Rarity: Uh... Any clue yet where we are or what just happened? Anyone?
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Re: [Coordinamento] EqG - Mirror Magic

Messaggioda Midnight Specter » 06/12/2017, 22:42

Codice: Seleziona tutto
 Pinkie Pie sul caso! No, nessuna parete qui. Venite fuori, venite fuori, mura, ovunque voi siate! Non capisco questo posto! Non c'è nessuna parete da nessuna parte!
Pinkie Pie: Pinkie Pie's on the case! Nope, no wall over here. Come out, come out, walls, wherever you are! I don't get this place! There's no walls in here anywhere!

In qualche modo, quella dannata Juniper ci ha risucchiate all'interno del suo specchio.
Applejack: Somehow, some way, that dang Juniper sucked us all inside of that mirror of hers.

O in qualche specie di limbo dietro ad esso.
Twilight Sparkle: Or into some kind of limbo behind it.

Penso di stare per mettermi ad urlare.
Fluttershy: I think I might be freaking out a little bit.

Quello lo chiami un urlo?
Rainbow Dash: You call that a freakout?

Era più che altro una specie di grido interiore.
Fluttershy: It's sort of a deep-down-inside freakout.

Il lato positivo è che ci sono dei popcorn qua! Mmm, appiccicoso...
Pinkie Pie: On the upside, there's popcorn in here! Mmm, sticky...

Come può essere accaduto proprio la sera della mia prima cinematografica? Di tutte le giornate! Che tu sia maledetto, destino crudele!
Rarity: How could this happen on the evening of my very first movie premiere? Of all the nights! Curse you, cruel fate!

Non il nostro problema numero uno al momento, Rarity.
Rainbow Dash: Not our number-one problem right now, Rarity.

Vero. Ma sarai forse d'accordo che rientra nella nostra top five.
Rarity: True. But perhaps we can agree it's in the top five.

Non c'è davvero alcuna via d'uscita?
Applejack: Is there really no way out of here?

Oh, cielo! Cos'è stato?
Rarity: Oh, my heavens! What's that?

Mandorle ricoperte di cioccolato?
Rainbow Dash: Chocolate-covered almonds?

Pinkie Pie: Dibs!

E' Juniper Montage!
Sunset Shimmer: It's Juniper Montage!

No! Chi sarebbe?
Starlight Glimmer: No! Who's that?

Una che significa guai. Quello è il fermacapelli di Fluttershy. Aspetta qui.
Sunset Shimmer: She's trouble. That's Fluttershy's barrette. Wait here for me.

Sunset Shimmer. Mi chiedevo quando saresti arrivata.
Juniper Montage: Sunset Shimmer. I was wondering if you'd show up.

Io, uh, sto cercando le mie amiche. Suppongo che tu non le abbia viste. Dove sono?
Sunset Shimmer: I'm, uh, looking for my friends. I don't suppose you've seen them. Where are they?

Non te lo dirò.
Juniper Montage: I'll never tell.

Non ce n'è bisogno.
Sunset Shimmer: You don't have to.

Ritieniti fortunata che io ti abbia procurato questo lavoro dopo il casino che hai combinato sul mio set!
Canter Zoom: You're lucky I offered to get you this job after the stunt you pulled on my set!

Volevo soltanto essere Daring Do. Volevo soltanto piacere alle persone.
Juniper Montage: I just wanted to be Daring Do. I just wanted people to like me.

Tutti mi avrebbero amata se non fosse stato per voi ragazze! Questa è tutta colpa vostra! Desidero soltanto che spariate e mi lasciaste stare!
Juniper Montage: Everyone would love me if it weren't for you girls! This is all your fault! I wish you'd all just go away and leave me alone!

Juniper Montage: What?

So che vuoi piacere alle persone. Ma credimi, la magia di quello specchio peggiorerà soltanto la tua situazione.
Sunset Shimmer: I know you want people to like you. But trust me, the magic in that mirror is only gonna make things worse for you.

Lo dici solo perchè vuoi tenere lo specchio per te.
Juniper Montage: You're just saying that because you want the mirror for yourself.

Ciò che voglio sono le mie amiche, Perfavore, Juniper. Hai desiderato che entrassero nello specchio. Forse puoi ancora desiderare che ne escano.
Sunset Shimmer: What I want is my friends back. Please, Juniper. You wished them into that mirror. Maybe there's a way you can wish them out.
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Midnight Specter
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Re: [Coordinamento] EqG - Mirror Magic

Messaggioda TeoWolf82 » 07/12/2017, 21:58

Fatto anch'io!

Codice: Seleziona tutto
Starlight Glimmer: I wish Sunset Shimmer and her friends would come back!
Desidero che Sunset Shimmer e le  sue amiche ritornino indietro!

Juniper Montage: Looks like you can't use it, either!
Sembra che tu non possa usarlo, altrettanto!

Juniper Montage: Give it back to me!
Ridallo a me!

Starlight Glimmer: But my friends are trapped in there!
Ma le mie amiche sono intrappolate qui dentro!

Juniper Montage: Your friends stole my one chance at being famous!
Le tue amiche hanno sottrtto la mia sola possibilità di essere famosa!

Pinkie Pie: Twilight!

Starlight Glimmer: Is fame really what you're after or are you looking for something else?
È la fama quello che stai realmente cercando di ottenere o stai cercando qualcos’altro?

Juniper Montage: Like what?!
Come cosa?!

Starlight Glimmer: Like... a friend?
Come... un amico?

Juniper Montage: Who would want to be my friend?
Chi vorrebbe voler essere mio amico?

Starlight Glimmer: I would.
Io vorrei.

Juniper Montage: Why?

Starlight Glimmer: Because I understand you, Juniper. You think getting revenge is going to make you feel better, but it's not! Please, don't make a mistake that you'll end up regretting for the rest of your life.
Perché ti comprendo, Juniper. Tu pensi che ottenere vendetta ti potrà far sentire meglio, me non è così! Ti prego, non fare un errore che rimpiangerai per il resto della vita.
Juniper Montage: I've already made too many mistakes. What I've done is... is... unforgivable.
Ho già fatto fin troppi sbagli. Quel che ho fatto è... è... imperdonabile.

Starlight Glimmer: No, Juniper. I know they'll forgive you. But first, you have to set them free!
No, Juniper. So che ti perdoneranno. Ma prima, le devi liberare!

Juniper Montage: I... I wish I could make up for my mistakes.
Io... Io desidero di poter rimediare ai miei sbagli.

Sunset Shimmer: Starlight, you did it!
Starlight, ce l’hai fatta!

Starlight Glimmer: So much for laying low.
Per dire di tenere un profilo basso.

Sunset Shimmer: I think even Princess Twilight would understand.
Penso che anche la Principessa Twilight Sparkle capirebbe.

Juniper Montage: I'm so sorry.
Sono così dispiaciuta.

Sunset Shimmer: It's okay. We've all been there.
È tutto a posto. Ci siamo passate tutte.

Juniper Montage: Really?

Starlight Glimmer: Manipulated an entire town into giving up their talents so they wouldn't think they were special.
Manipolato un’intera città a cedere le loro capacità cosi che pensassero di non essere speciali.

Twilight Sparkle: Overpowered by a magic I couldn't control and created a rift between two worlds, almost destroying both of them in the process.
Sopraffatta da una magia che non riuscivo a controllare e creando una breccia tra due mondi, quasi distruggendo entrambi nel processo.

Sunset Shimmer: Turned an entire school into my own personal zombie army in hopes of conquering a distant pony world.
Trasformato l’intera scuola nella mia personale armata di zombie con l’intento di conquistare un remoto mondo di pony.

Pinkie Pie: Wow! We are a really forgiving group!
Uao! Siete davvero un gruppo che sa perdonare!

Starlight Glimmer: I'm so sad to leave. I haven't really had the chance to get to know all of you.
Mi dispiace molto di dovermene andare. Non ho avuto la possibilità di conoscervi appieno tutte.

Sunset Shimmer: Maybe you don't have to leave yet. "Dear Sunset, some lessons are better learned in action, and you girls are great teachers. Starlight should stay for a few more days. Enjoy the premiere!"
Forse non devi andartene ancora. “Cara Sunset”, alcune lezioni sono meglio se apprese sul campo, e voi ragazze siete delle ottime maestre. Starlight dovrebbe restare per qualche altro giorno. Godetevi l’anteprima!

Starlight Glimmer: Think you can focus on the positive?
Pensi di poterti concentrare sulle cose positive?

Sunset Shimmer: Whatever happens is gonna happen. I've just gotta live in the moment, right?
Quello che dovrà succedere, succederà. Devo solo vivere nel presente, giusto?

Starlight Glimmer: Right!
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