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Confondi questi pony, mi hanno portato a fare fanfics

MessaggioInviato: 22/05/2012, 7:33
da Belial0331
Visto che mi annoio apro questo post

Durante le feste di Natale mi sono cimentato a scrivere fanfics, giusto una prova per vedere come me la cavavo. Lo stile e la trama sembra sia piaciuta, ma preferisco fare disegni.

Comunque se vi interessa metto il link di FimFiction. Sono solo i capitoli introduttivi, non le porto avanti, e interamente in inglese. Sono due, un EVEonline crossover e un Hellboy/streghe crossover (attenzione, contenuti saucy)

Pony EVE
More than 23.000 years ago ponykind and a bunch of other races have colonized an empty galaxy, creating a space world of misteryes, danger, political intrigue and oppressive multicorporations. It is the Empyrean Age, were semi-immortal capsuleers roam the heavens trying to carve a place for themselves next to the core nations.
Twilight Sparkle is the protege of Empress Celestia of the Amarr Empire. She is about to perform her pilgrimage to the EVE Gate and become a capsuleer. However a primeval evil is strring and an ancient foe is about to return, Twilight will have to build her strenght and find loyal friends if she wish to survive in the intricate adventure she will be throw in.

Witches of the Everfree
The citizens of the Know World have a inherent fear of what they can't control.
Under the influence of the celestial alicorns they feel safe, because they can regulate the weather, herd the critters, tending the plants. They consider the "wild" and "unpredictable" dangerous, because lethal beasts and ancient evils lurks in the shadows of the land, and the furter you go the worst it become. The common pony shuns places like the Everfree, because they are unnatural to the logical order of a daily sheltered life.
Not everypony sees it like this. Somepony embrace the wild, respect and worship its spirits and creatures. They have rediscovered the lore of the Old World, renewing its rituals and believes, harnessing its energies. The common pony shuns these individuals, branding them as wicked and hating them.
Its a shame they shunned Discord really, the common pony is so boring and narrow minded.